Exemple #1
def test_ref_std_method():
    if six.PY2:
        assert str(hszinc.Ref(
            name='a.ref', value='display text')) == '@a.ref u\'display text\''
        assert str(hszinc.Ref(
            name='a.ref', value='display text')) == '@a.ref \'display text\''
Exemple #2
def test_data_types_v3():
    grid = hszinc.Grid(version=hszinc.VER_3_0)
    grid.column['comment'] = {}
    grid.column['value'] = {}
            'comment': 'A NA',
            'value': hszinc.NA,
            'comment': 'An empty list',
            'value': [],
            'comment': 'A null value in a list',
            'value': [None],
            'comment': 'A marker in a list',
            'value': [hszinc.MARKER],
            'comment': 'Booleans',
            'value': [True, False],
            'comment': 'References',
            'value': [hszinc.Ref('a-ref'),
                      hszinc.Ref('a-ref', 'a value')],
            'comment': 'A quantity',
            'value': [hszinc.Quantity(500, 'miles')],
            'comment': 'A XStr',
            'value': [hszinc.XStr("hex", 'deadbeef')],
    grid_str = hszinc.dump(grid)
    ref_str = '''ver:"3.0"
"An empty list",[]
"A null value in a list",[N]
"A marker in a list",[M]
"References",[@a-ref,@a-ref "a value"]
"A quantity",[500miles]
"A XStr",[hex("deadbeef")]
    assert grid_str == ref_str
Exemple #3
def get_histories(point_id, rng):
    # getting history as dataframe
    history_op = session.his_read_series(hszinc.Ref(point_id), rng=rng)
    history = history_op.result
    return history
Exemple #4
 def _preprocess_entity(e):
     if not isinstance(e, dict):
         raise TypeError('%r is not a dict' % e)
     e = e.copy()
     e_id = e.pop('id')
     if isinstance(e_id, hszinc.Ref):
         e_id = e_id.name
     if '.' in e_id:
         e_id = e_id.split('.')[-1]
     e['id'] = hszinc.Ref(e_id)
     return e
Exemple #5
def gen_random_ref():
    # Generate a randomised reference.
    name = gen_random_str(charset=\
                string.ascii_letters + string.digits\
                + '_:-.~')
    if random.choice([True, False]):
        value = gen_random_str()
        value = None

    return hszinc.Ref(name, value)
    def _refresh_meta(self, force=False):
        Retrieve the metadata from the server if out of date.
        if not (force or self._refresh_due):
            # We're not being forced and the refresh isn't due yet.

        meta = self._session._get_grid('read', \
Exemple #7
 def _preprocess_entity(e):
     if not isinstance(e, dict):
         raise TypeError("%r is not a dict" % e)
     e = e.copy()
     if "id" in e:
         e_id = e.pop("id")
         if isinstance(e_id, hszinc.Ref):
             e_id = e_id.name
         if "." in e_id:
             e_id = e_id.split(".")[-1]
         e["id"] = hszinc.Ref(e_id)
     return e
Exemple #8
    def test_read_one_id(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        op = session.read(hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id"))

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq

        # Request shall be for a specific URI
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read?id=%40my.entity.id"

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"

        # Make a grid to respond with
        expected = hszinc.Grid()

        expected.column["id"] = {}
        expected.column["dis"] = {}
            "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id"),
            "dis": "my entity"

            headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
            content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        actual = op.result
        grid_cmp(expected, actual)
Exemple #9
    def test_read_one_id(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        op = session.read(hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id'))

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq

        # Request shall be for a specific URI
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read?id=%40my.entity.id'

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'

