Exemple #1
 def nav_colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):
     # if the function is marked as binaryai one, we want also to display it in the navigator
     if self.mgr.is_function_marked_binaryai(ea):
         return int(self.mgr.get_binaryai_function_color())
         # Otherwise we use the original navigator color
         orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(
                     self._ida_nav_colorizer, ea, nbytes
         return int(orig)
Exemple #2
 def cust_colorizer(self, users, ea, nbytes):
     self._nbytes = nbytes
     orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(self.ida_colorizer, ea, nbytes)
     for color, user_ea in users.items():
         if ea - nbytes * 2 <= user_ea <= ea + nbytes * 2:
             return long(color)
         if ea - nbytes * 4 <= user_ea <= ea - nbytes * 2:
             return long(0)
         if ea + nbytes * 2 <= user_ea <= ea + nbytes * 4:
             return long(0)
     return long(orig)
Exemple #3
 def custom_nav_colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):
     """This is the custom nav colorizer used by the painter."""
     # There is a bug in IDA: with a huge number of segments, all the navbar
     # is colored with the user color. This will be resolved in IDA 7.2.
     if self._plugin.config["user"]["navbar_colorizer"]:
         for infos in self._users_positions.values():
             if ea - nbytes * 2 <= infos["address"] <= ea + nbytes * 2:
                 return long(infos["color"])
             if ea - nbytes * 4 <= infos["address"] <= ea + nbytes * 4:
                 return long(0)
     orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(self._ida_nav_colorizer, ea,
     return long(orig)
Exemple #4
    def nav_colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):
        """This is the custom nav colorizer used by the painter."""
        self._nbytes = nbytes

        # There is a bug in IDA: with a huge number of segments, all the navbar
        # is colored with the user color. This will be resolved in IDA 7.2.
        cursors = self._plugin.config["cursors"]
        if cursors["navbar"]:
            for user in self._plugin.core.get_users().values():
                # Cursor color
                if ea - nbytes * 2 <= user["ea"] <= ea + nbytes * 2:
                    return long(user["color"])
                # Cursor borders
                if ea - nbytes * 4 <= user["ea"] <= ea + nbytes * 4:
                    return long(0)
        orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(self._ida_nav_colorizer, ea,
        return long(orig)
Exemple #5
    def custom_nav_colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):
        Custom navbar colorizer.
        It adds users positions in the navbar.
        # to ajust the black band with the navband zoom level
        # there is a bug in IDA, with huge segment number, all the navbar takes
        # the color provided by the user, this will be resolved in IDA 7.2
        if not self.noNavbarColorizer:
            for color, infos in self.users_positions.items():
                if ea - nbytes * 2 <= infos['address'] <= ea + nbytes * 2:
                    return long(color)
                if ea - nbytes * 4 <= infos['address'] <= ea + nbytes * 4:
                    return long(0)
        orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(self.ida_nav_colorizer, ea,

        return long(orig)
Exemple #6
 def colorizer(self, ea, nbytes):
     orig = ida_kernwin.call_nav_colorizer(self.ida_colorizer, ea, nbytes)
     return long(orig)