Exemple #1
def scan_packages(repository, packages_file=None, cache=None):
    A reimplementation of the ``dpkg-scanpackages -m`` command in Python.

    Updates a ``Packages`` file based on the Debian package archive(s) found in
    the given directory. Uses :py:class:`.PackageCache` to (optionally) speed
    up the process significantly by caching package metadata and hashes on
    disk. This explains why this function can be much faster than
    ``dpkg-scanpackages -m``.

    :param repository: The pathname of a directory containing Debian
                       package archives (a string).
    :param packages_file: The pathname of the ``Packages`` file to update
                          (a string). Defaults to the ``Packages`` file in
                          the given directory.
    :param cache: The :py:class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to ``None``).
    # By default the `Packages' file inside the repository is updated.
    if not packages_file:
        packages_file = os.path.join(repository, 'Packages')
    # Update the `Packages' file.
    timer = Timer()
    package_archives = glob.glob(os.path.join(repository, '*.deb'))
    num_packages = len(package_archives)
    spinner = Spinner(total=num_packages)
    with open(packages_file, 'wb') as handle:
        for i, archive in enumerate(optimize_order(package_archives), start=1):
            fields = dict(inspect_package_fields(archive, cache=cache))
            fields.update(get_packages_entry(archive, cache=cache))
            deb822_dict = unparse_control_fields(fields)
            spinner.step(label="Scanning package metadata", progress=i)
    logger.debug("Wrote %i entries to output Packages file in %s.", num_packages, timer)
def check_version_conflicts(dependency_set, cache=None):
    Check for version conflicts in a dependency set.

    :param dependency_set: A list of filenames (strings) of ``*.deb`` files.
    :param cache: The :class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to :data:`None`).
    :raises: :exc:`VersionConflictFound` when one or more version
             conflicts are found.

    For each Debian binary package archive given, check if a newer version of
    the same package exists in the same repository (directory). This analysis
    can be very slow. To make it faster you can use the
    timer = Timer()
    summary = []
    dependency_set = list(map(parse_filename, dependency_set))
    spinner = Spinner(total=len(dependency_set))
    logger.info("Checking for version conflicts in %i package(s) ..", len(dependency_set))
    for i, archive in enumerate(dependency_set, start=1):
        if archive.newer_versions:
                    Dependency set includes {dependency} but newer version(s)
                    of that package also exist and will take precedence:
            """, dependency=format_path(archive.filename)))
            summary.append("\n".join(" - %s" % format_path(a.filename) for a in sorted(archive.newer_versions)))
        spinner.step(label="Checking for version conflicts", progress=i)
    if summary:
        summary.insert(0, "One or more version conflicts found:")
        raise VersionConflictFound('\n\n'.join(summary))
        logger.info("No version conflicts found (took %s).", timer)
Exemple #3
 def __enter__(self):
     """Atomically lock the given pathname."""
     spinner = Spinner()
     timer = Timer()
     while True:
         if makedirs(self.lock_directory):
         elif self.wait:
             spinner.step(label="Waiting for lock on %s: %s .." % (self.pathname, timer))
             msg = "Failed to lock %s for exclusive access!"
             raise ResourceLockedException(msg % self.pathname)
 def __enter__(self):
     """Atomically lock the given pathname."""
     spinner = Spinner()
     timer = Timer()
     while True:
         if makedirs(self.lock_directory):
         elif self.wait:
             spinner.step(label="Waiting for lock on %s: %s .." % (self.pathname, timer))
             msg = "Failed to lock %s for exclusive access!"
             raise ResourceLockedException(msg % self.pathname)
Exemple #5
 def __RunThreads(self):
     # Run timer thread
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     # Check if 1 thread
     if self.name == "EMAIL":
         self.threads_count = 1
     # Create flood threads
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     # Start flood threads
     with Spinner(
             f"{Fore.YELLOW}Запуск{self.threads_count} линий... {Fore.RESET}",
     ) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     # Wait flood threads for stop
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] {Fore.YELLOW}Останавливаем линию номер {index + 1}.{Fore.RESET}"
Exemple #6
def wait_for_processes(processes):
    Wait for the given processes to end.

    Prints an overview of running processes to the terminal once a second so
    the user knows what they are waiting for.

    This function is not specific to :mod:`proc.cron` at all (it doesn't
    even need to know what cron jobs are), it just waits until all of the given
    processes have ended.

    :param processes: A list of :class:`~proc.tree.ProcessNode` objects.
    wait_timer = Timer()
    running_processes = list(processes)
    for process in running_processes:
        logger.info("Waiting for process %i: %s (runtime is %s)", process.pid,
    with Spinner(timer=wait_timer) as spinner:
        while True:
            for process in list(running_processes):
                if not process.is_alive:
            if not running_processes:
            num_processes = pluralize(len(running_processes), "process",
            process_ids = concatenate(str(p.pid) for p in running_processes)
            spinner.step(label="Waiting for %s: %s" %
                         (num_processes, process_ids))
    logger.info("All processes have finished, we're done waiting (took %s).",
Exemple #7
 def __RunThreads(self):
     # Run timer thread
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     # Check if 1 thread
     if self.name == "EMAIL":
         self.threads_count = 1
     # Create flood threads
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     # Start flood threads
     with Spinner(
             f"{Fore.YELLOW}Başlatılıyor... {self.threads_count} threads{Fore.RESET}",
     ) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     # Wait flood threads for stop
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] {Fore.YELLOW}Hedefe saldırı durduruldu {index + 1}.{Fore.RESET}"
Exemple #8
    def wait_for_process(self, timeout=0, use_spinner=None):
        Wait until the process ends or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the process to
                        terminate after we've asked it nicely (defaults
                        to zero which means we wait indefinitely).
        :param use_spinner: Whether or not to display an interactive spinner
                            on the terminal (using :class:`~humanfriendly.Spinner`)
                            to explain to the user what they are waiting for:

                            - :data:`True` enables the spinner,
                            - :data:`False` disables the spinner,
                            - :data:`None` (the default) means the spinner is
                              enabled when the program is connected to an
                              interactive terminal, otherwise it's disabled.
        :returns: A :class:`~humanfriendly.Timer` object telling you how long
                  it took to wait for the process.
        with Timer(resumable=True) as timer:
            with Spinner(interactive=use_spinner, timer=timer) as spinner:
                while self.is_running:
                    if timeout and timer.elapsed_time >= timeout:
                    spinner.step(label="Waiting for process %i to terminate" %
            return timer
Exemple #9
    def wait_until_connected(self, port_number=None):
        Wait until the TCP server starts accepting connections.

        :param port_number: The port number to check (an integer, defaults to
                            the computed value of :attr:`port_number`).
        :raises: :exc:`TimeoutError` when the SSH server isn't fast enough to
        timer = Timer()
        if port_number is None:
            port_number = self.port_number
        location = self.render_location(port_number=port_number)
        with Spinner(timer=timer) as spinner:
            while not self.is_connected(port_number):
                if timer.elapsed_time > self.wait_timeout:
                    msg = "%s server didn't start accepting connections within timeout of %s!"
                    raise TimeoutError(msg %
                    label="Waiting for server to accept connections (%s)" %
        self.logger.debug("Waited %s for server to accept connections (%s).",
                          timer, location)
Exemple #10
 def __RunThreads(self):
     # Run timer thread
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     # Check if 1 thread
     if self.name == "EMAIL":
         self.threads_count = 1
     # Create flood threads
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     # Start flood threads
     with Spinner(
             label=f"{cs(f'Starting {self.threads_count} threads', yellow)}",
     ) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     # Wait flood threads for stop
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"{cs('[+]', green)} {cs(f'Stopped thread {(index + 1)}', yellow)}"
Exemple #11
    def run(self):
        Keep spawning commands and collecting results until all commands have run.

        :returns: The value of :attr:`results`.
        :raises: Any exceptions raised by :func:`collect()`.

        This method calls :func:`spawn()` and :func:`collect()` in a loop until
        all commands registered using :func:`add()` have run and finished. If
        :func:`collect()` raises an exception any running commands are
        terminated before the exception is propagated to the caller.

        If you're writing code where you want to own the main loop then
        consider calling :func:`spawn()` and :func:`collect()` directly instead
        of using :func:`run()`.

        When :attr:`concurrency` is set to one, specific care is taken to make
        sure that the callbacks configured by :attr:`.start_event` and
        :attr:`.finish_event` are called in the expected (intuitive) order.
        # Start spawning processes to execute the commands.
        timer = Timer()
        logger.debug("Preparing to run %s with a concurrency of %i ..",
                     pluralize(self.num_commands, "command"), self.concurrency)
            with Spinner(interactive=self.spinner, timer=timer) as spinner:
                num_started = 0
                num_collected = 0
                while not self.is_finished:
                    # When concurrency is set to one (I know, initially it
                    # sounds like a silly use case, bear with me) I want the
                    # start_event and finish_event callbacks of external
                    # commands to fire in the right order. The following
                    # conditional is intended to accomplish this goal.
                    if self.concurrency > (num_started - num_collected):
                        num_started += self.spawn()
                    num_collected += self.collect()
                        "Waiting for %i/%i %s",
                        self.num_commands - self.num_finished,
                        "command" if self.num_commands == 1 else "commands",
        except Exception:
            if self.num_running > 0:
                    "Command pool raised exception, terminating running commands!"
            # Terminate commands that are still running.
            # Re-raise the exception to the caller.
        # Collect the output and return code of any commands not yet collected.
        logger.debug("Finished running %s in %s.",
                     pluralize(self.num_commands, "command"), timer)
        # Report the results to the caller.
        return self.results
Exemple #12
def create_callback(encoder):
    encoder_len = encoder.len
    bar = Spinner(label="Pushing", total=encoder_len)

    def callback(monitor):

    return callback
Exemple #13
	def WPRun(self):
		count = 0
		with Spinner(label="Enumeration") as spinner:
			for i in range(15):
			print ""
		column_user = ["ID","Username","Login"]
		print format_pretty_table(self.CheckUser(self.users),column_user)
Exemple #14
def run_command(command_line):
    """Run an external command and show a spinner while the command is running."""
    timer = Timer()
    spinner_label = "Waiting for command: %s" % " ".join(map(pipes.quote, command_line))
    with Spinner(label=spinner_label, timer=timer) as spinner:
        process = subprocess.Popen(command_line)
        while True:
            if process.poll() is not None:
Exemple #15
def wait_for_internet_connection():
    Wait for an active internet connection.

    This works by sending ``ping`` requests to ```` (one of the Google
    public DNS IPv4 addresses) and returning as soon as a ping request gets a
    successful response. The ping interval and timeout is one second.
    timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Checking internet connection ..")
    if have_internet_connection():
        logger.info("We're already connected!")
        logger.info("We're not connected yet, waiting ..")
        with Spinner(label="Waiting for internet connection", timer=timer) as spinner:
            while not have_internet_connection():
        logger.info("Internet connection is now ready (waited %s).", timer)
Exemple #16
    def wait_until_connected(self):
        Wait until connections are being accepted.

        :raises: :exc:`TimeoutError` when the SSH server isn't fast enough to
        timer = Timer()
        with Spinner(timer=timer) as spinner:
            while not self.is_connected:
                if timer.elapsed_time > self.wait_timeout:
                    raise TimeoutError(
                            "Failed to establish connection to %s within configured timeout of %s!",
                spinner.step(label="Waiting for %s to accept connections" %
        logger.debug("Waited %s for %s to accept connections.", timer, self)
Exemple #17
def start_gpg_agent(timeout=LAUNCH_TIMEOUT):
    Start a new gpg-agent daemon in the background.

