Exemple #1
 def cookies_to_dict(self, cookies):
     Converts a cookie string into python dict.
     ret = {}
     cookie = SimpleCookie()
     for key, morsel in cookie.keys():
         ret[key] = morsel.value
     return ret
Exemple #2
 def start_response(status, headers):
     ret["status"] = status
     ret["headers"] = headers
     ret["cookies"] = {}
     cookies = SimpleCookie()
     for k, v in headers:
         if k == 'Set-Cookie':
     for key in cookies.keys():
         ret["cookies"][key] = cookies[key]
Exemple #3
 def cookies_params(self):
     cookies = self.get_raw_header("HTTP_COOKIES")
     if cookies:
             cookie = SimpleCookie()
             return {key: cookie[key].coded_value for key in cookie.keys()}
         except Exception:
             LOGGER.debug("couldn't parse cookies", exc_info=True)
     return {}
Exemple #4
def parse_cookie(cookie):
    if cookie == '':
        return {}
        c = SimpleCookie()
    except CookieError:
        # Invalid cookie
        return {}

    cookiedict = {}
    for key in list(c.keys()):
        cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value
    return cookiedict
Exemple #5
def _scrub_headers(headers):
    """scrub auth info from headers"""
    headers = dict(headers)
    if 'Authorization' in headers:
        auth = headers['Authorization']
        if auth.startswith('token '):
            headers['Authorization'] = 'token [secret]'
    if 'Cookie' in headers:
        c = SimpleCookie(headers['Cookie'])
        redacted = []
        for name in c.keys():
        headers['Cookie'] = '; '.join(redacted)
    return headers
def parse_cookie(cookie):
    if cookie == '':
        return {}
        c = SimpleCookie()
    except CookieError:
        # Invalid cookie
        return {}

    cookiedict = {}
    for key in list(c.keys()):
        cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value
    return cookiedict
Exemple #7
def _scrub_headers(headers):
    """scrub auth info from headers"""
    headers = dict(headers)
    if 'Authorization' in headers:
        auth = headers['Authorization']
        if auth.startswith('token '):
            headers['Authorization'] = 'token [secret]'
    if 'Cookie' in headers:
        c = SimpleCookie(headers['Cookie'])
        redacted = []
        for name in c.keys():
        headers['Cookie'] = '; '.join(redacted)
    return headers
Exemple #8
def _scrub_headers(headers):
    """scrub auth info from headers"""
    headers = dict(headers)
    if 'Authorization' in headers:
        auth = headers['Authorization']
        if ' ' in auth:
            auth_type = auth.split(' ', 1)[0]
            # no space, hide the whole thing in case there was a mistake
            auth_type = ''
        headers['Authorization'] = f'{auth_type} [secret]'
    if 'Cookie' in headers:
        c = SimpleCookie(headers['Cookie'])
        redacted = []
        for name in c.keys():
        headers['Cookie'] = '; '.join(redacted)
    return headers
Exemple #9
def _scrub_headers(headers):
    """scrub auth info from headers"""
    headers = dict(headers)
    if "Authorization" in headers:
        auth = headers["Authorization"]
        if " " in auth:
            auth_type = auth.split(" ", 1)[0]
            # no space, hide the whole thing in case there was a mistake
            auth_type = ""
        headers["Authorization"] = "{} [secret]".format(auth_type)
    if "Cookie" in headers:
        c = SimpleCookie(headers["Cookie"])
        redacted = []
        for name in c.keys():
        headers["Cookie"] = "; ".join(redacted)
    return headers
Exemple #10
    def get_cookies(self, video_url):
        video_id_regex = re.compile('^https://player.hotmart.com/embed/([^/]+)/source/[^/]+=\\.m3u8$')
        video_id = ''

        match = video_id_regex.match(video_url)
        if match:
            video_id = match.group(1)

        video_requests = list(filter(lambda x:x[0].path == video_url, request_history))

        cookies = ''

        if len(video_requests) > 0:
            headers = video_requests[-1][0].headers
            cookies = headers.get('Cookie')

        token_requests = list(filter(HotmartBot.filter_token, request_history))

        if len(token_requests) == 0:
            return cookies
        video_cookies = []

        for request in token_requests:
            simple_cookie = SimpleCookie()
            headers = request[1].headers
            raw_cookies = headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
            for c in raw_cookies:

            for entry in simple_cookie.keys():
                path = simple_cookie[entry]['path']
                if video_id in path:
                    video_cookies.append(entry + '=' + simple_cookie[entry].coded_value)

        if len(video_cookies) > 0:
            video_cookies = list(set(video_cookies))
            cookies = cookies.strip().strip(';')
            cookies = cookies + '; ' + "; ".join(video_cookies)

        return cookies
Exemple #11
def parse_cookie(cookie):
    '''Parse an `HTTP cookie`_ string.

    Return a dictionary of cookie name/values.
    if not cookie:
        return {}
    if not isinstance(cookie, BaseCookie):
            c = SimpleCookie()
        except CookieError:  # pragma    nocover
            # Invalid cookie
            return {}
        c = cookie
    cookiedict = {}
    for key in c.keys():
        cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value
    return cookiedict
Exemple #12
def parse_cookie(cookie):
    """Parse an `HTTP cookie`_ string.