        # Make a grid to respond with
        expected = hszinc.Grid()

        expected.column['id'] = {}
        expected.column['dis'] = {}
            "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id'),
            "dis": 'my entity'

                       b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
                   content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        actual = op.result
        grid_cmp(expected, actual)
Exemple #10
 def _obj_to_ref(self, obj):
     Convert an arbitrary object referring to an entity to an entity
     if isinstance(obj, hszinc.Ref):
         return obj
     if isinstance(obj, string_types):
         return hszinc.Ref(obj)
     if hasattr(obj, "id"):
         return obj.id
     raise NotImplementedError("Don't know how to get the ID from a %s" %
Exemple #11
def test_scalar_dict_zinc_v3():
    grid = hszinc.Grid(version=hszinc.VER_3_0)
    grid.column['comment'] = {}
    grid.column['value'] = {}
            'comment': 'An empty dict',
            'value': {},
            'comment': 'A marker in a dict',
            'value': {
                "marker": hszinc.MARKER
            'comment': 'A references in a dict',
            'value': {
                "ref": hszinc.Ref('a-ref'),
                "ref2": hszinc.Ref('a-ref', 'a value')
            'comment': 'A quantity in a dict',
            'value': {
                "quantity": hszinc.Quantity(500, 'miles')
    grid_str = hszinc.dump(grid, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
    assert grid_str == ("ver:\"3.0\"\n"
                        "\"An empty dict\",{}\n"
                        "\"A marker in a dict\",{marker:M}\n"
                        "\"A references in a dict\",{" +
                        " ".join([str(k) + ":" + str(v) for k, v in {"ref": "@a-ref", "ref2": "@a-ref"}.items()]) \
                        .replace("ref2:@a-ref", "ref2:@a-ref \"a value\"") + \
                        "\"A quantity in a dict\",{quantity:500miles}\n")
Exemple #12
    def test_get_single_entity(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        # Try retrieving an existing single entity
        op = session.get_entity("my.entity.id", single=True)

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == "GET", "Expecting GET, got %s" % rq

        # Request shall be for base + 'api/[email protected]'
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read?id=%40my.entity.id"

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"

        # Make a grid to respond with
        response = hszinc.Grid()

        response.column["id"] = {}
        response.column["dis"] = {}
        response.column["randomTag"] = {}
            "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id", value="id"),
            "dis": "A test entity",
            "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,

            headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
            content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        entity = op.result
        # Response should be an entity
        assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
        # The tags should be passed through from the response
        assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id"
        assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[0]["dis"]
        assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[0]["randomTag"]
    def test_get_single_entity(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        # Try retrieving an existing single entity
        op = session.get_entity('my.entity.id', single=True)

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == 'GET', 'Expecting GET, got %s' % rq

        # Request shall be for base + 'api/[email protected]'
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read?id=%40my.entity.id'

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b'Accept'] == 'text/zinc'

        # Make a grid to respond with
        response = hszinc.Grid()

        response.column['id'] = {}
        response.column['dis'] = {}
        response.column['randomTag'] = {}
            'id': hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id', value='id'),
            'dis': 'A test entity',
            'randomTag': hszinc.MARKER

                       b'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
                   content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        entity = op.result
        # Response should be an entity
        assert isinstance(entity, Entity), '%r not an entity' % entity
        # The tags should be passed through from the response
        assert entity.id.name == 'my.entity.id'
        assert entity.tags['dis'] == response[0]['dis']
        assert entity.tags['randomTag'] == response[0]['randomTag']
    def his_write(self, records):
        Write historical data to this data point.  records should be a list of
        dicts with the following keys:

        - ts: a datetime.datetime object with the timestamp of the reading.
        - val: the value to be written at that time.
        if not self.has_meta('his'):
            raise NotImplementedError('%s does not implement history' \
                    % self._point_id)

        if isinstance(records, dict):
            records = [records]

        grid = hszinc.Grid()
        grid.metadata['id'] = hszinc.Ref(self._point_id)
        grid.column['ts'] = {}
        grid.column['val'] = {}
            {'ts': self._localise_dt(r['ts']), 'val': r['val']}
            for r in records
        self._session._post_grid('hisWrite', grid)
Exemple #15
    def test_read_many_id(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        op = session.read([

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == 'POST', 'Expecting POST, got %s' % rq

        # Request shall be for a specific URI
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + 'api/read'

        # Body shall be in ZINC
        assert rq.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/zinc'

        # Body shall be a single valid grid of this form:
        expected = hszinc.Grid()
        expected.column['id'] = {}
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1'),
            }, {
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2'),
            }, {
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id3'),
        actual = hszinc.parse(rq.body, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
        assert len(actual) == 1
        grid_cmp(expected, actual[0])

