def normal_from_bounds(label, left_bound, right_bound, quantization=None): mean = (left_bound + right_bound) / 2.0 sigma = (right_bound - left_bound) / 4.0 hp_variable = (hp.normal(label, mean, sigma) if quantization is None else hp.qnormal(label, mean, sigma, quantization)) dist = stats.norm(mean, sigma) return Parameter(label, mean, hp_variable, dist.logpdf, dist.cdf)
def blja_test(): space = { 'n_estimators': hp.qnormal('n_estimators', 1000, 200, 10), 'learning_rate': hp.normal('learning_rate', 0.1, 0.05) } for x in range(1000): print pyll.stochastic.sample(space)
def do_test(runs, flder): df = load_train() space = { 'k': hp.qnormal('k', 25, 10, 1), 'f': hp.loguniform('f', log(0.1), log(5)) } trials = MongoTrials( 'mongo://', exp_key='exp1') log_file = os.path.join(flder, 'log.txt') objective = partial(bid_and_zero_optimizer.loss_for_batch, df=df, runs=runs, flder=flder, log_file=log_file) best = fmin(objective, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=10000) print print 'curr={}'.format(best) print 'best={}'.format(get_the_best_loss(trials))
def parse_search_space(self, learner_space): ''' search space is dictionary {'n_estimators': ('uniform', 1, 1000, 'discrete')} ''' search_space = dict() for k, v in learner_space.iteritems(): if v[2] == 'samples': v = (v[0], v[1], min(100, self.X.shape[0]/len(self.kf)-1), v[3]) if v[3] == 'discrete': search_space[k] = hp.quniform(k, v[1], v[2], 1) elif v[0] == 'uniform': search_space[k] = hp.uniform(k, v[1], v[2]) elif v[0] == 'loguniform': search_space[k] = hp.loguniform(k, v[1], v[2]) elif v[0] == 'normal': search_space[k] = hp.normal(k, v[1], v[2]) elif v[0] == 'lognormal': search_space[k] = hp.lognormal(k, v[1], v[2]) elif v[0] == 'quniform': search_space[k] = hp.quniform(k, v[1], v[2], v[3]) elif v[0] == 'qloguniform': search_space[k] = hp.qloguniform(k, v[1], v[2], v[3]) elif v[0] == 'qnormal': search_space[k] = hp.qnormal(k, v[1], v[2], v[3]) elif v[0] == 'qlognormal': search_space[k] = hp.qlognormal(k, v[1], v[2], v[3]) return search_space
def build_dist_func_instance(hp_name, func, args, hp_size=None): ''' args: hp_name: the name of the hyperparameter associated with this func func: name of hyperopt dist func args: list of float values processing: instantiate the named dist func with specified args return: instance of hyperopt dist func ''' if func == "choice": dist = hp.choice(hp_name, args) elif func == "randint": max_value = 65535 if len(args) == 0 else args[0] # specify "size=None" to workaround hyperopt bug if hp_size: # let size default to () (error if we try to set it explictly) dist = hp.randint(hp_name, max_value) else: dist = hp.randint(hp_name, max_value, size=None) elif func == "uniform": arg_check(func, args, count=2) dist = hp.uniform(hp_name, *args) elif func == "normal": arg_check(func, args, count=2) dist = hp.normal(hp_name, *args) elif func == "loguniform": arg_check(func, args, count=2) dist = hp.loguniform(hp_name, *args) elif func == "lognormal": arg_check(func, args, count=2) dist = hp.lognormal(hp_name, *args) elif func == "quniform": arg_check(func, args, count=3) dist = hp.quniform(hp_name, *args) elif func == "qnormal": arg_check(func, args, count=3) dist = hp.qnormal(hp_name, *args) elif func == "qloguniform": arg_check(func, args, count=3) dist = hp.qloguniform(hp_name, *args) elif func == "qlognormal": arg_check(func, args, count=3) dist = hp.qlognormal(hp_name, *args) return dist
def normal_from_bounds(label, left_bound, right_bound, quantization=None): mean = (left_bound + right_bound) / 2.0 sigma = (right_bound - left_bound) / 4.0 hp_variable = ( hp.normal(label, mean, sigma) if quantization is None else hp.qnormal(label, mean, sigma, quantization) ) dist = stats.norm(mean, sigma) return Parameter(label, mean, hp_variable, dist.logpdf, dist.cdf)
def do_test(runs, fldr): df = load_train() space = { 'k': hp.qnormal('k', 25, 10, 1), 'f': hp.loguniform('f', log(0.1), log(5)) } trials = Trials() best = fmin(lambda s: loss_for_batch(df,s,trials, runs,fldr), space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=10000) print print 'curr={}'.format(best) print 'best={}'.format(get_the_best_loss(trials))