    Return a dictionary of cookie name/values.
    if not cookie:
        return {}
    if not isinstance(cookie, BaseCookie):
            c = SimpleCookie()
        except CookieError:  # pragma    nocover
            # Invalid cookie
            return {}
        c = cookie
    cookiedict = {}
    for key in c.keys():
        cookiedict[key] = c.get(key).value
    return cookiedict
Exemple #13
def parse_cookie(cookie):
    >>> parse_cookie('')
    >>> parse_cookie('foo=bar;')
    {'foo': 'bar'}
    >>> parse_cookie('foo=bar;foo=baz')
    {'foo': 'baz'}
    >>> parse_cookie('f1=v1;f2=v2') == {'f1': 'v1', 'f2': 'v2'}
    if not cookie:
        return {}
    if not isinstance(cookie, BaseCookie):
            c = SimpleCookie()
        except CookieError:
            # Invalid cookie
            return {}
        c = cookie
    return {k: c.get(k).value for k in c.keys()}
Exemple #14
class HTTPResponse( Plugin ):
    """Plugin to encapsulate HTTP response."""

    implements( IHTTPResponse )

    start_response = False
    """Response headers are already sent on the connection."""

    write_buffer = []
    """Either a list of byte-string buffered by write() method. Or a generator
    function created via chunk_generator() method."""

    flush_callback = None
    """Flush callback subscribed using flush() method."""

    finish_callback = None
    """Finish callback subscribed using set_finish_callback() method."""

    finished = False
    """A request is considered finished when there is no more response data to
    be sent for the on-going request. This is typically indicated by flushing
    the response with finishing=True argument."""

    def __init__( self, request ):
        interface method."""
        # Initialize response attributes
        self.statuscode = b'200'
        self.reason = http.client.responses[ int(self.statuscode) ]
        self.version = request.httpconn.version
        self.headers = {}
        self.body = b''
        self.chunk_generator = None
        self.trailers = {}

        self.setcookies = SimpleCookie()

        # Initialize framework attributes
        self.request = request
        self.context = h.Context()
        self.media_type = None
        self.content_coding = None
        self.charset = self.webapp['encoding']
        self.language = self.webapp['language']

        # Book keeping
        self.httpconn = request.httpconn
        self.start_response = False
        self.write_buffer = []
        self.finished = False
        self.flush_callback = None
        self.finish_callback = None

    #---- IHTTPResponse APIs

    def set_status( self, code ):
        interface method."""
        if isinstance(code, int) :
            self.statuscode = str(code).encode('utf-8')
        elif isinstance(code, str) :
            self.statuscode = code.encode('utf-8')
        else :
            self.statuscode = code
        return self.statuscode

    def set_header( self, name, value ):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance( value, bytes ) \
                      else str( value ).encode('utf-8')
        self.headers[ name ] = value
        return value

    def add_header( self, name, value ):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,bytes) else str(value).encode('utf-8')
        pvalue = self.headers.get( name, b'' )
        self.headers[name] = b','.join([pvalue, value]) if pvalue else None
        return self.headers[name]

    def set_trailer( self, name, value ):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,bytes) else str(value).encode('utf=8')
        self.trailers[name] = value
        return value

    def add_trailer( self, name, value ):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,bytes) else str(value).encode('utf-8')
        pvalue = self.trailers.get(name, b'')
        self.trailers[name] = b','.join([pvalue, value]) if pvalue else None
        return self.trailers[name]

    def set_cookie( self, name, value, **kwargs ):
        interface method."""
        return self.request.cookie.set_cookie(
                    self.setcookies, name, value, **kwargs )

    def set_secure_cookie( self, name, value, expires_days=30, **kwargs ):
        interface method."""
        cookie = self.request.cookie
        value = cookie.create_signed_value(name, value)
        return cookie.set_cookie( self.setcookies, name, value, **kwargs )

    def clear_cookie( self, name, path="/", domain=None ):
        interface method."""
        value = self.setcookies[ name ]
        expires = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=365)
                    self.setcookies, name, "", path=path, expires=expires, 
                    domain=domain )
        return value

    def clear_all_cookies(self):
        interface method."""
        list( map( self.clear_cookie, self.setcookies.keys() ))
        return None

    def set_finish_callback(self, callback):
        interface method."""
        self.finish_callback = callback

    def has_finished( self ):
        interface method."""
        return self.finished

    def isstarted( self ):
        interface method."""
        return self.start_response

    def ischunked( self ):
        interface method."""
        vals = dict( h.parse_transfer_encoding(
                        self.headers.get( 'transfer_encoding', b'' ))).keys()
        return b'chunked' in list( vals )

    def write( self, data ):
        interface method."""
        if self.has_finished() :
            raise Exception( "Cannot write() after the response is finished." )

        data = data.encode(self.charset) if isinstance(data, str) else data
        self.write_buffer = self.write_buffer or []
        self.write_buffer.append( data )

    def flush( self, finishing=False, callback=None ):
        interface method."""
        if callback :
            self.flush_callback = callback

        self.finished = finishing

        if callable( self.write_buffer ) :
            self._flush_chunk( finishing )
        else :
            self._flush_body( finishing )

    def httperror( self, statuscode=b'500', message=b'' ):
        interface method."""
        self.statuscode = statuscode
        self.write( message ) if message else None
        self.flush( finishing=True )

    _renderers = {
        '.ttl' : 'tayra.TTLCompiler',
    _renderer_plugins = {
    def render( self, *args, **kwargs ):
        interface method.
        positional argument,

            Instance of plugin implement
            :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest` interface.

            Dictionary of context information to be passed.

        keyword arguments,

            Template file to be used for rendering.

            Template text to be used for rendering.

