Exemple #1
def array_dtypes(
    subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(),  # type: st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    min_size=1,  # type: int
    max_size=5,  # type: int
    allow_subarrays=False,  # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    """Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with members
    drawn from the given subtype strategy."""
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    # Field names must be native strings and the empty string is weird; see #1963.
    if PY2:
        field_names = st.binary(min_size=1)
        field_names = st.text(min_size=1)
    elements = st.tuples(field_names, subtype_strategy)
    if allow_subarrays:
        elements |= st.tuples(
            field_names, subtype_strategy, array_shapes(max_dims=2, max_side=2)
    return st.lists(
        unique_by=lambda d: d[0],
Exemple #2
 def convert(expansion):
     parts = []
     for p in expansion:
         if parts and ignore_names:
             # Chance to insert ignored substrings between meaningful
             # tokens, e.g. whitespace between values in JSON.
                 | st.one_of([strategies[name] for name in ignore_names]))
         if p.name in strategies:
             # This might be a Terminal, or it might be a NonTerminal
             # that we've previously handled.
             # It must be the first time we've encountered this NonTerminal.
             # Recurse to handle it, relying on lazy strategy instantiation
             # to allow forward references, then add it to the strategies
             # cache to avoid infinite loops.
             assert isinstance(p, lark.grammar.NonTerminal)
             s = st.one_of([convert(ex) for ex in nonterminals[p.name]])
             strategies[p.name] = s
     # Special-case rules with only one expansion; it's worthwhile being
     # efficient when this includes terminals!  Otherwise, join the parts.
     if len(parts) == 1:
         return parts[0]
     return st.tuples(*parts).map(u"".join)
Exemple #3
 def do_draw(self, data):
     # 1 - Select a valid top-level domain (TLD) name
     # 2 - Check that the number of characters in our selected TLD won't
     # prevent us from generating at least a 1 character subdomain.
     # 3 - Randomize the TLD between upper and lower case characters.
     domain = data.draw(
         st.sampled_from(TOP_LEVEL_DOMAINS).filter(lambda tld: len(
             tld) + 2 <= self.max_length).flatmap(lambda tld: st.tuples(
                 *[st.sampled_from([c.lower(), c.upper()])
                   for c in tld]).map(u"".join)))
     # The maximum possible number of subdomains is 126,
     # 1 character subdomain + 1 '.' character, * 126 = 252,
     # with a max of 255, that leaves 3 characters for a TLD.
     # Allowing any more subdomains would not leave enough
     # characters for even the shortest possible TLDs.
     elements = cu.many(data, min_size=1, average_size=1, max_size=126)
     while elements.more():
         # Generate a new valid subdomain using the regex strategy.
         sub_domain = data.draw(
             st.from_regex(self.label_regex, fullmatch=True))
         if len(domain) + len(sub_domain) >= self.max_length:
         domain = sub_domain + "." + domain
     return domain
Exemple #4
def integer_array_indices(shape, result_shape=array_shapes(), dtype="int"):
    # type: (Shape, SearchStrategy[Shape], np.dtype) -> st.SearchStrategy[Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]]
    """Return a search strategy for tuples of integer-arrays that, when used
    to index into an array of shape ``shape``, given an array whose shape
    was drawn from ``result_shape``.

    Examples from this strategy shrink towards the tuple of index-arrays::

        len(shape) * (np.zeros(drawn_result_shape, dtype), )

    * ``shape`` a tuple of integers that indicates the shape of the array,
      whose indices are being generated.
    * ``result_shape`` a strategy for generating tuples of integers, which
      describe the shape of the resulting index arrays. The default is
      :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_shapes`.  The shape drawn from
      this strategy determines the shape of the array that will be produced
      when the corresponding example from ``integer_array_indices`` is used
      as an index.
    * ``dtype`` the integer data type of the generated index-arrays. Negative
      integer indices can be generated if a signed integer type is specified.

    Recall that an array can be indexed using a tuple of integer-arrays to
    access its members in an arbitrary order, producing an array with an
    arbitrary shape. For example:

    .. code-block:: pycon

        >>> from numpy import array
        >>> x = array([-0, -1, -2, -3, -4])
        >>> ind = (array([[4, 0], [0, 1]]),)  # a tuple containing a 2D integer-array
        >>> x[ind]  # the resulting array is commensurate with the indexing array(s)
        array([[-4,  0],
               [0, -1]])

    Note that this strategy does not accommodate all variations of so-called
    'advanced indexing', as prescribed by NumPy's nomenclature.  Combinations
    of basic and advanced indexes are too complex to usefully define in a
    standard strategy; we leave application-specific strategies to the user.
    Advanced-boolean indexing can be defined as ``arrays(shape=..., dtype=bool)``,
    and is similarly left to the user.
    check_type(tuple, shape, "shape")
        shape and all(isinstance(x, integer_types) and x > 0 for x in shape),
        "shape=%r must be a non-empty tuple of integers > 0" % (shape, ),
    check_type(SearchStrategy, result_shape, "result_shape")
    check_argument(np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer),
                   "dtype=%r must be an integer dtype" % (dtype, ))
    signed = np.issubdtype(dtype, np.signedinteger)

    def array_for(index_shape, size):
        return arrays(
            elements=st.integers(-size if signed else 0, size - 1),

    return result_shape.flatmap(lambda index_shape: st.tuples(
        *[array_for(index_shape, size) for size in shape]))
Exemple #5
def ip6_addr_strings():
    """A strategy for IPv6 address strings.