def test_read_qnormal(self): # 0 float # 1 hyperopt_param # 2 Literal{qnormal} # 3 qnormal # 4 Literal{0.0} # 5 Literal{1.0} # 6 Literal{0.5} qnormal = hp.qnormal("qnormal", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5).inputs()[0].inputs()[1] ret = self.pyll_reader.read_qnormal(qnormal, "qnormal") expected = configuration_space.NormalFloatHyperparameter( "qnormal", 0.0, 1.0, q=0.5) self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
def do_test(folds): df = load_train() space = { 'n_estimators': hp.qnormal('n_estimators', 1000, 200, 10), 'learning_rate': hp.normal('learning_rate', 0.1, 0.05) } trials = Trials() best = fmin(lambda s: simple_cross_val(folds, s, df, trials), space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=100) print best print get_the_best_loss(trials)
def many_dists(): a = hp.choice("a", [0, 1, 2]) b = hp.randint("b", 10) bb = hp.randint("bb", 12, 25) c = hp.uniform("c", 4, 7) d = hp.loguniform("d", -2, 0) e = hp.quniform("e", 0, 10, 3) f = hp.qloguniform("f", 0, 3, 2) g = hp.normal("g", 4, 7) h = hp.lognormal("h", -2, 2) i = hp.qnormal("i", 0, 10, 2) j = hp.qlognormal("j", 0, 2, 1) k = hp.pchoice("k", [(0.1, 0), (0.9, 1)]) z = a + b + bb + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k return {"loss": scope.float(scope.log(1e-12 + z ** 2)), "status": base.STATUS_OK}
def many_dists(): a = hp.choice('a', [0, 1, 2]) b = hp.randint('b', 10) c = hp.uniform('c', 4, 7) d = hp.loguniform('d', -2, 0) e = hp.quniform('e', 0, 10, 3) f = hp.qloguniform('f', 0, 3, 2) g = hp.normal('g', 4, 7) h = hp.lognormal('h', -2, 2) i = hp.qnormal('i', 0, 10, 2) j = hp.qlognormal('j', 0, 2, 1) k = hp.pchoice('k', [(.1, 0), (.9, 1)]) z = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k return {'loss': scope.float(scope.log(1e-12 + z ** 2)), 'status': base.STATUS_OK}
def do_test(folds): df = load_train() space = { 'n_estimators': hp.qnormal('n_estimators', 1000, 200, 10), 'learning_rate': hp.normal('learning_rate', 0.1, 0.05), 'gamma': hp.choice('gamma', [0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.2]), 'max_depth': hp.choice('max_depth', [2, 3, 4, 5]), 'min_child_weight': hp.choice('min_child_weight', [1, 2, 3]) } trials = Trials() best = fmin(lambda s: man_id_cross_val(folds, s, df, trials), space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=10000) print best print get_the_best_loss(trials)
def do_test(runs): df = load_train() space = { 'k': hp.qnormal('k', 10, 7, 1), 'f': hp.loguniform('f', log(0.1), log(5)), 'n': hp.choice('n', [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10]) } trials = MongoTrials('mongo://', exp_key='exp1') objective = partial(mngr_id_hcc_optimizer.loss_for_batch, df=df, runs=runs) best = fmin(objective, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=10000) print print 'curr={}'.format(best) print 'best={}'.format(get_the_best_loss(trials))
def do_test(runs): df = load_train() space = { 'k': hp.qnormal('k', 25, 10, 1), 'f': hp.loguniform('f', log(0.1), log(5)) } trials = MongoTrials( 'mongo://', exp_key='exp1') objective = partial(display_address_to_high_card_optimizer.loss_for_batch, df=df, runs=runs) best = fmin(objective, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=10000) print print 'curr={}'.format(best) print 'best={}'.format(get_the_best_loss(trials))
numround = int(space['numround']) #evallist = [(dtest,'eval'), (dtrain,'train')] bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, numround) ypred = bst.predict(dtest) auc = roc_auc_score(y2, ypred) print("SCORE: %s" % auc) return {'loss': 1 - auc, 'status': STATUS_OK} space = { 'max_depth': hp.qnormal("x_max_depth", 9, 1.2, 1), 'min_child_weight': 0.5, 'eta': 0.1, 'lambda': hp.qnormal('x_lambda', 6, 2, 1), 'alpha': hp.normal('x_alpha', 6, 2, 1), 'subsample': 1, 'colsample_bytree': 1, #'scale_pos_weight': hp.normal('x_scale_pos_weight',0.5,0.5), 'numround': hp.quniform('x_numround', 400, 600, 1) } # In[ ]: trials = Trials() best = fmin(fn=objective, space=space,