    :param timeout: The timeout for the newly launched GPG agent daemon to
                    start (a number, defaults to :data:`LAUNCH_TIMEOUT`).
    :returns: The return value of :func:`find_gpg_agent_info()`.
    timer = Timer()
    logger.info("Starting a new GPG agent daemon ..")
    execute('gpg-agent', '--daemon', async=True, silent=True)
    with Spinner(timer=timer) as spinner:
        while timer.elapsed_time < LAUNCH_TIMEOUT:
            gpg_agent_info = find_gpg_agent_info()
            if gpg_agent_info:
                logger.debug("Waited %s for GPG agent daemon to start.", timer)
                return gpg_agent_info
            spinner.step(label="Waiting for GPG agent daemon")
    logger.warning("Failed to locate spawned GPG agent! (waited for %s)",
Exemple #18
 def __RunThreads(self):
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     if self.name == "EMAIL":
         self.threads_count = 1
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     with Spinner(
             f"{Fore.YELLOW}Starting {self.threads_count} threads{Fore.RESET}",
     ) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] {Fore.YELLOW}Stopped thread {index + 1}.{Fore.RESET}"
Exemple #19
 def __RunThreads(self):
     # Run timer thread
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     # Create flood threads
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     # Start flood threads
     with Spinner(
             label=f"[{pink}]Starting {self.threads_count} threads[/{pink}]",
     ) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     # Wait flood threads for stop
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"[{green}][+][/{green}] [{yellow}]Stopped thread {(index + 1)}[/{yellow}]"
Exemple #20
    def wait_for_process(self, timeout=0):
        Wait until the process ends or the timeout expires.

        :param timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the process to
                        terminate after we've asked it nicely (defaults
                        to zero which means we wait indefinitely).
        :returns: A :class:`~humanfriendly.Timer` object telling you how long
                  it took to wait for the process.

        This method renders an interactive spinner on the terminal using
        :class:`~humanfriendly.Spinner` to explain to the user what they are
        waiting for.
        timer = Timer()
        with Spinner(timer=timer) as spinner:
            while self.is_running:
                if timeout and timer.elapsed_time >= timeout:
                spinner.step(label="Waiting for process %i to terminate" % self.pid)
        return timer
Exemple #21
 def __RunThreads(self):
     # Run timer thread
     thread = Thread(target=self.__RunTimer)
     # Create flood threads
     for _ in range(self.threads_count):
         thread = Thread(target=self.__RunFlood)
     # Start flood threads
     with Spinner(
             f"{Fore.YELLOW}Starting {self.threads_count} threads{Fore.RESET}",
             total=100) as spinner:
         for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             spinner.step(100 / len(self.threads) * (index + 1))
     # Wait flood threads for stop
     for index, thread in enumerate(self.threads):
             f"{Fore.GREEN}[+] {Fore.YELLOW}Stopped thread {index + 1}.{Fore.RESET}"
def check_version_conflicts(dependency_set, cache=None):
    Check for version conflicts in a dependency set.

    For each Debian binary package archive given, check if a newer version of
    the same package exists in the same repository (directory). This analysis
    can be very slow. To make it faster you can use the

    :param dependency_set: A list of filenames (strings) of ``*.deb`` files.
    :param cache: The :py:class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to ``None``).
    :raises: :py:class:`VersionConflictFound` when one or more version
             conflicts are found.
    timer = Timer()
    summary = []
    dependency_set = list(map(parse_filename, dependency_set))
    spinner = Spinner(total=len(dependency_set))
    logger.info("Checking for version conflicts in %i package(s) ..",
    for i, archive in enumerate(dependency_set, start=1):
        if archive.newer_versions:
                    Dependency set includes {dependency} but newer version(s)
                    of that package also exist and will take precedence:
            summary.append("\n".join(" - %s" % format_path(a.filename)
                                     for a in sorted(archive.newer_versions)))
        spinner.step(label="Checking for version conflicts", progress=i)
    if summary:
        summary.insert(0, "One or more version conflicts found:")
        raise VersionConflictFound('\n\n'.join(summary))
        logger.info("No version conflicts found (took %s).", timer)
Exemple #23
def scan_packages(repository, packages_file=None, cache=None):
    A reimplementation of the ``dpkg-scanpackages -m`` command in Python.

    Updates a ``Packages`` file based on the Debian package archive(s) found in
    the given directory. Uses :class:`.PackageCache` to (optionally) speed
    up the process significantly by caching package metadata and hashes on
    disk. This explains why this function can be much faster than
    ``dpkg-scanpackages -m``.

    :param repository: The pathname of a directory containing Debian
                       package archives (a string).
    :param packages_file: The pathname of the ``Packages`` file to update
                          (a string). Defaults to the ``Packages`` file in
                          the given directory.
    :param cache: The :class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to :data:`None`).
    # By default the `Packages' file inside the repository is updated.
    if not packages_file:
        packages_file = os.path.join(repository, 'Packages')
    # Update the `Packages' file.
    timer = Timer()
    package_archives = glob.glob(os.path.join(repository, '*.deb'))
    num_packages = len(package_archives)
    spinner = Spinner(total=num_packages)
    with open(packages_file, 'wb') as handle:
        for i, archive in enumerate(optimize_order(package_archives), start=1):
            fields = dict(inspect_package_fields(archive, cache=cache))
            fields.update(get_packages_entry(archive, cache=cache))
            deb822_dict = unparse_control_fields(fields)
            spinner.step(label="Scanning package metadata", progress=i)
    logger.debug("Wrote %i entries to output Packages file in %s.",
                 num_packages, timer)
def collect_related_packages(filename, cache=None):
    Collect the package archive(s) related to the given package archive. This
    works by parsing and resolving the dependencies of the given package to
    filenames of package archives, then parsing and resolving the dependencies
    of those package archives, etc. until no more relationships can be resolved
    to existing package archives.

    :param filename: The filename of an existing ``*.deb`` archive (a string).
    :param cache: The :py:class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to ``None``).
    :returns: A list of :py:class:`PackageFile` objects.

    This function is used to implement the ``deb-pkg-tools --collect`` command:

    .. code-block:: sh

       $ deb-pkg-tools -c /tmp python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Collecting packages related to ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-coloredlogs_0.4.8-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-chardet_2.2.1-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-humanfriendly_1.7.1-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-debian_0.1.21-1_all.deb ..
       Found 5 package archives:
        - ~/python-chardet_2.2.1-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-coloredlogs_0.4.8-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-humanfriendly_1.7.1-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-debian_0.1.21-1_all.deb
       Copy 5 package archives to /tmp? [Y/n] y
       2014-05-18 08:33:44 deb_pkg_tools.cli INFO Done! Copied 5 package archives to /tmp.