            :class:`ITemplate` plugin to use for rendering. This argument
            must be in canonical form of plugin's name.

        If ``file`` keyword argument is passed, this method will resolve the
        correct renderer plugin based on file-extension. if ``text`` keyword
        argument is passed, better pass the ``ITemplate`` argument as
        request, context = args[0], args[1]
        renderer = kwargs.get( 'ITemplate', None )
        if renderer is None :
            tfile = kwargs.get( 'file', '' )
            _, ext = splitext( tfile )
            renderer = self._renderers.get( ext, None ) if ext else None

            # If in debug mode enable ttl file reloading.
            tfile = h.abspath_from_asset_spec( tfile )
            if self['debug'] and isfile( tfile ):
                self.pa._monitoredfiles.append( tfile )

        if renderer in self._renderer_plugins :
            plugin = self._renderer_plugins[ renderer ]
        elif renderer :
            plugin = self.qp( ITemplate, renderer )
        else :
            plugin = None

        if plugin :
            self.media_type = 'text/html'
            self._renderer_plugins.setdefault( renderer, plugin )
            return plugin.render( context, **kwargs )
        else :
            raise Exception('Unknown renderer')

    def chunk_generator( self, callback, request, c ):
        interface method."""

        class ChunkGenerator( object ):

            def __iter__( self ):
                return self

            def next( self ):
                return callback( request, c )

        return ChunkGenerator()

    #---- Local functions

    def _try_start_headers( self, finishing=True ) :
        """Generate default headers for this response. And return the
        byte-string of response header to write. This can be overriden
        by view callable attributes."""
        if self.start_response : return b''
        self.start_response = True
        stline = self._status_line()
        return self._header_data( self.headers, stline=stline )

    def _status_line( self ):
        code = self.statuscode
        reason = http.client.responses[ int(code) ].encode( 'utf-8' )
        return b' '.join([ self.version, code, reason ])

    def _header_data( self, headers, stline=b'' ):
        # TODO : 3 header field types are specifically prohibited from
        # appearing as a trailer field: Transfer-Encoding, Content-Length and
        # Trailer.
        lines = [ stline ] if stline else []
        for n, v in headers.items() :
            nC =  h.hdr_str2camelcase.get( n, None )
            if nC == None :
                n = n.encode('utf-8')
                nC = b'-'.join([ x.capitalize() for x in n.split('_') ])
            lines.append( nC + b': ' + v )

        [ lines.append( b"Set-Cookie: " + cookie.OutputString() )
          for c in self.setcookies.values() ]

        return b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"

    def _flush_body( self, finishing ):
        data = b''.join( self.write_buffer )
        for tr in self.webapp.out_transformers :
            data = tr.transform( self.request, data, finishing=finishing )
        if self._if_etag() :
            self.body = data 
        else :
            self.body = b''
        self.set_header( "content_length", len(self.body) )
        data = self._try_start_headers( finishing=finishing )
        if self.request.method == b'HEAD' :
        elif self.body :
            data += self.body
        self.httpconn.write( data, callback=self._onflush )
        self.write_buffer = []

    def _flush_chunk( self, finishing ):
        self.add_headers( 'transfer_encoding', 'chunked' )
        data = self._try_start_headers( finishing=finishing )

        chunk = self.write_buffer( self.request, self.c )
        for tr in self.webapp.out_transformers :
            chunk = tr.transform( self.request, chunk, finishing=finishing )

        if chunk :
            data += hex(len(chunk)).encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n' + chunk + b'\r\n'
        else :
            data += b'0\r\n'
            if self.trailers :
                data += self._header_data( self.trailers )
        self.httpconn.write( data, callback=self._onflush )

    def _if_etag( self ):
        etag = self.headers.get('etag', '')
        if self.ischunked() == False and etag :
            im = self.request.headers.get( "if_match", b'' ).strip()
            inm = self.request.headers.get( "if_none_match", b'' ).strip()
            if ( (im and im.find( etag ) == -1) or
                 (inm and inm.find( etag ) != -1) ) :
                self.set_status( b'304' )
                return False
        return True

    def _onflush( self ):
        if self.flush_callback :
            callback, self.flush_callback = self.flush_callback, None

        if self.has_finished() : self._onfinish()

    def _onfinish( self ):
        if self.finish_callback :
            callback, self.finish_callback = self.finish_callback, None

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings( cls ):
        interface method."""
        return _ds1
Exemple #15
    def do_GET(self):
        cookies = SimpleCookie(self.headers.get('Cookie'))

        # then use somewhat like a dict, e.g:
        # username = cookies['username'].value
        if "mainpassword" not in cookies.keys() and self.path.split(
                ".")[-1] not in ["css", "js", "png"
                                 ] and os.path.isfile(fileWallet):
            if not os.path.isfile(fileWallet):
                self.path = "/"
                self.path = "/login.htm"

        # page d'ajout
        if self.path == "/":
            self.path = "/index.htm"
            if not os.path.isfile(fileWallet):
                print("creation du wallet")
                self.send_header('Location', "/create.htm")
                self._set_headers("text/" + self.path[1:].split(".")[-1])
                with open("web_wallet/" + self.path[1:], "r") as f:
        # call a l'api pour un passwd aléatoire
        elif self.path == "/randompasswd":
        # Affichage
        elif self.path == "/view":
            if w.lock:
            if not w.lock:
                liste = [w.get_acount(a) for a in w.get_applications()]
                liste_disp = ""
                with open("web_wallet/acount.template") as template:
                    content = template.read()
                    for e in liste:
                        liste_disp += content.format(acount=e)

                with open("web_wallet/view.htm") as f:
                    content = f.read()
                    content = content.format(liste_acount=liste_disp)

