def main(new_args, get_model_fn): args = Nestedspace() args.load_from_json(osp.join(new_args.path, 'args.json')) args.from_dict(new_args.to_dict()) # override previous args device = torch.device(args.device) cudnn.benchmark = False print( hue.bold(hue.lightgreen('Working directory: {}'.format( args.path))))) np.random.seed(args.seed) torch.manual_seed(args.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.seed) gallery_loader, probe_loader = get_data_loader(args, train=False) model = get_model_fn(args, training=False, pretrained_backbone=False) args.resume = osp.join(args.path, 'checkpoint.pth') args, model, _, _ = resume_from_checkpoint(args, model) name_to_boxes, all_feats, probe_feats = \ inference(model, gallery_loader, probe_loader, device) print('Evaluating detections:')) precision, recall = detection_performance_calc(gallery_loader.dataset, name_to_boxes.values(), det_thresh=0.01) print('Evaluating search: ')) gallery_size = 100 if args.dataset == 'CUHK-SYSU' else -1 ret = gallery_loader.dataset.search_performance_calc( gallery_loader.dataset, probe_loader.dataset, name_to_boxes.values(), all_feats, probe_feats, det_thresh=0.5, gallery_size=gallery_size) # import IPython # IPython.embed() return ret['mAP']
def download_mp4(capitol): # Create save directory save_dir = Path("capitols") try: save_dir.mkdir() except FileExistsError: pass file_name = Path(f"{capitol['nom_friendly']}.mp4") if (save_dir / file_name).exists(): print(good(f"{file_name} already exists")) else: print(run(f"Downloading {file_name}"))["url_mp4"], str(save_dir / file_name)) print() print(good(f"{file_name} correctly downloaded"))
def connect(self, host, port, name, user, password): self.hashobject.update(password.encode('utf-8')) try: self.socket.connect((host, port)) print('Successfully connected')) self.socket.send( str({ 'type': 'login', 'database': str(name), 'user': str(user), 'password': self.hashobject.hexdigest() }).encode('utf-8')) except: print( huepy.bad( 'Connection failed, please check the network or address')) return False returnValue = dict(eval(self.socket.recv(3012))) if returnValue['type'] == 'error': if returnValue['state'] == '404': print( huepy.bad( 'Connection failed, please check the address or databasename' )) return False elif returnValue['state'] == '1304': print( huepy.bad( 'Connection failed, please check the username or password' )) return False else: print(huepy.bad('Connection failed')) return False elif returnValue['type'] == 'token': self.Token = returnValue['token'] print( huepy.good('Downloaded identity certificate:' + returnValue['token'])) return True
def run(text): print(
def print_stats(self): print(run(bg("Turn #{}".format( self.player.output_stats()
from binascii import hexlify from utils import hex2dec, xor_strings from huepy import run, info, good, bad if __name__ == '__main__': # Write a function that takes two equal-length buffers # and produces their XOR combination. # If your function works properly, then when you feed it the string: string1_hex = "1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c" print(run(f'string1 hex: {string1_hex}')) string1_dec = hex2dec(string1_hex, True) print(run(f'string1 decoded: {string1_dec}')) # ... after hex decoding, and when XOR'd against: string2_hex = "686974207468652062756c6c277320657965" print(run(f'string2 hex: {string2_hex}')) string2_dec = hex2dec(string2_hex, True) print(run(f'string2 decoded: {string2_dec}')) # ... should produce: expected_result = "746865206b696420646f6e277420706c6179" xored_dec = xor_strings(string1_dec, string2_dec, bytes_out=True) print(info(f'xored_decoded: {xored_dec}')) xored_hex = hexlify(xored_dec).decode('utf-8') print(info(f'xored_hex: {xored_hex}')) print(info(f'expected_result: {xored_hex}')) if xored_hex == expected_result: print(good('result true')) else:
real_ciphertext = encryption_oracle.encrypt(prefix) for i in range(256): test_ciphertext = encryption_oracle.encrypt(prefix + known_bytes + bytes([i])) if test_ciphertext[:test_length] == real_ciphertext[:test_length]: return bytes([i]) return b'' if __name__ == '__main__': data = read_data('12') encryption_oracle = EncryptionOracleECB(data) print(run("Discovering block size...")) block_size = discover_block_size(encryption_oracle) print(good(f"Block size: {block_size} bytes")) if not detect_ecb_mode(encryption_oracle): print(bad("The cipher is NOT using ECB mode")) else: print(info("The cipher is using ECB mode")) decrypted_data = b'' data_length = len(encryption_oracle.encrypt(b'')) for i in range(data_length): next_byte = find_byte(encryption_oracle, block_size, decrypted_data) decrypted_data += next_byte # print(decrypted_data) print(run("Decrypting: " + "{:4.2f}".format(100 * (i + 1) / data_length) + "%"),
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # huepy muss vorher installiert werden. import huepy print(huepy.bold("red and bold"))) print("Starte...")) print("Info!!")) print(huepy.bad("Schlecht!")) print(huepy.good("Gut!")) input(huepy.que("Frage? ")) # mit Fortschritt: from tqdm import tqdm for x in tqdm(range(5000000),"Dinge")): pass
rpn_pre_nms_top_n_test=args.test.rpn_pre_nms_top_n, rpn_post_nms_top_n_test=args.test.rpn_post_nms_top_n, rpn_nms_thresh=args.test.rpn_nms_thresh, # Box parameters box_nms_thresh=args.test.nms, box_detections_per_img=args.test.rpn_post_nms_top_n, ) args.resume = osp.join(args.path, 'checkpoint.pth') args, model, _, _ = resume_from_checkpoint(args, model) name_to_boxes, all_feats, probe_feats = \ inference(model, gallery_loader, probe_loader, device) print('Evaluating detections:')) precision, recall = detection_performance_calc(gallery_loader.dataset, name_to_boxes.values(), det_thresh=0.01) print('Evaluating search: ')) gallery_size = 100 if args.dataset == 'CUHK-SYSU' else -1 ret = gallery_loader.dataset.search_performance_calc( gallery_loader.dataset, probe_loader.dataset, name_to_boxes.values(), all_feats, probe_feats, det_thresh=0.5, gallery_size=gallery_size)
print(info(f"Oracle: {lpurple('ECB')}")) else: iv = generate_aes_key() cipher_text = aes128_cbc_encrypt(plain_text_ext, iv, key) print(info(f"Oracle: {lblue('CBC')}")) return cipher_text if __name__ == '__main__': ''' This function detect if ECB of CBC mode is used The problem with ECB is that it is stateless and deterministic; the same 16 byte plaintext block will always produce the same 16 byte ciphertext. Due that, if we generate always the same data, the ecb mode will be always output the same ciphertext (except the random bytes added) ''' data = bytes([0]) * 200 cipher_text = encryption_oracle(data) blocks = divide_in_blocks(cipher_text, 16) num_repeated_blocks = len(blocks) - len(set(blocks)) if num_repeated_blocks: print(run(f"Number of repeated blocks: {red(num_repeated_blocks)}")) print(good(f"The cipher is using {lpurple('ECB')} mode")) else: print(run(f"Number of repeated blocks: {green(num_repeated_blocks)}")) print(good(f"The cipher is using {lblue('CBC')} mode"))