Exemple #1
def call_func_ignoring_excess(func, **kwargs):
    """Call func, sourcing the arguments from kwargs and ignoring the excess arguments.
    Also works if func has some position only arguments.
    s = Sig(func)
    args, kwargs = s.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(s.source_kwargs(**kwargs))
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
def compose(func1, func2):
    sig1 = Sig(func1)
    sig2 = Sig(func2)

    def composed_funcs(*args, **kwargs):
        return func2(func1(*args, **kwargs))

    composed_funcs.__return_annotation__ = sig2.return_annotation
    return composed_funcs
Exemple #3
 def __post_init__(self):
     self.func_nodes = tuple(_mk_func_nodes(self.func_nodes))
     self.graph = _func_nodes_to_graph_dict(self.func_nodes)
     self.nodes = topological_sort(self.graph)
     # reorder the nodes to fit topological order
     self.func_nodes, self.var_nodes = _separate_func_nodes_and_var_nodes(
     # figure out the roots and leaves
     self.roots = set(root_nodes(self.graph))
     self.leafs = set(leaf_nodes(self.graph))
     # self.sig = Sig(dict(extract_items(sig.parameters, 'xz')))
     self.sig = Sig(sort_params(self.src_name_params(self.roots)))
     self.sig(self)  # to put the signature on the callable DAG
     self.last_scope = None
Exemple #4
def register_cli_method(
    openapi_spec: dict,
    client_method: Callable,
    expected_auth_kwargs: Iterable[str] = None,
    config_filename: str = DFLT_CONFIG_FILENAME,
    profile: str = '',
    """Creates a CLI-friendly function to instantiate an HttpClient with appropriate authentication
    arguments and call a particular method of the client instance

    :param openapi_spec: The OpenAPI spec used to make the client
    :param client_method: The instance method to wrap
    :param expected_auth_kwargs: A list of authentication kwargs that the CLI should ask for
        (defaults to empty list)
    :param config_filename: The path to a JSON file to read for authentication kwargs
        (defaults to ~/.http2py/credentials.json)
    :param profile: The named profile to find in the config file
    methodname = client_method.__name__
    method_sig = Sig(client_method)
    if not expected_auth_kwargs:
        expected_auth_kwargs = []
    method_sig = method_sig.merge_with_sig(
                {'name': kwarg, 'kind': KO, 'default': ''}
                for kwarg in expected_auth_kwargs
            {'name': 'config', 'kind': KO, 'default': config_filename},

    def cli_method(*args, **kwargs):
        config_filename = kwargs.pop('config')
        auth_kwargs = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in expected_auth_kwargs}
        auth_kwargs = mk_auth(
            auth_kwargs, expected_auth_kwargs, config_filename, profile
        http_client = HttpClient(openapi_spec, **auth_kwargs)
        return getattr(http_client, methodname)(**kwargs)

    cli_method.__name__ = methodname
    return mk_argparse_friendly(cli_method)
Exemple #5
def main(*args, **kwargs):
    max_samples = kwargs.pop(
        None)  # this argument will be hidden (use Sig to add it to signature?)
    kwargs = Sig(mk_pipeline).extract_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
    if 'chunker' in kwargs and str.isnumeric(kwargs['chunker']):
        kwargs['chunker'] = int(kwargs['chunker'])
    pipeline = mk_pipeline(**kwargs)

    return launch(pipeline, max_samples=max_samples)
Exemple #6
    def __post_init__(self):
        self.name, self.output_name = self.names_maker(self.func, self.name,

        self.sig = Sig(self.func)
        # complete src_names with the argnames of the signature

        self.extractor = partial(_mapped_extraction, key_map=self.src_names)
Exemple #7
def mk_argparse_friendly(func):
    """Wraps a function to expose a signature that is compatible with argparse by stripping leading
    underscores from all keyword arguments, but does not mutate the signature of the original function"""
    orig_sig = Sig(func)
    new_params = dict(mk_sig_argparse_friendly(orig_sig))
    new_sig = orig_sig.replace(
        parameters=new_params, return_annotation=orig_sig.return_annotation