    .. note:: The implementation of this function can be somewhat slow when
              you're dealing with a lot of packages, but this function is meant
              to be used interactively so I don't think it will be a big issue.
    filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    logger.info("Collecting packages related to %s ..", format_path(filename))
    # Internal state.
    relationship_sets = set()
    packages_to_scan = [filename]
    related_packages = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # Preparations.
    available_packages = find_package_archives(os.path.dirname(filename))
    # Loop to collect the related packages.
    num_scanned_packages = 0
    spinner = Spinner(total=len(available_packages) / 2)
    while packages_to_scan:
        filename = packages_to_scan.pop(0)
        logger.debug("Scanning %s ..", format_path(filename))
        # Find the relationships of the given package.
        fields = inspect_package_fields(filename, cache)
        if 'Depends' in fields:
        # Collect all related packages from the given directory.
        packages_to_skip = []
        for package in available_packages:
            package_matches = None
            for relationships in relationship_sets:
                status = relationships.matches(package.name, package.version)
                if status == True and package_matches != False:
                    package_matches = True
                elif status == False:
                    package_matches = False
            if package_matches == True:
                logger.debug("Package archive matched all relationships: %s", package.filename)
            elif package_matches == False:
                # If we are sure we can exclude a package from all further
                # iterations, it's worth it to speed up the process on big
                # dependency sets.
            spinner.step(label="Collecting related packages", progress=num_scanned_packages)
        for package in packages_to_skip:
        num_scanned_packages += 1
    # Pick the latest version of the collected packages.
    return list(map(find_latest_version, related_packages.values()))
def wait_at_least(seconds):
    with Spinner(label="Waiting", total=5) as spinner:
        for progress in range(1, seconds + 1):  # Update each second
def collect_related_packages_helper(candidate_archives, given_archive, cache):
    Internal helper that enables :py:func:`collect_related_packages()` to
    perform conflict resolution (which would otherwise get very complex).
    # Enable mutation of the candidate archives data structure inside the scope
    # of this function without mutating the original data structure.
    candidate_archives = copy.deepcopy(candidate_archives)
    # Prepare some internal state.
    archives_to_scan = [given_archive]
    collected_archives = []
    relationship_sets = set()
    # Loop to collect the related packages.
    spinner = Spinner(label="Collecting related packages", timer=Timer())
    while archives_to_scan:
        selected_archive = archives_to_scan.pop(0)
        logger.debug("Scanning %s ..", format_path(selected_archive.filename))
        # Find the relationships of the given package.
        control_fields = inspect_package_fields(selected_archive.filename, cache)
        for field_name in DEPENDENCY_FIELDS:
            if field_name in control_fields:
        # For each group of package archives sharing the same package name ..
        for package_name in sorted(candidate_archives):
            # For each version of the package ..
            for package_archive in list(candidate_archives[package_name]):
                package_matches = match_relationships(package_archive, relationship_sets)
                if package_matches == True:
                    logger.debug("Package archive matched all relationships: %s", package_archive.filename)
                    # Move the selected version of the package archive from the
                    # candidates to the list of selected package archives.
                    # Prepare to scan and collect dependencies of the selected
                    # package archive in a future iteration of the outermost
                    # (while) loop.
                    # Ignore all other versions of the package inside this call
                    # to collect_related_packages_helper().
                    # Break out of the loop to avoid scanning other versions of
                    # this package archive; we've made our choice now.
                elif package_matches == False:
                    # If we're sure we can exclude this version of the package
                    # from future iterations it could be worth it to speed up
                    # the process on big repositories / dependency sets.
                    # Keep looking for a match in another version.
                elif package_matches == None:
                    # Break out of the loop that scans multiple versions of the
                    # same package because none of the relationship sets collected
                    # so far reference the name of this package (this is intended
                    # as a harmless optimization).
    # Check for conflicts in the collected set of related package archives.
    conflicts = [a for a in collected_archives if not match_relationships(a, relationship_sets)]
    if conflicts:
        raise CollectedPackagesConflict(conflicts)
        return collected_archives
Exemple #27
    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement, setup_command):
        Convert an unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param setup_command: A list of strings with the arguments to
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error (e.g.
                 because of missing binary dependencies like system
        :raises: :exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name, requirement.version))
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s binary distribution" % requirement
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
            logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
        # Let the user know (approximately) which command is being executed
        # (I don't think it's necessary to show them the nasty details :-).
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s",
                     ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, [self.config.python_executable, 'setup.py'] + setup_command)))
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        # This nasty command line forces the use of setuptools (instead of
        # distutils) just like pip does. This will cause the `*.egg-info'
        # metadata to be written to a directory instead of a file, which
        # (amongst other things) enables tracking of installed files.
        command_line = [
            self.config.python_executable, '-c',
                'import setuptools',
                '__file__=%r' % setup_script,
                r"exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))",
        ] + setup_command
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(command_line, cwd=requirement.source_directory, stdout=fd, stderr=fd)
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed("Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                                      name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    variables = dict(name=requirement.name,
                    raise NoBuildOutput("""
                        Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one
                        distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})
                    """, **variables)
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                """, message=e.args[0], output=build_output.strip())
                e.args = (enhanced_message,)
            logger.info("Finished building %s in %s.", requirement.name, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
            # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
            # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
            # be removed because it is used by another process.
Exemple #28
def build_binary_dist(package, version, directory, python='/usr/bin/python'):
    Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.
    Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary distribution (probably
    because of missing binary dependencies like system libraries).

