Exemple #1
def countries(session):
    # We group by radio, mcc to take advantage of the index
    # and explicitly specify a small list of all valid radio values
    # to get mysql to actually use the index.
    radios = [v for v in RADIO_TYPE.values() if v >= 0]
    rows = session.query(Cell.radio, Cell.mcc, func.count()).filter(
        Cell.radio.in_(radios)).group_by(Cell.radio, Cell.mcc).all()

    # reverse grouping by mcc, radio
    codes = defaultdict(dict)
    for row in rows:
        codes[row[1]][row[0]] = row[2]

    countries = {}
    for code, item in codes.items():
        names = [(c.name, c.alpha3) for c in mcc(str(code))]
        multiple = bool(len(names) > 1)
        for name, alpha3 in names:
            country = {
                'code': alpha3,
                'name': name,
                'order': transliterate(name[:10].lower()),
                'multiple': multiple,
                'total': 0,
                'gsm': 0,
                'cdma': 0,
                'umts': 0,
                'lte': 0,
            for t, v in item.items():
                country[RADIO_TYPE_INVERSE[t]] = int(v)
            country['total'] = int(sum(item.values()))
            if alpha3 not in countries:
                countries[alpha3] = country
                # some countries like the US have multiple mcc codes,
                # we merge them here
                for k, v in country.items():
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        countries[alpha3][k] += v

    return sorted(countries.values(), key=itemgetter('name'))
Exemple #2
def countries(session):
    # We group by radio, mcc to take advantage of the index
    # and explicitly specify a small list of all valid radio values
    # to get mysql to actually use the index.
    radios = [v for v in RADIO_TYPE.values() if v >= 0]
    rows = session.query(Cell.radio, Cell.mcc, func.count(Cell.id)).filter(
        Cell.radio.in_(radios)).group_by(Cell.radio, Cell.mcc).all()

    # reverse grouping by mcc, radio
    codes = defaultdict(dict)
    for row in rows:
        codes[row[1]][row[0]] = row[2]

    countries = {}
    for code, item in codes.items():
        names = [(c.name, c.alpha3) for c in mcc(str(code))]
        multiple = bool(len(names) > 1)
        for name, alpha3 in names:
            country = {
                'code': alpha3,
                'name': name,
                'order': transliterate(name[:10].lower()),
                'multiple': multiple,
                'total': 0,
                'gsm': 0, 'cdma': 0, 'umts': 0, 'lte': 0,
            for t, v in item.items():
                country[RADIO_TYPE_INVERSE[t]] = int(v)
            country['total'] = int(sum(item.values()))
            if alpha3 not in countries:
                countries[alpha3] = country
                # some countries like the US have multiple mcc codes,
                # we merge them here
                for k, v in country.items():
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        countries[alpha3][k] += v

    return sorted(countries.values(), key=itemgetter('name'))