def link_choice_ids(layers, compile_params, extra_params, dimensions):
    """Update `extra_params` to include a 'location' attribute on any descendants of :class:`space.Dimension`, specifying its
    position among all hyperparameters

    layers: List
        A list of dicts, in which each dict describes a network layer
    compile_params: Dict
        A dict containing the hyperparameters supplied to the model's `compile` call
    extra_params: Dict
        A dict containing the hyperparameters for the model's extra methods, such as `fit`, `predict`, and `predict_proba`
    dimensions: List
        A list containing descendants of :class:`space.Dimension`, representing the entire hyperparameter search space

    extra_params: Dict
        Mirrors the given `extra_params`, except any descendants of :class:`space.Dimension` now have a 'location' attribute"""
    def visit_builder(param_type):
        """Define a visit function that prepends `param_type` to the 'location' tuple added in `_visit`"""
        param_type = (
            param_type, ) if not isinstance(param_type, tuple) else param_type

        def _visit(path, key, value):
            """If `value` is a descendant of :class:`space.Dimension`, add 'location' to itself and its copy in `dimensions`"""
            if isinstance(value, (Real, Integer, Categorical)):
                for i in range(len(dimensions)):
                    if dimensions[i].id ==
                        setattr(dimensions[i], 'location',
                                (param_type + path + (key, )))
                        setattr(value, 'location',
                                (param_type + path + (key, )))
            return (key, value)

        return _visit

    def _enter(path, key, value):
        """If `value` is in `keras.callbacks`, enter as a dict, iterating over non-magic attributes. Else, `default_enter`"""
        if isinstance(value, base_keras_callback):
            return dict(), [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in dir(value)
                            if not _.startswith('__')]
        return default_enter(path, key, value)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _new_layers = remap(layers.copy(),
                        visit=visit_builder(('model_init_params', 'layers')))
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _new_compile_params = remap(compile_params.copy(),
                                    ('model_init_params', 'compile_params')))
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _new_extra_params = remap(
        {_k: _v
         for _k, _v in extra_params.items() if _k != 'params'},

    # `extra_params` has locations for `layers`, `compile_params`, `extra_params` - Of form expected by `build_fn` (less choices)
    return extra_params
    def generate_cross_experiment_key(self):
        """Generate a key to describe the current Environment's cross-experiment parameters"""
        parameters = dict(

        #################### Revert Aliases for Compatibility ####################
        # If any aliases were used during call to `Environment.__init__`, replace the default names
        # in `parameters` with the alias used. This ensures compatibility with Environment keys
        # made in earlier versions
        aliases_used = getattr(self, "__hh_aliases_used", {})

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def _visit(path, key, value):
            if key in aliases_used:
                key = aliases_used.pop(key)
            return (key, value)

        if aliases_used:
            parameters = remap(parameters, visit=_visit)

        #################### Make `cross_experiment_key` ####################
        self.cross_experiment_key = CrossExperimentKeyMaker(parameters)
def get_choice_dimensions(params, iter_attrs=None):
    """List all elements in the nested structure `params` that are hyperparameter space choices

    params: Dict
        Parameters that may be nested and that may contain hyperparameter space choices to collect
    iter_attrs: Callable, list of callables, or None, default=None
        If callable, must evaluate to True or False when given three inputs: (path, key, value).
        Callable should return True if the current value should be entered by `remap`. If callable
        returns False, `default_enter` will be called. If `iter_attrs` is a list of callables, the
        value will be entered if any evaluates to True. If None, `default_enter` will be called

    choices: List
        A list of tuple pairs, in which `choices[<index>][0]` is a tuple path specifying the
        location of the hyperparameter given a choice, and `choices[<index>][1]` is the space
        choice instance for that hyperparameter"""
    choices = []

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If `value` is a descendant of :class:`space.Dimension`, collect inputs, and return True.
        Else, return False"""
        if isinstance(value, (Real, Integer, Categorical)):
            choices.append(((path + (key, )), value))
            return True
        return False

    _ = remap(params, visit=_visit, enter=extra_enter_attrs(iter_attrs))
    return choices
def merge_compile_params(compile_params, dummified_params):
    """Update `compile_params` to reflect those values that were given hyperparameter space choices,
    as specified by `dummified_params`

    compile_params: Dict
        All the compile parameters provided to a dummy model's `compile` method, or their default
        values if they were not explicitly given. If the original value of one of the keys in
        `compile_params` was a hyperparameter space choice, its current value will be the dummy
        chosen for it, and this change will be reflected by the contents of `dummified_params`
    dummified_params: Dict
        A mapping of keys in `compile_params` (possibly nested keys) to a tuple pair of
        (<original hyperparameter space choice>, <tuple path to key>)

    merged_params: Dict
        A dictionary that mirrors `compile_params`, except where an element of `dummified_params`
        has the same path/key, in which case the hyperparameter space choice value in
        `dummified_params` is used"""
    # FLAG: Deal with capitalization conflicts when comparing similar experiments: `optimizer`='Adam' vs 'adam'
    _dummified_params = {(_k[1:] if _k[0] == "params" else _k): _v
                         for _k, _v in dummified_params.copy().items()}