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers['Accept'] == 'text/zinc'

        # Make a grid to respond with
        expected = hszinc.Grid()

        expected.column['id'] = {}
        expected.column['dis'] = {}
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id1'),
                "dis": 'my entity 1'
            }, {
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id2'),
                "dis": 'my entity 2'
            }, {
                "id": hszinc.Ref('my.entity.id3'),
                "dis": 'my entity 3'

        rq.respond(status=200, headers={
            'Content-Type': 'text/zinc',
        }, content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC))

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        actual = op.result
        grid_cmp(expected, actual)
Exemple #16
def test_data_types_json():
    grid = hszinc.Grid(version=hszinc.VER_2_0)
    grid.column['comment'] = {}
    grid.column['value'] = {}
            'comment': 'A null value',
            'value': None,
            'comment': 'A marker',
            'value': hszinc.MARKER,
            'comment': 'A boolean, indicating False',
            'value': False,
            'comment': 'A boolean, indicating True',
            'value': True,
            'comment': 'A reference, without value',
            'value': hszinc.Ref('a-ref'),
            'comment': 'A reference, with value',
            'value': hszinc.Ref('a-ref', 'a value'),
            'comment': 'A binary blob',
            'value': hszinc.Bin('text/plain'),
            'comment': 'A quantity',
            'value': hszinc.Quantity(500,'miles'),
            'comment': 'A quantity without unit',
            'value': hszinc.Quantity(500,None),
            'comment': 'A coordinate',
            'value': hszinc.Coordinate(-27.4725,153.003),
            'comment': 'A URI',
            'value': hszinc.Uri('http://www.example.com'),
            'comment': 'A string',
            'value':    'This is a test\n'\
                        'Line two of test\n'\
                        '\tIndented with "quotes" and \\backslashes\\',
            'comment': 'A date',
            'value': datetime.date(2016,1,13),
            'comment': 'A time',
            'value': datetime.time(7,51,43,microsecond=12345),
            'comment': 'A timestamp (non-UTC)',
            'value': pytz.timezone('Europe/Berlin').localize(\
            'comment': 'A timestamp (UTC)',
            'value': pytz.timezone('UTC').localize(\
    grid_json = json.loads(hszinc.dump(grid, mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON))
    assert grid_json == {
            'meta': {'ver':'2.0'},
            'cols': [
            'rows': [
                {   'comment': 's:A null value',
                    'value': None},
                {   'comment': 's:A marker',
                    'value': 'm:'},
                {   'comment': 's:A boolean, indicating False',
                    'value': False},
                {   'comment': 's:A boolean, indicating True',
                    'value': True},
                {   'comment': 's:A reference, without value',
                    'value': 'r:a-ref'},
                {   'comment': 's:A reference, with value',
                    'value': 'r:a-ref a value'},
                {   'comment': 's:A binary blob',
                    'value': 'b:text/plain'},
                {   'comment': 's:A quantity',
                    'value': 'n:500.000000 miles'},
                {   'comment': 's:A quantity without unit',
                    'value': 'n:500.000000'},
                {   'comment': 's:A coordinate',
                    'value': 'c:-27.472500,153.003000'},
                {   'comment': 's:A URI',
                    'value': 'u:http://www.example.com'},
                {   'comment': 's:A string',
                    'value': 's:This is a test\n'\
                            'Line two of test\n'\
                            '\tIndented with \"quotes\" '\
                            'and \\backslashes\\'},
                {   'comment': 's:A date',
                    'value': 'd:2016-01-13'},
                {   'comment': 's:A time',
                    'value': 'h:07:51:43.012345'},
                {   'comment': 's:A timestamp (non-UTC)',
                    'value': 't:2016-01-13T07:51:42.012345+01:00 Berlin'},
                {   'comment': 's:A timestamp (UTC)',
                    'value': 't:2016-01-13T07:51:42.012345+00:00 UTC'},
Exemple #17
    def test_read_many_id(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        op = session.read([

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a GET
        assert rq.method == "POST", "Expecting POST, got %s" % rq

