Exemple #1
def newton_test(xg, display=False):
    """ Use Newton's method to minimize cost function defined in cost module
    Input variable xg is initial guess for location of minimum. When display
    is true, a figure illustrating the convergence of the method should be

    Output variables: xf -- computed location of minimum, jf -- computed minimum
    Further output can be added to the tuple, output, as needed. It may also
    be left empty.
    NOTE- FOR PLOTTING PURPOSES PLEASE INPUT xg as a list, so the inbuilt latex will work in plot titles--
    output = ()
    dat = hw2.newton(xg)
    xf = dat[0]
    jf = dat[1]

    if display == True:

        #Generate current distance from the minimum
        xpath = hw2.xpath
        distances = []
        for i in range(len(xpath)):
            temp = [1, 1] - xpath[i]
            distances.append(np.sqrt(temp[0]**2 + temp[1]**2))

        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
        plt.suptitle('Lawrence Stewart - Created Using newton_test().')

        #plot the cost function at each point
                           len(hw2.jpath) + 1, 1),
        ax = plt.gca()
        plt.title("Cost at each Iteration of Netwons Method, xg =%s" % xg)

                           len(hw2.jpath) + 1, 1),
        plt.title("Distance from Minimum at Each Iteration, xg =%s" % xg)
        ax = plt.gca()

    return xf, jf, output
Exemple #2
def newton_test(xg, display=False):
    """ Use Newton's method to minimize cost function defined in cost module
    Input variable xg is initial guess for location of minimum. When display
    is true, a figure illustrating the convergence of the method should be

    Output variables: xf -- computed location of minimum, jf -- computed minimum
    Further output can be added to the tuple, output, as needed. It may also
    be left empty.
    #call newton and extract paths
    cost.c_noise = False
    nw = hw2.newton(xg)
    xf = nw[0]
    jf = nw[1]
    jpath_nw = hw2.jpath.copy()
    xpath_nw = hw2.xpath.copy()
    #get the norm distance to [1,1] from each point
    norm_distance = np.linalg.norm((xpath_nw - [1,1]), axis=1)

    if display is True:
        fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(11,7))

        x = list(range(len(jpath_nw)))
        ax = fig1.add_subplot(121)
        ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(122)

        ax.plot(jpath_nw, label='Cost')
        ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number')
        ax.set_ylabel('Value of the cost function')
        ax.set_title('Value of the cost function \n against Newton iterations starting at \n xguess={}.\n Igor Adamski'.format(xg,xg))
        ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0))
        ax.grid(linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)

        ax2.plot(norm_distance, label='Distance from [1,1]')
        ax2.set_xlabel('Iteration number')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Norm distance to the minimum at [1,1]')
        ax2.set_title('Distance to the actual minimum at [1,1] \n at each Newton iteration, starting from \n xguess={}.\n Called by newton_test({}, True)  Igor Adamski'.format(xg,xg))
        ax2.grid(linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5)


    return xf,jf
Exemple #3
def newton_test(xg, display=False, i=1, timing=False):
    Use Newton's method to minimize a cost function, j, defined in cost module.

    xg : list
        Initial guess
    display : Boolean, Optional
        If set to True, figures will be created to illustrate the optimization
        path taken and the distance from convergence at each step.
    i=1 : Integer, Optional
        Sets the name of the figures as hw22i.png
    timing : Boolean, Optional
        If set to true, an average time will be calculated for the completion
        of finding a minimum and will be appended to the tuple output.

    xf : ndarray
        Computed location of minimum
    jf : float
        Computed minimum
    output : Tuple
        containing the time taken for the minimia to be found. An
        average over 10 tests, only set if timining parameter set to True, otherwise

    Calling this function will produce a figure containing two subplots. The first
    will illustrate the location of each step in the minimization path, overlayed
    over the initial cost function. The second will illustrate the distance from
    the final, computed minimum at each iteration.

    cost.c_noise = False
    hw2.tol = 10**(-6)
    hw2.itermax = 1000
    t21 = 0
    output = ()

    if timing:
        N = 10
        N = 1

    for j in range(1, N):
        t1 = time()
        t2 = time()
        t21 = t21 + (t2 - t1)

    X, Y = hw2.xpath
    xf = [X[-1], Y[-1]]
    jpathn = [j for j in hw2.jpath]
    jf = hw2.jpath[-1]

    output = (t21 / N, X, Y, jpathn)

    if display:
        Minx = min(X) - 1
        Maxx = max(X) + 1
        Miny = min(Y) - 1
        Maxy = max(Y) + 1
        [Xj, Yj] = np.linspace(Minx, Maxx, 200), np.linspace(Miny, Maxy, 200)
        #calculate noiseless cost function at each point on 2D grid
        j = [[cost.costj([xi, yi]) for xi in Xj] for yi in Yj]