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If (`path` + `key`) in `_dummified_params`, return its value instead. Else, default"""
        location = path + (key, )
        if len(_dummified_params) and location in _dummified_params:
            return (key, _dummified_params.pop(location))
        return (key, value)

    merged_params = remap(compile_params, visit=_visit)
    return merged_params
Exemple #5
    def __init__(
        """ResultFinder for locating saved Keras Experiments compatible with the given constraints

        algorithm_name: String
            The name of the algorithm whose hyperparameters are being optimized
        module_name: String
            The name of the module from whence the algorithm being used came
        cross_experiment_key: String
            The cross_experiment_key produced by the current :class:`environment.Environment`
        target_metric: Tuple
            Path denoting the metric to be used. The first value should be one of ['oof',
            'holdout', 'in_fold'], and the second value should be the name of a metric supplied in
        hyperparameter_space: :class:`space.Space`
            Hyperparameter search space constraints
        leaderboard_path: String
            Path to a leaderboard file, whose listed Experiments will be tested for compatibility
        descriptions_dir: String
            Path to a directory containing the description files of saved Experiments
        model_params: Dict
            Concrete hyperparameters for the model. Common keys include 'model_init_params', and
            'model_extra_params', both of which can be pointers to dicts of hyperparameters"""

        from keras.callbacks import Callback as BaseKerasCallback

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def _visit(path, key, value):
            """If `value` is `BaseKerasCallback`, return dict representation. Else default_visit"""
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            return (key, value)

        self.model_params = remap(self.model_params, visit=_visit)

            del self.model_params["model_extra_params"]["params"]
        except KeyError:
    def handle_complex_types(self):
        """Locate complex types in :attr:`parameters`, create hashes for them, add lookup entries
        linking their original values to their hashes, then update their values in
        :attr:`parameters` to their hashes to facilitate Description saving"""
        if self.tested_keys_dir is None:  # Key-making blacklisted

        dataframe_hashes = {}

        def visit(path, key, value):
            """Check whether a parameter is of a complex type. If not, return it unchanged.
            Otherwise, 1) create a hash for its value; 2) save a complex type lookup entry linking
            `key`, `value`, and the hash for `value`; and 3) return the hashed value with `key`,
            instead of the original complex-typed `value`

            path: Tuple
                The path of keys that leads to `key`
            key: Str
                The parameter name
            value: *
                The value of the parameter `key`

            Tuple of (`key`, value), in which value is either unchanged or a hash for the original
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            if isinstance(value, Sentinel):
                return (key, value.sentinel)
            elif callable(value) or isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                hashed_value = make_hash_sha256(value)

                if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                    dataframe_hashes.setdefault(hashed_value, []).append(key)

                    self.add_complex_type_lookup_entry(path, key, value,
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    os.makedirs(self.key_attribute_lookup_dir, exist_ok=False)
                    self.add_complex_type_lookup_entry(path, key, value,

                return (key, hashed_value)
            return (key, value)

        self.parameters = remap(self.parameters, visit=visit)

        #################### Check for Identical DataFrames ####################
        for df_hash, df_names in dataframe_hashes.items():
            if len(df_names) > 1:
                    f"The dataframes: {df_names} have an identical hash: {df_hash!s}. This implies the dataframes are "
                    "identical, which is probably unintentional. If left alone, scores may be misleading!"
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, parameters, cross_experiment_key, **kwargs):
        """A KeyMaker class dedicated to creating hyperparameter keys, which determine when
        experiments were executed using identical hyperparameters. Two separate instances of
        :class:`experiments.CVExperiment` should produce identical `hyperparameter_key` s if their
        hyperparameters are the same (or close enough)

        parameters: Dict
            All the parameters to be included when creating the key hash. Keys should correspond to
            parameter names, and values should be the values of the corresponding keys
        cross_experiment_key: Str
            The key produced by the active Environment via
            :class:`key_handler.CrossExperimentKeyMaker`, used for determining when a
            hyperparameter key has already been tested under the same cross-experiment parameters
        **kwargs: Dict
            Additional arguments supplied to :meth:`key_handler.KeyMaker.__init__`"""
        self.cross_experiment_key = cross_experiment_key
        self.is_task_keras = (
            hasattr(G.Env, "current_task")
            and G.Env.current_task
            and G.Env.current_task.module_name == "keras"

        if self.is_task_keras:
            parameters = deepcopy(parameters)

            #################### Initialize and Parameterize Dummy Model ####################
            temp_model = initialize_dummy_model(

            temp_layers, temp_compile_params = parameterize_compiled_keras_model(temp_model)

            #################### Process Parameters ####################
            # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
            def _visit(path, key, value):
                """If `key` not in ('input_shape', 'input_dim'), return True. Else, return False"""
                return key not in ("input_shape", "input_dim")

            temp_layers = remap(temp_layers, visit=_visit)

            parameters["model_init_params"]["layers"] = temp_layers
            parameters["model_init_params"]["compile_params"] = temp_compile_params

            if "params" in parameters["model_extra_params"]:
                parameters["model_extra_params"] = {
                    _k: _v for _k, _v in parameters["model_extra_params"].items() if _k != "params"

        KeyMaker.__init__(self, parameters, **kwargs)
    def _filter_by_guidelines_multi(self, location):
        """Helper to filter by guidelines when one of the guideline hyperparameters is directly
        affected by a hyperparameter that is given as a space choice

        location: Tuple
            Location of the hyperparameter space choice that affects the acceptable guideline values
            of a particular hyperparameter. In other words, this is the path of a hyperparameter,
            which, if changed, would change the expected default value of another hyperparameter

        This is used for Keras Experiments when the `optimizer` value in a model's `compile_params`
        is given as a hyperparameter space choice. Each possible value of `optimizer` prescribes
        different default values for the `optimizer_params` argument, so special measures need to be
        taken to ensure the correct Experiments are declared to fit within the constraints"""
        _model_params = deepcopy(self.model_params)

        if location == ("model_init_params", "compile_params", "optimizer"):
            from keras.optimizers import get as k_opt_get

            update_location = ("model_init_params", "compile_params",
            allowed_values = get_path(_model_params, location).bounds

