Exemple #1
def is_code_ea(ea):
    if idaapi.cvar.inf.procname == "ARM":
        # In case of ARM code in THUMB mode we sometimes get pointers with thumb bit set
        flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea & -2)  # flags_t
        flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
    return idaapi.isCode(flags)
Exemple #2
 def __new__(cls, ea):
     """Return the values of the array at address ``ea``"""
     numerics = {
         idaapi.FF_BYTE: 'B',
         idaapi.FF_WORD: 'H',
         idaapi.FF_DWRD: 'L',
         idaapi.FF_QWRD: 'Q',
         idaapi.FF_FLOAT: 'f',
         idaapi.FF_DOUBLE: 'd',
     strings = {
         1: 'c',
         2: 'u',
     fl = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
     elesize = idaapi.get_full_data_elsize(ea, idaapi.getFlags(ea))
     if fl & idaapi.FF_ASCI == idaapi.FF_ASCI:
         t = strings[elesize]
     elif fl & idaapi.FF_STRU == idaapi.FF_STRU:
         t = type.structure.id(ea)
         raise TypeError, 'array : Unable to handle an array of structure type %x' % t
         ch = numerics[fl & idaapi.DT_TYPE]
         t = ch.lower() if idaapi.is_signed_data(fl) else ch
     res = array.array(t, read(ea, cls.size(ea)))
     if len(res) != cls.length(ea):
         logging.warn('array : Unexpected length : (%d != %d)',
                      len(res), cls.length(ea))
     return res
Exemple #3
 def apply(ea, st):
     """Apply the structure ``st`` to the address at ``ea``"""
     ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
     res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
     ti.tid = st.id
     return idaapi.set_opinfo(ea, 0,
                              idaapi.getFlags(ea) | idaapi.struflag(),
Exemple #4
    def make_view(self, object_version, address):
        # apply view
        ri = idaapi.refinfo_t()
        ri.target = idc.BADADDR
        ri.base = 0
        ri.tdelta = 0
        for ((view_offset, operand),
             view_value) in object_version.get_offset_valueviews().iteritems():
            if view_value == 'signeddecimal':
                if not (idaapi.is_invsign(
                        address + view_offset,
                        idaapi.getFlags(address + view_offset), operand)):
                    idaapi.op_dec(address + view_offset, operand)
                    # we assume defaut operand is unsigned !
                    idaapi.toggle_sign(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value == 'unsigneddecimal':
                idaapi.op_dec(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value == 'signedhexadecimal':
                idaapi.op_hex(address + view_offset, operand)
                if not (idaapi.is_invsign(
                        address + view_offset,
                        idaapi.getFlags(address + view_offset), operand)):
                    idaapi.toggle_sign(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value == 'unsignedhexadecimal':
                idaapi.op_hex(address + view_offset, operand)
                if idaapi.is_invsign(address + view_offset,
                                     idaapi.getFlags(address + view_offset),
                    idaapi.toggle_sign(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value.startswith('offset'):
                dash = view_value.find("-")
                if dash != -1:
                    op_type_str = view_value[dash + 1:]
                    op_type = YaToolIDATools.OFFSET_TYPE_MAP[op_type_str]
                    op_type = idc.REF_OFF32
                ri.flags = op_type
                idaapi.op_offset_ex(address + view_offset, 1, ri)
            #                 idaapi.set_op_type(address + view_offset, idaapi.offflag(), operand)
            elif view_value == 'char':
                idaapi.op_chr(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value == 'binary':
                idaapi.op_bin(address + view_offset, operand)
            elif view_value == 'octal':
                idaapi.op_oct(address + view_offset, operand)

        for ((register_offset, register_name), (end_offset, new_name)
             ) in object_version.get_offset_registerviews().iteritems():
            func = idaapi.get_func(address)
            funcEA = func.startEA
            ret = idaapi.add_regvar(func, funcEA + register_offset,
                                    funcEA + end_offset, register_name,
                                    new_name, None)
            if ret != REGVAR_ERROR_OK:
                    "make register_view failed: func=0x%08X, 0x%08X->0x%08X  %s->%s, error=%d"
                    % (funcEA, funcEA + register_offset, funcEA + end_offset,
                       register_name, new_name, ret))
Exemple #5
    def _handle_calls(self, fn, fn_an):
        num_calls = len(fn_an['calls'])
        if num_calls != 1:

        dis = fn_an['calls'][0]
        if dis.Op1.type not in (o_imm, o_far, o_near, o_mem):

        ea = dis.Op1.value
        if not ea and dis.Op1.addr:
            ea = dis.Op1.addr

        if idaapi.has_dummy_name(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):

