Exemple #1
def writeRTF(mol, parameters, netcharge, filename):
    import periodictable
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("* Charmm RTF built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
    print("* ", file=f)
    print("  22     0", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        print("MASS %5d %s %8.5f %s" % (val.number, type, val.mass, periodictable.elements[val.atomic_number]), file=f)
    print("\nAUTO ANGLES DIHE\n", file=f)
    assert np.unique(mol.resname).size == 1 # Check if all atoms have the same residue name
    print("RESI %s %8.5f" % (mol.resname[0], netcharge), file=f)
    print("GROUP", file=f)

    maxnamelen = max(4, np.max([len(na) for na in mol.name]))  # Minimum field size of 4
    maxatomtypelen = max(6, np.max([len(at) for at in mol.atomtype]))  # Minimum field size of 6
    for n, a, c in zip(mol.name, mol.atomtype, mol.charge):
        print("ATOM {0:>{1}s} {2:>{3}s} {4:8.6f}".format(n, maxnamelen, a, maxatomtypelen, c), file=f)
    for a in mol.bonds:
        print("BOND {:>4s} {:>4s}".format(*sorted([mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]]])), file=f)
    for a in mol.impropers:
        print("IMPR %4s %4s %4s %4s" % (mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]], mol.name[a[2]], mol.name[a[3]]),
    print("PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE", file=f)
    print("\nEND", file=f)
Exemple #2
def writeRTF(mol, parameters, netcharge, filename):
    import periodictable
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("* Charmm RTF built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(
    print("* ", file=f)
    print("  22     0", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        print("MASS %5d %s %8.5f %s" %
              (val.number, type, val.mass,
    print("\nAUTO ANGLES DIHE\n", file=f)
    print("RESI  MOL %8.5f" % netcharge, file=f)
    print("GROUP", file=f)
    for n, a, c in zip(mol.name, mol.atomtype, mol.charge):
        print("ATOM %4s %6s %8.6f" % (n, a, c), file=f)
    for a in mol.bonds:
        print("BOND {:>4s} {:>4s}".format(
            *sorted([mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]]])),
    for a in mol.impropers:
        print("IMPR %4s %4s %4s %4s" %
              (mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]], mol.name[a[2]], mol.name[a[3]]),
    print("PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE", file=f)
    print("\nEND", file=f)
Exemple #3
 def write(self, filename):
     f = open(filename, "w")
     print("* Charmm RTF built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(
     print("* ", file=f)
     print("  22     0", file=f)
     for a in self.types:
         print("MASS %5d %s %8.5f %s" %
               (self.typeindex_by_type[a], a, self.mass_by_type[a],
     print("\nAUTO ANGLES DIHE\n", file=f)
     print("RESI  MOL %8.5f" % self.netcharge, file=f)
     print("GROUP", file=f)
     for a in self.names:
         print("ATOM %4s %6s %8.6f" %
               (a, self.type_by_name[a], self.charge_by_name[a]),
     for a in self.bonds:
         print("BOND %4s %4s" % (self.names[a[0]], self.names[a[1]]),
     for a in self.impropers:
         print("IMPR %4s %4s %4s %4s" %
               (self.names[a[0]], self.names[a[1]], self.names[a[2]],
     print("PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE", file=f)
     print("\nEND", file=f)
Exemple #4
def writeRTF(mol, parameters, netcharge, filename):
    import periodictable
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("* Charmm RTF built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
    print("* ", file=f)
    print("  22     0", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        print("MASS %5d %s %8.5f %s" % (val.number, type, val.mass, periodictable.elements[val.atomic_number]), file=f)
    print("\nAUTO ANGLES DIHE\n", file=f)
    print("RESI  MOL %8.5f" % netcharge, file=f)
    print("GROUP", file=f)

    maxnamelen = max(4, np.max([len(na) for na in mol.name]))  # Minimum field size of 4
    maxatomtypelen = max(6, np.max([len(at) for at in mol.atomtype]))  # Minimum field size of 6
    for n, a, c in zip(mol.name, mol.atomtype, mol.charge):
        print("ATOM {0:>{1}s} {2:>{3}s} {4:8.6f}".format(n, maxnamelen, a, maxatomtypelen, c), file=f)
    for a in mol.bonds:
        print("BOND {:>4s} {:>4s}".format(*sorted([mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]]])), file=f)
    for a in mol.impropers:
        print("IMPR %4s %4s %4s %4s" % (mol.name[a[0]], mol.name[a[1]], mol.name[a[2]], mol.name[a[3]]),
    print("PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE", file=f)
    print("\nEND", file=f)
Exemple #5
    def write(self, filename):
        for i in self.dihedrals:
            if i.e14 != 1.0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't express 1-4 electrostatic scaling in Charmm file format"

