def PrintCertTypes(ca_names): htmlbase.PrintHeader('Start enrollment for certificate request') htmlbase.PrintHeading('Start enrollment for certificate request') print """This certificate authority issues several types of client certificates.<BR>Please choose the appropriate certificate type below:<P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=10%%>""" for ca_name in ca_names: ca = opensslcnf.getcadata(ca_name) if ca.isclientcert(): if ca.nsCaPolicyUrl: nsCaPolicyUrlStr = '<A HREF="%s%s">(view policy)' % (ca.nsBaseUrl,ca.nsCaPolicyUrl) else: nsCaPolicyUrlStr = ' ' print '<TR><TD><A HREF="%s/%s">%s</A></TD><TD>%s</TD><TD>%s</TD></TR>' % (os.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME',''),ca_name,ca_name,ca.nsComment,nsCaPolicyUrlStr) print '</TABLE>' htmlbase.PrintFooter()
def PrintKeygenForm(form,ca_name,ca,browsertype,scriptmethod='POST'): print """Content-type: text/html\n <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Create key pair and certificate request</TITLE> """ if browsertype=='MSIE': import vbs vbs.PrintVBSXenrollObject() print '<SCRIPT Language=VBSCRIPT>\n<!-- ' vbs.PrintVBSCryptoProvider() vbs.PrintVBSKeyGenCode(form) print ' -->\n</SCRIPT>' print '</HEAD><BODY onLoad=KeySizeSelectList() %s>' % htmlbase.bodyPARAM htmlbase.PrintHeading('Create key pair and certificate request') print 'Your key pair and certificate request can be generated now.<BR>' print 'Please have a look below to check if your input data was correct.<P>' # Print input given by user as readable table and hidden input fields PrintInput(form) print '<FORM name="KeyGenForm" ACTION="%s/%s" METHOD=%s ACCEPT-CHARSET="iso-8859-1">' % (os.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME',''),ca_name,scriptmethod) for i in form.inputkeys: for j in form.field[i]: print '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="%s" VALUE="%s">' % (,j.content) # Print hint about minimum key size if ca.min_key_size>0: print """Please note:<BR> The certificate type <STRONG>%s</STRONG> requires a minimum key size of <STRONG>%d</STRONG> bits! If you are not able to choose a key length equal or greater than <STRONG>%d</STRONG> the certificate authority will refuse to issue a certificate for your certificate request!<P> """ % (ca_name,ca.min_key_size,ca.min_key_size) if browsertype=='MSIE': print '<P>Key size: <SELECT NAME="KeySize"></SELECT></P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="PKCS10" VALUE="">' print '<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" onClick="GenTheKeyPair()" VALUE="Generate key pair"></FORM>' else: print '<P>%s:%s</P><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Generate key pair"></FORM>' % ( \ HelpURL(HelpUrlBase,form.field['SPKAC'][0].name,form.field['SPKAC'][0].text),\ form.field['SPKAC'][0].inputfield(form.field['challenge'][0].content) \ ) htmlbase.PrintFooter()
<P> Certificates of this type will be valid for <STRONG>%d days</STRONG>, approximately until <STRONG>%s</STRONG>. </P> """ % (ca_name, ca.nsCertTypeStr, nsCommentStr, ca.default_days, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.gmtime(time.time()+86400*ca.default_days)) ) print """You can apply for a certificate by filling out the input form below. Click on the names of the parameters to get further informations about the usage and format restrictions of the input data.<P> Required input parameters are marked with *. """ PrintEmptyForm(form,ca_name) htmlbase.PrintFooter() sys.exit(0) form.add(cgiforms.formInputClass('KeySize','Key Size',100,alphanumregex)) form.add( cgiforms.formInputClass( 'PKCS10', 'PKCS#10 Request', 2000, ( r'[ \w+/=\r\n]+', re.S+re.M) ) ) form.add(cgiforms.formKeygenClass('SPKAC','Public Key and Challenge',6000))