Exemple #1
	def backupFile(cls, fileP, suffix = ".bak", copy = True):
		Creates a backup of the chosen file in the same directory as the file itself.
		If the file does not exist or isn't accessible then a BackupException will be raised.
		If a backup file already exists for the file and it wasn't created in this run then a BackupException will be raised.
		Remember to call restoreFiles to rollback the changes at cleanup.
		@param fileP: The absolute path to the file that is to be backed up.
		@param suffix: The suffix used for marking the backup file.
		@param copy: if True then the file will be copied and otherwise it will be moved.
		if fileP not in cls.files:
			if not os.path.isfile(fileP):
				raise BackupSourceException("File '%s' does not exist or is not accessible." % fileP)
			backup = "%s%s" % (fileP, suffix)
			if os.path.isfile(backup) and cls.ignore is False:
				raise BackupExistsException("Backup file '%s' already exists." % backup)
			if copy:
				shutil.copy2(fileP, backup)
				logging.debug("Backed up '%s' (Copy)" % fileP)
				shutil.move(fileP, backup)
				logging.debug("Backed up '%s' (Move)" % fileP)
			return True
			logging.info("File '%s' already backed up in this session. Skipping." % fileP)
			return False
Exemple #2
	def initStart(cls, proc, autoStop = True, expected = "is running.\n", service = True):
		Used for starting a process which has a startup file in the init.d directory.
		If the process return code was different than 0 then an InitException will be raised.
		If expected is passed and the process isn't running then an InitException will be raised.
		@param proc: the name of the startup script in the init.d directory.
		@param autoStop: if True then the process will be stopped when stopStartedInits is called.
		@param expected: the string that is expected to end the status string from an init script in it's running state. If None is passed then the status won't be checked.
		if service:
			procFull = "service %s" % proc
			procFull = "/etc/init.d/%s" % proc
		cls.initStop(proc, verbose = False)
		ret = Console.call("%s %s" % (procFull, "start"))
		if ret[0] != 0:
			raise InitException("Couldn't start init")
		if expected is not None:
			if not cls.initStatus(proc, expected):
				raise InitException("%s didn't start" % proc)
		if autoStop:
			cls.inits.append((proc, expected))
		logging.info("Init '%s' started" % proc)
Exemple #3
	def __init__(self, filePath, port, logTo = "/var/log/hsn2"):
		Sets up a SimpleHTTPServer with a root at the given filePath.
		If the website root doesn't exist then a SetupException will be raised.
		If a website was already started in this run on the port with a different filePath then a SetupException will be raised.
		Repeated calls with the same port and filePath will be ignored (but logged).
		@param filePath: The root of the website.
		@param port: The port on which the website is to be available.
		@param logTo: Where to store the access log file for the site (named site-<PORT>.log).
		if not os.path.isdir(filePath):
			raise SetupException("Specified path is not a accessible directory %s" % (filePath))
		if (self.__class__.sites.get(port) is None):
			self.proc = subprocess.Popen(["python", "-m", "SimpleHTTPServer", "%d" % port],
							stdout = open(os.path.join(logTo, "site-%d.log" % port), "w"),
							stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
							cwd = filePath)
			self.filePath = filePath
			self.port = port
			self.__class__.sites[port] = self
			logging.info("Setup website with root at '%s on port %d" % (filePath, port))
			filePath2 = self.__class__.sites[port].getFilePath()
			if (filePath != filePath2):
				raise SetupException("A site using the port %d has already been setup with it's root at %s" % (port, filePath2))
				logging.info("Site on port %d with root at %s already running. Skipping setup." % (port, filePath2))
Exemple #4
def getFromCouch(jobId, objectId, serviceName = "", verbose = True, url = "http://localhost:5984/hsn", timeout = 10):
	Wrapper for getting objects from couchDB.
	@param jobId: The job that the data belongs to.
	@param objectId: The objectId that the data belongs to.
	@param serviceName: The name of the service that was reported (reporter configuration).
	@param url: The location of the couch database REST api.
	@param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for connection.