        f, (p1, p2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
        p1.contourf(Xj, Yj, j, locator=ticker.LogLocator(), cmap=cm.GnBu)
        p1.plot(X, Y, 'g', marker='d')
        p1.set_xlim(min(X) - 1, max(X) + 1)
        p1.set_title('Convergence Path')
        p2.plot(np.linspace(0, len(X) - 1, len(X)), hw2.jpath - jf)
        p2.set_xlabel('Iteration number')
        p2.set_ylabel('distance from converged minimum')
        plt.suptitle('Rosemary Teague, Newton_test, initial guess =' +
                     str(xg) + ' \n Convergence of a cost function')
        plt.savefig('hw22' + str(i), dpi=700)

    return xf, jf, output
Exemple #4
def bracket_descent_test(xg,display=False):
    """ Use bracket-descent to minimize cost function defined in cost module
    Input variable xg is initial guess for location of minimum. When display
    is true, 1-2 figures comparing the B-D and Newton steps should be generated

    Output variables: xf -- computed location of minimum, jf -- computed minimum

    On the first figure we can see the paths that the Newton and bracket descent
    algorithms take to finally converge to the minimum. From that figure we can see
    that Newton tends to do very little steps (at most 6-7) and the steps that it takes
    are big. By big, I mean that Newton takes huge steps in directions that are far from
    the final converged minimum but always manages to return back. On the other hand
    bracket descent does lots of very small steps. The bracket descent steps are small
    but ultimately lead it to the minimum. We can also see that bracket descent doesnt
    do jumps in opposite directions to which its supposed to go in contrast to Newton.

    On the second figure we can see the normed distance between the current point
    and the true minimum at [1,1] plotted against the iterations. We can see that
    Newton at first jumps very far from the actual minimum, only to 2 steps later converge
    to [1,1]. On the other hand, bracket descent tends to stay on the trajectory going down
    except a few times when it goes further from [1,1] for a bit only to return promptly.
    Overall, its visible that newton takes a lot less (a factor of hundreds) iterations to
    converge than bracket descent.

    The behaviour of Newton is not surprising in terms of the number of iterations,
    as it relies on the gradient and hessian to guide it the right way. Gradient and
    hessian give the information about the curvature of the cost surface and this
    makes newton always follow the right track. ON the other hand, bracket descent does not
    possess such high level information about the cost function and it simply iterates
    and finds smaller values of the cost function and proceeds to take little steps adjusting
    the triangles vertices. Bracket descent takes small steps because by construction its only
    allowed to make changes to the vertices of at most 4 heights of the traingle. Newton takes
    big steps because the gradient and hessian can lead him far away only to return to the minimum in the next step.
    #call bracket descent and extract paths
    cost.c_noise = False
    bd = hw2.bracket_descent(xg)
    xf = bd[0]
    jf = bd[1]
    xpath_bd = hw2.xpath.copy()
    #computed normed distance to [1,1]
    norm_distance_bd = np.linalg.norm((xpath_bd - [1,1]), axis=1)

    #purely esthetics of plot
    if np.linalg.norm(xg)<10:

    if display is True:
        fig1 = plt.figure()
        fig2 = plt.figure()

        nw = hw2.newton(xg)
        xpath_nw = hw2.xpath
        norm_distance_nw = np.linalg.norm((xpath_nw - [1,1]), axis=1)

        ax = fig1.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(xpath_bd[:,0], xpath_bd[:,1], 'r', label='Bracket descent', linewidth = 1)
        ax.scatter(xpath_bd[:,0], xpath_bd[:,1], s=10, c='black')
        ax.scatter(xg[0], xg[1], c='green', label='Initial guess')
        ax.plot(xpath_nw[:,0], xpath_nw[:,1], 'b', label='Newton')
        #ax.plot(xf[0], xf[1],
                #'c*', label='Final convergence of bracket_descent')
        ax.scatter(nw[0][0], nw[0][1],
                c='orange', marker='D', label='Actual minimum')
        ax.set_title('The paths of bracket descent and Newton \n starting from xguess={}. \n Cmd. bracket_descent_test({},True), Igor Adamski'.format(xg, xg))

        ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
        ax2.plot(norm_distance_nw, label='Newton')
        ax2.plot(norm_distance_bd, label='Bracket descent')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Norm distance from [1,1]')
        ax2.set_title('Norm distance from minimum at [1,1] against \n the number of iterations. \n Cmd. bracket_descent_test({},True). Igor Adamski'.format(xg))


    return xf, jf
Exemple #5
def bracket_descent_test(xg, display=False):
    """ Use bracket-descent to minimize cost function defined in cost module
    Input variable xg is initial guess for location of minimum. When display
    is true, 1-2 figures comparing the B-D and Newton steps should be generated

    Output variables: xf -- computed location of minimum, jf -- computed minimum

    Discussion and Explanation:

    Bracket descent and newtons test operate in very different fashions as seen in the figures attatched. hw231.png shows the step size, h,  
    that is taken at each iteration of both the algorithms. Distance is defined with the usual euclidean norm, and one can see that Newtons 
    method takes initally very large steps, approximately 10000 (for the starting point [100,10]). The step size drastically decreases
    as the algorithm converges upon the minimum. The reason for such a high initial step size is the gradient based framework that
    Newtons method operates from, allowing it to initially move in large steps towards the minimum. Bracket Descent remains approximately 
    constant in the step size, which is to be expected due to the triangular method of descent that the algorithm utilizes, (the algorithm
    is bounded in the step size it can do).

    h232.png shows the wallclock  and CPU time for both of the methods. Due to a faster convergance, Newtons method terminates after
    a shorter duration, for both CPU and Wallclock time; approximately 0.00001 wallclock and roughly the same for CPU. Bracket descent
    takes longer to converge, with approximately 0.00005 for wallclock and CPU time. If we were to take points that were further away
    from the global minimum of [1,1], we would see this result extrapolated, due to the constant nature of the stepsize of Bracket 
    Descent. The size of newton's tests intial movements would increase with a further away starting point, and the time would remain


    if display == False:
        xf, jf = hw2.bracket_descent(xg)

    if display == True:

        average_bd_wallclock = 0
        average_newton_wallclock = 0
        average_newton_cpu_time = 0
        average_bd_cpu_time = 0

        #Time over an average:
        for i in range(20):

            t1 = time.time()  #start timer 1
            tp1 = time.process_time()  #start timer 2

            #Run bracket descent
            xf, jf = hw2.bracket_descent(xg)

            t2 = time.time()  #t2-t1 gives wallclock time
            tp2 = time.process_time(
            )  #tp2-tp1 gives cpu time -- depends on number of cores!

            bd_wallclock = t2 - t1
            bd_cpu_time = tp2 - tp1

            average_bd_wallclock += bd_wallclock
            average_bd_cpu_time += bd_cpu_time

        xpath = hw2.xpath

        bracket_steps = [
            xpath[i + 1] - xpath[i] for i in range(len(xpath) - 1)
        newton_steps = [
            hw2.newtonstep(xpath[i]) for i in range(len(xpath) - 1)
        bracket_steps_dist = [
            np.sqrt(bracket_steps[i][0]**2 + bracket_steps[i][1]**2)
            for i in range(len(bracket_steps))
        newton_steps_dist = [
            np.sqrt(newton_steps[i][0]**2 + newton_steps[i][1]**2)
            for i in range(len(newton_steps))
        steps = np.arange(1, len(bracket_steps) + 1, 1)
        ratio_steps = []
        for i in range(len(bracket_steps_dist)):
            ratio_steps.append(newton_steps_dist[i] / bracket_steps_dist[i])

        #Run newton for timing as well

        for i in range(20):
            t1 = time.time()  #start timer 1
            tp1 = time.process_time()  #start timer 2


            t2 = time.time()  #t2-t1 gives wallclock time
            tp2 = time.process_time(
            )  #tp2-tp1 gives cpu time -- depends on number of cores!

            newton_wallclock = t2 - t1
            newton_cpu_time = tp2 - tp1

            average_newton_wallclock += newton_wallclock
            average_newton_cpu_time += newton_cpu_time

        #divide by 20 to create the averages
        average_newton_cpu_time = average_newton_cpu_time / 20
        average_newton_wallclock = average_newton_wallclock / 20
        average_bd_wallclock = average_bd_wallclock / 20
        average_bd_cpu_time = average_bd_cpu_time / 20


        # plt.subplot(121)
            "Step (h) Comparison for Newtons and Bracket Descent with xg=%s" %
            'Lawrence Stewart - Created Using bracket_descent_test().')
        plt.xlabel('Iteration number')
        plt.ylabel('Size of step h')
                 label="Bracket Descent",
        plt.plot(steps, newton_steps_dist, label="Newtons Method", alpha=0.7)
        ax = plt.gca()

        # plt.subplot(122)
        # plt.plot(steps,ratio_steps,alpha=0.7,color='r')
        # plt.title("Ratio of Newton Step taken over Bracket Step taken at Each Iteration")
        # plt.xlabel("Iteration")
        # plt.ylabel("Newton Step/ Bracket Step")
        # plt.grid('on')
        # ax = plt.gca()
        # ax.set_facecolor('#D9E6E8')
        # plt.show()

        #Plot timings:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            'Lawrence Stewart - Created Using bracket_descent_test().')
        index = np.arange(2)
        bar_width = 0.35
        opacity = 0.7
        rects1 = plt.bar(index,
                         (average_newton_wallclock, average_newton_cpu_time),
        rects2 = plt.bar(index + bar_width,
                         (average_bd_wallclock, average_bd_cpu_time),
        plt.xticks(index + bar_width, ('Wallclock Time', 'CPU Time'))
        ax = plt.gca()
        fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
        plt.title("Average Timings for Bracket Descent and Newtons for xg=%s" %
        plt.ylabel("Time (s)")

    return xf, jf