            # page non spéciale
            if self.path.endswith(("woff", "woff2", "ttf")):
                self._set_headers("font/" + self.path.split(".")[-1])
                if os.path.isfile("web_wallet/" + self.path[1:].split("?")[0]):
                    with open("web_wallet/" + self.path[1:].split("?")[0],
                              "rb") as f:

            if os.path.isfile("web_wallet/" + self.path[1:].split("?")[0]):
                with open("web_wallet/" + self.path[1:].split("?")[0],
                          "r") as f:
            # 404
Exemple #16
def cookie_from_string(cookie_string, strict_cookies=False):
    """Parser for HTTP header set-cookie
    The return from this function will be used as parameters for
    django's response.set_cookie method. Because set_cookie doesn't
    have parameter comment, this cookie attribute will be ignored.

    :param  cookie_string: A string representing a valid cookie
    :param  strict_cookies: Whether to only accept RFC-compliant cookies
    :returns: A dictionary containing the cookie_string attributes

    if strict_cookies:

        cookies = SimpleCookie(COOKIE_PREFIX + cookie_string)
        if not cookies.keys():
            return None
        cookie_name, = cookies.keys()
        cookie_dict = {k: v for k, v in cookies[cookie_name].items()
                       if v and k != 'comment'}
        cookie_dict['key'] = cookie_name
        cookie_dict['value'] = cookies[cookie_name].value
        return cookie_dict

        valid_attrs = ('path', 'domain', 'comment', 'expires',
                       'max_age', 'httponly', 'secure')

        cookie_dict = {}

        cookie_parts = cookie_string.split(';')
            key, value = cookie_parts[0].split('=', 1)
            cookie_dict['key'], cookie_dict['value'] = key, unquote(value)
        except ValueError:
            logger.warning('Invalid cookie: `%s`', cookie_string)
            return None

        if cookie_dict['value'].startswith('='):
            logger.warning('Invalid cookie: `%s`', cookie_string)
            return None

        for part in cookie_parts[1:]:
            if '=' in part:
                attr, value = part.split('=', 1)
                value = value.strip()
                attr = part
                value = ''

            attr = attr.strip().lower()
            if not attr:

            if attr in valid_attrs:
                if attr in ('httponly', 'secure'):
                    cookie_dict[attr] = True
                elif attr in 'comment':
                    # ignoring comment attr as explained in the
                    # function docstring
                    cookie_dict[attr] = unquote(value)
                logger.warning('Unknown cookie attribute %s', attr)

        return cookie_dict
Exemple #17
def cookie_from_string(cookie_string, strict_cookies=False):
    """Parser for HTTP header set-cookie
    The return from this function will be used as parameters for
    django's response.set_cookie method. Because set_cookie doesn't
    have parameter comment, this cookie attribute will be ignored.

    :param  cookie_string: A string representing a valid cookie
    :param  strict_cookies: Whether to only accept RFC-compliant cookies
    :returns: A dictionary containing the cookie_string attributes

    if strict_cookies:

        cookies = SimpleCookie(COOKIE_PREFIX + cookie_string)
        if not cookies.keys():
            return None
        cookie_name, = cookies.keys()
        cookie_dict = {
            k: v
            for k, v in cookies[cookie_name].items() if v and k != 'comment'
        cookie_dict['key'] = cookie_name
        cookie_dict['value'] = cookies[cookie_name].value
        return cookie_dict

        valid_attrs = ('path', 'domain', 'comment', 'expires', 'max-age',
                       'httponly', 'secure', 'samesite')

        cookie_dict = {}

        cookie_parts = cookie_string.split(';')
            key, value = cookie_parts[0].split('=', 1)
            cookie_dict['key'], cookie_dict['value'] = key, unquote(value)
        except ValueError:
            logger.warning('Invalid cookie: `%s`', cookie_string)
            return None

        if cookie_dict['value'].startswith('='):
            logger.warning('Invalid cookie: `%s`', cookie_string)
            return None

        for part in cookie_parts[1:]:
            if '=' in part:
                attr, value = part.split('=', 1)
                value = value.strip()
                attr = part
                value = ''

            attr = attr.strip().lower()
            if not attr:

            if attr in valid_attrs:
                if attr in ('httponly', 'secure'):
                    cookie_dict[attr] = True
                elif attr in 'comment':
                    # ignoring comment attr as explained in the
                    # function docstring
                elif attr == 'max-age':
                    # The cookie uses 'max-age' but django's
                    # set_cookie uses 'max_age'
                    cookie_dict['max_age'] = unquote(value)
                    cookie_dict[attr] = unquote(value)
                logger.warning('Unknown cookie attribute %s', attr)

        return cookie_dict
class HTTPResponse(Plugin):
    """Plugin to encapsulate HTTP response."""


    start_response = False
    """Response headers are already sent on the connection."""

    write_buffer = []
    """Either a list of byte-string buffered by write() method. Or a generator
    function created via chunk_generator() method."""

    flush_callback = None
    """Flush callback subscribed using flush() method."""

    finish_callback = None
    """Finish callback subscribed using set_finish_callback() method."""