	@return: dictionary with the data if the object was found and otherwise None
	if len(serviceName) > 0:
		serviceName = ":%s" % serviceName
	objUrl = "%s/%d:%d%s" % (url, long(jobId), long(objectId), serviceName)
	objUrl = urllib.quote(objUrl, safe = ":/")
		handle = getUrlHandle(objUrl, None, "GET")
	except urllib2.URLError as e:
		return None
	import json
	text = ''.join(handle.readlines())
	if verbose:
	dictionary = json.loads(text)
	return dictionary
Exemple #5
	def shutdownWebsite(self):
		Shutdown a website which was started in this run on the given port.
		logging.info("Shutting down website on port %d" % self.getPort())
		return True
Exemple #6
	def aggregateFile(self, filePath):
		Collect chosen files into a separate directory.
		@param filePath: the file to aggregate
		split = os.path.split(filePath)
		shutil.move(filePath, os.path.join(self.putTo, split[1]))
		logging.info("Aggregated %s to %s" % (filePath, self.putTo))
Exemple #7
	def call(cls, string, stderr = False):
		Wrapper for handling simple synchronous calls to external binaries. Calls sysCall.
		@param string: The string that will be split into arguments for the call.
		@param stderr: Whether to capture stderr.
		@return: tuple (return value, STDOUT, STDERR) for the process that was called.
		logging.info("Calling: %s" % string)
		return cls.sysCall(string.split(), stderr = stderr)
Exemple #8
	def setWorkflowsFolder(cls, path):
		Change the workflow directory setting in the Framework configuration file.
		@param path: Directory containing workflows to add.
		if os.path.isdir(path):
			logging.info("Searching for .hwl files in %s" % path)
			for f in os.listdir(path):
				if re.search('\.hwl$', f) is not None:
					cls.setWorkflow(os.path.join(path, f))
Exemple #9
	def setWorkflow(cls, path, name = None):
		Change the workflow directory setting in the Framework configuration file.
		@param path: Full path to .hwl workflow file.
		@param name: Optional name for the workflow.
		if os.path.isfile(path):
			logging.info("Updating new workflow: %s" % path)
			if name is None:
				name = cls.getWorkflowName(path)
			Console.call("hc w u -f %s %s" % (path, name))
Exemple #10
	def initStop(cls, proc, expected = None, verbose = True):
		Used for stopping a process which has a startup file in the init.d directory.
		If expected is passed and the process isn't running then an InitException will be raised.
		@param proc: the name of the startup script in the init.d directory (or an absolute path).
		@param expected: the string that is expected to end the status string from an init script in it's running state. If None is passed then the status won't be checked.
		procFull = "service %s" % proc
		if expected is not None:
			if not cls.initStatus(proc, expected):
				raise InitException("%s was dead before calling stop." % proc)
		Console.call("%s %s" % (procFull, "stop"))
		if verbose:
			logging.info("Init '%s' stopped" % proc)
Exemple #11
	def deleteCouchDB(cls, url = "http://localhost:5984", database = "hsn"):
		Deletes the specified couch database.
		@param url: location of the couchdb instance
		@param database: the name of the database that is to be cleared.
			deletion = getUrlHandle("%s/%s" % (url, database), method = "DELETE").readlines()
			logging.info("Deleting couchdb database: %s/%s - %s" % (url, database, ''.join(deletion).strip()))
		except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
			if e.code == 404:
				logging.info("Couchdb database not found at: %s/%s" % (url, database))
				raise e
Exemple #12
	def submitJob(cls, params, verbose = True):
		Helper for submitting jobs and retrieving their ids.
		@param params: The workflow name and parameters that are to be submitted with the job.
		@param verbose: Whether the response is to appear in the logging output.
		@return: jobId if found a job id and otherwise None.
		params = "hc j s " + params
		ret = cls.call(params)
		if verbose:
		result = cls.jobIdRegexp.search(ret[1])
		if result is None: return None
			return result.group(1)
Exemple #13
	def aggregate(self, takeFrom = "/var/log/hsn2", suffix = ".log"):
		Collect chosen files into a separate directory.
