def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" if str(self.id_) is None: description = "Instance of type {} already exists".format(self.type_) return HydraError(code=400, title="Instance already exists.", desc=description) else: description = "Instance of type {} with ID {} already exists".format( self.type_, str(self.id_)) return HydraError(code=400, title="Instance already exists.", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" if str(self.id_) is None: description = f"Instance of type {self.type_} not found" return HydraError(code=404, title="Instance not found", desc=description) else: description = f"Instance of type {self.type_} with ID {str(self.id_)} not found" return HydraError(code=404, title="Instance not found", desc=description)
def parse_collection_members(object_: dict) -> dict: """Parse the members of a collection to make it easier to insert in database. :param object_: The body of the request having object members :type object_: dict :return: Object with parsed members :rtype: dict """ members = list() for member in object_['members']: # example member # { # "@id": "/serverapi/LogEntry/aab38f9d-516a-4bb2-ae16-068c0c5345bd", # "@type": "LogEntry" # } member_id = member['@id'].split('/')[-1] member_type = member['@type'] if crud.item_exists(member_type, member_id, get_session()): members.append({ "id_": member_id, "@type": member_type, }) else: error = HydraError(code=400, title="Data is not valid") return error_response(error) object_['members'] = members return object_
def get_context(category: str) -> Response: """ Generate the context for a given category. :param category: The category of class for which context is required :type category: str :return: Response with context :rtype: Response """ collections, parsed_classes = get_collections_and_parsed_classes() # Check for collection if category in get_doc().collections: # type: Union[Dict[str,Any],Dict[int,str]] response = {"@context": collections[category]["context"].generate()} return set_response_headers(jsonify(response)) # Check for non collection class elif category in parsed_classes: response = { "@context": get_doc().parsed_classes[category]["context"].generate() } return set_response_headers(jsonify(response)) else: error = HydraError(code=404, title="NOT FOUND", desc="Context not found") return error_response(error)
def items_put_check_support(id_, class_path, path, is_collection): """Check if class_type supports PUT operation""" object_ = json.loads('utf-8')) collections, parsed_classes = get_collections_and_parsed_classes() if path in parsed_classes: class_path = path obj_type = getType(path, "PUT") elif path in collections: collection = collections[path]["collection"] class_path = collection.path obj_type = link_props, link_type_check = get_link_props(class_path, object_) # Load new object and type if (validate_object(object_, obj_type, class_path) and link_type_check): if is_collection: object_ = parse_collection_members(object_) try: # Add the object with given ID object_id = crud.insert(object_=object_, id_=id_, session=get_session(), collection=is_collection) headers_ = [{"Location": f"{get_hydrus_server_url()}" f"{get_api_name()}/{path}/{object_id}"}] status_description = f"Object with ID {object_id} successfully added" status = HydraStatus(code=201, title="Object successfully added.", desc=status_description) return set_response_headers( jsonify(status.generate()), headers=headers_, status_code=status.code) except (ClassNotFound, InstanceExists, PropertyNotFound) as e: error = e.get_HTTP() return error_response(error) else: error = HydraError(code=400, title="Data is not valid") return error_response(error)
def items_put_response(path: str, int_list="") -> Response: """ Handles PUT operation to insert multiple items. :param path: Path for Item Collection :type path: str :param int_list: Optional String containing ',' separated ID's :type int_list: List :return: Appropriate response for the PUT operation on multiple items. :rtype: Response """ object_ = json.loads('utf-8')) object_ = object_["data"] _, parsed_classes = get_collections_and_parsed_classes() if path in parsed_classes: class_path = path obj_type = getType(path, "PUT") incomplete_objects = [] for obj in object_: if not check_required_props(class_path, obj): incomplete_objects.append(obj) object_.remove(obj) link_props_list, link_type_check = get_link_props_for_multiple_objects(class_path, object_) if validObjectList(object_) and link_type_check: type_result = type_match(object_, obj_type) # If Item in request's JSON is a valid object # ie. @type is one of the keys in object_ if type_result: # If the right Item type is being added to the # collection try: # Insert object and return location in Header object_id = crud.insert_multiple( objects_=object_, session=get_session(), id_=int_list) headers_ = [{"Location": f"{get_hydrus_server_url()}" f"{get_api_name()}/{path}/{object_id}"}] if len(incomplete_objects) > 0: status = HydraStatus(code=202, title="Object(s) missing required property") response = status.generate() response["objects"] = incomplete_objects return set_response_headers( jsonify(response), headers=headers_, status_code=status.code) else: status_description = f"Objects with ID {object_id} successfully added" status = HydraStatus(code=201, title="Objects successfully added", desc=status_description) return set_response_headers( jsonify(status.generate()), headers=headers_, status_code=status.code) except (ClassNotFound, InstanceExists, PropertyNotFound) as e: error = e.get_HTTP() return error_response(error) error = HydraError(code=400, title="Data is not valid") return error_response(error)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = "Following parameters are incompatible with each other: [" for i in range(len(self.params)): if i == len(self.params) - 1: description += "{}]".format(self.params[i]) else: description += "{}, ".format(self.params[i]) return HydraError(code=400, title="Incompatible parameters.", desc=description)
