Exemple #1
def add_accessPolicy2Proxy(policyResource, policyProxy_id, policyProxy_type, precedence, policyStartDate=None, policyEndDate=None):
    """add an access policy to a role/group, policyGroup, or tariff. There must be only 1 AccessPolicy per policyResource-policyProxy combination, for a particular period (no overlapping periods).
    policyProxy = obj_of_type(policyProxy_type, policyProxy_id)
    location = policyProxy.place

    if policyResource.place != location:
        raise ValueError("access_policies can only arbitrate access to resources that are in the same location as the PolicyProxy which confers it")
    kwargs = {'policy_resource':policyResource.id, 'location':location.id, 'precedence':precedence}
    kwargs['policyStartDate'] = policyStartDate and policyStartDate or date.min
    kwargs['policyEndDate'] = policyEndDate and policyEndDate or date.max

    if isinstance(policyProxy, Group):
        proxy_attr = 'group'
    elif isinstance(policyProxy, PolicyGroup):
        proxy_attr = 'policygroup'
    elif isinstance(policyProxy, Resource) and policyProxy.type == 'tariff':
        proxy_attr = 'tariff'
        raise ValueError("policy proxy is not of type ['Group, PolicyGroup', 'Resource'] OR it is a resource which is not of type 'tariff'. It is a "+  `type(policyProxy)`)
    kwargs[proxy_attr] = policyProxy.id
    conflict = AccessPolicy.select(AND(AccessPolicy.q.policy_resourceID == kwargs['policy_resource'],
                                       AccessPolicy.q.__getattr__(proxy_attr+'ID') == policyProxy.id))

    if conflict.count():
        raise ConflictingPolicy
    return create_object('AccessPolicy', **kwargs)
Exemple #2
def create_openTime(pol_id, openTimeDay, openTimeStartDate, openTimeDate, openTimeStart, openTimeEnd):

    """create a new open time object
    if not check_time_data(openTimeDay, openTimeStartDate, openTimeDate, openTimeStart, openTimeEnd):
        raise "not good openTime data"
    if openTimeDay is not None and not openTimeStartDate:
        openTimeStartDate = datetime.date.min
    return create_object('Open', policy=pol_id, openTimeStartDate=openTimeStartDate, openTimeDay=openTimeDay, openTimeDate=openTimeDate, openTimeStart=openTimeStart, openTimeEnd=openTimeEnd)
Exemple #3
def update_locations():
    from hubspace.utilities.object import create_object
    from hubspace.openTimes import create_default_open_times, add_accessPolicy2Proxy
    from hubspace.model import Location, Group
    for location in Location.select():
        cal = create_object('Resource', type='calendar', time_based=1, active=0, place=location.id, name='calendar', description='calendar')
        location.calendar = cal.id
        for level in ['member', 'host', 'director']:
            group = Group.select(AND(Group.q.level == level,
                                     Group.q.placeID == location.id))[0]
            access_policy = add_accessPolicy2Proxy(cal, group.id, 'Group', 5, None, None)
Exemple #4
def addUser2Group(user=None, group=None, book=True):
    if user not in group.users:
        kwargs = {'user':user, 'group':group}
        create_object('UserGroup', **kwargs)
    return 'ok'
Exemple #5
def new_group(**kwargs):
    group = create_object('Group', **kwargs)
    group_name = group.group_name
    print 'Created ', group_name
    return group
Exemple #6
def add_policy_group(name, description, location):
    policy_group = create_object('PolicyGroup', **{'name':name, 'description':description, 'place':location})
    return policy_group