Exemple #1
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp, scipy.linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys

# Import pure state MPS
import iMPS
import iTEBD

# Set system size
L = 10
# Set local Hilbert space dimension (i.e. how many particles per site = d - 1)
d = 2
# Create a new MPS
qwMPS = iMPS.iMPS(L, d, 10)

# Create an array of zeros...
sites = [1,0]*int(L/2)

# Use this array as a configuration of how many particles are on each site

print qwMPS.Q

# Define operators
b    = np.diag(np.sqrt(range(d-1)+np.ones(d-1)),1)  # Annihilation
bdag = np.diag(np.sqrt(range(d-1)+np.ones(d-1)),-1) # Creation
dens = np.dot(bdag, b)                              # Density operator

occ = [np.real(qwMPS.measure([dens], [s])) for s in range(L)]
Exemple #2
densup = np.dot(cdagup, cup)
densdown = np.dot(cdagdown, cdown)

# Heisenberg model for spin-1/2
t = 1
H = t * (np.kron(cdagup, cup) + np.kron(cup, cdagup) +
         np.kron(cdagdown, cdown) + np.kron(cdown, cdagdown)) + np.kron(
             np.dot(cdagup, cdagup), identity)

# Imaginary time propagator
dt = 0.01
U = np.reshape(sp.linalg.expm(-dt * 1j * H), (d, d, d, d))
H = np.reshape(H, (d, d, d, d))

L = 20
testMPS = iMPS.iMPS(L, d, 10)

sites = 3 * np.ones(L)
sites[4] = 2
sites[16] = 1

# Perform 5000 time steps
total_dens_up = []
total_dens_down = []
updowncorr = []

for n in xrange(500):

    # Update both bonds
    for i in xrange(0, L - 1, 2):
Sy = 1 / 2 * np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]], dtype=np.complex128)
Sz = 1 / 2 * np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=np.complex128)

# Create a new MPS instance.
# For the infinite case, a single site unit cell (L=1) would really suffice.
# However, the iTEBD algorithm needs to act on bonds, and so the minimum number
# of sites we need is 2.
L = 2
# The local Hilbert space is that of a spin-1/2, so 2-dimensional
d = 2
# The bond-dimension is the most important parameter of the MPS, it sets the 'complexity'
# of the wavefunction. The larger the better, but at a price of MUCH slower numerics.
# Best is to start with a small value (~10) and slowly increase. If the final result
# of the numerics no longer changes drastically with increasing D, we are safe.
D = 30
testMPS = iMPS.iMPS(L, d, D)
# We will be performing imaginary time evolution, so we want to have some overlap
#  with the actual groundstate. Using a random initial state, we will most likely
#  have such overlap.

# Heisenberg model for spin-1/2
#  Since we are considering the infinite system, we consider only a single
#  type of bond. Hence all we need to define is the Hamiltonian for this bond.
H = np.kron(Sx, Sx) + np.kron(Sy, Sy) + np.kron(Sz, Sz)

# Imaginary time propagator
#  The trotter step-size dt is an important parameter. If it is too large,
#   we will not converge to the groundstate (and/or build up large errors).
dt = 0.01
Exemple #4
splus = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.complex128)

# Define separate superoperators for the spins, so that we may use them
# in measurements
ssx = superOperator(sx, d)
ssy = superOperator(sy, d)
ssz = superOperator(sz, d)

# Drive
gammaLplus = 1  #0.3
gammaLminus = 0  #0.5
gammaRplus = 0  #0.1
gammaRminus = 1  #0.5

# The initial state is a simple product state
MPS = iMPS.iMPS(4, 2, D, pure=False)
MPS.set_product_state([1, 0] * 2)

# Function to compute H and the time evolution operator U for the various values of parameters
def compute_H_and_U(Jx, Jy, mu, dt):
    """Compute Hamiltonian and time evolution operators"""

    u = np.zeros((L, d**2, d**2, d**2, d**2), dtype=np.complex128)
    u2 = np.zeros((L, d**2, d**2, d**2, d**2), dtype=np.complex128)
    for site in range(L):
        # Define Hamiltonian
        h = -Jx * np.kron(sx, sx) - Jy * np.kron(
            sy, sy) - mu * 0.5 * (np.kron(sz, s0) + np.kron(s0, sz))

        if site == 0: