Exemple #1
import json
from pathlib import Path

from hybrid.sites import SiteInfo, flatirons_site
from hybrid.hybrid_simulation import HybridSimulation
from hybrid.log import hybrid_logger as logger
from hybrid.keys import set_nrel_key_dot_env

examples_dir = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()

# Set API key

# Set wind, solar, and interconnection capacities (in MW)
solar_size_mw = 50
wind_size_mw = 50
interconnection_size_mw = 50

technologies = {'pv': {
                    'system_capacity_kw': solar_size_mw * 1000
                'wind': {
                    'num_turbines': 10,
                    'turbine_rating_kw': 2000

# Get resource
lat = flatirons_site['lat']
lon = flatirons_site['lon']
prices_file = examples_dir.parent / "resource_files" / "grid" / "pricing-data-2015-IronMtn-002_factors.csv"
site = SiteInfo(flatirons_site, grid_resource_file=prices_file)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, data,
        Site specific information required by the hybrid simulation class and layout optimization.

        :param data: dict, containing the following keys:

            #. ``lat``: float, latitude [decimal degrees]
            #. ``lon``: float, longitude [decimal degrees]
            #. ``year``: int, year used to pull solar and/or wind resource data. If not provided, default is 2012 [-]
            #. ``elev``: float (optional), elevation (metadata purposes only) [m] 
            #. ``tz``: int (optional), timezone code (metadata purposes only) [-]
            #. ``no_solar``: bool (optional), if ``True`` solar data download for site is skipped, otherwise solar resource is downloaded from NSRDB
            #. ``no_wind``: bool (optional), if ``True`` wind data download for site is skipped, otherwise wind resource is downloaded from wind-toolkit
            #. ``site_boundaries``: dict (optional), with the following keys:

                * ``verts``: list of list [x,y], site boundary vertices [m]
                * ``verts_simple``: list of list [x,y], simple site boundary vertices [m]

            #. ``urdb_label``: string (optional), `Link Utility Rate DataBase <https://openei.org/wiki/Utility_Rate_Database>`_ label for REopt runs

            .. TODO: Can we get rid of verts_simple and simplify site_boundaries

        :param solar_resource_file: string, location (path) and filename of solar resource file (if not downloading from NSRDB)
        :param wind_resource_file: string, location (path) and filename of wind resource file (if not downloading from wind-toolkit)
        :param grid_resource_file: string, location (path) and filename of grid pricing data 
        :param hub_height: int (default = 97), turbine hub height for resource download [m]
        :param capacity_hours: list of booleans, (8760 length) ``True`` if the hour counts for capacity payments, ``False`` otherwise
        :param desired_schedule: list of floats, (8760 length) absolute desired load profile [MWe]
        self.data = data
        if 'site_boundaries' in data:
            self.vertices = np.array([np.array(v) for v in data['site_boundaries']['verts']])
            self.polygon: Polygon = Polygon(self.vertices)
            self.valid_region = self.polygon.buffer(1e-8)
        if 'lat' not in data or 'lon' not in data:
            raise ValueError("SiteInfo requires lat and lon")
        self.lat = data['lat']
        self.lon = data['lon']
        if 'year' not in data:
            data['year'] = 2012
        if 'no_solar' not in data:
            data['no_solar'] = False

        if not data['no_solar']:
            self.solar_resource = SolarResource(data['lat'], data['lon'], data['year'], filepath=solar_resource_file)

        if 'no_wind' not in data:
            data['no_wind'] = False

        if not data['no_wind']:
            # TODO: allow hub height to be used as an optimization variable
            self.wind_resource = WindResource(data['lat'], data['lon'], data['year'], wind_turbine_hub_ht=hub_height,

        self.elec_prices = ElectricityPrices(data['lat'], data['lon'], data['year'], filepath=grid_resource_file)
        self.n_timesteps = len(self.solar_resource.data['gh']) // 8760 * 8760
        self.n_periods_per_day = self.n_timesteps // 365  # TODO: Does not handle leap years well
        self.interval = int((60*24)/self.n_periods_per_day)
        self.urdb_label = data['urdb_label'] if 'urdb_label' in data.keys() else None

        if len(capacity_hours) == self.n_timesteps:
            self.capacity_hours = capacity_hours
            self.capacity_hours = [False] * self.n_timesteps

        # Desired load schedule for the system to dispatch against
        self.desired_schedule = desired_schedule
        self.follow_desired_schedule = len(desired_schedule) == self.n_timesteps
        if len(desired_schedule) > 0 and len(desired_schedule) != self.n_timesteps:
            raise ValueError('The provided desired schedule does not match length of the simulation horizon.')

            # FIXME: this a hack
        if 'no_wind' in data:
            logger.info("Set up SiteInfo with solar resource files: {}".format(self.solar_resource.filename))
                "Set up SiteInfo with solar and wind resource files: {}, {}".format(self.solar_resource.filename,