        f = open(filename, "w")
        print("* prm file built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(
        print("*\n", file=f)
        print("BONDS", file=f)
        for a in self.bonds:
            print("%-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.4f" %
                  (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.k0, a.r0),
        print("\nANGLES", file=f)
        for a in self.angles:
            if a.kUB > 0.:
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f" %
                      (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.k0, a.theta0,
                       a.kUB, a.rUB),
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f" %
                      (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.k0, a.theta0),
        print("\nDIHEDRALS", file=f)
        for a in self.dihedrals:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" %
                  (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.types[3], a.k0, a.n,
        print("\nIMPROPER", file=f)
        for a in self.impropers:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" %
                  (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.types[3], a.k0, a.n,
            "\nNONBONDED nbxmod  5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch -",
        print("cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5",
        for a in self.nonbonded:
            if a.emin_14 is not None:
                # Charmm prm stores rmin/2
                print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" %
                      (a.types[0], a.emin, a.rmin / 2., a.emin_14,
                       a.rmin_14 / 2.),
                print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" %
                      (a.types[0], a.emin, a.rmin / 2.),
Exemple #6
def writePRM(mol, parameters, filename):
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion
    from htmd.util import ensurelist

    # for type, val in parameters.atom_types.items():
    #     if val.epsilon_14 != 1.0:
    #         raise ValueError("Can't express 1-4 electrostatic scaling in Charmm file format")

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("* prm file built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
    print("*\n", file=f)

    print("BONDS", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.bonds], 'bond_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.bond_types)
        print("%-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.4f" % (type[0], type[1], val.k, val.req), file=f)

    print("\nANGLES", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.angles], 'angle_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.angle_types)
        print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], val.k, val.theteq), file=f)

    print("\nDIHEDRALS", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.dihedrals], 'dihedral_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.dihedral_types)
        for term in val:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], term.phi_k, term.per, term.phase), file=f)

    print("\nIMPROPER", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.impropers], 'improper_types')
    for type in types:
        type, field = findImproperType(type, parameters)
        val = parameters.__dict__[field][type]
        if field == 'improper_periodic_types':
            for term in ensurelist(val):
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], term.phi_k, term.per, term.phase), file=f)
        elif field == 'improper_types':
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.psi_k, 0, val.psi_eq), file=f)

    print("\nNONBONDED nbxmod  5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch -", file=f)
    print("cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        if val.epsilon_14 != val.epsilon:
            print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (type, val.epsilon, val.rmin, val.epsilon_14, val.rmin_14), file=f)
            print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (type, val.epsilon, val.rmin), file=f)
Exemple #7
def writePRM(mol, parameters, filename):
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion
    from htmd.util import ensurelist

    # for type, val in parameters.atom_types.items():
    #     if val.epsilon_14 != 1.0:
    #         raise ValueError("Can't express 1-4 electrostatic scaling in Charmm file format")

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("* prm file built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
    print("*\n", file=f)

    print("BONDS", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.bonds], 'bond_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.bond_types[type]
        print("%-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.4f" % (type[0], type[1], val.k, val.req), file=f)

    print("\nANGLES", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.angles], 'angle_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.angle_types[type]
        print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], val.k, val.theteq), file=f)

    print("\nDIHEDRALS", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.dihedrals], 'dihedral_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.dihedral_types[type]
        for term in val:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], term.phi_k, term.per, term.phase), file=f)

    print("\nIMPROPER", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype[mol.impropers], 'improper_types')
    for type in types:
        val, field = getImproperParameter(type, parameters)
        if field == 'improper_periodic_types':
            for term in ensurelist(val):
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], term.phi_k, term.per, term.phase), file=f)
        elif field == 'improper_types':
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.psi_k, 0, val.psi_eq), file=f)