    :param package: The name of the requirement to build.
    :param version: The version of the requirement to build.
    :param directory: The directory where the unpacked sources of the
                      requirement are available.
    :param python: The pathname of the Python executable to use to run
                   ``setup.py`` (obviously this should point to a working
                   Python installation).
    :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
    build_timer = Timer()
    # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
    setup_script = os.path.join(directory, 'setup.py')
    if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
        msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
        raise InvalidSourceDistribution, msg % (directory, package, version)
    # Let the user know what's going on.
    build_text = "Building binary distribution of %s (%s) .." % (package, version)
    logger.info("%s", build_text)
    # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
    dist_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'dist')
    if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
        logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
    # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
    command_line = '%s setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar' % pipes.quote(python)
    logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
    # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
    fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
        # Start the build.
        build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=directory)
        # Wait for build to finish, provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
        spinner = Spinner(build_text)
        while build.poll() is None:
        # Check whether the build succeeded.
        if build.returncode != 0:
            # It it didn't we'll provide the user with some hints as to what went wrong.
            msg = "Failed to build binary distribution of %s (%s)!" % (package, version)
            logger.error("%s", msg)
            with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                logger.info("Build output (will probably provide a hint as to what went wrong):\n%s", handle.read())
            raise BuildFailed, msg
        # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
        filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
        if len(filenames) != 1:
            msg = "Build process did not result in one binary distribution! (matches: %s)"
            raise NoBuildOutput, msg % filenames
        logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", package, version, build_timer)
        return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
Exemple #29
    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement, setup_command):
        Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary
        distribution. Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary
        distribution (probably because of missing binary dependencies like
        system libraries).

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param setup_command: A list of strings with the arguments to
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :py:exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error.
        :raises: :py:exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name, requirement.version))
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s (%s) binary distribution" % (requirement.name, requirement.version)
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
            logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..", dist_directory)
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        command_line = ' '.join(pipes.quote(t) for t in [self.config.python_executable, 'setup.py'] + setup_command)
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=requirement.source_directory)
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed("Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                                      name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version)
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    raise NoBuildOutput("Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})",
                                        name=requirement.name, version=requirement.version, filenames=concatenate(sorted(filenames)))
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                """, message=e.args[0],
                e.args = (enhanced_message,)
            logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", requirement.name, requirement.version, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
def collect_related_packages(filename, cache=None):
    Collect the package archive(s) related to the given package archive. This
    works by parsing and resolving the dependencies of the given package to
    filenames of package archives, then parsing and resolving the dependencies
    of those package archives, etc. until no more relationships can be resolved
    to existing package archives.

    :param filename: The filename of an existing ``*.deb`` archive (a string).
    :param cache: The :py:class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to ``None``).
    :returns: A list of :py:class:`PackageFile` objects.

    This function is used to implement the ``deb-pkg-tools --collect`` command:

    .. code-block:: sh

       $ deb-pkg-tools -c /tmp python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Collecting packages related to ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-coloredlogs_0.4.8-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-chardet_2.2.1-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-humanfriendly_1.7.1-1_all.deb ..
       2014-05-18 08:33:42 deb_pkg_tools.package INFO Scanning ~/python-debian_0.1.21-1_all.deb ..
       Found 5 package archives:
        - ~/python-chardet_2.2.1-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-coloredlogs_0.4.8-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-deb-pkg-tools_1.13-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-humanfriendly_1.7.1-1_all.deb
        - ~/python-debian_0.1.21-1_all.deb
       Copy 5 package archives to /tmp? [Y/n] y
       2014-05-18 08:33:44 deb_pkg_tools.cli INFO Done! Copied 5 package archives to /tmp.

    .. note:: The implementation of this function can be somewhat slow when
              you're dealing with a lot of packages, but this function is meant
              to be used interactively so I don't think it will be a big issue.
    filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
    logger.info("Collecting packages related to %s ..", format_path(filename))
    # Internal state.
    relationship_sets = set()
    packages_to_scan = [filename]
    related_packages = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # Preparations.
    available_packages = find_package_archives(os.path.dirname(filename))
    # Loop to collect the related packages.
    num_scanned_packages = 0
    spinner = Spinner(total=len(available_packages) / 2)
    while packages_to_scan:
        filename = packages_to_scan.pop(0)
        logger.debug("Scanning %s ..", format_path(filename))
        # Find the relationships of the given package.
        fields = inspect_package_fields(filename, cache)
        if 'Depends' in fields:
        # Collect all related packages from the given directory.
        packages_to_skip = []
        for package in available_packages:
            package_matches = None
            for relationships in relationship_sets:
                status = relationships.matches(package.name, package.version)
                if status == True and package_matches != False:
                    package_matches = True
                elif status == False:
                    package_matches = False
            if package_matches == True:
                logger.debug("Package archive matched all relationships: %s",
            elif package_matches == False:
                # If we are sure we can exclude a package from all further
                # iterations, it's worth it to speed up the process on big
                # dependency sets.
            spinner.step(label="Collecting related packages",
        for package in packages_to_skip:
        num_scanned_packages += 1
    # Pick the latest version of the collected packages.
    return list(map(find_latest_version, related_packages.values()))
Exemple #31
    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement):
        Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary
        distribution. Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary
        distribution (probably because of missing binary dependencies like
        system libraries).

        :param requirement: A :py:class:`.Requirement` object.
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :py:exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error.
        :raises: :py:exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(
                msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name,
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s (%s) binary distribution" % (
            requirement.name, requirement.version)
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                "Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..",
        # Create a temporary directory for pip installing into, and set up the
        # install_lib directory structure inside it. We do this so that we can
        # pip install into this as our target.
        temporary_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        distutils_inst = install(Distribution())
        distutils_inst.prefix = ''  # This will be changed if we're in a virtualenv.
        pip_target = os.path.normpath(temporary_dir +
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        command_line = ' '.join(
            for t in ['pip', 'install', '.', '--target', pip_target])
        logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)

            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line],
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.

            # At this point, we may have a number of dependencies in the directory we want
            # to tar up that should not be part of the package distribution. For instance,
            # s3 will also wrap up the concurrent, futures, and requests packages. We fix
            # this by reading {name}-{version}-{py-version}.egg-info/installed-files.txt
            # and removing any files or directories that are not in it.

