Exemple #1
def test_export(session_with_pywr_network, root_user_id):
    pywr_network_id, pywr_json_filename = session_with_pywr_network

    # Fetch the network
    network = hydra_base.get_network(pywr_network_id,
    # Fetch all the attributes
    attributes = hydra_base.get_attributes()
    # TODO not sure why this returns SQLAlchemy object?
    # TODO rename this to map/lookup
    attributes = {attr.id: JSONObject(attr) for attr in attributes}

    # We also need the template to get the node types
    template = JSONObject(

    exporter = PywrHydraExporter(network, attributes, template)

    pywr_data_exported = exporter.get_pywr_data()

    # Check transformed data is about right
    with open(pywr_json_filename) as fh:
        pywr_data = json.load(fh)

    assert_identical_pywr_data(pywr_data, pywr_data_exported)
Exemple #2
def session_with_pywr_network(pywr_json_filename, session_with_pywr_template,
                              projectmaker, root_user_id):
    project = projectmaker.create()

    template = JSONObject(

    importer = PywrHydraImporter(pywr_json_filename, template)

    # First the attributes must be added.
    attributes = [
        JSONObject(a) for a in importer.add_attributes_request_data()

    # The response attributes have ids now.
    response_attributes = hydra_base.add_attributes(attributes)

    # Convert to a simple dict for local processing.
    attribute_ids = {a.name: a.id for a in response_attributes}

    # Now we try to create the network
    network = importer.add_network_request_data(attribute_ids, project.id)
    hydra_network = hydra_base.add_network(JSONObject(network),

    return hydra_network.id, pywr_json_filename
def test_add_network(pywr_json_filename, session_with_pywr_template,
                     projectmaker, root_user_id):
    project = projectmaker.create()

    template = JSONObject(

    importer = PywrHydraImporter(pywr_json_filename, template)

    # First the attributes must be added.
    attributes = [
        JSONObject(a) for a in importer.add_attributes_request_data()

    # The response attributes have ids now.
    response_attributes = hydra_base.add_attributes(attributes)

    # Convert to a simple dict for local processing.
    # TODO change this variable name to map or lookup
    attribute_ids = {a.name: a.id for a in response_attributes}

    # Now we try to create the network
    network = importer.add_network_request_data(attribute_ids, project.id)

    # Check transformed data is about right
    with open(pywr_json_filename) as fh:
        pywr_data = json.load(fh)

    assert_hydra_pywr(network, pywr_data)
    hydra_network = hydra_base.add_network(JSONObject(network),
def test_add_network(pywr_json_filename, session_with_pywr_template, projectmaker, root_user_id):
    project = projectmaker.create()

    template = JSONObject(hydra_base.get_template_by_name(pywr_template_name('Full')))

    importer = PywrHydraImporter(pywr_json_filename, template)

    # First the attributes must be added.
    attributes = [JSONObject(a) for a in importer.add_attributes_request_data()]

    # The response attributes have ids now.
    response_attributes = hydra_base.add_attributes(attributes)

    # Convert to a simple dict for local processing.
    # TODO change this variable name to map or lookup
    attribute_ids = {a.name: a.id for a in response_attributes}

    # Now we try to create the network
    network = importer.add_network_request_data(attribute_ids, project.id)

    # Check transformed data is about right
    with open(pywr_json_filename) as fh:
        pywr_data = json.load(fh)

    assert_hydra_pywr(network, pywr_data)
    hydra_network = hydra_base.add_network(JSONObject(network), user_id=root_user_id)
Exemple #5
def session_with_pywr_network(pywr_json_filename, session_with_pywr_template, projectmaker, root_user_id):
    project = projectmaker.create()

    template = JSONObject(hydra_base.get_template_by_name(pywr_template_name('Full')))

    importer = PywrHydraImporter(pywr_json_filename, template)

    # First the attributes must be added.
    attributes = [JSONObject(a) for a in importer.add_attributes_request_data()]

    # The response attributes have ids now.
    response_attributes = hydra_base.add_attributes(attributes)

    # Convert to a simple dict for local processing.
    attribute_ids = {a.name: a.id for a in response_attributes}

    # Now we try to create the network
    network = importer.add_network_request_data(attribute_ids, project.id)
    hydra_network = hydra_base.add_network(JSONObject(network), user_id=root_user_id)

    return hydra_network.id, pywr_json_filename