    finished = False
    """A request is considered finished when there is no more response data to
    be sent for the on-going request. This is typically indicated by flushing
    the response with finishing=True argument."""
    def __init__(self, request):
        interface method."""
        # Initialize response attributes
        self.statuscode = b'200'
        self.reason = http.client.responses[int(self.statuscode)]
        self.version = request.httpconn.version
        self.headers = {}
        self.body = b''
        self.chunk_generator = None
        self.trailers = {}

        self.setcookies = SimpleCookie()

        # Initialize framework attributes
        self.request = request
        self.context = h.Context()
        self.media_type = None
        self.content_coding = None
        self.charset = self.webapp['encoding']
        self.language = self.webapp['language']

        # Book keeping
        self.httpconn = request.httpconn
        self.start_response = False
        self.write_buffer = []
        self.finished = False
        self.flush_callback = None
        self.finish_callback = None

    #---- IHTTPResponse APIs

    def set_status(self, code):
        interface method."""
        if isinstance(code, int):
            self.statuscode = str(code).encode('utf-8')
        elif isinstance(code, str):
            self.statuscode = code.encode('utf-8')
            self.statuscode = code
        return self.statuscode

    def set_header(self, name, value):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance( value, bytes ) \
                      else str( value ).encode('utf-8')
        self.headers[name] = value
        return value

    def add_header(self, name, value):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,
                                    bytes) else str(value).encode('utf-8')
        pvalue = self.headers.get(name, b'')
        self.headers[name] = b','.join([pvalue, value]) if pvalue else None
        return self.headers[name]

    def set_trailer(self, name, value):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,
                                    bytes) else str(value).encode('utf=8')
        self.trailers[name] = value
        return value

    def add_trailer(self, name, value):
        interface method."""
        value = value if isinstance(value,
                                    bytes) else str(value).encode('utf-8')
        pvalue = self.trailers.get(name, b'')
        self.trailers[name] = b','.join([pvalue, value]) if pvalue else None
        return self.trailers[name]

    def set_cookie(self, name, value, **kwargs):
        interface method."""
        return self.request.cookie.set_cookie(self.setcookies, name, value,

    def set_secure_cookie(self, name, value, expires_days=30, **kwargs):
        interface method."""
        cookie = self.request.cookie
        value = cookie.create_signed_value(name, value)
        return cookie.set_cookie(self.setcookies, name, value, **kwargs)

    def clear_cookie(self, name, path="/", domain=None):
        interface method."""
        value = self.setcookies[name]
        expires = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=365)
        return value

    def clear_all_cookies(self):
        interface method."""
        list(map(self.clear_cookie, self.setcookies.keys()))
        return None

    def set_finish_callback(self, callback):
        interface method."""
        self.finish_callback = callback

    def has_finished(self):
        interface method."""
        return self.finished

    def isstarted(self):
        interface method."""
        return self.start_response

    def ischunked(self):
        interface method."""
        vals = dict(
                self.headers.get('transfer_encoding', b''))).keys()
        return b'chunked' in list(vals)

    def write(self, data):
        interface method."""
        if self.has_finished():
            raise Exception("Cannot write() after the response is finished.")

        data = data.encode(self.charset) if isinstance(data, str) else data
        self.write_buffer = self.write_buffer or []

    def flush(self, finishing=False, callback=None):
        interface method."""
        if callback:
            self.flush_callback = callback

        self.finished = finishing

        if callable(self.write_buffer):

    def httperror(self, statuscode=b'500', message=b''):
        interface method."""
        self.statuscode = statuscode
        self.write(message) if message else None

    _renderers = {
        '.ttl': 'tayra.TTLCompiler',
    _renderer_plugins = {}

    def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
        interface method.
        positional argument,

            Instance of plugin implement
            :class:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest` interface.

            Dictionary of context information to be passed.

        keyword arguments,

            Template file to be used for rendering.

            Template text to be used for rendering.

            :class:`ITemplate` plugin to use for rendering. This argument
            must be in canonical form of plugin's name.

        If ``file`` keyword argument is passed, this method will resolve the
        correct renderer plugin based on file-extension. if ``text`` keyword
        argument is passed, better pass the ``ITemplate`` argument as
        request, context = args[0], args[1]
        renderer = kwargs.get('ITemplate', None)
        if renderer is None:
            tfile = kwargs.get('file', '')
            _, ext = splitext(tfile)
            renderer = self._renderers.get(ext, None) if ext else None

            # If in debug mode enable ttl file reloading.
            tfile = h.abspath_from_asset_spec(tfile)
            if self['debug'] and isfile(tfile):

        if renderer in self._renderer_plugins:
            plugin = self._renderer_plugins[renderer]
        elif renderer:
            plugin = self.qp(ITemplate, renderer)
            plugin = None

        if plugin:
            self.media_type = 'text/html'
            self._renderer_plugins.setdefault(renderer, plugin)
            return plugin.render(context, **kwargs)
            raise Exception('Unknown renderer')

    def chunk_generator(self, callback, request, c):
        interface method."""
        class ChunkGenerator(object):
            def __iter__(self):
                return self

            def next(self):
                return callback(request, c)

        return ChunkGenerator()