    print("\nNONBONDED nbxmod  5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch -", file=f)
    print("cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(mol.atomtype, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        if val.epsilon_14 != val.epsilon:
            print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (type, val.epsilon, val.rmin, val.epsilon_14, val.rmin_14), file=f)
            print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (type, val.epsilon, val.rmin), file=f)
Exemple #8
 def write(self, filename):
     f = open(filename, "w")
     print("* Charmm RTF built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
     print("* ", file=f)
     print("  22     0", file=f)
     for a in self.types:
             "MASS %5d %s %8.5f %s" % (self.typeindex_by_type[a], a, self.mass_by_type[a], self.element_by_type[a]),
     print("\nAUTO ANGLES DIHE\n", file=f)
     print("RESI  MOL %8.5f" % self.netcharge, file=f)
     print("GROUP", file=f)
     for a in self.names:
         print("ATOM %4s %6s %8.6f" % (a, self.type_by_name[a], self.charge_by_name[a]), file=f)
     for a in self.bonds:
         print("BOND %4s %4s" % (self.names[a[0]], self.names[a[1]]), file=f)
     for a in self.impropers:
         print("IMPR %4s %4s %4s %4s" % (self.names[a[0]], self.names[a[1]], self.names[a[2]], self.names[a[3]]),
     print("PATCH FIRST NONE LAST NONE", file=f)
     print("\nEND", file=f)
Exemple #9
    def write(self, filename):
        for i in self.dihedrals:
            if i.e14 != 1.0:
                raise ValueError("Can't express 1-4 electrostatic scaling in Charmm file format")

        f = open(filename, "w")
        print("* prm file built by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
        print("*\n", file=f)
        print("BONDS", file=f)
        for a in self.bonds:
            print("%-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.4f" % (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.k0, a.r0), file=f)
        print("\nANGLES", file=f)
        for a in self.angles:
            if a.kUB > 0.:
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f" % (
                    a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.k0, a.theta0, a.kUB, a.rUB), file=f)
                print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %8.2f %8.2f" % (a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.k0, a.theta0), file=f)
        print("\nDIHEDRALS", file=f)
        for a in self.dihedrals:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (
                a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.types[3], a.k0, a.n, a.phi0), file=f)
        print("\nIMPROPER", file=f)
        for a in self.impropers:
            print("%-6s %-6s %-6s %-6s %12.8f %d %12.8f" % (
                a.types[0], a.types[1], a.types[2], a.types[3], a.k0, a.n, a.phi0), file=f)
        print("\nNONBONDED nbxmod  5 atom cdiel shift vatom vdistance vswitch -", file=f)
        print("cutnb 14.0 ctofnb 12.0 ctonnb 10.0 eps 1.0 e14fac 1.0 wmin 1.5", file=f)
        for a in self.nonbonded:
            if a.emin_14 is not None:
                # Charmm prm stores rmin/2
                print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (
                    a.types[0], a.emin, a.rmin / 2., a.emin_14, a.rmin_14 / 2.), file=f)
                print("%-6s 0.0000 %8.4f %8.4f" % (a.types[0], a.emin, a.rmin / 2.), file=f)
Exemple #10
def writeFRCMOD(mol, parameters, filename, typemap=None):
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion
    if typemap is not None:
        parameters = mapAtomTypesParameterSet(parameters, typemap)
        atomtypes = np.vectorize(typemap.get)(mol.atomtype)
        atomtypes = mol.atomtype

    f = open(filename, "w")
    print("Frcmod generated by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(
    print("MASS", file=f)
    for at in np.unique(atomtypes):
        print("%s %f %f" % (at, parameters.atom_types[at].mass, 0.), file=f)

    print("\nBOND", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.bonds], 'bond_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.bond_types)
        print("%s %f %f" % ('-'.join(type), val.k, val.req), file=f)

    print("\nANGL", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.angles], 'angle_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.angle_types)
        print("%s %f %f" % ('-'.join(type), val.k, val.theteq), file=f)

    print("\nDIHE", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.dihedrals], 'dihedral_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.dihedral_types)

        toprint = []
        for term in val:
            if term.phi_k == 0:

        # HACK: print at least one dihedral, even if the force constant is 0, otherwise "tleap" is not happy!
        if len(toprint) == 0:

        for i, term in enumerate(toprint):
            # All terms of the same dihedral except the last one should be negative. http://ambermd.org/formats.html#frcmod
            if i == len(toprint) - 1:
                print("%s 1 %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" %
                      ('-'.join(type), term.phi_k, term.phase, term.per,
                       term.scee, term.scnb),
                print("%s 1 %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f" %
                      ('-'.join(type), term.phi_k, term.phase, -term.per,
                       term.scee, term.scnb),

    print("\nIMPR", file=f)
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.impropers], 'improper_types')
    for type in types:
        val, field = getImproperParameter(type, parameters)
        if field == 'improper_periodic_types':
            if val.phi_k == 0:
            print("%s     %f %f %f" %
                  ('-'.join(type), val.phi_k, val.phase, val.per),
        elif field == 'improper_types':
            if val.psi_k == 0:
            print("%s     %f %f %f" %
                  ('-'.join(type), val.psi_k, val.psi_eq, 1),

    print("\nNONB", file=f)
    # Have to iterate over the types in use, which include cloned types, and map them back
    # to original type (which has the same vdw params), because a copy of a copy won't be in self.nonbonded.
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        print("%s %f %f" % (type, val.rmin, val.epsilon), file=f)

    print("", file=f)
Exemple #11
    def writeFrcmod(self, rtf, filename):
        t = dict()
        # Make a type mapping for any name != 2 chars in length
        # Because Amber file formats are horrid
        idx = 97
        for tt in rtf.types:
            n = tt
            if len(tt) != 2:
                n = "z%c" % idx
                idx += 1
            t[tt] = n

        # check to see whether the parameters can be expressed in Amber FRCMOD format
        if len(self.impropers) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Can't express CHARMM-style impropers in Amber file format")
        for i in self.angles:
            if i.rUB != 0. or i.kUB != 0.:
                raise ValueError("Can't express Urey-Bradley terms in Amber file format")
        for i in self.nonbonded:
            if i.rmin_14 is None or i.emin_14 is None:
                raise ValueError("Can't express unset 1-4 VdW terms in Amber file format")
            eps = math.fabs(i.emin - i.emin_14 * 2.)
            if i.rmin != i.rmin_14 or eps > 1.e-6:
                raise ValueError("Can't express 1-4 VdW terms that aren't 0.5x scaled in Amber file format")

        f = open(filename, "w")
        print("Frcmod generated by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(htmdversion()), file=f)
        print("MASS", file=f)
        for i in rtf.types:
            print("%s %f %f" % (t[i], rtf.mass_by_type[i], 0.), file=f)

        print("\nBOND", file=f)
        for i in self.bonds:
            print("%s-%s %f %f" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], i.k0, i.r0), file=f)

        print("\nANGL", file=f)
        for i in self.angles:
            print("%s-%s-%s %f %f" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], i.k0, i.theta0), file=f)

        print("\nDIHE", file=f)
        output = dict()
        for i in self.dihedrals:
          if(i.improper == False):
            name = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]])
            if not (name in output):
                output[name] = 1
                prm = self.dihedralParam(i.types[0], i.types[1], i.types[2], i.types[3])
                for pi in range(len(prm)):
                    p = prm[pi]
                    sign = 1
                    scee = p.e14
                    scnb = 2.
                    if pi < (len(prm) - 1):
                        sign = -1
                    print("%2s-%2s-%2s-%2s 1 %f %f %f %f %f" %
                          (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]], p.k0, p.phi0, sign * p.n, scee,

        print("\nIMPR", file=f)
        output = dict()
        for i in self.dihedrals:
          if(i.improper == True):
            name = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]])
            if not (name in output):
                output[name] = 1
                prm = self.dihedralParam(i.types[0], i.types[1], i.types[2], i.types[3])
                for pi in range(len(prm)):
                    p = prm[pi]
                    sign = 1
                    if p.k0 != 0.:
                       print("%2s-%2s-%2s-%2s %f %f %f" %
                          (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]], p.k0, p.phi0, sign * p.n ), file=f)

        print("\nNONB", file=f)
        # Have to iterate over the types in use
        # which include cloned types, an map them back
        # to original type (which has the same vdw params)
        # because a copy of a copy won't be in self.nonbonded.