            # 1. Find the appropriate .egg-info/ directory.
            egg_info_dir = None
            egg_info_start = '-'.join([requirement.name, requirement.version])
            for egg_info_root, dirs, _ in os.walk(temporary_dir):
                for d in dirs:
                    if d.startswith(egg_info_start) and d.endswith(
                        egg_info_dir = d
                if egg_info_dir is not None:

            # 2. If we have a .egg-info/, try to read the installed-files.txt contents.
            inst_files = set()
            if egg_info_dir is not None:
                egg_info_path = os.path.join(egg_info_root, egg_info_dir)
                inst_files_path = os.path.join(egg_info_path,
                    with open(inst_files_path) as f:
                        for line in f:
                            abs_path = os.path.abspath(
                                os.path.join(egg_info_path, line.strip()))
                except IOError, ioe:
                    loger.warn('Unable to open %s: %s' %
                               (inst_files_path, ioe))

            # 3. If we were able to get a set of files and directories that belong in the
            #    distribution, then we can delete everything else before archiving it.
            if inst_files:
                dirs, files = next(os.walk(egg_info_root))[1:]
                for d in dirs:
                    d = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(egg_info_root, d))
                    if d not in inst_files:
                        logger.info('Removing %s (not part of the package)' %

                for f in files:
                    f = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(egg_info_root, f))
                    if f not in inst_files:
                        logger.info('Removing %s (not part of the package)' %

            # Tar up the contents of temporary_dir into the correct file name and put it in the dist dir.
            tarball_path = os.path.join(temporary_dir, requirement.name)
            path = archive_util.make_archive(tarball_path,
            shutil.copy(path, dist_directory)

            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed(
                        "Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})",
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                e.args = (enhanced_message, )
            logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", requirement.name,
                        requirement.version, build_timer)
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
Exemple #32
def build_binary_dist(package, version, directory, python='/usr/bin/python'):
    Convert a single, unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.
    Raises an exception if it fails to create the binary distribution (probably
    because of missing binary dependencies like system libraries).

    :param package: The name of the requirement to build.
    :param version: The version of the requirement to build.
    :param directory: The directory where the unpacked sources of the
                      requirement are available.
    :param python: The pathname of the Python executable to use to run
                   ``setup.py`` (obviously this should point to a working
                   Python installation).
    :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
    build_timer = Timer()
    # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
    setup_script = os.path.join(directory, 'setup.py')
    if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
        msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
        raise InvalidSourceDistribution(msg % (directory, package, version))
    # Let the user know what's going on.
    build_text = "Building binary distribution of %s (%s) .." % (package,
    logger.info("%s", build_text)
    # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
    dist_directory = os.path.join(directory, 'dist')
    if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
        logger.debug("Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..",
    # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
    command_line = '%s setup.py bdist_dumb --format=tar' % pipes.quote(python)
    logger.debug("Executing external command: %s", command_line)
    # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
    fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
    command_line = '%s > "%s" 2>&1' % (command_line, temporary_file)
        # Start the build.
        build = subprocess.Popen(['sh', '-c', command_line], cwd=directory)
        # Wait for build to finish, provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
        spinner = Spinner(build_text)
        while build.poll() is None:
        # Check whether the build succeeded.
        if build.returncode != 0:
            # It it didn't we'll provide the user with some hints as to what went wrong.
            msg = "Failed to build binary distribution of %s (%s)!" % (package,
            logger.error("%s", msg)
            with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    "Build output (will probably provide a hint as to what went wrong):\n%s",
            raise BuildFailed(msg)
        # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
        filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
        if len(filenames) != 1:
            msg = "Build process did not result in one binary distribution! (matches: %s)"
            raise NoBuildOutput(msg % filenames)
        logger.info("Finished building %s (%s) in %s.", package, version,
        return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
def collect_related_packages_helper(candidate_archives, given_archive, cache):
    Internal helper that enables :py:func:`collect_related_packages()` to
    perform conflict resolution (which would otherwise get very complex).
    # Enable mutation of the candidate archives data structure inside the scope
    # of this function without mutating the original data structure.
    candidate_archives = copy.deepcopy(candidate_archives)
    # Prepare some internal state.
    archives_to_scan = [given_archive]
    collected_archives = []
    relationship_sets = set()
    # Loop to collect the related packages.
    spinner = Spinner(label="Collecting related packages", timer=Timer())
    while archives_to_scan:
        selected_archive = archives_to_scan.pop(0)
        logger.debug("Scanning %s ..", format_path(selected_archive.filename))
        # Find the relationships of the given package.
        control_fields = inspect_package_fields(selected_archive.filename,
        for field_name in DEPENDENCY_FIELDS:
            if field_name in control_fields:
        # For each group of package archives sharing the same package name ..
        for package_name in sorted(candidate_archives):
            # For each version of the package ..
            for package_archive in list(candidate_archives[package_name]):
                package_matches = match_relationships(package_archive,
                if package_matches == True:
                        "Package archive matched all relationships: %s",
                    # Move the selected version of the package archive from the
                    # candidates to the list of selected package archives.
                    # Prepare to scan and collect dependencies of the selected
                    # package archive in a future iteration of the outermost
                    # (while) loop.
                    # Ignore all other versions of the package inside this call
                    # to collect_related_packages_helper().
                    # Break out of the loop to avoid scanning other versions of
                    # this package archive; we've made our choice now.
                elif package_matches == False:
                    # If we're sure we can exclude this version of the package
                    # from future iterations it could be worth it to speed up
                    # the process on big repositories / dependency sets.
                    # Keep looking for a match in another version.
                elif package_matches == None:
                    # Break out of the loop that scans multiple versions of the
                    # same package because none of the relationship sets collected
                    # so far reference the name of this package (this is intended
                    # as a harmless optimization).
    # Check for conflicts in the collected set of related package archives.
    conflicts = [
        a for a in collected_archives
        if not match_relationships(a, relationship_sets)
    if conflicts:
        raise CollectedPackagesConflict(conflicts)
        return collected_archives
def check_duplicate_files(dependency_set, cache=None):
    Check a collection of Debian package archives for conflicts.