def error_response(error: HydraError) -> Response: """ Generate the response if there is an error while performing any operation :param error: HydraError object which will help in generating response :type error: HydraError :return: Error response with appropriate status code :rtype: Response """ return set_response_headers(jsonify(error.generate()), status_code=error.code)
def items_post_check_support(id_, object_, class_path, path, is_collection): """Check if class_type supports POST operation""" collections, parsed_classes = get_collections_and_parsed_classes() if path in parsed_classes: class_path = path obj_type = getType(path, "PUT") elif path in collections: collection = collections[path]["collection"] class_path = collection.path obj_type = link_props, link_type_check = get_link_props(class_path, object_) # Load new object and type if (validate_object(object_, obj_type, class_path) and link_type_check): if is_collection: object_ = parse_collection_members(object_) try: # Update the right ID if the object is valid and matches # type of Item object_id = crud.update(object_=object_, id_=id_, type_=object_["@type"], session=get_session(), api_name=get_api_name(), collection=is_collection) method = "POST" resource_url = f"{get_hydrus_server_url()}{get_api_name()}/{path}/{object_id}" last_job_id = crud.get_last_modification_job_id( session=get_session()) new_job_id = crud.insert_modification_record(method, resource_url, session=get_session()) send_sync_update(socketio=socketio, new_job_id=new_job_id, last_job_id=last_job_id, method=method, resource_url=resource_url) headers_ = [{"Location": resource_url}] status_description = (f"Object with ID {object_id} successfully " "updated") status = HydraStatus(code=200, title="Object updated", desc=status_description) return set_response_headers(jsonify(status.generate()), headers=headers_) except (ClassNotFound, InstanceNotFound, InstanceExists, PropertyNotFound) as e: error = e.get_HTTP() return error_response(error) else: error = HydraError(code=400, title="Data is not valid") return error_response(error)
def item_collection_put_response(path: str) -> Response: """ Handles PUT operation on item collection classes. :param path: Path for Item Collection :type path: str :return: Appropriate response for the PUT operation. :rtype: Response """ object_ = json.loads('utf-8')) collections, parsed_classes = get_collections_and_parsed_classes() is_collection = False if path in parsed_classes: class_path = path is_collection = False obj_type = getType(path, "PUT") elif path in collections: collection = collections[path]["collection"] class_path = collection.path obj_type = is_collection = True if validate_object(object_, obj_type, class_path): # If Item in request's JSON is a valid object ie. @type is a key in object_ # and the right Item type is being added to the collection if is_collection: object_ = parse_collection_members(object_) try: # Insert object and return location in Header object_id = crud.insert(object_=object_, session=get_session(), collection=is_collection) headers_ = [{ "Location": f"{get_hydrus_server_url()}{get_api_name()}/{path}/{object_id}" }] status_description = f"Object with ID {object_id} successfully added" status = HydraStatus(code=201, title="Object successfully added", desc=status_description) return set_response_headers(jsonify(status.generate()), headers=headers_, status_code=status.code) except (ClassNotFound, InstanceExists, PropertyNotFound, PropertyNotGiven) as e: error = e.get_HTTP() return error_response(error) else: error = HydraError(code=400, title="Data is not valid") return error_response(error)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"The page with ID {self.page_id} not found" return HydraError(code=400, title="Page not found", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"The user with ID {self.id_} already exists" return HydraError(code=400, title="User already exists.", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"The User with ID {self.id_} is not a valid/defined User" return HydraError(code=400, title="User not found", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"The property {self.type_} is not a valid/defined Property" return HydraError(code=400, title="Property not found", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = "The property {} is not an Abstract property".format(self.type_) return HydraError(code=400, title="Not an Abstract property", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"Offset {self.offset} is out of range." return HydraError(code=400, title="Page not found", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"Query parameter [{self.param}] is invalid" return HydraError(code=400, title="Invalid query parameter", desc=description)
def get_HTTP(self) -> HydraError: """Return the HTTP response for the Exception.""" description = f"The class {self.type_} is not a valid/defined RDFClass" return HydraError(code=400, title="Invalid class", desc=description)