Exemple #1
def list_datasets(with_community_datasets=True, with_details=False):
    """List all the datasets scripts available on the Hugging Face Hub.

        with_community_datasets (:obj:`bool`, optional, default ``True``): Include the community provided datasets.
        with_details (:obj:`bool`, optional, default ``False``): Return the full details on the datasets instead of only the short name.


    >>> from datasets import list_datasets
    >>> list_datasets()
    datasets = huggingface_hub.list_datasets(full=with_details)
    if not with_community_datasets:
        datasets = [dataset for dataset in datasets if "/" not in dataset.id]
    if not with_details:
        datasets = [dataset.id for dataset in datasets]
    return datasets
def list_datasets(with_community_datasets=True, with_details=False):
    """List all the datasets scripts available on the Hugging Face Hub.

        with_community_datasets (``bool``, optional, default ``True``): Include the community provided datasets.
        with_details (``bool``, optional, default ``False``): Return the full details on the datasets instead of only the short name.
    datasets = huggingface_hub.list_datasets(full=with_details)
    if not with_community_datasets:
        datasets = [dataset for dataset in datasets if "/" not in dataset.id]
    if not with_details:
        datasets = [dataset.id for dataset in datasets]
    return datasets