Exemple #1
    def get(self, team_name=None):
        """Gets the team list or application list.

        While ``team_name`` is specified, the application list in specified
        team will be responded. Otherwise, the team list will be responded.

        The response of team list looks like::

              "status": "SUCCESS",
              "message": "",
              "data": {
                "teams": [{"name": "team-1", "desc": "team-1"},
                          {"name": "team-2"}, "desc": "team-1"]

        And the response of application list looks like::

              "status": "SUCCESS",
              "message": "",
              "data": {
                "applications": ["base.foo", "base.bar"]

        :param team_name: The name of specified team.
        :<header Authorization: Huskar Token (See :ref:`token`)
        :status 404: The team with specified name is not found.
        :status 200: The team list or application list is responded.
        if team_name:
            if g.auth.is_minimal_mode:
                if team_name != Team.DEFAULT_NAME:
                    abort(404, 'team "%s" does not exist' % team_name)
                applications = application_manifest.as_list()
                team = self._get_team_or_404(team_name)
                applications = Application.get_multi_by_team(team.id)
                applications = [x.application_name for x in applications]
            data = {'applications': applications}
            if g.auth.is_minimal_mode:
                data = {'teams': [{'name': Team.DEFAULT_NAME,
                                   'desc': Team.DEFAULT_NAME}]}
                teams = Team.get_all()
                data = {'teams': [{'name': x.team_name, 'desc': x.team_desc}
                                  for x in teams]}
        return api_response(data)
Exemple #2
def test_get_all_teams(db, team_foo, team_bar):
    assert Team.get_all() == [team_foo, team_bar]

    team_baz = Team.create('baz')

    assert Team.get_all() == [team_foo, team_bar, team_baz]