    def _func(*args, **kwargs):
        mapped_kwargs = {}
        for argname, argvalue in kwargs.items():
            if argname not in [param.name for param in orig_sig.params]:
                mapped_argname = '_' + argname[:-1]
                mapped_argname = argname
            mapped_kwargs[mapped_argname] = argvalue
        # convert strings into correct JSON types
        io_trans = JSONAnnotAndDfltIoTrans()
        return io_trans(func)(*args, **mapped_kwargs)

    return new_sig(_func)
Exemple #8
def arg_names(func, func_name, exclude_names=()):
    names = Sig(func).names

    def gen():
        _exclude_names = exclude_names
        for name in names:
            if name not in _exclude_names:
                yield name
                found_name = find_first_free_name(f'{func_name}__{name}',
                yield found_name
                _exclude_names = _exclude_names + (found_name, )

    return list(gen())
def funcs_that_need_args(funcs, func_to_kwargs=None, self_name=None):
    >>> from sklearn.utils import all_estimators
    >>> estimator_classes = [obj for name, obj in all_estimators()]
    >>> estimator_names = list(map(lambda x: x.__name__, funcs_that_need_args(all_estimator_classes)))
    >>> expected = [
    ... 'ClassifierChain', 'ColumnTransformer', 'FeatureUnion', 'GridSearchCV', 'MultiOutputClassifier',
    ... 'MultiOutputRegressor', 'OneVsOneClassifier', 'OneVsRestClassifier', 'OutputCodeClassifier',
    ... 'Pipeline', 'RFE', 'RFECV', 'RandomizedSearchCV', 'RegressorChain', 'SelectFromModel',
    ... 'SparseCoder', 'StackingClassifier', 'StackingRegressor', 'VotingClassifier', 'VotingRegressor']
    >>> import sklearn
    >>> if sklearn.__version__ == '0.23.1':
    ...      assert estimator_names == expected
    for func in funcs:
        required_args = set(
            Sig(func).without_defaults.parameters) - {self_name}
        if func_to_kwargs is not None:
            required_args -= func_to_kwargs(func).keys()
        if required_args:
            yield func
Exemple #10
def _handle_exclude_nodes(func):
    sig = Sig(func)

    def _func(*args, **kwargs):
        kwargs = sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args,
            _exclude_nodes = kwargs["_exclude_nodes"]
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{func} doesn't have a _exclude_nodes argument")

        if _exclude_nodes is None:
            _exclude_nodes = set()
        elif not isinstance(_exclude_nodes, set):
            _exclude_nodes = set(_exclude_nodes)

        kwargs["_exclude_nodes"] = _exclude_nodes
        args, kwargs = sig.args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return _func
Exemple #11
def mk_flat(cls,
            func_name: str = 'flat_func',
            cls_cache_key: str = None):
    Flatten a simple cls->instance->method call pipeline into one function.

    That is, a function mk_flat(cls, method) that returns a "flat function" such that
    cls(**init_kwargs).method(**method_kwargs) == flat_func(**init_kwargs, **method_kwargs)

    So, instead of this:
    label="NESTED: result = cls(**init_kwargs).method(**method_kwargs)"
    cls, init_kwargs -> instance
    instance, method, method_kwargs -> result
    you get a function `flat_func` that you can use like this:
    label="FLAT: result = flat_func(**init_kwargs, **method_kwargs)"
    flat_func, init_kwargs, method_kwargs -> result
    :param cls: A class
    :param method: A method of this class
    :param func_name: The name of the function (will be "flat_func" by default)
    :param cls_cache_key: The name of the kwarg used to manage cache. If not None, the
    same instance of ``cls`` will be used for all the flattened method called with the same
    value for this kwarg.

