def main(): ''' open a urdf file and add noise to each parameter. Can be used for testing, but noisy params are usually not consistent, so may be of limited use. ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Load measurements and URDF model to get inertial parameters.') parser.add_argument('--urdf_input', required=True, type=str, help='the file to load the robot model from') parser.add_argument('--urdf_output', required=True, type=str, help='the file to save the noisy robot model to') parser.add_argument('--noise', required=False, type=float, help='scale of noise (default 0.01)') parser.set_defaults(noise=0.01) args = parser.parse_args() model = iDynTree.Model() iDynTree.modelFromURDF(args.urdf_input, model) link_names = [] for i in range(0, model.getNrOfLinks()): link_names.append(model.getLinkName(i)) n_params = model.getNrOfLinks()*10 dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(args.urdf_input) xStdModel = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(n_params) dynComp.getModelDynamicsParameters(xStdModel) xStdModel = xStdModel.toNumPy() # percentage noise #for p in range(0, len(xStdModel)): # xStdModel[p] += np.random.randn()*args.noise*xStdModel[p] # additive noise xStdModel += np.random.randn(n_params)*args.noise helpers = identificationHelpers.IdentificationHelpers(n_params) helpers.replaceParamsInURDF(input_urdf=args.urdf_input, output_urdf=args.urdf_output, \ new_params=xStdModel, link_names=link_names)
def testDynComp(self): dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() ok = dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile('./model.urdf') #dynComp.getFloatingBase() # set state dofs = dynComp.getNrOfDegreesOfFreedom() print "dofs: {}".format(dofs) q = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromPyList( [random.random() for i in range(0, dofs)]) dq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromPyList( [random.random() for i in range(0, dofs)]) ddq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromPyList( [random.random() for i in range(0, dofs)]) # set gravity grav = iDynTree.SpatialAcc.fromPyList([0.0, 0.0, -9.81, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) dynComp.setRobotState(q, dq, ddq, grav) torques = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(dofs + 6) baseReactionForce = iDynTree.Wrench() # compute id with inverse dynamics dynComp.inverseDynamics(torques, baseReactionForce) # compute id with regressors nrOfParams = 10 * dynComp.getNrOfLinks() regr = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(6 + dofs, nrOfParams) params = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(nrOfParams) dynComp.getDynamicsRegressor(regr) dynComp.getModelDynamicsParameters(params) np_reg = regr.toNumPy() np_params = params.toNumPy() generalizedForces =, np_params) print 'Result of inverse dynamics:' #print 'baseReactionForce: {} \nTorques: {}'.format(baseReactionForce,torques) #print 'Generalized Forces: {}'.format(generalizedForces) # check consistency self.assertTrue( np.allclose(np.hstack( (baseReactionForce.toNumPy(), torques.toNumPy())), generalizedForces, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-04)) print 'Test of DynamicsComputations completed successfully.'
def __init__(self, opt, urdf_file, regressor_file=None, regressor_init=True): # (Dict[str, Any, str, str]) -> None self.urdf_file = urdf_file self.opt = opt progress_inst = helpers.Progress(opt) self.progress = progress_inst.progress # set these options in case model was not instanciated from Identification if 'orthogonalizeBasis' not in self.opt: self.opt['orthogonalizeBasis'] = 1 if 'useBasisProjection' not in self.opt: self.opt['useBasisProjection'] = 0 # debug options self.opt['useRegressorForSimulation'] = 0 self.opt['addContacts'] = 1 # create generator instance and load model self.generator = iDynTree.DynamicsRegressorGenerator() ret = self.generator.loadRobotAndSensorsModelFromFile(urdf_file) if not ret: sys.exit() # load also with new model class for some functions #self.idyn_model = iDynTree.Model() #iDynTree.modelFromURDF(urdf_file, self.idyn_model) #viz = iDynTree.Visualizer() #viz.addModel(self.idyn_model, 'model') #for i in range(0,30): #model_inst = viz.modelViz('model') #model_inst.setPositions(world_H_base, VectorDynSize jointPos) # viz.draw() #viz.close() if self.opt['verbose']: print('loaded model {}'.format(urdf_file)) # define what regressor type if regressor_file: with open(regressor_file, 'r') as filename: regrXml = self.jointNames = [] # type: List[str] import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET.fromstring(regrXml) for l in tree.iter(): if l.tag == 'joint': self.jointNames.append(l.text) self.num_dofs = len(self.jointNames) else: # (default for all joints) if self.opt['floatingBase']: regrXml = ''' <regressor> <baseLinkDynamics/> <jointTorqueDynamics> <allJoints/> </jointTorqueDynamics> </regressor>''' else: regrXml = ''' <regressor> <jointTorqueDynamics> <allJoints/> </jointTorqueDynamics> </regressor>''' self.generator.loadRegressorStructureFromString(regrXml) self.regrXml = regrXml if not regressor_file: import re self.jointNames = re.sub(r"DOF Index: \d+ Name: ", "", self.generator.getDescriptionOfDegreesOfFreedom()).split() self.num_dofs = self.generator.getNrOfDegreesOfFreedom() # TODO: reported dofs and links are not dependent on joints specified in regressor (but # uses all from model file) # dynComp simulates with all joints regardless of regressor, regressor rows should be as specified # (worked around ATM by reading from XML directly) if self.opt['verbose']: print('# DOFs: {}'.format(self.num_dofs)) print('Joints: {}'.format(self.jointNames)) # Get the number of outputs of the regressor # (should eq #dofs + #base vals) self.N_OUT = self.generator.getNrOfOutputs() if self.opt['verbose']: if self.opt['floatingBase']: print('# regressor outputs: {} (DOFs + 6 base)'.format(self.N_OUT)) else: print('# regressor outputs: {}'.format(self.N_OUT)) self.num_links = self.generator.getNrOfLinks()-self.generator.getNrOfFakeLinks() if self.opt['verbose']: print('# links: {} (+ {} fake)'.format(self.num_links, self.generator.getNrOfFakeLinks())) self.inertia_params = list() # type: List[int] self.mass_params = list() # type: List[int] for i in range(self.num_links): self.mass_params.append(i*10) self.inertia_params.extend([i*10+4, i*10+5, i*10+6, i*10+7, i*10+8, i*10+9]) #self.linkNames = self.generator.getDescriptionOfLinks().split() self.linkNames = [] # type: List[str] import re for d in self.generator.getDescriptionOfParameters().strip().split("\n"): link = re.findall(r"of link (.*)", d)[0] if link not in self.linkNames: self.linkNames.append(link) if self.opt['verbose']: print('{}'.format({i: self.linkNames[i] for i in range(self.num_links)})) self.limits = helpers.URDFHelpers.getJointLimits(self.urdf_file, use_deg=False) # get amount of initial inertia params (from urdf) (full params, no friction, no removed columns) self.num_model_params = self.num_links*10 self.num_all_params = self.num_model_params # add N offset params (offsets or constant friction) and 2*N velocity dependent friction params # (velocity +- for asymmetrical friction) if self.opt['identifyFriction']: self.num_identified_params = self.num_model_params + self.num_dofs self.num_all_params += self.num_dofs if not self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']: if self.opt['identifySymmetricVelFriction']: self.num_identified_params += self.num_dofs self.num_all_params += self.num_dofs else: self.num_identified_params += 2*self.num_dofs self.num_all_params += 2*self.num_dofs else: self.num_identified_params = self.num_model_params self.friction_params_start = self.num_model_params if self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']: self.num_identified_params = self.num_identified_params - len(self.inertia_params) self.friction_params_start = self.num_model_params - len(self.inertia_params) if self.opt['verbose']: print('# params: {} ({} will be identified)'.format(self.num_model_params, self.num_identified_params)) self.baseNames = ['base f_x', 'base f_y', 'base f_z', 'base m_x', 'base m_y', 'base m_z'] self.gravity = [0,0,-9.81,0,0,0] self.gravity_twist = iDynTree.Twist.fromList(self.gravity) if self.opt['useRBDL']: import rbdl self.rbdlModel = rbdl.loadModel(self.urdf_file, floating_base=self.opt['floatingBase'], verbose=False) self.rbdlModel.gravity = np.array(self.gravity[0:3]) self.dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() self.dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(self.urdf_file) # get model parameters xStdModel = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(self.generator.getNrOfParameters()) self.generator.getModelParameters(xStdModel) self.xStdModel = xStdModel.toNumPy() if self.opt['identifyFriction']: self.xStdModel = np.concatenate((self.xStdModel, np.zeros(self.num_dofs))) if not self.opt['identifyGravityParamsOnly']: if self.opt['identifySymmetricVelFriction']: self.xStdModel = np.concatenate((self.xStdModel, np.zeros(self.num_dofs))) else: self.xStdModel = np.concatenate((self.xStdModel, np.zeros(2*self.num_dofs))) helpers.ParamHelpers.addFrictionFromURDF(self, self.urdf_file, self.xStdModel) if opt['estimateWith'] == 'urdf': self.xStd = self.xStdModel if regressor_init: # get model dependent projection matrix and linear column dependencies (i.e. base # groupings) self.computeRegressorLinDepsQR()
required=False, type=str, help='the file to load world links from') args = parser.parse_args() import yaml with open(args.config, 'r') as stream: try: config = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) import iDynTree iDynTree.init_helpers() iDynTree.init_numpy_helpers() dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(args.model) world_gravity = iDynTree.SpatialAcc.fromList([0, 0, -9.81, 0, 0, 0]) n_dof = dynComp.getNrOfDegreesOfFreedom() config['num_dofs'] = n_dof config['urdf'] = args.model g_model = Model(config, args.model, regressor_file=None, regressor_init=False) linkNames = g_model.linkNames # get bounding boxes for model from identification.helpers import URDFHelpers, ParamHelpers paramHelpers = ParamHelpers(None, config)
def test_regressors(): #get some random state values and compare inverse dynamics torques with torques #obtained with regressor and parameter vector idyn_model = iDynTree.Model() iDynTree.modelFromURDF(urdf_file, idyn_model) # create generator instance and load model generator = iDynTree.DynamicsRegressorGenerator() generator.loadRobotAndSensorsModelFromFile(urdf_file) regrXml = ''' <regressor> <baseLinkDynamics/> <jointTorqueDynamics> <allJoints/> </jointTorqueDynamics> </regressor>''' generator.loadRegressorStructureFromString(regrXml) num_model_params = generator.getNrOfParameters() num_out = generator.getNrOfOutputs() n_dofs = generator.getNrOfDegreesOfFreedom() num_samples = 100 xStdModel = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(num_model_params) generator.getModelParameters(xStdModel) xStdModel = xStdModel.toNumPy() gravity_twist = iDynTree.Twist.fromList([0, 0, -9.81, 0, 0, 0]) gravity_acc = iDynTree.SpatialAcc.fromList([0, 0, -9.81, 0, 0, 0]) dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(urdf_file) regressor_stack = np.zeros(shape=((n_dofs + 6) * num_samples, num_model_params)) idyn_torques = np.zeros(shape=((n_dofs + 6) * num_samples)) contactForceSum = np.zeros(shape=((n_dofs + 6) * num_samples)) for sample_index in range(0, num_samples): q = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList( ((np.random.ranf(n_dofs) * 2 - 1) * np.pi).tolist()) dq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList( ((np.random.ranf(n_dofs) * 2 - 1) * np.pi).tolist()) ddq = iDynTree.VectorDynSize.fromList( ((np.random.ranf(n_dofs) * 2 - 1) * np.pi).tolist()) base_vel = np.pi * np.random.rand(6) base_acc = np.pi * np.random.rand(6) #rpy = [0,0,0] rpy = np.random.ranf(3) * 0.1 rot = iDynTree.Rotation.RPY(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2]) pos = iDynTree.Position.Zero() world_T_base = iDynTree.Transform(rot, pos).inverse() # rotate base vel and acc to world frame to_world = world_T_base.getRotation().toNumPy() base_vel[0:3] =[0:3]) base_vel[3:] =[3:]) base_acc[0:3] =[0:3]) base_acc[3:] =[3:]) base_velocity = iDynTree.Twist.fromList(base_vel) base_acceleration = iDynTree.Twist.fromList(base_acc) base_acceleration_acc = iDynTree.ClassicalAcc.fromList(base_acc) # regressor generator.setRobotState(q, dq, ddq, world_T_base, base_velocity, base_acceleration, gravity_twist) regressor = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(num_out, num_model_params) knownTerms = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(num_out) if not generator.computeRegressor(regressor, knownTerms): print("Error during numeric computation of regressor") #the base forces are expressed in the base frame for the regressor, so transform them to_world = np.fromstring(world_T_base.getRotation().toString(), sep=' ').reshape((3, 3)) regressor = regressor.toNumPy() regressor[0:3, :] =[0:3, :]) regressor[3:6, :] =[3:6, :]) row_index = ( n_dofs + 6 ) * sample_index # index for current row in stacked regressor matrix np.copyto(regressor_stack[row_index:row_index + n_dofs + 6], regressor) # inverse dynamics #dynComp.setFloatingBase('base_link') dynComp.setRobotState(q, dq, ddq, world_T_base, base_velocity, base_acceleration_acc, gravity_acc) torques = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(n_dofs) baseReactionForce = iDynTree.Wrench() dynComp.inverseDynamics(torques, baseReactionForce) torques = np.concatenate( (baseReactionForce.toNumPy(), torques.toNumPy())) np.copyto(idyn_torques[row_index:row_index + n_dofs + 6], torques) # contacts dim = n_dofs + 6 contact = np.array([0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0]) jacobian = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(6, dim) dynComp.getFrameJacobian(contactFrame, jacobian) jacobian = jacobian.toNumPy() contactForceSum[sample_index * dim:(sample_index + 1) * dim] = regressor_torques =, xStdModel) + contactForceSum idyn_torques += contactForceSum error = np.reshape(regressor_torques - idyn_torques, (num_samples, dim)) #plots = plt.plot(range(0, num_samples), error) #plt.legend(plots, ['f_x', 'f_y', 'f_z', 'm_x', 'm_y', 'm_z', 'j_0']) error_norm = la.norm(error) print(error_norm) assert error_norm <= 0.01
def estimateValidationTorques(self): """ calculate torques of trajectory from validation measurements and identified params """ # TODO: don't duplicate simulation code # TODO: get identified params directly into idyntree (new KinDynComputations class does not # have inverse dynamics yet, so we have to go over a new urdf file for now) import os v_data = np.load(self.validation_file) dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() if self.opt['estimateWith'] == 'urdf': params = self.model.xStdModel else: params = self.model.xStd outfile = self.model.urdf_file + '.tmp.urdf' self.urdfHelpers.replaceParamsInURDF(input_urdf=self.model.urdf_file, output_urdf=outfile, new_params=params) if self.opt['useRBDL']: import rbdl self.model.rbdlModel = rbdl.loadModel(outfile, floating_base=self.opt['floatingBase'], verbose=False) self.model.rbdlModel.gravity = np.array(self.model.gravity) else: dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(outfile) os.remove(outfile) old_skip = self.opt['skipSamples'] self.opt['skipSamples'] = 8 self.tauEstimatedValidation = None # type: np._ArrayLike for m_idx in self.progress(range(0, v_data['positions'].shape[0], self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1)): if self.opt['useRBDL']: torques = self.model.simulateDynamicsRBDL(v_data, m_idx, None, params) else: torques = self.model.simulateDynamicsIDynTree(v_data, m_idx, dynComp, params) if self.tauEstimatedValidation is None: self.tauEstimatedValidation = torques else: self.tauEstimatedValidation = np.vstack((self.tauEstimatedValidation, torques)) if self.opt['skipSamples'] > 0: self.tauMeasuredValidation = v_data['torques'][::self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1] self.Tv = v_data['times'][::self.opt['skipSamples'] + 1] else: self.tauMeasuredValidation = v_data['torques'] self.Tv = v_data['times'] # add simulated base forces also to measurements if self.opt['floatingBase']: self.tauMeasuredValidation = \ np.concatenate((self.tauEstimatedValidation[:, :6], self.tauMeasuredValidation), axis=1) #TODO: add contact forces to estimation, so far validation is only correct for fixed-base! print(Fore.RED+'No proper validation for floating base yet!'+Fore.RESET) self.opt['skipSamples'] = old_skip self.val_error = sla.norm(self.tauEstimatedValidation - self.tauMeasuredValidation) \ * 100 / sla.norm(self.tauMeasuredValidation) print("Relative validation error: {}%".format(self.val_error)) self.val_residual = np.mean(sla.norm(self.tauEstimatedValidation-self.tauMeasuredValidation, axis=1)) print("Absolute validation error: {} Nm".format(self.val_residual)) torque_limits = [] for joint in self.model.jointNames: torque_limits.append(self.model.limits[joint]['torque']) self.val_nrms = helpers.getNRMSE(self.tauMeasuredValidation, self.tauEstimatedValidation, limits=torque_limits) print("NRMS validation error: {}%".format(self.val_nrms))
def loadModel(urdf_file): # type: (AnyStr) -> (iDynTree.DynamicsComputations) dynComp = iDynTree.DynamicsComputations() dynComp.loadRobotModelFromFile(urdf_file) return dynComp