def generateCreateAllScripts(self): if self.options.verbose: print("\nrunning generateCreateAllScripts() function") print("base_path=", self.options.base_path) for schema in self.schemas: print(schema + "_SCHEMA=", eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA")) print("system_user="******"system_pass="******"tns_name=", self.options.tns_name) for schema in self.schemas: f = open(self.options.base_path + "\\gen.sql", "w") f.write("begin\n\ ibs_admin.Gen_script('" + eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA") + "', '" + schema + "');\n\ END;\n\ /\n\ EXIT;") f.close() output = ibslib.runCommand("sqlplus " + self.options.system_user + "/" + self.options.system_pass + "@" + self.options.tns_name + " @" + self.options.base_path + "\\gen") print(output) output = ibslib.runCommand("pscp -pw " + self.options.dbserver_pass + " " + self.options.dbserver_user + "@" + self.options.dbserver_name + ":/tmp/logfiles/*" + schema + "_*.sql " + self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema) print(output) copyfile(self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema + "\\ins_" + schema + "_objects.sql", self.options.base_path + "\\ins_" + schema + "_objects.sql") # Table CreateAll script output needs a bit of tweaking for line in fileinput.FileInput(self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema + "\\" + schema + "_tables.sql", inplace=1): print(line.replace("(,0)", ""), end=' ')
def checkoutDLLs(self): print "Checking out DLLs..." ibslib.runCommand("tf.exe get \"" + self.options.base_path + "\\*.dll\" /login:"******"," + self.options.tfs_pass + " /noprompt /recursive") ibslib.runCommand("tf.exe checkout \"" + self.options.base_path + "\\*.dll\" /login:"******"," + self.options.tfs_pass + " /noprompt /recursive")
def generateCreateAllScripts(self): if self.options.verbose: print("\nrunning generateCreateAllScripts() function") print("base_path=", self.options.base_path) for schema in self.schemas: print(schema + "_SCHEMA=", eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA")) print("system_user="******"system_pass="******"tns_name=", self.options.tns_name) for schema in self.schemas: f = open(self.options.base_path + "\\gen.sql", "w") f.write("begin\n\ ibs_admin.Gen_script('" + eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA") + "', '" + schema + "');\n\ END;\n\ /\n\ EXIT;") f.close() output = ibslib.runCommand("sqlplus " + self.options.system_user + "/" + self.options.system_pass + "@" + self.options.tns_name + " @" + self.options.base_path + "\\gen") print(output) output = ibslib.runCommand("pscp -pw " + self.options.dbserver_pass + " " + self.options.dbserver_user + "@" + self.options.dbserver_name + ":/tmp/logfiles/*" + schema + "_*.sql " + self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema) print(output) copyfile( self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema + "\\ins_" + schema + "_objects.sql", self.options.base_path + "\\ins_" + schema + "_objects.sql") # Table CreateAll script output needs a bit of tweaking for line in fileinput.FileInput(self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema + "\\" + schema + "_tables.sql", inplace=1): print(line.replace("(,0)", ""), end=' ')
def runUpdateScripts(self): if self.options.verbose: print("\nrunning runUpdateScripts() function") for schema in self.schemas: print(schema + "_SCHEMA=", eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA")) print("tns_name=", self.options.tns_name) for schema in self.schemas: output = ibslib.runCommand("sqlplus " + eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA") + "/" + eval("self.options." + schema + "_SCHEMA") + "@" + self.options.tns_name + \ " @" + self.options.base_path + "\\" + schema + "_Upgrades") print(output)
def checkinDLLs(self): print "Checking in DLLs..." tfscheckincomment = "Updating Core service contracts to " + self.options.asm_version ibslib.runCommand("tf.exe checkin " + self.options.base_path + "\\*.dll /login:"******"," + self.options.tfs_pass + \ " /noprompt /recursive /comment:\"" + tfscheckincomment + "\"")
import os, sys import ibslib dirs = ibslib.runCommand("tf dir").split("\r\n") for i in range(1, dirs.__len__() - 3): print("Cloaking %s" % dirs[i].lstrip("$")) ibslib.runCommand("tf workfold /cloak \"" + dirs[i].lstrip("$") + "\"") print("Completed.")
import os,sys import ibslib dirs = ibslib.runCommand("tf dir").split("\r\n") for i in range(1,dirs.__len__()-3): print("Cloaking %s" % dirs[i].lstrip("$")) ibslib.runCommand("tf workfold /cloak \"" + dirs[i].lstrip("$") + "\"") print("Completed.")