def add_parser_options (parser): if not parser.has_option("-v"): parser.add_option ("-v", "--verbose", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['verbose'], \ help="set verbose level of output [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("--debug"): parser.add_option ("", "--debug", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['debug'], \ help="set debug level of system [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-n"): parser.add_option ("-n", "--nchannels", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['nchannels'], \ help="set number of channels (or antennas) on USRP board [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-G"): parser.add_option ("-G", "--rx-gain", type="eng_float", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['rx_gain'], \ help="set usrp receive gain in dB [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-g"): parser.add_option ("-g", "--tx-gain", type="eng_float", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['tx_gain'], \ help="set software transmit gain in dB [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-u"): parser.add_option ("-u", "--upsample", type="int", default=default_phy_setup.d_options['upsample'], \ help="set the upsampling factor [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("--inband"): parser.add_option("", "--inband", action="store_true", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['inband'], help="enable inband signalling in RF [default=%default]") RadioRx.add_parser_options(parser) RadioTx.add_parser_options(parser)
def TestTx(): """ Parser Options """ parser = OptionParser (option_class=eng_option) RadioTx.add_parser_options (parser) (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if len(args)!=0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) print "TestTx\n==========" tb = gr.top_block() tx = RadioTx(options) tb.connect(tx) #T, w, C = 10.0, 100.0e3, 100 T, w, C = 10.0, 40.0e3, 100 A = 4000 if SEND_MIMO_TRAINING: T = 10.0 s = "hi"*4 txvector = mimo.txvector() txvector.set_length(len(s) ) phy = mimo.tx(options.nchannels) phy.configure(txvector) phy.set_gain(10000) phy.set_upsampling_factor(2) phy.transmit(s) m = phy.outputQ().delete_head() print "created message ... %d samples"%(m.length()/gr.sizeof_gr_complex/options.nchannels) else: P = min(T, C/w) k = max(1, int(T/P) ) s = Signal() s.setData(make_exponential(A, P, w, options.sample_rate) ) m = gr.message_from_string(s.string(k), 0, 1, len(s.vector())*k ) print "created message ... %d samples"%(int(k*P*options.sample_rate) ) interval = 0.2 g = FuncThread(send_msg, "send msg", m, tx.pad.inputQ(), interval) g.setDaemon(1) g.start() stoptime = T+5.0 f = FuncThread(send_stoprf, "stop rf", tx, stoptime) f.setDaemon(1) f.start() print "running ..." print "stoppping ..."
def __init__(self, options): gr.top_block.__init__(self) # check for default options before calling constructor default_phy_setup.check_options(options) self.verbose = options.verbose self.debug = options.debug # instantiate blocks self.tx = self.make_tx(options) self.rx = self.make_rx(options) # create runtime environment for mblocks self.rt = None if options.inband: self.rt = rf.runtime(True, True) self.txpath, self.rxpath = None, None self.txpath = RadioTx(options) if self.rx: self.rxpath = RadioRx(options) if (self.tx==None): self.warning("tx is not defined.") if (self.rx==None): self.warning("rx is not defined.") # connect hier_block2's to RadioRx and RadioTx if self.rx: self.connect(self.rxpath, self.rx) if self.tx: self.connect(self.txpath) # set options if hasattr(self.tx, 'set_debug'): self.tx.set_debug(options.debug) if hasattr(self.rx, 'set_debug'): self.rx.set_debug(options.debug) self.set_nchannels(options.nchannels) self.sample_rate = options.sample_rate self.set_upsample(options.upsample) self.set_tx_gain(options.tx_gain) self.set_rx_gain(options.rx_gain) # connect other relevant parameters if self.tx: self.tx.set_outputQ(self.txpath.pad.inputQ() )
class transceiver (gr.top_block): def __init__(self, options): gr.top_block.