    >>> class MultiplierClass:
    ...     def __init__(self, x):
    ...         self.x = x
    ...     def multiply(self, y: float = 1) -> float:
    ...         return self.x * y
    ...     def subtract(self, z):
    ...         return self.x - z
    >>> MultiplierClass(6).multiply(7)
    >>> MultiplierClass(3.14).multiply()
    >>> MultiplierClass(3).subtract(1)
    >>> f = mk_flat(MultiplierClass, 'multiply', func_name='my_special_func')
    >>> help(f)  # doctest: +SKIP
    Help on function my_special_func in module ...
    my_special_func(x, y: float = 1) -> float
    >>> f = mk_flat(MultiplierClass, MultiplierClass.subtract)
    >>> help(f)  # doctest: +SKIP
    Help on function flat_func in in module ...
    flat_func(x, z)
    # sig1 = signature(cls)
    # if isinstance(method, str):
    #     method = getattr(cls, method)
    # sig2 = signature(method)
    # parameters = list(sig1.parameters.values()) + list(sig2.parameters.values())[1:]
    # parameters.sort(key=lambda x: x.kind)  # sort by kind
    # duplicates = [x for x, count in collections.Counter(parameters).items() if count > 1]
    # for d in duplicates:
    #     if d.kind != Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL and d.kind != Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
    #         raise TypeError(
    #             f"Cannot flatten {method.__name__}! Duplicate argument found: {d.name} is in both {cls.__name__} class' and {method.__name__} method's signatures.")
    # parameters = list(dict.fromkeys(parameters))  # remove args and kwargs duplicates

    if isinstance(method, str):
        method = getattr(cls, method)
    sig_cls = Sig(cls)
    sig_method = Sig(method)
    sig_flat = sig_cls + sig_method
    if cls_cache_key:
        param = dict(name=cls_cache_key, kind=KO, default=None)
        sig_flat = sig_flat.add_params([param])
    sig_flat = sig_flat.remove_names(['self'])
    sig_flat = sig_flat.replace(return_annotation=sig_method.return_annotation)

    def flat_func(**kwargs):
        if (len([
                p for p in sig_cls.parameters.values()
                if p.kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
        ]) == 1):
            cls_params = kwargs
            cls_params = {
                k: kwargs[k]
                for k in kwargs if k in sig_cls.parameters
        if (len([
                p for p in sig_method.parameters.values()
                if p.kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
        ]) == 1):
            method_params = kwargs
            method_params = {
                k: kwargs[k]
                for k in kwargs if k in sig_method.parameters
        cls_cache_id = next(
            iter(v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k == cls_cache_key), None)
        if cls_cache_id is not None:
            instance = _instantiate(cls, cache_id=cls_cache_id, **cls_params)
            instance = cls(**cls_params)
        return getattr(instance, method.__name__)(**method_params)

    flat_func.__dict__ = method.__dict__.copy()  # to copy attributes of method
    flat_func.__signature__ = sig_flat
    flat_func.__name__ = func_name
    flat_func.__doc__ = method.__doc__

    return flat_func
Exemple #12
from pathlib import Path

from i2.signatures import Sig
from oui.color_util import color_hex_from, add_alpha, dec_to_hex

HTML('<script>var exports = {"__esModule": true};</script>')

pkg_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
dflt_filename = 'splatter_defaults.json'
pjoin = lambda *p: os.path.join(pkg_dir, *p)
dflts_filepath = pjoin(dflt_filename)

dflts = json.load(open(dflts_filepath, 'r'))
splatter_dflts = dict(dflts['options'], **dflts['tsneOptions'])

_splatter_raw_sig = Sig.from_objs('pts', splatter_dflts.items())

# splatter_kwargs_dflts = {k: dflts[k] for k in dflts if k not in }
# _splatter_sig = Sig.from_objs('pts', splatter_dflts.items())

def assert_jsonizable(d):
    _ = json.dumps(d)
    return True

# @Sig.from_objs('pts', dflts.items(), assert_same_sized_fvs=True)
# def mysplatter():
#     pass

Exemple #13
class DAG:
    >>> from meshed.dag import DAG, Sig
    >>> def this(a, b=1):
    ...     return a + b
    >>> def that(x, b=1):
    ...     return x * b
    >>> def combine(this, that):
    ...     return (this, that)
    >>> dag = DAG((this, that, combine))
    >>> print(dag.synopsis_string())
    x,b -> that_ -> that
    a,b -> this_ -> this
    this,that -> combine_ -> combine

    But what does it do?

    It's a callable, with a signature:

    >>> Sig(dag)
    <Sig (x, a, b=1)>

    And when you call it, it executes the dag from the root values you give it and
    returns the leaf output values.

    >>> dag(1, 2, 3)  # (a+b,x*b) == (2+3,1*3) == (5, 3)
    (5, 3)
    >>> dag(1, 2)  # (a+b,x*b) == (2+1,1*1) == (3, 1)
    (3, 1)

    The above DAG was created straight from the functions, using only the names of the
    functions and their arguments to define how to hook the network up.

