Exemple #1
    check(abs(a) < 1e-8)

print "exclude intersecting domain"
g1 = hm.add_unf_circ_grid([0, 0], 1, 20, 10, 1.2, False)
hm.set_boundary_type(g1, 1)
c1 = hm.add_rect_contour([0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 3, 4, 5])
g2 = hm.exclude_contours(g1, c1, "outer")
g3 = hm.exclude_contours(g1, c1, "inner")

check_grid(g1, 200, 380, 181, {20: 1, 4: 180})
check_grid(g2, 61, 106, 46, {7: 1, 4: 45})
check_grid(g3, 161, 296, 136, {17: 1, 4: 135})
check_cont(g2, 25, 25, [25], {1: 5, 5: 10, 2: 10})
check_cont(g3, 35, 35, [35], {1: 15, 5: 10, 2: 10})
check_zero(hm.domain_area(g2) + hm.domain_area(g3) - hm.domain_area(g1))

print "exclude internal domain"
g4 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([0, 0], [0.3, 0.3], 2, 2)
hm.set_boundary_type(g4, 6)
hm.move_geom(g4, -0.5, 0.03)
g5 = hm.exclude_contours(g1, g4, "outer")
g6 = hm.exclude_contours(g1, g4, "inner")
[c2] = hm.simplify_contour(g5)
[c3] = hm.simplify_contour(g6)

check_grid(g5, 29, 43, 15, {3: 3, 4: 7, 5: 3, 6: 2})
check_grid(g6, 215, 395, 180, {3: 2, 4: 169, 5: 3, 6: 4, 7: 1, 20: 1})
check_cont(g5, 22, 22, [22], {6: 22})
check_cont(c2, 4, 4, [4], {6: 4})
check_cont(g6, 42, 42, [20, 22], {1: 20, 6: 22})
Exemple #2
        check(info['cell_types'][k] == ct[k])

def check_zero(a):
    check(abs(a) < 1e-8)

print "union of rect and ring"
g1 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([-1, -1], [1, 1], 10, 10)
g2 = hm.add_unf_ring_grid([0, 0], 0.5, 0.8, 500, 7)
hm.move_geom([g2], 0, 1)

g3 = hm.unite_grids(g1, [(g2, 0.1)], empty_holes=False)
hm.export_grid_vtk(g3, "g3.vtk")
fular = hm.domain_area(g3) - 0.5 * hm.domain_area(g2) - hm.domain_area(g1)
check(abs(fular) < 1e-6)

print "two squares: with/without fix_bnd, bc check"
g4 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([10, 10], [15, 15], 5, 5)
g5 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([10, 10], [11, 11], 30, 30)
hm.move_geom(g5, -0.05, -0.05)
hm.set_boundary_type(g4, 3)
                     bfun=lambda x0, y0, x1, y1, b: 1
                     if max(y0, y1) < 10.8 else 2)
hm.export_grid_vtk(g4, "g4.vtk")
hm.export_grid_vtk(g5, "g5.vtk")
hm.export_contour_vtk(g5, "gc5.vtk")
g6 = hm.unite_grids(g5, [(g4, 0.5)], fix_bnd=False)
check(hm.info_contour(g6)['btypes'] == {1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 18})
Exemple #3
# basic options for vertical segments
# It differs from horizontal segments by cross and lengthwise
# boundary grid partition
ophoriz = hmscript.BoundaryGridOptions(
    cont, partition=[0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1], bnd_step=0.02)
# option for bottom segment. Using deepcopy so that changes in one
# inctance do not affect the others.
op1 = copy.deepcopy(ophoriz)
op1.start_point = [0, 0]
op1.end_point = [1, 0]
# option for left segment
op2 = copy.deepcopy(opvert)
op2.start_point = [1, 0]
op2.end_point = [1, 1]
# option for top segment
op3 = copy.deepcopy(ophoriz)
op3.start_point = [1, 1]
op3.end_point = [0, 1]
# option for right segment
op4 = copy.deepcopy(opvert)
op4.start_point = [0, 1]
op4.end_point = [0, 0]
# building boundary grid
bgrid = hmscript.build_boundary_grid([op1, op2, op3, op4])