def createHyperoptSpace(self): name = self.root if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: data = [] if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] choices = hp.choice(name, [ Hyperparameter(param, name + "." + str(index)).createHyperoptSpace() for index, param in enumerate(data) ]) return choices elif self.config['type'] == 'object': space = {} for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] space[key] = Hyperparameter(config, name + "." + key).createHyperoptSpace() return space elif self.config['type'] == 'number': mode = self.config.get('mode', 'uniform') scaling = self.config.get('scaling', 'linear') if mode == 'uniform': min = self.config.get('min', 0) max = self.config.get('max', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.quniform(name, min, max, rounding) else: return hp.uniform(name, min, max) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qloguniform(name, math.log(min), math.log(max), rounding) else: return hp.loguniform(name, math.log(min), math.log(max)) if mode == 'normal': mean = self.config.get('mean', 0) stddev = self.config.get('stddev', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.qnormal(name, mean, stddev, rounding) else: return hp.normal(name, mean, stddev) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qlognormal(name, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev), rounding) else: return hp.lognormal(name, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev))
def createHyperoptSpace(self, lockedValues=None): name = self.root if lockedValues is None: lockedValues = {} if 'anyOf' in self.config or 'oneOf' in self.config: data = [] if 'anyOf' in self.config: data = self.config['anyOf'] else: data = self.config['oneOf'] subSpaces = [ Hyperparameter(param, self, name + "." + str(index)).createHyperoptSpace(lockedValues) for index, param in enumerate(data) ] for index, space in enumerate(subSpaces): space["$index"] = index choices = hp.choice(self.hyperoptVariableName, subSpaces) return choices elif 'enum' in self.config: if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] choices = hp.choice(self.hyperoptVariableName, self.config['enum']) return choices elif 'constant' in self.config: if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] return self.config['constant'] elif self.config['type'] == 'object': space = {} for key in self.config['properties'].keys(): config = self.config['properties'][key] space[key] = Hyperparameter( config, self, name + "." + key).createHyperoptSpace(lockedValues) return space elif self.config['type'] == 'number': if in lockedValues: return lockedValues[] mode = self.config.get('mode', 'uniform') scaling = self.config.get('scaling', 'linear') if mode == 'uniform': min = self.config.get('min', 0) max = self.config.get('max', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.quniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, min, max, rounding) else: return hp.uniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, min, max) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qloguniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(min), math.log(max), rounding) else: return hp.loguniform(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(min), math.log(max)) if mode == 'randint': max = self.config.get('max', 1) return hp.randint(self.hyperoptVariableName, max) if mode == 'normal': mean = self.config.get('mean', 0) stddev = self.config.get('stddev', 1) rounding = self.config.get('rounding', None) if scaling == 'linear': if rounding is not None: return hp.qnormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, mean, stddev, rounding) else: return hp.normal(self.hyperoptVariableName, mean, stddev) elif scaling == 'logarithmic': if rounding is not None: return hp.qlognormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev), rounding) else: return hp.lognormal(self.hyperoptVariableName, math.log(mean), math.log(stddev))
space = { 'noise_std': hp.normal('noise_std', 0.5, 0.3), 'lr': hp.loguniform('lr', np.log(0.005), np.log(0.2)), 'denoising_cost': [ hp.uniform('dc1', 0.0, 1.0), hp.uniform('dc2', 0.0, 1.0), hp.uniform('dc3', 0.0, 1.0), hp.uniform('dc4', 0.0, 1.0), hp.uniform('dc5', 0.0, 1.0), hp.uniform('dc6', 0.0, 1.0) ], 'batch_size': hp.qnormal('batch_size', 100, 20, 1) } # optimization algorithm tpe_algorithm = tpe.suggest # Keep track of results bayes_trials = Trials() # File to save first results out_file = 'results/trials.csv' of_connection = open(out_file, 'w') writer = csv.writer(of_connection) # Write the headers to the file writer.writerow(
def hyperopt(self): return hp.qnormal(,, self.sigma, self.q)
def qnormal(label, *args, **kwargs): return hp.qnormal(label, *args, **kwargs)