    #---- Local functions

    def _try_start_headers(self, finishing=True):
        """Generate default headers for this response. And return the
        byte-string of response header to write. This can be overriden
        by view callable attributes."""
        if self.start_response: return b''
        self.start_response = True
        stline = self._status_line()
        return self._header_data(self.headers, stline=stline)

    def _status_line(self):
        code = self.statuscode
        reason = http.client.responses[int(code)].encode('utf-8')
        return b' '.join([self.version, code, reason])

    def _header_data(self, headers, stline=b''):
        # TODO : 3 header field types are specifically prohibited from
        # appearing as a trailer field: Transfer-Encoding, Content-Length and
        # Trailer.
        lines = [stline] if stline else []
        for n, v in headers.items():
            nC = h.hdr_str2camelcase.get(n, None)
            if nC == None:
                n = n.encode('utf-8')
                nC = b'-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in n.split('_')])
            lines.append(nC + b': ' + v)

            lines.append(b"Set-Cookie: " + cookie.OutputString())
            for c in self.setcookies.values()

        return b"\r\n".join(lines) + b"\r\n\r\n"

    def _flush_body(self, finishing):
        data = b''.join(self.write_buffer)
        for tr in self.webapp.out_transformers:
            data = tr.transform(self.request, data, finishing=finishing)
        if self._if_etag():
            self.body = data
            self.body = b''
        self.set_header("content_length", len(self.body))
        data = self._try_start_headers(finishing=finishing)
        if self.request.method == b'HEAD':
        elif self.body:
            data += self.body
        self.httpconn.write(data, callback=self._onflush)
        self.write_buffer = []

    def _flush_chunk(self, finishing):
        self.add_headers('transfer_encoding', 'chunked')
        data = self._try_start_headers(finishing=finishing)

        chunk = self.write_buffer(self.request, self.c)
        for tr in self.webapp.out_transformers:
            chunk = tr.transform(self.request, chunk, finishing=finishing)

        if chunk:
            data += hex(len(chunk)).encode('utf-8') + b'\r\n' + chunk + b'\r\n'
            data += b'0\r\n'
            if self.trailers:
                data += self._header_data(self.trailers)
        self.httpconn.write(data, callback=self._onflush)

    def _if_etag(self):
        etag = self.headers.get('etag', '')
        if self.ischunked() == False and etag:
            im = self.request.headers.get("if_match", b'').strip()
            inm = self.request.headers.get("if_none_match", b'').strip()
            if ((im and im.find(etag) == -1)
                    or (inm and inm.find(etag) != -1)):
                return False
        return True

    def _onflush(self):
        if self.flush_callback:
            callback, self.flush_callback = self.flush_callback, None

        if self.has_finished(): self._onfinish()

    def _onfinish(self):
        if self.finish_callback:
            callback, self.finish_callback = self.finish_callback, None

    #---- ISettings interface methods

    def default_settings(cls):
        interface method."""
        return _ds1
Exemple #19
    <script src="../js-dir/createInput.js">

cook = SimpleCookie()
cook.load(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE", ""))
req = Request()
user = None
family = None
first = None
if "user" in cook.keys():
    user = str(cook.get("user")).split("=")[1]

if user is None:
    raise Exception("username is Bad")

db = db_exe()
info = db.account_get_check(user)

first = info[3]
family = info[2]

html = html_ % (family, first, user)
res = Response()
Exemple #20
class CookieJar:
    """Implements cookie storage adhering to RFC 6265."""

    DATE_TOKENS_RE = re.compile(

    DATE_HMS_TIME_RE = re.compile("(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})")

    DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH_RE = re.compile("(\d{1,2})")

    DATE_MONTH_RE = re.compile(
        "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)", re.I)

    DATE_YEAR_RE = re.compile("(\d{2,4})")

    def __init__(self, cookies=None, loop=None):
        self._cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._host_only_cookies = set()

        if cookies is not None:

    def cookies(self):
        """The session cookies."""
        return self._cookies

    def _expire_cookie(self, name):
        if name in self._cookies:
            del self._cookies[name]

    def update_cookies(self, cookies, response_url=None):
        """Update cookies."""
        url_parsed = urlsplit(response_url or "")
        hostname = url_parsed.hostname

        if is_ip_address(hostname):
            # Don't accept cookies from IPs

        if isinstance(cookies, dict):
            cookies = cookies.items()

        for name, value in cookies:
            if isinstance(value, Morsel):

                if not self._add_morsel(name, value, hostname):

                self._cookies[name] = value

            cookie = self._cookies[name]

            if not cookie["domain"] and hostname is not None:
                # Set the cookie's domain to the response hostname
                # and set its host-only-flag
                cookie["domain"] = hostname

            if not cookie["path"] or not cookie["path"].startswith("/"):
                # Set the cookie's path to the response path
                path = url_parsed.path
                if not path.startswith("/"):
                    path = "/"
                    # Cut everything from the last slash to the end
                    path = "/" + path[1:path.rfind("/")]
                cookie["path"] = path

            max_age = cookie["max-age"]
            if max_age:
                    delta_seconds = int(max_age)
                    self._loop.call_later(delta_seconds, self._expire_cookie,
                except ValueError:
                    cookie["max-age"] = ""

            expires = cookie["expires"]
            if not cookie["max-age"] and expires:
                expire_time = self._parse_date(expires)
                if expire_time:
                                       self._expire_cookie, name)
                    cookie["expires"] = ""

        # Remove the host-only flags of nonexistent cookies
        self._host_only_cookies -= (self._host_only_cookies.difference(

    def _add_morsel(self, name, value, hostname):
        """Add a Morsel to the cookie jar."""
        cookie_domain = value["domain"]
        if cookie_domain.startswith("."):
            # Remove leading dot
            cookie_domain = cookie_domain[1:]
            value["domain"] = cookie_domain

        if not cookie_domain or not hostname:
            dict.__setitem__(self._cookies, name, value)
            return True

        if not self._is_domain_match(cookie_domain, hostname):
            # Setting cookies for different domains is not allowed
            return False