            #################### Handle First Value (Dummy) ####################
            allowed_values = allowed_values[1:]

            #################### Handle Remaining Values ####################
            for allowed_val in allowed_values:
                updated_value = k_opt_get(allowed_val).get_config()

                def _visit(path, key, value):
                    """If `path` + `key` == `update_location`, return default for this choice. Else,
                    if path + (key, ) == update_location:
                        return (key, updated_value)
                    return (key, value)

                    model_params=remap(_model_params, visit=_visit))

            self.similar_experiments = sorted(self.similar_experiments,
                                              key=lambda _: _[1],
            raise ValueError(
                "Received unhandled location: {}".format(location))
def locate_sentinels(parameters):
    """Produce a mirrored `parameters` dict, wherein `Sentinel` values are converted to the objects they represent

    parameters: Dict
        Dict of parameters, which may contain nested `Sentinel` values

        Dict mirroring `parameters`, except where a `Sentinel` was found, the value it represents is returned instead"""
    if len(G.sentinel_registry) == 0:
        return parameters
    return remap(parameters, visit=_sentinel_visitor)
Exemple #10
def deep_restricted_update(default_vals, new_vals, iter_attrs=None):
    """Return an updated dictionary that mirrors `default_vals`, except where the key in `new_vals`
    matches the path in `default_vals`, in which case the `new_vals` value is used

    default_vals: Dict
        Dict containing the values to return if an alternative is not found in `new_vals`
    new_vals: Dict
        Dict whose keys are expected to be tuples corresponding to key paths in `default_vals`
    iter_attrs: Callable, list of callables, or None, default=None
        If callable, must evaluate to True or False when given three inputs: (path, key, value).
        Callable should return True if the current value should be entered by `remap`. If callable
        returns False, `default_enter` will be called. If `iter_attrs` is a list of callables, the
        value will be entered if any evaluates to True. If None, `default_enter` will be called

    Dict, or None

    >>> deep_restricted_update({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {('b',): 'foo', ('c',): 'bar'})
    {'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}
    >>> deep_restricted_update({'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 2, 'b2': 3}}, {('b', 'b1'): 'foo', ('c', 'c1'): 'bar'})
    {'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 'foo', 'b2': 3}}"""
    iter_attrs = iter_attrs or [lambda *_args: False]
    iter_attrs = [iter_attrs
                  ] if not isinstance(iter_attrs, list) else iter_attrs

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If (`path` + `key`) is a key in `new_vals`, return its value. Else, default return"""
        for _current_key, _current_val in new_vals.items():
            if path + (key, ) == _current_key:
                return (key, _current_val)
        return (key, value)

    def _enter(path, key, value):
        """If any in `iter_attrs` is True, enter `value` as a dict, iterating over non-magic
        attributes. Else, `default_enter`"""
        if any([_(path, key, value) for _ in iter_attrs]):
            included_attrs = [_ for _ in dir(value) if not _.startswith("__")]
            return dict(), [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in included_attrs]
        return default_enter(path, key, value)

    return remap(default_vals, visit=_visit,
                 enter=_enter) if default_vals else default_vals
    def __init__(self, params: List[str], stage: str):
        """Characterize the relationships between the dataset names `params`

        params: List[str]
            Dataset names requested by a feature engineering step callable. Must be a subset of
            {"train_data", "train_inputs", "train_targets", "validation_data", "validation_inputs",
            "validation_targets", "holdout_data", "holdout_inputs", "holdout_targets",
            "test_inputs", "all_data", "all_inputs", "all_targets", "non_train_data",
            "non_train_inputs", "non_train_targets"}
        stage: String in {"pre_cv", "intra_cv"}
            Feature engineering stage during which the datasets `params` are requested

        merged_datasets: List[tuple]
            Tuples of strings denoting paths to datasets that represent a merge between multiple
            datasets. Merged datasets are those prefixed with either "all" or "non_train". These
            paths are locations in `descendants`
        coupled_datasets: List[tuple]
            Tuples of strings denoting paths to datasets that represent a coupling of "inputs" and
            "targets" datasets. Coupled datasets are those suffixed with "data". These paths are
            locations in `descendants`, and the values at each path should be a dict containing keys
            with "inputs" and "targets" suffixes
        leaves: Dict[tuple, str]
            Mapping of full path tuples in `descendants` to their leaf values. Tuple paths represent
            the steps necessary to reach the standard dataset leaf value in `descendants` by
            traversing merged and coupled datasets. Values in `leaves` should be identical to the
            last element of the corresponding tuple key
        descendants: DescendantsType
            Nested dict in which all keys are dataset name strings, and all leaf values are `None`.
            Represents the structure of the requested dataset names, traversing over merged and
            coupled datasets (if necessary) in order to reach the standard dataset leaves"""
        self.params: List[str] = params
        self.stage: str = stage

        self.merged_datasets: List[tuple] = []
        self.coupled_datasets: List[tuple] = []
        self.leaves: Dict[tuple, str] = dict()
        self.descendants: DescendantsType = remap({_: _
                                                   for _ in self.params},
def get_choice_dimensions(params, iter_attrs=None):
    """List all elements in the nested structure `params` that are hyperparameter space choices

    params: Dict
        Parameters that may be nested and that may contain hyperparameter space choices to collect
    iter_attrs: Callable, list of callables, or None, default=None
        If callable, must evaluate to True or False when given three inputs: (path, key, value).
        Callable should return True if the current value should be entered by `remap`. If callable
        returns False, `default_enter` will be called. If `iter_attrs` is a list of callables, the
        value will be entered if any evaluates to True. If None, `default_enter` will be called

    choices: List
        A list of tuple pairs, in which `choices[<index>][0]` is a tuple path specifying the
        location of the hyperparameter given a choice, and `choices[<index>][1]` is the space
        choice instance for that hyperparameter"""
    choices = []
    iter_attrs = iter_attrs or [lambda *_args: False]
    iter_attrs = [iter_attrs
                  ] if not isinstance(iter_attrs, list) else iter_attrs

