def query(self, tables=None, condition=None, fields=[], querymappings=None, grouping=[], ordering=[], nomapping=False): """Execute a SELECT on the AS/400 turning the results in a list of dicts. In fields you can give a list of fields you are interested in. If fields is left empty the engine generates a list of field on it own by consulting the field mapping database in from fields.MAPPINGDIR. """ if isinstance(tables, StringType): tables = [tables] if isinstance(fields, StringType): fields = [fields] if isinstance(grouping, StringType): grouping = [grouping] if isinstance(ordering, StringType): ordering = [ordering] if not querymappings and len(fields) != 1 and not nomapping: querymappings = dict() for table in tables: querymappings.update(MAPPINGDIR.get(table, {})) if not fields: fields = querymappings.keys() if not fields: raise RuntimeError("can't deduce field names") querystr = "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (','.join(fields), ','.join([self._get_tablename(x) for x in tables])) if condition: querystr += ' WHERE %s' % condition if grouping: querystr += ' GROUP BY %s' % (','.join(grouping), ) if ordering: querystr += ' ORDER BY %s' % (','.join(ordering), ) return self._execute_query(querystr, querymappings, fields)
def query(self, tables=None, condition=None, fields=None, querymappings=None, grouping=None, ordering=[], limit=None): r"""Execute a SELECT on the AS/400 turning the results in a list of dicts. In fields you can give a list of fields you are interested in. If fields is left empty the engine generates a list of field on it own by consulting the field mapping database in from fields.MAPPINGDIR. >>> MoftSconnection().query('ALK00', condition="LKLFSN=4034544") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'lager': 100, 'versandart': '013', ...}] To suppress mapping provide querymappings={} and fields=[]. >>> MoftSconnection().query(tables=['XPN00'], condition="PNSANR=2255") [{'satznummer': 2255, 'preis': Decimal('16.10')}] >>> MoftSconnection().query(tables=['XPN00'], condition="PNSANR=2255", ... fields=['PNSANR', 'PNPRB'], querymappings={}) [(2255, Decimal('16.10'))] To get only certain fields give a list of fieldnames in fields=[...]. >>> MoftSconnection().query(tables=['XPN00'], condition="PNSANR=2255", fields=['PNPRB']) [(Decimal('16.10'),)] Joins are straightforward if used with condition="<expression>": >>> MoftSconnection().query(['XPN00', 'XPR00'], condition="PNSANR=PRSANR and PNSANR=2255", ... fields=['PRDTVO', 'PNPRB']) [{'preis': Decimal('16.10'), 'gueltig_ab_date':, 12, 16)}] Aggregate functions can be created by using the "grouping" keyword: >>> sorted(MoftSconnection().query('XLF00', fields=['LFARTN', 'SUM(LFMGLP)'], grouping=['LFARTN'], ... condition="LFLGNR=3")) [('65166/01', '0'), ('65198', '0'), ('76095', '0'), ('76102', '0'), ('ED76095', '0')] If desired "querymappings" can be used to return a list of dicts: >>> sorted(MoftSconnection().query('XLF00', fields=['LFARTN', 'SUM(LFMGLP)'], grouping=['LFARTN'], ... condition="LFLGNR=3", querymappings={'LFARTN': 'artnr', ... 'SUM(LFMGLP)': 'menge'})) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'menge': '0', 'artnr': '65166/01'}, {'menge': '0', 'artnr': '65198'}, ...] We also should be - to a certain degree - be Unicode aware: >>> MoftSconnection().query(u'XKD00', u"KDKDNR LIKE '%18287'")[0]['ort'].encode('utf8') 'G\xc3\xbcnzburg' """ # fixup sloppy parameter passing if isinstance(tables, basestring): tables = [tables] if isinstance(grouping, basestring): grouping = [grouping] if not grouping: grouping = [] if isinstance(ordering, basestring): ordering = [ordering] if isinstance(fields, basestring): fields = [fields] if not ordering: ordering = [] if not fields: fields = [] if querymappings == {} and not fields: raise RuntimeError("Please give fieldnames.") if querymappings is None and len(fields) != 1: querymappings = {} for table in tables: querymappings.update(MAPPINGDIR.get(table, {})) if not fields: # decuce fieldnames from querymappings fields = querymappings.keys() if not fields: # still nothing found raise RuntimeError("can't deduce field names, check") querystr = ["SELECT %s FROM %s" % (','.join(fields), ','.join([self._get_tablename(x) for x in tables]))] if condition: querystr.append('WHERE %s' % condition) if grouping: querystr.append('GROUP BY %s' % (','.join(grouping), )) if ordering: querystr.append('ORDER BY %s' % (','.join(ordering), )) if limit: querystr.append('FETCH FIRST %d ROWS ONLY' % limit) return self._execute_query(' '.join(querystr), querymappings, fields)