    But if you didn't write those functions specifically for that purpose, or you want
    to use someone else's functions, we got you covered.

    You can define the name of the node (the `name` argument), the name of the output
    (the `output_name` argument) and a mapping from the function's arguments names to
    "network names" (through the `src_names` argument).
    The edges of the DAG are defined by matching `output_name` TO `src_names`.


    func_nodes: Iterable[FuncNode]
    cache_last_scope: bool = True
    parameter_merge: ParameterMerger = conservative_parameter_merge

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.func_nodes = tuple(_mk_func_nodes(self.func_nodes))
        self.graph = _func_nodes_to_graph_dict(self.func_nodes)
        self.nodes = topological_sort(self.graph)
        # reorder the nodes to fit topological order
        self.func_nodes, self.var_nodes = _separate_func_nodes_and_var_nodes(
        # figure out the roots and leaves
        self.roots = set(root_nodes(self.graph))
        self.leafs = set(leaf_nodes(self.graph))
        # self.sig = Sig(dict(extract_items(sig.parameters, 'xz')))
        self.sig = Sig(sort_params(self.src_name_params(self.roots)))
        self.sig(self)  # to put the signature on the callable DAG
        self.last_scope = None

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        scope = self.sig.kwargs_from_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs)
        tup = tuple(extract_values(scope, self.leafs))
        if len(tup) > 1:
            return tup
        elif len(tup) == 1:
            return tup[0]
            return None

    def call_on_scope(self, scope=None):
        """Calls the func_nodes using scope (a dict or MutableMapping) both to
        source it's arguments and write it's results.

        Note: This method is only meant to be used as a backend to __call__, not as
        an actual interface method. Additional control/constraints on read and writes
        can be implemented by providing a custom scope for that. For example, one could
        log read and/or writes to specific keys, or disallow overwriting to an existing
        key (useful for pipeline sanity), etc.
        if scope is None:
            scope = dict()  # fresh new scope
        if self.cache_last_scope:
            self.last_scope = scope  # just to remember it, for debugging purposes ONLY!

        for func_node in self.func_nodes:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self._getitem(item)

    def _getitem(self, item):
        input_names, output_names = item

    # ------------ utils --------------------------------------------------------------

    def src_name_params(self, src_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None):
        d = defaultdict(list)
        for node in self.func_nodes:
            for arg_name, src_name in node.src_names.items():

        if src_names is None:
            src_names = set(d)

        for src_name in filter(src_names.__contains__, d):
            params = d[src_name]
            if len(params) == 1:
                yield params[0].replace(name=src_name)
                yield self.parameter_merge(params).replace(name=src_name)

    # ------------ display --------------------------------------------------------------

    def synopsis_string(self):
        return '\n'.join(func_node.synopsis_string()
                         for func_node in self.func_nodes)

    # TODO: Give more control (merge with lined)
    def dot_digraph_body(self):
        yield from dot_lines_of_func_nodes(self.func_nodes)

    def dot_digraph_ascii(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get an ascii art string that represents the pipeline"""
        from lined.util import dot_to_ascii

        return dot_to_ascii('\n'.join(self.dot_digraph_body(*args, **kwargs)))

    def dot_digraph(self, *args, **kwargs):
            import graphviz
        except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                f'{e}\nYou may not have graphviz installed. '
                f'See https://pypi.org/project/graphviz/.')

        body = list(self.dot_digraph_body(*args, **kwargs))
        return graphviz.Digraph(body=body)
Exemple #14
def call_func(func, **kwargs):
    args, kwargs = Sig(func).args_and_kwargs_from_kwargs(kwargs)
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #15
 def missing_args_func_(func):
     missing_args = set(Sig(func).without_defaults.parameters) - set(ignore or ())
     if func_to_kwargs is not None:
         missing_args -= func_to_kwargs(func).keys()
     return missing_args
Exemple #16
 def func_to_kwargs(func):
     return {
         k: val_for_argname[k]
         for k in val_for_argname.keys() & set(Sig(func).without_defaults)
Exemple #17
def call_func(func, kwargs):
    kwargs = {k.__name__: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
    return Sig(func).source_kwargs(kwargs)