def pending_command(self, usr, args, tags): """Pending ====== This command allows you to view pending games of yourself or a user. Also you can use -t tourney_name if you want all games from that tourney EXAMPLES: o pending -> your pending games o pending seberg -> seberg's pending games o pending -t test -> pending games for tourney test """ args = parse(args) if args[1].has_key("t") and len(args[1]["t"]) > 0: tourn = args[1]["t"][0] else: tourn = None if args[0]: user = self.icsbot["users"][args[0][0]] if not user["rowid"]: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, "The user %s is not registered with me." % user["handle"]) else: if not usr["rowid"] and not tourn: return self.icsbot.qtell.split( usr, "As you are not registered with me, you must give a handle or a tourney." ) user = usr if not tourn: 'SELECT rowid FROM games WHERE (white_id=? or black_id=?) and (result="-" or result="*" or result="ADJ")', (user["rowid"], user["rowid"]), ) gs = if not gs: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, "%s has no unifinished games." % user["handle"]) else: to_send = ["Unfinished games of %s:" % user["handle"]] else:"SELECT rowid, * FROM tourneys WHERE name=?", (tourn,)) tourney = if len(tourney) == 0: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, 'The tourney "%s" does not exist.' % tourn) elif len(tourney) > 1: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, "More then one tourney matches. This _should_ be impossible.") tourney = tourney[0] 'SELECT rowid FROM games WHERE tourney_id=? and (result="-" or result="*")', (tourney["rowid"],) ) gs = if not gs: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, "There are no unifinished games in tourney %s." % tourney["name"]) else: to_send = ["Unfinished in tourney %s:" % tourney["name"]] to_send.append("+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-------+---------+") to_send.append("| Tourney | white | black | Round | Result |") to_send.append("+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-------+---------+") for g in gs: # Yes, this does do some more SQLs then necessary :). g =[g["rowid"]] to_send.append( "| %7s | %17s | %-17s | %5s | %s |" % (g["tourney"], g["white"], g["black"], g["round"], g["result"].center(7)) ) to_send.append("+---------+-------------------+-------------------+-------+---------+") return self.icsbot.qtell.send_list(usr, to_send)
def play(self, user, args, tags): """play [tourney] [-o opponent] [-r round] Ask the bot to issue a match command for you and start looking for the game to start. This commands assumes the first game that fits to be the right game. EXAMPLES: o play o play test o play -o seberg o play test -o seberg -r 2 -t and -r can be given in any order at any point. """ args = parse(args) if args[0]: tourney = args[0][0] else: tourney = None if args[1].has_key("o") and len(args[1]["o"]) > 0: opp_handle = args[1]["o"][0].lower() else: opp_handle = None if args[1].has_key("r") and len(args[1]["r"]) > 0: try: round_ = int(args[1]["r"][0]) except: return self.icsbot.qtell.split(usr, "Round must be an integer.") else: round_ = None handle_n = user["handle"] handle = handle_n.lower() for g_p in self.pending(): if g_p["white"].lower() == handle or g_p["black"].lower() == handle: if tourney and tourney.lower() != g_p["tourney"].lower(): continue if round_ is not None and round_ != g_p["round"]: continue if opp_handle is not None and ( g_p["white"].lower() != opp_handle and g_p["black"].lower() != opp_handle ): continue if g_p["black"].lower() == handle: if not self.icsbot["users"][g_p["white"]]["online"]: return self.icsbot.qtell.split( user, 'Your opponent %s for the game in the tourney "%s" appears not to be online.' % (g_p["white"], g_p["tourney"]), ) l = [g_p["black"], g_p["white"], g_p["controls"], "black"] else: if not self.icsbot["users"][g_p["black"]]["online"]: return self.icsbot.qtell.split( user, 'Your opponent %s for the game in the tourney "%s" appears not to be online.' % (g_p["black"], g_p["tourney"]), ) l = [g_p["white"], g_p["black"], g_p["controls"], "white"] if opp_handle and opp_handle.lower() != l[1].lower(): continue if not " r" in l[2] or " u" in l[2]: l[2] = l[2] + " r" if self.no_td: self.icsbot.send('tell %s Please "match %s %s %s"' % tuple(l)) else: self.icsbot.send("rmatch %s %s %s %s" % tuple(l)) opponent = self.icsbot["users"][l[1]] self.icsbot.send( self.icsbot.qtell.split( opponent, "You have recieved a match request for your game in tourney %s against %s, please accept or decline it." % (g_p["tourney"], handle_n), ) ) self.icsbot.send( self.icsbot.qtell.split( user, "A match request for your game in tourney %s against %s has been sent. If this is the wrong game, please withdraw the match request and use: play tourney_name or play -o opponent" % (g_p["tourney"], handle_n), ) ) return return self.icsbot.qtell.split(user, "I have not found a game to start for you.")
def create_pgn(usr, args, tags): """createpgn tourney [round] [-c <clock_type>] Prompts bot to create a tourney/round pgn with the name tourney_name-round.pgn or just tourney_name if no round was given, and dump it into the pgns folder. -c sets the clock type that is used. Currently can have 1. no option -> no time stamps, 2. clk -> clock reading (default) 3. emt -> (elapsed move time) time stamps. """ import icsbot.misc.pgn as pgn import os clocks = {None: None, 'clk': pgn.clk, 'emt': pgn.emt} args = parse(args) if len(args[0]) > 0: tourn = args[0][0] else: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'You must give a tourney.') if len(args[0]) > 1: try: r = int(args[0][1]) except: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'Round must be an integer.') else: r = None to_send = [] if args[1].has_key('c') and len(args[1]['c']) > 0: if args[1]['c'][0] in clocks: clock = clocks[args[1]['c'][0]] else: to_send = ['Invalid clock setting "%s", defaulting to no clock info.' % args[1]['c']] clock = clocks[None] else: clock = clocks[None] if r is not None: insert = ' and round=%s' % r else: insert = '' dcursor.execute('SELECT rowid, * FROM tourneys WHERE name=?', (tourn,)) tourney = dcursor.fetchall() if len(tourney) == 0: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'The tourney "%s" does not exist.' % tourn) elif len(tourney) > 1: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'More then one tourney matches. This _should_ be impossible.') tourney = tourney[0] dcursor.execute('SELECT rowid FROM games WHERE tourney_id=?%s and (result!="-" or result!="*")' % insert, (tourney['rowid'],)) gs = dcursor.fetchall() if not gs: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'There are no finished games in tourney %s for round %s.' % (tourney['name'], r)) pgns = [] for g in gs: g = games[g['rowid']] g.load('rowid') g = g.copy() tc = g['controls'] tc = tc.split() g['time'] = int(tc[0]) g['inc'] = int(tc[1]) if g['tourney_description'] is not None: g['tourney'] = g['tourney_description'] pgns.append(pgn.make_pgn(g, format_time=clock)) pgns = filter(lambda x: x is not False, pgns) try: if r is None: f = file('pgns' + os.path.sep + tourney['name'] + '.pgn', 'w') else: f = file('pgns' + os.path.sep + tourney['name'] + '_%s' % str(r).zfill(2) + '.pgn', 'w') f.write('\n\n'.join(pgns)) except IOError: return bot.qtell.split(usr, 'There was an error saving the pgn, maybe the pgns folder does not exist.') return bot.qtell.send_list(usr, to_send + ['The pgn was created successfully.'])