        # Request shall be for a specific URI
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read"

        # Body shall be in ZINC
        assert rq.headers[b"Content-Type"] == "text/zinc"

        # Body shall be a single valid grid of this form:
        expected = hszinc.Grid()
        expected.column["id"] = {}
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1")
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2")
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id3")
        actual = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode("utf-8"), mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC)
        assert len(actual) == 1
        grid_cmp(expected, actual[0])

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"

        # Make a grid to respond with
        expected = hszinc.Grid()

        expected.column["id"] = {}
        expected.column["dis"] = {}
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1"),
                "dis": "my entity 1"
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2"),
                "dis": "my entity 2"
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id3"),
                "dis": "my entity 3"

            headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
            content=hszinc.dump(expected, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        actual = op.result
        grid_cmp(expected, actual)
Exemple #18
    def test_get_multi_entity(self, server_session):
        (server, session) = server_session
        # Try retrieving existing multiple entities
        op = session.get_entity(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"],

        # The operation should still be in progress
        assert not op.is_done

        # There shall be one request
        assert server.requests() == 1
        rq = server.next_request()

        # Request shall be a POST
        assert rq.method == "POST", "Expecting POST, got %s" % rq

        # Request shall be for base + 'api/[email protected]'
        assert rq.uri == BASE_URI + "api/read"

        # Accept header shall be given
        assert rq.headers[b"Accept"] == "text/zinc"
        assert rq.headers[b"Content-Type"] == "text/zinc"

        # Body shall be a single grid:
        rq_grid = hszinc.parse(rq.body.decode("utf-8"),

        # It shall have one column; id
        assert set(rq_grid.column.keys()) == set(["id"])
        # It shall have 2 rows
        assert len(rq_grid) == 2
        # Each row should only have 'id' values
        assert all([(set(r.keys()) == set(["id"])) for r in rq_grid])
        # The rows' 'id' column should *only* contain Refs.
        assert all([isinstance(r["id"], hszinc.Ref) for r in rq_grid])
        # Both IDs shall be listed, we don't about order
        assert set([r["id"].name for r in rq_grid
                    ]) == set(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"])

        # Make a grid to respond with
        response = hszinc.Grid()

        response.column["id"] = {}
        response.column["dis"] = {}
        response.column["randomTag"] = {}
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id1", value="id1"),
                "dis": "A test entity #1",
                "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,
                "id": hszinc.Ref("my.entity.id2", value="id2"),
                "dis": "A test entity #2",
                "randomTag": hszinc.MARKER,

            headers={b"Content-Type": "text/zinc"},
            content=hszinc.dump(response, mode=hszinc.MODE_ZINC),

        # State machine should now be done
        assert op.is_done
        entities = op.result

        # Response should be a dict
        assert isinstance(entities, dict), "%r not a dict" % entities
        # Response should have these keys
        assert set(entities.keys()) == set(["my.entity.id1", "my.entity.id2"])

        entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id1")
        assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
        # The tags should be passed through from the response
        assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id1"
        assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[0]["dis"]
        assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[0]["randomTag"]