        for i in set(rtf.types):
            p = None
            j = re.sub("x[0123456789]$", "", i)
            for b in self.nonbonded: 
                if b.types[0] == j:
                    p = b
            print("%s %f %f" % (t[i], 0.5 * p.rmin, -p.emin), file=f)

        print("", file=f)
        return t
Exemple #12
    def writeFrcmod(self, rtf, filename):
        t = dict()
        # Make a type mapping for any name != 2 chars in length
        # Because Amber file formats are horrid
        idx = 97
        for tt in rtf.types:
            n = tt
            if len(tt) != 2:
                n = "z%c" % idx
                idx += 1
            t[tt] = n

        # check to see whether the parameters can be expressed in Amber FRCMOD format

#      if len(self.impropers) != 0:
#          raise ValueError("Can't express CHARMM-style impropers in Amber file format")
        for i in self.angles:
            if i.rUB != 0. or i.kUB != 0.:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't express Urey-Bradley terms in Amber file format")
        for i in self.nonbonded:
            if i.rmin_14 is None or i.emin_14 is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't express unset 1-4 VdW terms in Amber file format")
            eps = math.fabs(i.emin - i.emin_14 * 2.)
            if i.rmin != i.rmin_14 or eps > 1.e-6:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can't express 1-4 VdW terms that aren't 0.5x scaled in Amber file format"

        f = open(filename, "w")
        print("Frcmod generated by HTMD parameterize version {}".format(
        print("MASS", file=f)
        for i in rtf.types:
            print("%s %f %f" % (t[i], rtf.mass_by_type[i], 0.), file=f)

        print("\nBOND", file=f)
        for i in self.bonds:
            print("%s-%s %f %f" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], i.k0, i.r0),

        print("\nANGL", file=f)
        for i in self.angles:
                "%s-%s-%s %f %f" %
                (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]], i.k0, i.theta0),

        print("\nDIHE", file=f)
        output = dict()
        for i in self.dihedrals:
            assert i.improper == False
            name = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]],
                                    t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]])
            if not (name in output):
                output[name] = 1
                prmx = self.dihedralParam(i.types[0], i.types[1], i.types[2],

                # Prune prms that are zero
                prm = list()
                for pi in range(len(prmx)):
                    p = prmx[pi]
                    if p.k0 != 0.: prm.append(p)
                # HACK: leave at least one dihedral, even if the force constant is 0,
                #       otherwise "tleap" is not happy!
                if len(prm) == 0:

                for p in prm:
                    scee = 1. / p.e14
                    scnb = 2.
                        "%2s-%2s-%2s-%2s 1 %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f"
                        % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]],
                           t[i.types[3]], p.k0, p.phi0, p.n, scee, scnb),

        print("\nIMPR", file=f)
        output = dict()
        for i in self.impropers:
            if (i.improper == True):
                name = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]],
                                        t[i.types[2]], t[i.types[3]])
                if not (name in output):
                    output[name] = 1
                    prm = self.improperParam(i.types[0], i.types[1],
                                             i.types[2], i.types[3])
                    for pi in range(len(prm)):
                        p = prm[pi]
                        sign = 1
                        if p.k0 != 0.:
                            print("%2s-%2s-%2s-%2s     %f %f %f" %
                                  (t[i.types[0]], t[i.types[1]], t[i.types[2]],
                                   t[i.types[3]], p.k0, p.phi0, sign * p.n),

        print("\nNONB", file=f)
        # Have to iterate over the types in use
        # which include cloned types, an map them back
        # to original type (which has the same vdw params)
        # because a copy of a copy won't be in self.nonbonded.

        for i in set(rtf.types):
            p = None
            j = re.sub("x[0123456789]$", "", i)
            for b in self.nonbonded:
                if b.types[0] == j:
                    p = b
            print("%s %f %f" % (t[i], 0.5 * p.rmin, -p.emin), file=f)

        print("", file=f)
        return t
Exemple #13
def writeFRCMOD(mol, parameters, filename, typemap=None):
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion
    if typemap is not None:
        parameters = mapAtomTypesParameterSet(parameters, typemap)
        atomtypes = np.vectorize(typemap.get)(mol.atomtype)
        atomtypes = mol.atomtype

    f = open(filename, "w")
    f.write("Frcmod generated by HTMD parameterize version {}\n".format(htmdversion()))
    for at in np.unique(atomtypes):
        f.write('{:<2s}  {:>8.3f} {:>10.2f}\n'.format(at, parameters.atom_types[at].mass, 0.))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.bonds], 'bond_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.bond_types)
        f.write('{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>10.3f}{:>8.3f}\n'.format(type[0], type[1], val.k, val.req))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.angles], 'angle_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.angle_types)
        f.write('{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>10.3f}{:>9.3f}\n'.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], val.k, val.theteq))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.dihedrals], 'dihedral_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.dihedral_types)

        toprint = []
        for term in val:
            if term.phi_k < 1e-6:

        # HACK: print at least one dihedral, even if the force constant is 0, otherwise "tleap" is not happy!
        if len(toprint) == 0:

        for i, term in enumerate(toprint):
            # All terms of the same dihedral except the last one should be negative. http://ambermd.org/formats.html#frcmod
            per = term.per
            if i != len(toprint)-1:
                per = -per
            fmt = '{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>4d}{:>15.8f}{:>9.3f}{:>6.1f}    SCEE={:1.1f} SCNB={:1.1f}\n'
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], 1, term.phi_k, term.phase, per, term.scee, term.scnb))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.impropers], 'improper_types')
    for type in types:
        type, field = findImproperType(type, parameters)
        val = parameters.__dict__[field][type]
        fmt = '{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}     {:>10.8f}{:>9.3f}{:>6.1f}\n'
        if field == 'improper_periodic_types':
            if val.phi_k < 1e-6:
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.phi_k, val.phase, val.per))
        elif field == 'improper_types':
            if val.psi_k < 1e-6:
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.psi_k, val.psi_eq, 1))

    # Have to iterate over the types in use, which include cloned types, and map them back
    # to original type (which has the same vdw params), because a copy of a copy won't be in self.nonbonded.
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        f.write('{:<2s}    {:>10.8f}   {:>10.8f}\n'.format(type, val.rmin, val.epsilon))
Exemple #14
def writeFRCMOD(mol, parameters, filename, typemap=None):
    from htmd.version import version as htmdversion
    if typemap is not None:
        parameters = mapAtomTypesParameterSet(parameters, typemap)
        atomtypes = np.vectorize(typemap.get)(mol.atomtype)
        atomtypes = mol.atomtype

    f = open(filename, "w")
    f.write("Frcmod generated by HTMD parameterize version {}\n".format(htmdversion()))
    for at in np.unique(atomtypes):
        f.write('{:<2s}  {:>8.3f} {:>10.2f}\n'.format(at, parameters.atom_types[at].mass, 0.))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.bonds], 'bond_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.bond_types)
        f.write('{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>10.3f}{:>8.3f}\n'.format(type[0], type[1], val.k, val.req))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.angles], 'angle_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.angle_types)
        f.write('{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>10.3f}{:>9.3f}\n'.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], val.k, val.theteq))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.dihedrals], 'dihedral_types')
    for type in types:
        val = getParameter(type, parameters.dihedral_types)

        toprint = []
        for term in val:
            if term.phi_k == 0:

        # HACK: print at least one dihedral, even if the force constant is 0, otherwise "tleap" is not happy!
        if len(toprint) == 0:

        for i, term in enumerate(toprint):
            # All terms of the same dihedral except the last one should be negative. http://ambermd.org/formats.html#frcmod
            per = term.per
            if i != len(toprint)-1:
                per = -per
            fmt = '{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s} {:>4d}{:>15.8f}{:>9.3f}{:>6.1f}    SCEE={:1.1f} SCNB={:1.1f}\n'
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], 1, term.phi_k, term.phase, per, term.scee, term.scnb))

    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes[mol.impropers], 'improper_types')
    for type in types:
        val, field = getImproperParameter(type, parameters)
        fmt = '{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}-{:<2s}     {:>10.8f}{:>9.3f}{:>6.1f}\n'
        if field == 'improper_periodic_types':
            if val.phi_k == 0:
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.phi_k, val.phase, val.per))
        elif field == 'improper_types':
            if val.psi_k == 0:
            f.write(fmt.format(type[0], type[1], type[2], type[3], val.psi_k, val.psi_eq, 1))

    # Have to iterate over the types in use, which include cloned types, and map them back
    # to original type (which has the same vdw params), because a copy of a copy won't be in self.nonbonded.
    types = getSortedAndUniqueTypes(atomtypes, 'atom_types')
    for type in types:
        val = parameters.atom_types[type]
        f.write('{:<2s}    {:>10.8f}   {:>10.8f}\n'.format(type, val.rmin, val.epsilon))