print "build_boundary_grid example"
if abs(hmscript.domain_area(bgrid) - 0.248) > 1e-7:
    raise Exception
Exemple #4
check_cont(g4, 244, 244, [106, 138], {0: 138, 5: 106})
check_grid(g3, 576, 1042, 466, {4: 466})
check_grid(g4, 632, 1142, 510, {4: 510})

print "increasing angle"
start, end, diff_ac, diff = 20, 350, 2, 50
angle = start
while angle < end:
    print "angle =", angle
    a = angle / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi
    cont = hm.create_contour([[-1, 0], [0, 0], [-math.cos(a), math.sin(a)]])
    op = hm.BoundaryGridOptions(cont, [0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.017, 0.027, 0.04],
                                'left', 0.01)
    grid = hm.build_boundary_grid(op)
    if (angle == 20):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.0709330292)
    if (angle == 30):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.0740306424)
    if (angle == 40):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.0705479267)
    if (angle == 90):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.0784)
    if (angle == 190):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.080136924)
    if (angle == 340):
        check_zero(hm.domain_area(grid) - 0.082187350)

    hm.remove_geom([cont, grid])
    angle += diff_ac if angle < op.range_angles[0] else diff

print "doubly connected area: all outer"
Exemple #5
from hybmeshpack import hmscript


# lower level grid
g1 = hmscript.add_unf_rect_grid([0, 0], [10, 10], 10, 10)
# first imposition grid
g2 = hmscript.add_unf_rect_grid([0, 0], [3, 3], 7, 7)
# second imposition grid
g3 = hmscript.add_unf_circ_grid([5, 5], 1.5, 10, 4)
# impose grids
impgrid = hmscript.unite_grids(g1, [(g2, 2.0), (g3, 1.0)])


print "unite_grids example"
hmscript.export_grid_vtk(impgrid, "_g2.vtk")
if (abs(hmscript.domain_area(impgrid) - 100) > 1e-8):
    raise Exception
if (not hmscript.skewness(impgrid)['ok']):
    raise Exception
Exemple #6
    info = hm.info_contour(cont)
    check(info['Nnodes'] == nn)
    check(info['Nedges'] == ne)
    check(cmp(sorted(info['subcont']), sorted(scont)) == 0)
    for k in btypes.keys():
        check(info['btypes'][k] == btypes[k])

print "contours unite"
g1 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([-1, -1], [1, 1], 10, 10)
c1 = hm.add_rect_contour([-5, -5], [5, 5], [1, 1, 1, 1])
c2 = hm.unite_contours([c1, g1])
g2 = hm.add_unf_rect_grid([-0.4, -0.4], [0.4, 0.4], 4, 4)
c3 = hm.unite_contours([c2, g2])
c4 = hm.unite_contours([c1, g1, g2])
area_g1 = hm.domain_area(g1)
area_c1 = hm.domain_area(c1)
area_g2 = hm.domain_area(g2)
area_full = hm.domain_area(c4)

check_cont(g1, 40, 40, [40], {0: 40})
check_cont(c1, 4, 4, [4], {1: 4})
check_cont(c2, 44, 44, [4, 40], {0: 40, 1: 4})
check_cont(g2, 16, 16, [16], {0: 16})
check_cont(c3, 60, 60, [4, 16, 40], {0: 56, 1: 4})
check_cont(c4, 60, 60, [4, 16, 40], {0: 56, 1: 4})
check(area_full == 96.64)
check(area_full == area_c1 - area_g1 + area_g2)

print "grid contours to user contours"
c5 = hm.grid_bnd_to_contour(g1, True)