        # TODO: check is there jmp, push+retn then don't rename the func
        if fn_an['strange_flow']:

        possible_name = idaapi.get_ea_name(ea)
        if not possible_name or possible_name in blacklist:

        normalized = self.normalize_name(possible_name)

        # if self._cfg.get('auto_rename'):
        if len(fn_an['math']) < self._MIN_MAX_MATH_OPS_TO_ALLOW_RENAME:
            idaapi.do_name_anyway(fn.startEA, normalized)
        # TODO: add an API to the view
        print 'fn: %#08x: %d calls, %d math%s possible name: %s, normalized: %s' % (
            fn.startEA, len(fn_an['calls']), len(fn_an['math']), 'has bads' if fn_an['has_bads'] else '',
            possible_name, normalized)
def Undefs(*args):
    Enumerate undefined bytes

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of addresses of undefined bytes


        for ea in Undefs(FirstSeg(), BADADDR):
            if isCode(GetFlags(PrevHead(ea))) and (ea%4)!=0 and iszero(ea, 4-(ea%4)):
                MakeAlign(ea, 4-(ea%4), 2)

    Will add alignment directives after code.
    (first, last) = getrange(args)

    ea = first
    # explicitly testing first byte, since find_unknown
    # implicitly sets SEARCH_NEXT flag
    if ea < last and not isUnknown(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        ea = idaapi.find_unknown(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
    while ea != idaapi.BADADDR and ea < last:
        yield ea
        ea = idaapi.find_unknown(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
def yara_sig_code_selection():
    """Return some internal details for how we want to signature the selection"""
    cur_ea = SelStart()
    end_ea = SelEnd()
    d = i386DisasmParts()

    comments = []
    rulelines = []

    # Iterate over selected code bytes
    while cur_ea < end_ea:
        # Did we inadvertently select something that wasn't code?
        if not idc.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(cur_ea)):
            noncodebytes = "".join([chr(Byte(x)) for x in xrange(cur_ea, NextHead(cur_ea, end_ea))])
            comments.append("Non-code at %08X: %d bytes" % (cur_ea, len(noncodebytes)))
            curlen = idaapi.decode_insn(cur_ea)
            # Match IDA's disassembly format
            # But we need our custom object to process
            curbytes =  "".join([chr(Byte(b)) for b in xrange(cur_ea, cur_ea + curlen)])
            codefrag = d.disasm(curbytes, 0, cur_ea)

        # move along
        cur_ea = NextHead(cur_ea, end_ea)

    return (SelStart(), comments, rulelines)
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.src = func
        ea = func.startEA
        self.ea = ea
        self.name = idaapi.get_func_name(ea)

        self.elts = []

        if idaapi.is_func_tail(func):
            self.name += "_tail_" + str(ea)

        fr = idaapi.get_frame(func)
        struc_vars = []
        if fr == None:
            self.frame = None
            self.frame = struct.frame_node(fr, func)
            struc_vars = self.frame.struct_vars

        while ea < func.endEA:
            if idaapi.isData(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
                self.elts.append(data.data_node(ea, idaapi.next_not_tail(ea)))
                if ea == func.startEA and not (idaapi.is_func_tail(func)):
                    self.elts.append(insn.insn_node(ea, struc_vars))
                                             insn.insn_node(ea, struc_vars)))

            ea = idaapi.next_head(ea, func.endEA)
Exemple #9
def ArrayItems(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param ea:    address of the array you want the items enumerated, defaults to here()

    @return: list of each item in the array.


        for ea in ArrayItems():
           pname= GetString(Dword(ea))
           MakeName(Dword(ea+4)&~1, "task_%s" % pname)
           MakeName(Dword(ea+8), "taskinfo_%s" % pame)
           MakeName(Dword(ea+12), "stack_%s" % pame)

