def __init__(self, owner, locatordict={}):

        # load hub's classes
        MembersProfileBiography_Locators = self.load_class('MembersProfileBiography_Locators')

        # update this object's locator

        # update the locators with those from the owner

        # setup page object's components
        self.biography   = TextArea(self,{'base':'biography'})
        self.access      = Select(self,{'base':'access'})

        # update the component's locators with this objects overrides
class MembersProfileBiography(MembersProfileElement):
    def __init__(self, owner, locatordict={}):

        # load hub's classes
        MembersProfileBiography_Locators = self.load_class('MembersProfileBiography_Locators')

        # update this object's locator

        # update the locators with those from the owner

        # setup page object's components
        self.biography   = TextArea(self,{'base':'biography'})
        self.access      = Select(self,{'base':'access'})

        # update the component's locators with this objects overrides

    def value(self):
        """return a dictionary with the biography and access value settings"""

        return {'biography' : self.biography.value(),
                'access'    : self.access.value()}

    def update(self,biography=None,access=None):
        """update the biography and access settings"""

        if biography != None:
            self.biography.value = biography
        if access != None:
            self.access.value = access
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# open a web browser and load our example web page
browser = Firefox()
browser.get('file://'+ os.path.join(installdir,'iframe_example.html'))

# create a page object to hold the widgets
po = BasePageObject(browser,None)
po.locators = { 'frame1' : 'css=#frame1' ,
                'frame2' : 'css=#frame2' ,
                't0'     : 'css=#t0' ,
                't1'     : 'css=#t1' ,
                't2'     : 'css=#t2' , }

t0 = TextArea(po,{'base':'t0'})

# t1 is a widget that represents the text area
# element inside of the first iframe
t1 = IframeWrap( TextArea(po,{'base':'t1'}),
                 ['frame1'] )

# t2 is a widget that represents the text area
# element inside of the second iframe
t2 = IframeWrap( TextArea(po,{'base':'t2'}),
                 ['frame2', 'frame1'] )

# print out the current text in the widgets
print "t0.value = %s" % (t0.value)
print "t1.value = %s" % (t1.value)