        # use dict method because SimpleCookie class modifies value
        # before Python 3.4
        dict.__setitem__(self._cookies, name, value)
        return True

    def filter_cookies(self, request_url):
        """Returns this jar's cookies filtered by their attributes."""
        url_parsed = urlsplit(request_url)
        filtered = SimpleCookie()

        for name, cookie in self._cookies.items():
            cookie_domain = cookie["domain"]

            # Send shared cookies
            if not cookie_domain:
                dict.__setitem__(filtered, name, cookie)

            hostname = url_parsed.hostname or ""

            if is_ip_address(hostname):

            if name in self._host_only_cookies:
                if cookie_domain != hostname:
            elif not self._is_domain_match(cookie_domain, hostname):

            if not self._is_path_match(url_parsed.path, cookie["path"]):

            is_secure = url_parsed.scheme in ("https", "wss")

            if cookie["secure"] and not is_secure:

            dict.__setitem__(filtered, name, cookie)

        return filtered

    def _is_domain_match(domain, hostname):
        """Implements domain matching adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if hostname == domain:
            return True

        if not hostname.endswith(domain):
            return False

        non_matching = hostname[:-len(domain)]

        if not non_matching.endswith("."):
            return False

        return not is_ip_address(hostname)

    def _is_path_match(req_path, cookie_path):
        """Implements path matching adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if req_path == cookie_path:
            return True

        if not req_path.startswith(cookie_path):
            return False

        if cookie_path.endswith("/"):
            return True

        non_matching = req_path[len(cookie_path):]

        return non_matching.startswith("/")

    def _parse_date(cls, date_str):
        """Implements date string parsing adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if not date_str:

        found_time = False
        found_day_of_month = False
        found_month = False
        found_year = False

        hour = minute = second = 0
        day_of_month = 0
        month = ""
        year = 0

        for token_match in cls.DATE_TOKENS_RE.finditer(date_str):

            token = token_match.group("token")

            if not found_time:
                time_match = cls.DATE_HMS_TIME_RE.match(token)
                if time_match:
                    found_time = True
                    hour, minute, second = [
                        int(s) for s in time_match.groups()

            if not found_day_of_month:
                day_of_month_match = cls.DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH_RE.match(token)
                if day_of_month_match:
                    found_day_of_month = True
                    day_of_month = int(day_of_month_match.group())

            if not found_month:
                month_match = cls.DATE_MONTH_RE.match(token)
                if month_match:
                    found_month = True
                    month = month_match.group()

            if not found_year:
                year_match = cls.DATE_YEAR_RE.match(token)
                if year_match:
                    found_year = True
                    year = int(year_match.group())

        if 70 <= year <= 99:
            year += 1900
        elif 0 <= year <= 69:
            year += 2000

        if False in (found_day_of_month, found_month, found_year, found_time):

        if not 1 <= day_of_month <= 31:

        if year < 1601 or hour > 23 or minute > 59 or second > 59:

        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            "%s %d %d:%d:%d %d" %
            (month, day_of_month, hour, minute, second, year),
            "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

        return dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
Exemple #21
class CookieJar:
    """Implements cookie storage adhering to RFC 6265."""

    DATE_TOKENS_RE = re.compile(

    DATE_HMS_TIME_RE = re.compile("(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})")

    DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH_RE = re.compile("(\d{1,2})")

    DATE_MONTH_RE = re.compile(
        "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)", re.I)

    DATE_YEAR_RE = re.compile("(\d{2,4})")

    def __init__(self, cookies=None, loop=None):
        self._cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self._loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self._host_only_cookies = set()

        if cookies is not None:

    def cookies(self):
        """The session cookies."""
        return self._cookies

    def _expire_cookie(self, name):
        if name in self._cookies:
            del self._cookies[name]

    def update_cookies(self, cookies, response_url=None):
        """Update cookies."""
        url_parsed = urlsplit(response_url or "")
        hostname = url_parsed.hostname

        if is_ip_address(hostname):
            # Don't accept cookies from IPs

        if isinstance(cookies, dict):
            cookies = cookies.items()

        for name, value in cookies:
            if isinstance(value, Morsel):

                if not self._add_morsel(name, value, hostname):

                self._cookies[name] = value

            cookie = self._cookies[name]

            if not cookie["domain"] and hostname is not None:
                # Set the cookie's domain to the response hostname
                # and set its host-only-flag
                cookie["domain"] = hostname

            if not cookie["path"] or not cookie["path"].startswith("/"):
                # Set the cookie's path to the response path
                path = url_parsed.path
                if not path.startswith("/"):
                    path = "/"
                    # Cut everything from the last slash to the end
                    path = "/" + path[1:path.rfind("/")]
                cookie["path"] = path

            max_age = cookie["max-age"]
            if max_age:
                    delta_seconds = int(max_age)
                        delta_seconds, self._expire_cookie, name)
                except ValueError:
                    cookie["max-age"] = ""

            expires = cookie["expires"]
            if not cookie["max-age"] and expires:
                expire_time = self._parse_date(expires)
                if expire_time:
                        self._expire_cookie, name)
                    cookie["expires"] = ""