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If `value` is a descendant of :class:`space.Dimension`, collect inputs, and return True.
        Else, return False"""
        if isinstance(value, (Real, Integer, Categorical)):
            choices.append(((path + (key, )), value))
            return True
        return False

    def _enter(path, key, value):
        """If any in `iter_attrs` is True, enter `value` as a dict, iterating over non-magic
        attributes. Else, `default_enter`"""
        if any([_(path, key, value) for _ in iter_attrs]):
            included_attrs = [_ for _ in dir(value) if not _.startswith("__")]
            return dict(), [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in included_attrs]
        return default_enter(path, key, value)

    _ = remap(params, visit=_visit, enter=_enter)
    return choices
def check_dummy_params(params):
    """Locate and dummify hyperparameter space choices in `params`, if the hyperparameter is used
    for model compilation

    params: Dict
        A dictionary of hyperparameters, in which values may be hyperparameter space choices

    checked_params: Dict
        A replica of `params`, in which instances of hyperparameter space choices are replaced with
        dummy values
    dummified_params: Dict
        A record of keys that were found whose values were hyperparameter space choices, mapped to
        tuple pairs of (<original value>, <path to key>)"""
    compile_keys = [

    dummified_params = dict()

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If `value` is a descendant of :class:`space.Dimension`, return its lower bound and
        collect it. Else, default return"""
        if key in compile_keys:
            if isinstance(value, (Real, Integer, Categorical)):
                dummified_params[path + (key, )] = value
                return (key, value.bounds[0])
        return (key, value)

    checked_params = remap(params, visit=_visit)
    return checked_params, dummified_params
def deep_restricted_update(default_vals, new_vals, iter_attrs=None):
    """Return an updated dictionary that mirrors `default_vals`, except where the key in `new_vals`
    matches the path in `default_vals`, in which case the `new_vals` value is used

    default_vals: Dict
        Dict containing the values to return if an alternative is not found in `new_vals`
    new_vals: Dict
        Dict whose keys are expected to be tuples corresponding to key paths in `default_vals`
    iter_attrs: Callable, list of callables, or None, default=None
        If callable, must evaluate to True or False when given three inputs: (path, key, value).
        Callable should return True if the current value should be entered by `remap`. If callable
        returns False, `default_enter` will be called. If `iter_attrs` is a list of callables, the
        value will be entered if any evaluates to True. If None, `default_enter` will be called

    Dict, or None

    >>> deep_restricted_update({'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {('b',): 'foo', ('c',): 'bar'})
    {'a': 1, 'b': 'foo'}
    >>> deep_restricted_update({'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 2, 'b2': 3}}, {('b', 'b1'): 'foo', ('c', 'c1'): 'bar'})
    {'a': 1, 'b': {'b1': 'foo', 'b2': 3}}"""
    if not default_vals:
        return default_vals

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """If (`path` + `key`) is a key in `new_vals`, return its value. Else, default return"""
        for _current_key, _current_val in new_vals.items():
            if path + (key, ) == _current_key:
                return (key, _current_val)
        return (key, value)

    return remap(default_vals,
Exemple #15
def filter_by_guidelines(
    """Reject any `hyperparameters_and_scores` tuples whose hyperparameters do not match guideline
    hyperparameters (all hyperparameters not in `space`), after ignoring unimportant hyperparameters

    hyperparameters_and_scores: List of tuples
        Each tuple should be of form (hyperparameters <dict>, evaluation <float>), in which
        hyperparameters contains at least the keys: ['model_init_params', 'model_extra_params',
        'feature_engineer', 'feature_selector']
    space: `space.space_core.Space`
        The boundaries of the hyperparameters to be searched
    model_init_params: Dict
    model_extra_params: Dict, or None
    feature_engineer: Dict
    feature_selector: List of column names, callable, list of booleans, or None
    **kwargs: Dict
        Extra parameter dicts to include in `guidelines`. For example, if filtering the
        hyperparameters of a Keras neural network, this should contain the following keys:
        'layers', 'compile_params'

    hyperparameters_and_scores: List of tuples
        Filtered to include only those whose hyperparameters matched guideline hyperparameters"""
    dimensions = [("model_init_params", _) if isinstance(_, str) else _
                  for _ in space.names()]
    # `dimensions` = hyperparameters to be ignored. Filter by all remaining

    dimensions_to_ignore = [
        ("model_initializer", ),
        ("model_init_params", "build_fn"),
        (None, "verbose"),
        (None, "silent"),
        (None, "random_state"),
        (None, "seed"),
        ("model_init_params", "n_jobs"),
        ("model_init_params", "nthread"),
        # TODO: Remove below once loss_functions are hashed in description files
        ("model_init_params", "compile_params", "loss_functions"),

    #################### Prepare `feature_engineer` ####################
    feature_engineer = feature_engineer and feature_engineer.get_key_data()
    # Dataset hashes in `feature_engineer` and candidates can be ignored, since it is assumed that candidates here had matching `Environment`s

    temp_guidelines = dict(
        if model_init_params is not None else {},
        if model_extra_params is not None else {},
        if feature_engineer is not None else {},
        if feature_selector is not None else [],