        entity = entities.pop("my.entity.id2")
        assert isinstance(entity, Entity), "%r not an entity" % entity
        # The tags should be passed through from the response
        assert entity.id.name == "my.entity.id2"
        assert entity.tags["dis"] == response[1]["dis"]
        assert entity.tags["randomTag"] == response[1]["randomTag"]
Exemple #19
def test_data_types_json_v3():
    grid = hszinc.Grid(version=hszinc.VER_3_0)
    grid.column['comment'] = {}
    grid.column['value'] = {}
            'comment': 'An empty list',
            'value': [],
            'comment': 'A null value in a list',
            'value': [None],
            'comment': 'A marker in a list',
            'value': [hszinc.MARKER],
            'comment': 'Booleans',
            'value': [True, False],
            'comment': 'References',
            'value': [hszinc.Ref('a-ref'), hszinc.Ref('a-ref', 'a value')],
            'comment': 'A quantity',
            'value': [hszinc.Quantity(500,'miles')],
    grid_json = json.loads(hszinc.dump(grid, mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON))
    assert grid_json == {
            'meta': {
                'ver': '3.0'
            'cols': [
                {'name': 'comment'},
                {'name': 'value'},
            'rows': [
                    'comment':"s:An empty list",
                    'comment':"s:A null value in a list",
                    'value': [None]
                    'comment':"s:A marker in a list",
                    'value': ['m:']
                    'value': [True, False]
                    'value': ['r:a-ref' , 'r:a-ref a value']
                    'comment':"s:A quantity",
                    'value': ['n:500.000000 miles'] # Python is more precise
                                                    # than The Proclaimers
Exemple #20
def test_ref_withdis_neq_dis():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='different display text')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 != r2
def json_decode(raw_json):
    Recusively scan the de-serialised JSON tree for objects that correspond to
    standard Haystack types and return the Python equivalents.
    # Simple cases
    if raw_json is None:
        return None
    elif raw_json == MARKER:
        return hszinc.MARKER
    elif isinstance(raw_json, dict):
        result = {}
        for key, value in raw_json.items():
            result[json_decode(key)] = json_decode(value)
        return result
    elif isinstance(raw_json, list):
        return list(map(json_decode, raw_json))
    elif isinstance(raw_json, tuple):
        return tuple(map(json_decode, raw_json))

    # Is it a number?
    match = NUMBER_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        # We'll get a value and a unit, amongst other tokens.
        matched = match.groups()
        value = float(matched[0])
        if matched[-1] is not None:
            # It's a quantity
            return hszinc.Quantity(value, matched[-1])
            # It's a raw value
            return value

    # Is it a string?
    match = STR_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        return match.group(1)

    # Is it a reference?
    match = REF_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        matched = match.groups()
        if matched[-1] is not None:
            return hszinc.Ref(matched[0], matched[-1], has_value=True)
            return hszinc.Ref(matched[0])

    # Is it a date?
    match = DATE_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        (year, month, day) = match.groups()
        return datetime.date(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=int(day))

    # Is it a time?
    match = TIME_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        (hour, minute, second) = match.groups()
        # Convert second to seconds and microseconds
        second = float(second)
        int_second = int(second)
        second -= int_second
        microsecond = second * 1e6
        return datetime.time(hour=int(hour),

    # Is it a date/time?
    match = DATETIME_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        matches = match.groups()
        # Parse ISO8601 component
        isodate = iso8601.parse_date(matches[0])
        # Parse timezone
        tzname = matches[-1]
        if tzname is None:
            return isodate  # No timezone given
                tz = zoneinfo.timezone(tzname)
                return isodate.astimezone(tz)
                return isodate

    # Is it a URI?
    match = URI_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        return hszinc.Uri(match.group(1))

    # Is it a Bin?
    match = BIN_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        return hszinc.Bin(match.group(1))

    # Is it a co-ordinate?
    match = COORD_RE.match(raw_json)
    if match:
        (lat, lng) = match.groups()
        return hszinc.Coord(lat, lng)

    # Maybe it's a bare string?
    return raw_json
Exemple #22
def test_ref_withdis_eq():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 == r2
Exemple #23
def test_ref_withdis_neq_id():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='another.ref', value='display text')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 != r2
Exemple #24
def test_ref_simple_neq_id():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='another.ref')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 != r2
Exemple #25
def test_ref_mixed_neq():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 != r2
Exemple #26
def test_ref_simple_eq():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    r2 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 == r2
Exemple #27
def test_ref_notref_ne():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    r2 = 'not.a.ref'
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert r1 != r2
Exemple #28
def test_ref_notref_eq():
    r1 = hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref')
    r2 = 'not.a.ref'
    assert r1 is not r2
    assert not (r1 == r2)
Exemple #29
def test_scalar_json():
    # No need to be exhaustive, the underlying function is tested heavily by
    # the grid dump tests.
    assert hszinc.dump_scalar(hszinc.Ref('areference', 'a display name'),
            mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON) == 'r:areference a display name'
Exemple #30
def test_ref_hash():
    assert hash(hszinc.Ref(name='a.ref', value='display text')) == \
           hash('a.ref') ^ hash('display text') ^ hash(True)