        # Remove the host-only flags of nonexistent cookies
        self._host_only_cookies -= (

    def _add_morsel(self, name, value, hostname):
        """Add a Morsel to the cookie jar."""
        cookie_domain = value["domain"]
        if cookie_domain.startswith("."):
            # Remove leading dot
            cookie_domain = cookie_domain[1:]
            value["domain"] = cookie_domain

        if not cookie_domain or not hostname:
            dict.__setitem__(self._cookies, name, value)
            return True

        if not self._is_domain_match(cookie_domain, hostname):
            # Setting cookies for different domains is not allowed
            return False

        # use dict method because SimpleCookie class modifies value
        # before Python 3.4
        dict.__setitem__(self._cookies, name, value)
        return True

    def filter_cookies(self, request_url):
        """Returns this jar's cookies filtered by their attributes."""
        url_parsed = urlsplit(request_url)
        filtered = SimpleCookie()

        for name, cookie in self._cookies.items():
            cookie_domain = cookie["domain"]

            # Send shared cookies
            if not cookie_domain:
                dict.__setitem__(filtered, name, cookie)

            hostname = url_parsed.hostname or ""

            if is_ip_address(hostname):

            if name in self._host_only_cookies:
                if cookie_domain != hostname:
            elif not self._is_domain_match(cookie_domain, hostname):

            if not self._is_path_match(url_parsed.path, cookie["path"]):

            is_secure = url_parsed.scheme in ("https", "wss")

            if cookie["secure"] and not is_secure:

            dict.__setitem__(filtered, name, cookie)

        return filtered

    def _is_domain_match(domain, hostname):
        """Implements domain matching adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if hostname == domain:
            return True

        if not hostname.endswith(domain):
            return False

        non_matching = hostname[:-len(domain)]

        if not non_matching.endswith("."):
            return False

        return not is_ip_address(hostname)

    def _is_path_match(req_path, cookie_path):
        """Implements path matching adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if req_path == cookie_path:
            return True

        if not req_path.startswith(cookie_path):
            return False

        if cookie_path.endswith("/"):
            return True

        non_matching = req_path[len(cookie_path):]

        return non_matching.startswith("/")

    def _parse_date(cls, date_str):
        """Implements date string parsing adhering to RFC 6265."""
        if not date_str:

        found_time = False
        found_day_of_month = False
        found_month = False
        found_year = False

        hour = minute = second = 0
        day_of_month = 0
        month = ""
        year = 0

        for token_match in cls.DATE_TOKENS_RE.finditer(date_str):

            token = token_match.group("token")

            if not found_time:
                time_match = cls.DATE_HMS_TIME_RE.match(token)
                if time_match:
                    found_time = True
                    hour, minute, second = [
                        int(s) for s in time_match.groups()]

            if not found_day_of_month:
                day_of_month_match = cls.DATE_DAY_OF_MONTH_RE.match(token)
                if day_of_month_match:
                    found_day_of_month = True
                    day_of_month = int(day_of_month_match.group())

            if not found_month:
                month_match = cls.DATE_MONTH_RE.match(token)
                if month_match:
                    found_month = True
                    month = month_match.group()

            if not found_year:
                year_match = cls.DATE_YEAR_RE.match(token)
                if year_match:
                    found_year = True
                    year = int(year_match.group())

        if 70 <= year <= 99:
            year += 1900
        elif 0 <= year <= 69:
            year += 2000

        if False in (found_day_of_month, found_month, found_year, found_time):

        if not 1 <= day_of_month <= 31:

        if year < 1601 or hour > 23 or minute > 59 or second > 59:

        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            "%s %d %d:%d:%d %d" % (
                month, day_of_month, hour, minute, second, year
            ), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

        return dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
Exemple #22
 def parse_cookies(self):
     cookie_data = self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
     cookies = SimpleCookie()
     if cookie_data:
     return {key: cookies.get(key).value for key in cookies.keys()}
Exemple #23
class Request(object):
    """Provide a consistent way to treat a Request."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.post = {}
        self.get = {}
        self.url = ''
        self.path_info = ''
        self.remote_address = ''
        self.remove_base_url = False  # needed for WSGI
        self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}

        self._incookies = SimpleCookie()
        self._outcookies = SimpleCookie()

    def setHeader(self, header, value):
        if not hasattr(self, 'headers'):
            self.headers = dict()
        self.headers[header] = value

    def setHeaders(self, headers={}):
        for header, value in headers.items():
            self.setHeader(header, value)

    def cookieHeaders(self):
        for name in self._outcookies.keys():
            path = self._outcookies[name].get('path')
            if path:
                path = path.replace(' ', '%20') \
                  .replace(';', '%3B') \
                  .replace(',', '%3C')
            self._outcookies[name]['path'] = path

        cookies = self._outcookies.output(header='')
        for cookie in cookies.splitlines():
            self.setHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.strip())
        # XXX overwrite header 'Set-Cookie' :S

        return self.headers['Set-Cookie']

    def write(self, content):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def writeResponse(self, response):
        self.write('Status: %d\r\n' % response.status_code)
        for header, value in response.headers.items():
            self.write('%s: %s\r\n' % (header, value))

    def setCookie(self, key, value, path='/', expires=None):
        self._outcookies[key] = value
        # make sure path does not contain trailing slash (#334)
        if path != '/':
            path = path.rstrip('/')

        self._outcookies[key]['path'] = path
        if expires:
            self._outcookies[key]['expires'] = expires

    def getCookie(self, key, default=None):
            value = self._incookies[key]
        except KeyError:
            return default

        if not value.value:
            return default

        return value.value

    def is_ajax(self):
        return 'ajax' in self.post or 'ajax' in self.get