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """Return False if element in space dimensions, or in dimensions being ignored. Else, return
        True. If `value` is of type tuple or set, it will be converted to a list in order to
        simplify comparisons to the JSON-formatted `hyperparameters_and_scores`"""
        if path and path[0] == "model_extra_params" and value == {}:
            # Remove empty dicts in ("model_extra_params"). Simplify comparison between experiments
            # with no `model_extra_params` and, for example, `dict(fit=dict(verbose=True))`
            return False

        #################### Clean `feature_engineer` ####################
            return visit_feature_engineer(path, key, value)
        except ContinueRemap:

        for dimension in dimensions + dimensions_to_ignore:
            if (path + (key, ) == dimension) or (dimension[0] is None
                                                 and dimension[-1] == key):
                return False
        if isinstance(value, (tuple, set)):
            return key, list(value)
        return True

    guidelines = remap(temp_guidelines, visit=_visit)
    # `guidelines` = `temp_guidelines` that are neither `space` choices, nor `dimensions_to_ignore`

    hyperparameters_and_scores = list(
        filter(lambda _: remap(_[0], visit=_visit) == guidelines,

    return hyperparameters_and_scores
Exemple #16
def does_match_guidelines(
        candidate_params: dict,
        space: Space,
        template_params: dict,
        dims_to_ignore: List[tuple] = None,
) -> bool:
    """Check candidate compatibility with template guideline hyperparameters

    candidate_params: Dict
        Candidate Experiment hyperparameters to be compared to `template_params` after processing
    space: Space
        Hyperparameter search space constraints for the current template
    template_params: Dict
        Template hyperparameters to which `candidate_params` will be compared after processing.
        Although the name of the function implies that these will all be guideline hyperparameters,
        this is not a requirement, as any non-guideline hyperparameters will be removed during
        processing by checking `space.names`
    visitors: Callable, or Tuple[callable] (optional)
        Extra `visit` function(s) invoked when
        :func:`~hyperparameter_hunter.utils.boltons_utils.remap`-ing both `template_params` and
        `candidate_params`. Can be used to filter out unwanted values, or to pre-process selected
        values (and more) prior to performing the final compatibility check between the processed
        `candidate_params` and guidelines in `template_params`
    dims_to_ignore: List[tuple] (optional)
        Paths to hyperparameter(s) that should be ignored when comparing `candidate_params` and
        `template_params`. By default, hyperparameters pertaining to verbosity and random states
        are ignored. Paths should be tuples of the form expected by
        :func:`~hyperparameter_hunter.utils.boltons_utils.get_path`. Additionally a path may start
        with None, which acts as a wildcard, matching any hyperparameters whose terminal path nodes
        match the value following None. For example, ``(None, "verbose")`` would match paths such as
        ``("model_init_params", "a", "verbose")`` and ``("model_extra_params", "b", 2, "verbose")``

        True if the processed version of `candidate_params` is equal to the extracted and processed
        guidelines from `template_params`. Else, False"""
    dimensions_to_ignore = [
        (None, "verbose"),
        (None, "silent"),
        (None, "random_state"),
        (None, "seed"),
    if isinstance(dims_to_ignore, list):

    # `dimensions_to_ignore` = hyperparameters to be ignored. Filter by all remaining (less
    #   dimensions in `space`, which are also ignored)

    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """Return False if element in space dimensions, or in dimensions being ignored. Else, return
        True. If `value` is of type tuple or set, it will be converted to a list in order to
        simplify comparisons to the JSON-formatted `candidate_params`"""
        # Remove elements whose full paths are in `dimensions_to_ignore` or `space.names()`
        for dim in space.names() + dimensions_to_ignore:
            if (path + (key, ) == dim) or (dim[0] is None and dim[-1] == key):
                return False
        # Convert tuples/sets to lists
        if isinstance(value, (tuple, set)):
            return key, list(value)
        return True

    #################### Chain Together Visit Functions ####################
    if callable(visitors):
        visitors = (visitors, )
    visit = multi_visit(*visitors, _visit)
    # Extra `visitors` will be called first, with `_visit` acting as the default visit, called last

    guidelines = remap(template_params, visit=visit)
    # `guidelines` = `template_params` that are neither `space` choices, nor `dimensions_to_ignore`
    return remap(candidate_params, visit=visit) == guidelines
def link_choice_ids(layers, compile_params, extra_params, dimensions):
    """Update `extra_params` to include a "location" attribute on any descendants of
    :class:`space.Dimension`, specifying its position among all hyperparameters

    layers: List
        A list of dicts, in which each dict describes a network layer
    compile_params: Dict
        A dict containing the hyperparameters supplied to the model's `compile` call
    extra_params: Dict
        A dict containing the hyperparameters for the model's extra methods, such as `fit`,
        `predict`, and `predict_proba`
    dimensions: List
        A list containing descendants of :class:`space.Dimension`, representing the entire
        hyperparameter search space

    extra_params: Dict
        Mirrors the given `extra_params`, except any descendants of :class:`space.Dimension` now
        have a "location" attribute"""

    def visit_as(param_type):
        """Make visit func that prepends `param_type` to the "location" tuple added in `_visit`"""
        param_type = (param_type,) if not isinstance(param_type, tuple) else param_type

        def _visit(path, key, value):
            """If `value` is a descendant of :class:`space.Dimension`, add "location" to itself and
            its copy in `dimensions`"""
            if isinstance(value, (Real, Integer, Categorical)):
                for i in range(len(dimensions)):
                    #################### Add `location` Attribute ####################
                    if dimensions[i].id ==
                        setattr(dimensions[i], "location", (param_type + path + (key,)))
                        setattr(value, "location", (param_type + path + (key,)))
            return (key, value)

        return _visit

    #################### Enter Keras Callbacks ####################
    def _enter(path, key, value):
        """If `value` is in `keras.callbacks`, enter as a dict, iterating over non-magic attributes.
        Else, `default_enter`"""
        if isinstance(value, base_keras_callback):
            return dict(), [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in dir(value) if not _.startswith("__")]
        return default_enter(path, key, value)