    Looks for duplicate files in unrelated package archives. Ignores groups of
    packages that have their 'Provides' and 'Replaces' fields set to a common
    value. Other variants of 'Conflicts' are not supported yet.

    Because this analysis involves both the package control file fields and the
    pathnames of files installed by packages it can be slow. To make it faster
    you can use the :py:class:`.PackageCache`.

    :param dependency_set: A list of filenames (strings) of ``*.deb`` files.
    :param cache: The :py:class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to ``None``).
    :raises: :py:class:`exceptions.ValueError` when less than two package
             archives are given (the duplicate check obviously only works if
             there are packages to compare :-).
    :raises: :py:class:`DuplicateFilesFound` when duplicate files are found
             within a group of package archives.
    timer = Timer()
    dependency_set = list(map(parse_filename, dependency_set))
    # Make sure we have something useful to work with.
    num_archives = len(dependency_set)
    if num_archives < 2:
        msg = "To check for duplicate files you need to provide two or more packages archives! (%i given)"
        raise ValueError(msg % num_archives)
    # Build up a global map of all files contained in the given package archives.
    global_contents = collections.defaultdict(set)
    global_fields = {}
    spinner = Spinner(total=num_archives)
    logger.info("Checking for duplicate files in %i package archives ..",
    for i, archive in enumerate(optimize_order(dependency_set), start=1):
        spinner.step(label="Scanning %i package archives" % num_archives,
        fields, contents = inspect_package(archive.filename, cache=cache)
        global_fields[archive.filename] = fields
        for pathname, stat in contents.items():
            if not stat.permissions.startswith('d'):
    # Count the number of duplicate files between sets of conflicting packages
    # for more user friendly reporting.
    duplicate_files = collections.defaultdict(
        lambda: dict(count=0, filenames=[]))
    for pathname, packages in global_contents.items():
        if len(packages) > 1:
            # Override the sort key to be the filename because we don't need
            # to properly sort by version (which is slow on large collections).
            key = tuple(sorted(packages, key=lambda p: p.filename))
            duplicate_files[key]['count'] += 1
    for packages, information in sorted(duplicate_files.items()):
        # Never report multiple versions of the same package.
        if len(set(package.name for package in packages)) == 1:
        # We check for one common case where it's easy to guarantee that
        # we're not dealing with broken packages: All of the packages have
        # marked each other as conflicting via the combination of the
        # fields `Provides:' and `Conflicts:'.
        def find_virtual_name(field_name):
            package_names = set()
            for archive in packages:
                field = global_fields[archive.filename].get(field_name)
                if field:
                    package_names |= field.names
            if len(package_names) == 1:
                return list(package_names)[0]

        marked_conflicts = find_virtual_name('Conflicts')
        marked_provides = find_virtual_name('Provides')
        if marked_conflicts and marked_conflicts == marked_provides:
    # Boring string formatting, trying to find a way to clearly present conflicts.
    summary = []
    for packages, information in sorted(duplicate_files.items()):
        block = []
        conflicts = pluralize(information['count'], 'conflict', 'conflicts')
        block.append("Found %s between %i packages:\n" %
                     (conflicts, len(packages)))
        for i, package in enumerate(sorted(packages), start=1):
            block.append("  %i. %s\n" % (i, package.filename))
        block.append("These packages contain %s:\n" % conflicts)
        for i, filename in enumerate(sorted(information['filenames']),
            block.append("  %i. %s\n" % (i, filename))
    if summary:
        archives_involved = set(
        files = pluralize(len(duplicate_files), 'duplicate file',
                          'duplicate files')
        archives = pluralize(len(archives_involved), 'package archive',
                             'package archives')
        summary.insert(0, "Found %s in %s!\n" % (files, archives))
            Hint: If the package contents are correct you can resolve these
            conflicts by marking the packages as conflicting. You do this by
            adding the 'Conflicts' and 'Provides' fields and setting them to a
            common value. That should silence this message.
        delimiter = '%s\n' % ('-' * 79)
        raise DuplicateFilesFound(delimiter.join(summary))
        logger.info("No conflicting files found (took %s).", timer)
def check_duplicate_files(dependency_set, cache=None):
    Check a collection of Debian package archives for conflicts.

    :param dependency_set: A list of filenames (strings) of ``*.deb`` files.
    :param cache: The :class:`.PackageCache` to use (defaults to :data:`None`).
    :raises: :exc:`exceptions.ValueError` when less than two package
             archives are given (the duplicate check obviously only works if
             there are packages to compare :-).
    :raises: :exc:`DuplicateFilesFound` when duplicate files are found
             within a group of package archives.

    This check looks for duplicate files in package archives that concern
    different packages. Ignores groups of packages that have their 'Provides'
    and 'Replaces' fields set to a common value. Other variants of 'Conflicts'
    are not supported yet.

    Because this analysis involves both the package control file fields and the
    pathnames of files installed by packages it can be really slow. To make it
    faster you can use the :class:`.PackageCache`.
    timer = Timer()
    dependency_set = list(map(parse_filename, dependency_set))
    # Make sure we have something useful to work with.
    num_archives = len(dependency_set)
    if num_archives < 2:
        msg = "To check for duplicate files you need to provide two or more packages archives! (%i given)"
        raise ValueError(msg % num_archives)
    # Build up a global map of all files contained in the given package archives.
    global_contents = collections.defaultdict(set)
    global_fields = {}
    spinner = Spinner(total=num_archives)
    logger.info("Checking for duplicate files in %i package archives ..", num_archives)
    for i, archive in enumerate(optimize_order(dependency_set), start=1):
        spinner.step(label="Scanning %i package archives" % num_archives, progress=i)
        fields, contents = inspect_package(archive.filename, cache=cache)
        global_fields[archive.filename] = fields
        for pathname, stat in contents.items():
            if not stat.permissions.startswith('d'):
    # Count the number of duplicate files between sets of conflicting packages
    # for more user friendly reporting.
    duplicate_files = collections.defaultdict(lambda: dict(count=0, filenames=[]))
    for pathname, packages in global_contents.items():
        if len(packages) > 1:
            # Override the sort key to be the filename because we don't need
            # to properly sort by version (which is slow on large collections).
            key = tuple(sorted(packages, key=lambda p: p.filename))
            duplicate_files[key]['count'] += 1
    for packages, information in sorted(duplicate_files.items()):
        # Never report multiple versions of the same package.
        if len(set(package.name for package in packages)) == 1:

        # We check for one common case where it's easy to guarantee that
        # we're not dealing with broken packages: All of the packages have
        # marked each other as conflicting via the combination of the
        # fields `Provides:' and `Conflicts:'.
        def find_virtual_name(field_name):
            package_names = set()
            for archive in packages:
                field = global_fields[archive.filename].get(field_name)
                if field:
                    package_names |= field.names
            if len(package_names) == 1:
                return list(package_names)[0]

        marked_conflicts = find_virtual_name('Conflicts')
        marked_provides = find_virtual_name('Provides')
        if marked_conflicts and marked_conflicts == marked_provides:
    # Boring string formatting, trying to find a way to clearly present conflicts.
    summary = []
    for packages, information in sorted(duplicate_files.items()):
            block = []
            conflicts = pluralize(information['count'], 'conflict', 'conflicts')
            block.append("Found %s between %i packages:\n" % (conflicts, len(packages)))
            for i, package in enumerate(sorted(packages), start=1):
                block.append("  %i. %s\n" % (i, package.filename))
            block.append("These packages contain %s:\n" % conflicts)
            for i, filename in enumerate(sorted(information['filenames']), start=1):
                block.append("  %i. %s\n" % (i, filename))
    if summary:
        archives_involved = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(duplicate_files.keys()))
        files = pluralize(len(duplicate_files), 'duplicate file', 'duplicate files')
        archives = pluralize(len(archives_involved), 'package archive', 'package archives')
        summary.insert(0, "Found %s in %s!\n" % (files, archives))
            Hint: If the package contents are correct you can resolve these
            conflicts by marking the packages as conflicting. You do this by
            adding the 'Conflicts' and 'Provides' fields and setting them to a
            common value. That should silence this message.
        delimiter = '%s\n' % ('-' * 79)
        raise DuplicateFilesFound(delimiter.join(summary))
        logger.info("No conflicting files found (took %s).", timer)
Exemple #36
import itertools
import random
import time
from humanfriendly import Spinner, Timer

with Spinner(label="Downloading", total=100) as spinner:
    progress = 0
    while progress < 100:
        # Do something useful here.
        # Advance the spinner.
        # Determine the new progress value.
        progress += random.random() * 5
Exemple #37
    def build_binary_dist_helper(self, requirement, setup_command):
        Convert an unpacked source distribution to a binary distribution.

        :param requirement: A :class:`.Requirement` object.
        :param setup_command: A list of strings with the arguments to
        :returns: The pathname of the resulting binary distribution (a string).
        :raises: :exc:`.BuildFailed` when the build reports an error (e.g.
                 because of missing binary dependencies like system
        :raises: :exc:`.NoBuildOutput` when the build does not produce the
                 expected binary distribution archive.
        build_timer = Timer()
        # Make sure the source distribution contains a setup script.
        setup_script = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'setup.py')
        if not os.path.isfile(setup_script):
            msg = "Directory %s (%s %s) doesn't contain a source distribution!"
            raise InvalidSourceDistribution(
                msg % (requirement.source_directory, requirement.name,
        # Let the user know what's going on.
        build_text = "Building %s binary distribution" % requirement
        logger.info("%s ..", build_text)
        # Cleanup previously generated distributions.
        dist_directory = os.path.join(requirement.source_directory, 'dist')
        if os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                "Cleaning up previously generated distributions in %s ..",
        # Let the user know (approximately) which command is being executed
        # (I don't think it's necessary to show them the nasty details :-).
            "Executing external command: %s", ' '.join(
                map(pipes.quote, [self.config.python_executable, 'setup.py'] +
        # Compose the command line needed to build the binary distribution.
        # This nasty command line forces the use of setuptools (instead of
        # distutils) just like pip does. This will cause the `*.egg-info'
        # metadata to be written to a directory instead of a file, which
        # (amongst other things) enables tracking of installed files.
        command_line = [
            self.config.python_executable, '-c', ';'.join([
                'import setuptools',
                '__file__=%r' % setup_script,
                r"exec(compile(open(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))",
        ] + setup_command
        # Redirect all output of the build to a temporary file.
        fd, temporary_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
            # Start the build.
            build = subprocess.Popen(command_line,
            # Wait for the build to finish and provide feedback to the user in the mean time.
            spinner = Spinner(label=build_text, timer=build_timer)
            while build.poll() is None:
                # Don't tax the CPU too much.
            # Make sure the build succeeded and produced a binary distribution archive.
                # If the build reported an error we'll try to provide the user with
                # some hints about what went wrong.
                if build.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildFailed(
                        "Failed to build {name} ({version}) binary distribution!",
                # Check if the build created the `dist' directory (the os.listdir()
                # call below will raise an exception if we don't check for this).
                if not os.path.isdir(dist_directory):
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        "Build of {name} ({version}) did not produce a binary distribution archive!",
                # Check if we can find the binary distribution archive.
                filenames = os.listdir(dist_directory)
                if len(filenames) != 1:
                    variables = dict(name=requirement.name,
                    raise NoBuildOutput(
                        Build of {name} ({version}) produced more than one
                        distribution archive! (matches: {filenames})
                    """, **variables)
            except Exception as e:
                # Decorate the exception with the output of the failed build.
                with open(temporary_file) as handle:
                    build_output = handle.read()
                enhanced_message = compact("""

                    Please check the build output because it will probably
                    provide a hint about what went wrong.

                    Build output:

                e.args = (enhanced_message, )
            logger.info("Finished building %s in %s.", requirement.name,
            return os.path.join(dist_directory, filenames[0])
            # Close file descriptor before removing the temporary file.
            # Without closing Windows is complaining that the file cannot
            # be removed because it is used by another process.
Exemple #38
 def spinner(self):
     """An interactive spinner to provide feedback to the user (because the Slack backend is slow)."""
     return Spinner()