__init__(self) # check for default options before calling constructor default_phy_setup.check_options(options) self.verbose = options.verbose self.debug = options.debug # instantiate blocks self.tx = self.make_tx(options) self.rx = self.make_rx(options) # create runtime environment for mblocks self.rt = None if options.inband: self.rt = rf.runtime(True, True) self.txpath, self.rxpath = None, None self.txpath = RadioTx(options) if self.rx: self.rxpath = RadioRx(options) if (self.tx==None): self.warning("tx is not defined.") if (self.rx==None): self.warning("rx is not defined.") # connect hier_block2's to RadioRx and RadioTx if self.rx: self.connect(self.rxpath, self.rx) if self.tx: self.connect(self.txpath) # set options if hasattr(self.tx, 'set_debug'): self.tx.set_debug(options.debug) if hasattr(self.rx, 'set_debug'): self.rx.set_debug(options.debug) self.set_nchannels(options.nchannels) self.sample_rate = options.sample_rate self.set_upsample(options.upsample) self.set_tx_gain(options.tx_gain) self.set_rx_gain(options.rx_gain) # connect other relevant parameters if self.tx: self.tx.set_outputQ(self.txpath.pad.inputQ() ) def make_tx(self, options): return phy.tx() def make_rx(self, options): return phy.rx() def stop(self): if self.txpath: self.txpath.shutdown() else: return if self.rxpath: self.rxpath.shutdown() else: return if not self.txpath.fake_rf: gr.top_block.stop(self) self.txpath = None self.rxpath = None def shutdown(self): print "phy.shutdown called ..." self.stop() def set_nchannels (self, n): self.nchannels = n if self.tx: self.tx.set_ntx(n) if self.rx: self.rx.set_nrx(n) def set_upsample (self, m): self.upsample = default_phy_setup.d_options['upsample'] if self.tx: self.tx.set_upsampling_factor(m) self.upsample = self.tx.upsampling_factor() if (self.verbose>4): sys.stderr.write("upsample factor = %d\n"%(self.upsample) ) self.set_sample_rate(self.sample_rate) def set_tx_gain (self, g): self.tx_gain = default_phy_setup.d_options['tx_gain'] if self.tx: self.tx.set_gain(g) self.tx_gain = self.tx.gain() if (self.verbose>4): sys.stderr.write("tx gain = %s\n"%(int(self.tx_gain)) ) def set_rx_gain (self, gdb): self.rx_gain = default_phy_setup.d_options['rx_gain'] if self.rxpath: self.rxpath.set_rx_gain(gdb) self.rx_gain = self.rxpath.rx_gain if (self.verbose>4): sys.stderr.write("rx gain = %d dB\n"%(int(self.rx_gain)) ) """ Other control methods for controlling rf from transceiver """ def set_freq(self, f): self.rxpath.set_freq(f) self.txpath.set_freq(f) self.freq = self.rxpath.freq def set_sample_rate(self, r): self.txpath.set_sample_rate(r*self.upsample) self.rxpath.set_sample_rate(r) if (self.verbose>4): sys.stderr.write("Tx sample rate = %.2fM\n"%(self.txpath.sample_rate/1.0e6) ) if (self.verbose>4): sys.stderr.write("Rx sample rate = %.2fM\n"%(self.rxpath.sample_rate/1.0e6) ) self.sample_rate = self.rxpath.sample_rate def set_tx_mode(self, m): if hasattr(self.txpath.pad, 'set_continuous'): self.txpath.pad.set_continuous(m) """ Transmit/receive functions are depricated. They should not be used in conjunction with MAC/PHY interface objects defined in mpif. When operating with mpif objects, you will need to pass the transmitter (self.tx) and the receive output queue (self.rx.outputQ() ) to the configuration functions mpif_tx.set_transmitter() and mpif_rx.set_inputQ(). """ def transmit(self, s): if self.tx: self.tx.transmit (s) def receive(self): ## DEPRICATED: do not use! # check the global control queue phy.phyglobal.ctrlQ() instead return self.rx.outputQ().delete_head() def warning (self, msg, level=0): if self.verbose >= level: sys.stderr.write("PHY warning: "+str(msg)+"\n") def error (self, msg, level=0): if self.verbose >= level: sys.stderr.write("PHY ERROR: "+str(msg)+"\n") """ Add parser options to an OptionParser """ def add_parser_options (parser): if not parser.has_option("-v"): parser.add_option ("-v", "--verbose", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['verbose'], \ help="set verbose level of output [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("--debug"): parser.add_option ("", "--debug", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['debug'], \ help="set debug level of system [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-n"): parser.add_option ("-n", "--nchannels", type="int", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['nchannels'], \ help="set number of channels (or antennas) on USRP board [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-G"): parser.add_option ("-G", "--rx-gain", type="eng_float", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['rx_gain'], \ help="set usrp receive gain in dB [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-g"): parser.add_option ("-g", "--tx-gain", type="eng_float", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['tx_gain'], \ help="set software transmit gain in dB [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("-u"): parser.add_option ("-u", "--upsample", type="int", default=default_phy_setup.d_options['upsample'], \ help="set the upsampling factor [default=%default]") if not parser.has_option("--inband"): parser.add_option("", "--inband", action="store_true", \ default=default_phy_setup.d_options['inband'], help="enable inband signalling in RF [default=%default]") RadioRx.add_parser_options(parser) RadioTx.add_parser_options(parser) add_parser_options = Callable (add_parser_options)