    #################### Enter Keras Initializer ####################
    def layer_enter(path, key, value):
        """If Keras `Initializer`, enter as dict, iterating over non-magic attributes"""
        if isinstance(value, BaseKerasInitializer):
            return (
                    (_, getattr(value, _))
                    for _ in dir(value)
                    if _ != "__hh_previous_frame" and not _.endswith("__")
        return default_enter(path, key, value)

    # TODO: Merge "__hh" attrs above into a single dict of attributes for initializers
    # TODO: Entering layer initializers like above will break matching when using default values
    # TODO: Currently, path is set to use "__hh_used_kwargs", which won't match if the default value is used

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _new_layers = remap(
        layers.copy(), visit=visit_as(("model_init_params", "layers")), enter=layer_enter
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _new_compile_params = remap(
        compile_params.copy(), visit=visit_as(("model_init_params", "compile_params"))
    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    _extra_params = {k: v for k, v in extra_params.items() if k != "params"}
    # TODO: Replace above with `general_utils.subdict`
    _new_extra_params = remap(_extra_params, visit=visit_as("model_extra_params"), enter=_enter)

    # `extra_params` has locations for `layers`, `compile_params`, `extra_params` - Of form expected by `build_fn` (less choices)
    return extra_params
Exemple #18
    def handle_complex_types(self):
        """Locate complex types in :attr:`parameters`, create hashes for them, add lookup entries
        linking their original values to their hashes, then update their values in
        :attr:`parameters` to their hashes to facilitate Description saving"""
        dataframe_hashes = {}

        def enter(path, key, value):
            """Produce iterable of attributes to remap for instances of :class:`metrics.Metric`"""
            if isinstance(value, Metric):
                metric_attrs = ["name", "metric_function", "direction"]
                return ({}, [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in metric_attrs])
            return default_enter(path, key, value)

        def visit(path, key, value):
            """Check whether a parameter is of a complex type. If not, return it unchanged.
            Otherwise, 1) create a hash for its value; 2) save a complex type lookup entry linking
            `key`, `value`, and the hash for `value`; and 3) return the hashed value with `key`,
            instead of the original complex-typed `value`

            path: Tuple
                The path of keys that leads to `key`
            key: Str
                The parameter name
            value: *
                The value of the parameter `key`

            Tuple of (`key`, value), in which value is either unchanged or a hash for the original
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            if isinstance(value, Sentinel):
                return (key, value.sentinel)
            elif callable(value) or isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                # TODO: Check here if callable, and using a `Trace`d model/model_initializer
                # TODO: If so, pass extra kwargs to below `make_hash_sha256`, which are eventually given to `hash_callable`
                # TODO: Notably, `ignore_source_lines=True` should be included
                # FLAG: Also, look into adding package version number to hashed attributes
                hashed_value = make_hash_sha256(value)

                if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                    dataframe_hashes.setdefault(hashed_value, []).append(key)

                if self.tested_keys_dir is not None:  # Key-making not blacklisted
                        self.add_complex_type_lookup_entry(path, key, value, hashed_value)
                    except (FileNotFoundError, OSError):
                        make_dirs(os.path.join(self.lookup_dir, *path), exist_ok=False)
                        self.add_complex_type_lookup_entry(path, key, value, hashed_value)

                return (key, hashed_value)
            return (key, value)

        self.parameters = remap(self.parameters, visit=visit, enter=enter)

        #################### Check for Identical DataFrames ####################
        for df_hash, df_names in dataframe_hashes.items():
            if len(df_names) > 1:
                    f"The dataframes: {df_names} have an identical hash: {df_hash!s}. This implies the dataframes are "
                    + "identical, which is probably unintentional. If left alone, scores may be misleading!"
Exemple #19
    def does_match_init_params_guidelines_multi(self, exp_id, params, score,
                                                location) -> bool:
        """Check candidate compatibility with `model_init_params` template guidelines when a
        guideline hyperparameter is directly affected by another hyperparameter that is given as
        a space choice

        exp_id: String
            Candidate Experiment ID
        params: Dict
            Candidate "model_init_params" to compare to the template in :attr:`model_params`
        score: Number
            Value of the candidate Experiment's target metric
        location: Tuple
            Location of the hyperparameter space choice that affects the acceptable guideline values
            of a particular hyperparameter. In other words, this is the path of a hyperparameter,
            which, if changed, would change the expected default value of another hyperparameter

            True if candidate `params` match `model_init_params` guidelines. Else, False

        This is used for Keras Experiments when the `optimizer` value in a model's `compile_params`
        is given as a hyperparameter space choice. Each possible value of `optimizer` prescribes
        different default values for the `optimizer_params` argument, so special measures need to be
        taken to ensure the correct Experiments are declared to fit within the constraints"""
        _model_params = deepcopy(self.model_params["model_init_params"])

        if location == ("compile_params", "optimizer"):
            from keras.optimizers import get as k_opt_get

            update_location = ("compile_params", "optimizer_params")
            # `update_location` = Path to hyperparameter whose default value depends on `location`
            allowed_values = get_path(_model_params, location).bounds
            # `allowed_values` = Good `("model_init_params", "compile_params", "optimizer")` values