		@param takeFrom: where files will be taken from
		@param suffix: The suffix of the files that are to be aggregated. Passing None means all files.
		takeFrom = os.path.abspath(takeFrom)
		if takeFrom == self.putTo:
			logging.warning("takeFrom is the same as putTo '%s'. Aggregation skipped!" % takeFrom)
			logFiles = os.listdir(takeFrom)
			for logFile in logFiles:
				if suffix is None or os.path.splitext(logFile)[1] == suffix:
					shutil.move(os.path.join(takeFrom, logFile), os.path.join(self.putTo, logFile))
			logging.info("Aggregated logs from %s to %s" % (takeFrom, self.putTo))
Exemple #14
	def setServices(cls, serviceList, confFile = "/etc/hsn2/framework.conf"):
		Change the workflow directory setting in the Framework configuration file.
		@param path: The new value of the workflow directory setting.
		@param confFile: Path to the configuration file.
		if os.path.isfile(confFile):
		serviceList = ', '.join(serviceList)
		logging.info("Setting services to %s" % serviceList)
		conf = cls.getConf(confFile)
		pattern = re.compile(r"AMQP.services=.*")
		for i in range(len(conf)):
			match = pattern.match(conf[i])
			if match is not None:
				conf[i] = pattern.sub("AMQP.services=%s" % serviceList, conf[i], 1)
		cls.setConf(confFile, conf)
Exemple #15
	def waitForCompletion(cls, jobId = 1, maxTime = 20, period = 2, verbose = False):
		Waits for console to report job as completed/aborted.
		@param id: The id of the job that the function will be waiting for.
		@param maxTime: The maximum amount of time to wait. If set to a negative number then keeps waiting.
		@param period:
		jobId = int(jobId)
		command = "hc j d %d" % jobId
		timeStart = time.time()
		timeNow = time.time()
		while maxTime < 0 or (timeNow - timeStart < maxTime):
			timeNow = time.time()
			output = cls.call(command)
			output = output[1]
			if verbose:
			if cls.completedRegexp.search(output):
				return output
			if cls.abortedRegexp.search(output):
				return False
		return False
Exemple #16
	def initStatus(cls, proc, expected = "is running.\n", pid = None):
		Used for checking if a process that was started with it's init.d startup file is running.
		@param proc: the name of the startup script in the init.d directory (or an absolute path).
		@param expected: the string that is expected to end the status string from an init script in it's running state.
		@return: True if the expected string was found at the end of the status message and otherwise False.
		procFull = "service %s" % proc
		expLen = len(expected)

		timeout = 60
		keep_running = True
		start = time.time()
		while keep_running:
			ret = Console.call("%s %s" % (procFull, "status"), True)
			if ret[0] == 0 or time.time() - start > timeout:
				keep_running = False

		if ret[1][-expLen:] != expected:
			logging.info("Got:'%s', Expected:'%s'" % (ret[1][-expLen:], expected))
			return False
		return True
Exemple #17
	def checkStatus(cls, status, jobid, url, timeout = 90):
		Checks if the status of the url processed by capture-hpc appeared in log file.
		@param status: string, a status to ask for
		@param jobid: string, expected job id
		@param url: string, url processed by capture-hpc
		@param timeout: int, a number of seconds to wait for status to show up
		time_started = time.time()
		timeout_time = time_started + timeout
		logging.info("Checking log for: %s %s %s" % (status, jobid, url))
		while "%s %s %s" % (status, jobid, url) not in cls.getLog() and time.time() < timeout_time:
		time_finished = time.time()
		if time_finished < timeout_time:
			logging.info("Finished after %d seconds." % (time_finished - time_started))
			return True
			logging.info("%s %s %s not added to %s in expected time (less than %d seconds)" % (status, jobid, url, cls.log, timeout))
			return False
Exemple #18
	def toprettyxml(self):
		return self.dom.toprettyxml()

if __name__ == "__main__":
	setupLogging(logPath = None, logToStream = True, logLevel = logging.INFO)
		Backup.backupCouchDB("hsn", exception = False)
		agg = LogAggregator(putTo = "/var/log/hsn2/c")
	except (BackupException, IOError, OSError) as e:
		raise e

	setupLogging(logPath = "/var/log/hsn2/test.log", logToStream = True, logLevel = logging.DEBUG)
	logging.info("Testing commons")
		Configuration.setConsoleConf("", 5672, 4)
		Website("/tmp/tests", 81)
		Website("/var/log", 82)
		Website("/var/log", 82)