    This consists of sixteen quads of hex digits (0000 .. FFFF), joined
    by colons.  Values do not currently have zero-segments collapsed.
    part = st.integers(0, 2 ** 16 - 1).map(u"{:04x}".format)
    return st.tuples(*[part] * 8).map(lambda a: u":".join(a).upper())
Exemple #6
def from_dtype(dtype):
    # type: (np.dtype) -> st.SearchStrategy[Any]
    """Creates a strategy which can generate any value of the given dtype."""
    check_type(np.dtype, dtype, "dtype")
    # Compound datatypes, eg 'f4,f4,f4'
    if dtype.names is not None:
        # mapping np.void.type over a strategy is nonsense, so return now.
        return st.tuples(*[from_dtype(dtype.fields[name][0]) for name in dtype.names])

    # Subarray datatypes, eg '(2, 3)i4'
    if dtype.subdtype is not None:
        subtype, shape = dtype.subdtype
        return arrays(subtype, shape)

    # Scalar datatypes
    if dtype.kind == u"b":
        result = st.booleans()  # type: SearchStrategy[Any]
    elif dtype.kind == u"f":
        if dtype.itemsize == 2:
            result = st.floats(width=16)
        elif dtype.itemsize == 4:
            result = st.floats(width=32)
            result = st.floats()
    elif dtype.kind == u"c":
        if dtype.itemsize == 8:
            float32 = st.floats(width=32)
            result = st.builds(complex, float32, float32)
            result = st.complex_numbers()
    elif dtype.kind in (u"S", u"a"):
        # Numpy strings are null-terminated; only allow round-trippable values.
        # `itemsize == 0` means 'fixed length determined at array creation'
        result = st.binary(max_size=dtype.itemsize or None).filter(
            lambda b: b[-1:] != b"\0"
    elif dtype.kind == u"u":
        result = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2 ** (8 * dtype.itemsize) - 1)
    elif dtype.kind == u"i":
        overflow = 2 ** (8 * dtype.itemsize - 1)
        result = st.integers(min_value=-overflow, max_value=overflow - 1)
    elif dtype.kind == u"U":
        # Encoded in UTF-32 (four bytes/codepoint) and null-terminated
        result = st.text(max_size=(dtype.itemsize or 0) // 4 or None).filter(
            lambda b: b[-1:] != u"\0"
    elif dtype.kind in (u"m", u"M"):
        if "[" in dtype.str:
            res = st.just(dtype.str.split("[")[-1][:-1])
            res = st.sampled_from(TIME_RESOLUTIONS)
        result = st.builds(dtype.type, st.integers(-(2 ** 63), 2 ** 63 - 1), res)
        raise InvalidArgument(u"No strategy inference for {}".format(dtype))
    return result.map(dtype.type)
Exemple #7
def array_dtypes(
        subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(),  # type: st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
        min_size=1,  # type: int
        max_size=5,  # type: int
        allow_subarrays=False,  # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    """Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with members
    drawn from the given subtype strategy."""
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    native_strings = st.from_type(str).filter(
        bool)  # See issue #1798 re: filter!
    elements = st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy)
    if allow_subarrays:
        elements |= st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy,
                              array_shapes(max_dims=2, max_side=2))
    return st.lists(
        unique_by=lambda d: d[0],
Exemple #8
def array_dtypes(
        subtype_strategy=scalar_dtypes(),  # type: st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
        min_size=1,  # type: int
        max_size=5,  # type: int
        allow_subarrays=False,  # type: bool
    # type: (...) -> st.SearchStrategy[np.dtype]
    """Return a strategy for generating array (compound) dtypes, with members
    drawn from the given subtype strategy."""
    order_check("size", 0, min_size, max_size)
    native_strings = st.text()  # type: SearchStrategy[Any]
    if text_type is not str:  # pragma: no cover
        native_strings = st.binary()
    elements = st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy)
    if allow_subarrays:
        elements |= st.tuples(native_strings, subtype_strategy,
                              array_shapes(max_dims=2, max_side=2))
    return st.lists(
        unique_by=lambda d: d[0],
def all_types(draw):
    return draw(
            dictionaries(text(), text()),