            #################### Handle First Value (Dummy) ####################
            is_match = self.does_match_init_params_guidelines(
                exp_id, params, score)
            # The first value gets handled separately from the rest because the value at
            #   `update_location` is set according to `allowed_values[0]`. For the remaining
            #   `allowed_values`, we need to manually set `update_location` for each

            # If the first value was a match, the below `while` loop will never be entered because
            #   `is_match` is already True

            #################### Handle Remaining Values ####################
            allowed_val_index = 1
            while is_match is not True and allowed_val_index < len(
                allowed_val = allowed_values[allowed_val_index]
                # Determine current default value for the dependent hyperparameter
                updated_val = k_opt_get(allowed_val).get_config()

                # Set value at `update_location` to `updated_val`, then check if params match
                def _visit(path, key, value):
                    """If `path` + `key` == `update_location`, return default for this choice. Else,
                    if path + (key, ) == update_location:
                        return (key, updated_val)
                    return (key, value)

                is_match = self.does_match_init_params_guidelines(
                    template_params=remap(_model_params, visit=_visit))
                # If `is_match` is True, the loop stops and :attr:`match_status`'s value at `exp_id`
                #   for `does_match_init_params_guidelines` remains truthy

                allowed_val_index += 1
            return is_match
            raise ValueError(
                "Received unhandled location: {}".format(location))
    def __init__(
            sort=None,  # TODO: Unfinished - To be used in `_get_scored_params`/`_get_ids`
        """ResultFinder for locating saved Keras Experiments compatible with the given constraints

        algorithm_name: String
            The name of the algorithm whose hyperparameters are being optimized
        module_name: String
            The name of the module from whence the algorithm being used came
        cross_experiment_key: String
            The cross_experiment_key produced by the current :class:`environment.Environment`
        target_metric: Tuple
            Path denoting the metric to be used. The first value should be one of ['oof',
            'holdout', 'in_fold'], and the second value should be the name of a metric supplied in
        space: :class:`space.Space`
            Hyperparameter search space constraints
        leaderboard_path: String
            Path to a leaderboard file, whose listed Experiments will be tested for compatibility
        descriptions_dir: String
            Path to a directory containing the description files of saved Experiments
        model_params: Dict
            Concrete hyperparameters for the model. Common keys include 'model_init_params', and
            'model_extra_params', both of which can be pointers to dicts of hyperparameters
        sort: "target_asc", "target_desc", "chronological", "reverse_chronological", int
            How to sort the experiment results that fit within the given constraints

            * "target_asc": Sort from experiments with the lowest value for `target_metric` to
              those with the greatest
            * "target_desc": Sort from experiments with the highest value for `target_metric` to
              those with the lowest
            * "chronological": Sort from oldest experiments to newest
            * "reverse_chronological": Sort from newest experiments to oldest
            * int: Random seed with which to shuffle experiments"""
            sort,  # TODO: Unfinished - To be used in `_get_scored_params`/`_get_ids`

        from keras.callbacks import Callback as BaseKerasCallback

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def _visit(path, key, value):
            """If `value` is `BaseKerasCallback`, return dict representation. Else default_visit"""
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            return (key, value)

        self.model_params = remap(self.model_params, visit=_visit)

            del self.model_params["model_extra_params"]["params"]
        except KeyError:
Exemple #21
    def __init__(
        sort=None,  # TODO: Unfinished - To be used in `get_scored_params`/`experiment_ids`
        """ResultFinder for locating saved Keras Experiments compatible with the given constraints

        algorithm_name: String
            Name of the algorithm whose hyperparameters are being optimized
        module_name: String
            Name of the module from whence the algorithm being used came
        cross_experiment_key: String
            :attr:`hyperparameter_hunter.environment.Environment.cross_experiment_key` produced by
            the current `Environment`
        target_metric: Tuple
            Path denoting the metric to be used. The first value should be one of {"oof",
            "holdout", "in_fold"}, and the second value should be the name of a metric supplied in
        space: Space
            Instance of :class:``, defining
            hyperparameter search space constraints
        leaderboard_path: String
            Path to a leaderboard file, whose listed Experiments will be tested for compatibility
        descriptions_dir: String
            Path to a directory containing the description files of saved Experiments
        model_params: Dict
            Concrete hyperparameters for the model. Common keys include "model_init_params" and
            "model_extra_params", both of which can be pointers to dicts of hyperparameters.
            Additionally, "feature_engineer" may be included with an instance of
        sort: {"target_asc", "target_desc", "chronological", "reverse_chronological"}, or int
            ... Experimental...
            How to sort the experiment results that fit within the given constraints

            * "target_asc": Sort from experiments with the lowest value for `target_metric` to
              those with the greatest
            * "target_desc": Sort from experiments with the highest value for `target_metric` to
              those with the lowest
            * "chronological": Sort from oldest experiments to newest
            * "reverse_chronological": Sort from newest experiments to oldest
            * int: Random seed with which to shuffle experiments"""

        from keras.callbacks import Callback as BaseKerasCallback
        from keras.initializers import Initializer as BaseKerasInitializer

        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def _visit(path, key, value):
            """If `value` is `BaseKerasCallback` or `BaseKerasInitializer`, return dict
            representation. Else default_visit"""
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasInitializer):
                return (key, keras_initializer_to_dict(value))
            return (key, value)

        self.model_params = remap(self.model_params, visit=_visit)

        # Below cleans out the temporary "params" dict built by `keras_optimization_helper`.
        #   It exists in order to pass concrete values for choices during optimization through the
        #   Keras model `build_fn`. However, at this stage, it just gets in the way since
        #   :attr:`space` defines the choices, and their `location`s point to where they are within
        #   :attr:`model_params`. Not deleting them would basically duplicate all choice Dimensions
            del self.model_params["model_extra_params"]["params"]
        except KeyError:
    def handle_complex_types(self):
        """Locate complex types in :attr:`parameters`, create hashes for them, add lookup entries
        linking their original values to their hashes, then update their values in
        :attr:`parameters` to their hashes to facilitate Description saving"""
        dataframe_hashes = {}

        def enter(path, key, value):
            """Produce iterable of attributes to remap for instances of :class:`metrics.Metric`"""
            if isinstance(value, Metric):
                metric_attrs = ["name", "metric_function", "direction"]
                return ({}, [(_, getattr(value, _)) for _ in metric_attrs])

            if isinstance(value, EngineerStep):
                return ({}, list(value.get_key_data().items()))
            if isinstance(value, FeatureEngineer):
                return ({}, list(value.get_key_data().items()))

            return default_enter(path, key, value)

        def visit(path, key, value):
            """Check whether a parameter is of a complex type. If not, return it unchanged.
            Otherwise, 1) create a hash for its value; 2) save a complex type lookup entry linking
            `key`, `value`, and the hash for `value`; and 3) return the hashed value with `key`,
            instead of the original complex-typed `value`

            path: Tuple
                The path of keys that leads to `key`
            key: Str
                The parameter name
            value: *
                The value of the parameter `key`

            Tuple of (`key`, value), in which value is either unchanged or a hash for the original
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasCallback):
                return (key, keras_callback_to_dict(value))
            if isinstance(value, BaseKerasInitializer):
                return (key, keras_initializer_to_dict(value))
            if isinstance(value, Sentinel):
                return (key, value.sentinel)
            elif callable(value) or isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                # FLAG: Look into adding package version number to hashed attributes
                hashed_value = make_hash_sha256(value)

                if isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame):
                    dataframe_hashes.setdefault(hashed_value, []).append(key)

                if self.tested_keys_dir is not None:  # Key-making not blacklisted
                    self.add_complex_type_lookup_entry(path, key, value,
                return (key, hashed_value)
            return (key, value)

        self.parameters = remap(self.parameters, visit=visit, enter=enter)

        #################### Check for Identical DataFrames ####################
        for df_hash, df_names in dataframe_hashes.items():
            if len(df_names) > 1:
                    f"The dataframes: {df_names} are identical. Scores may be misleading!"
def filter_by_guidelines(hyperparameters_and_scores, hyperparameter_space,
                         model_init_params, model_extra_params,
                         preprocessing_pipeline, preprocessing_params,
                         feature_selector, **kwargs):
    """Reject any `hyperparameters_and_scores` tuples whose hyperparameters do not match the guideline hyperparameters (all
    hyperparameters not in `hyperparameter_space`), after ignoring unimportant hyperparameters

    hyperparameters_and_scores: List of tuples
        Each tuple should be of form (hyperparameters <dict>, evaluation <float>), in which hyperparameters contains at least the
        keys: ['model_init_params', 'model_extra_params', 'preprocessing_pipeline', 'preprocessing_params', 'feature_selector']
    hyperparameter_space: instance of :class:`space.Space`
        The boundaries of the hyperparameters to be searched
    model_init_params: Dict
    model_extra_params: Dict, or None
    preprocessing_pipeline: Dict, or None
    preprocessing_params: Dict, or None
    feature_selector: List of column names, callable, list of booleans, or None
    **kwargs: Dict
        Extra parameter dicts to include in `guidelines`. For example, if filtering the hyperparameters of a Keras neural
        network, this should contain the following keys: 'layers', 'compile_params'

    hyperparameters_and_scores: List of tuples
        Filtered to include only those whose hyperparameters matched the guideline hyperparameters"""
    dimensions = [('model_init_params', _) if isinstance(_, str) else _
                  for _ in hyperparameter_space.get_names()]
    # `dimensions` = hyperparameters to be ignored. Filter by all remaining

    dimensions_to_ignore = [
        ('model_initializer', ),
        ('model_init_params', 'build_fn'),
        (None, 'verbose'),
        (None, 'silent'),
        (None, 'random_state'),
        (None, 'seed'),
        ('model_init_params', 'n_jobs'),
        ('model_init_params', 'nthread'),
            'model_init_params', 'compile_params', 'loss_functions'
        ),  # TODO: Remove this once loss_functions are hashed in description files

    temp_guidelines = dict(model_init_params=model_init_params,

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def _visit(path, key, value):
        """Return False if element in hyperparameter_space dimensions, or in dimensions being ignored. Else, return True"""
        for dimension in dimensions + dimensions_to_ignore:
            if (path + (key, ) == dimension) or (dimension[0] is None
                                                 and dimension[1] == key):
                return False
        return True

    guidelines = remap(
        temp_guidelines, visit=_visit
    )  # (Hyperparameters that were set values and affect Experiment results)
    # `guidelines` = `temp_guidelines` that are neither `hyperparameter_space` choices, nor in `dimensions_to_ignore`

    hyperparameters_and_scores = list(
        filter(lambda _: remap(_[0], visit=_visit) == guidelines,

    return hyperparameters_and_scores