    Assuming the cursor is on an array of structs, in which the
    first struct item points to a name, this will name the other
    items in the struct.
    ea = args[0] if len(args)>0 else idc.here()

    s= idc.ItemSize(ea)
    ss= idaapi.get_data_elsize(ea, idaapi.getFlags(ea))

    n= s/ss

    for i in range(n):
        yield ea+i*ss
Exemple #10
def getType(ea):
    module, F = idaapi, (idaapi.getFlags(ea) & idaapi.DT_TYPE)
    res, = itertools.islice(
        (v for n, v in itertools.imap(lambda n:
                                      (n, getattr(module, n)), dir(module))
         if n.startswith('FF_') and (F == v & 0xffffffff)), 1)
    return res
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.src = func
        ea = func.startEA
        self.ea = ea
        self.name = idaapi.get_func_name(ea)

        self.elts = []

        if idaapi.is_func_tail(func):
            self.name += "_tail_"+str(ea)

        fr = idaapi.get_frame(func)
        struc_vars = []
        if fr == None:
            self.frame = None
            self.frame = struct.frame_node(fr, func)
            struc_vars = self.frame.struct_vars

        while ea < func.endEA:
            if idaapi.isData(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
                self.elts.append(data.data_node(ea, idaapi.next_not_tail(ea)))
                if ea == func.startEA and not (idaapi.is_func_tail(func)):
                    self.elts.append(insn.insn_node(ea, struc_vars))
                    self.elts.append(names.name_wrap_insn(ea, insn.insn_node(ea, struc_vars)))

            ea = idaapi.next_head(ea, func.endEA)
Exemple #12
def GetInstructions(start_ea, end_ea):
    ins = []
    for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
        if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(head)):
            ins.append(Instruction(head, GetDisasm(head)))

    return ins
Exemple #13
def yara_sig_code_selection():
    """Return some internal details for how we want to signature the selection"""
    cur_ea = SelStart()
    end_ea = SelEnd()
    d = i386DisasmParts()

    comments = []
    rulelines = []

    # Iterate over selected code bytes
    while cur_ea < end_ea:
        # Did we inadvertently select something that wasn't code?
        if not idc.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(cur_ea)):
            noncodebytes = "".join([
                chr(Byte(x)) for x in xrange(cur_ea, NextHead(cur_ea, end_ea))
            comments.append("Non-code at %08X: %d bytes" %
                            (cur_ea, len(noncodebytes)))
            curlen = idaapi.decode_insn(cur_ea)
            # Match IDA's disassembly format
            # But we need our custom object to process
            curbytes = "".join(
                [chr(Byte(b)) for b in xrange(cur_ea, cur_ea + curlen)])
            codefrag = d.disasm(curbytes, 0, cur_ea)

        # move along
        cur_ea = NextHead(cur_ea, end_ea)

    return (SelStart(), comments, rulelines)
Exemple #14
    def run(self, arg):
            loop through all functions, collect "self._data", then show view

            @param: arg : --
            self._data = dict()
            count = idaapi.get_func_qty()
            for i in xrange(count):
                fn = idaapi.getn_func(i)
                fn_an = self.analyze_func(fn)

                # if fn_an['math']:
                # 	print 'fn: %#08x has math' % fn.startEA

                if idaapi.has_dummy_name(idaapi.getFlags(fn.startEA)):
                    self._handle_calls(fn, fn_an)

                self._handle_tags(fn, fn_an)

            if self.view:

            self.view = AutoREView(self._data)
            idaapi.msg('AutoRE: error: %s\n' % traceback.format_exc())
def ArrayItems(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param ea:    address of the array you want the items enumerated, defaults to here()

    @return: list of each item in the array.


        for ea in ArrayItems():
           pname= GetString(Dword(ea))
           MakeName(Dword(ea+4)&~1, "task_%s" % pname)
           MakeName(Dword(ea+8), "taskinfo_%s" % pame)
           MakeName(Dword(ea+12), "stack_%s" % pame)

    Assuming the cursor is on an array of structs, in which the
    first struct item points to a name, this will name the other
    items in the struct.
    ea = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else idc.here()

    s = idc.ItemSize(ea)
    ss = idaapi.get_data_elsize(ea, idaapi.getFlags(ea))

    n = s / ss

    for i in range(n):
        yield ea + i * ss
Exemple #16
def Undefs(*args):
    Enumerate undefined bytes

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of addresses of undefined bytes


        for ea in Undefs(FirstSeg(), BADADDR):
            if isCode(GetFlags(PrevHead(ea))) and (ea%4)!=0 and iszero(ea, 4-(ea%4)):
                MakeAlign(ea, 4-(ea%4), 2)

    Will add alignment directives after code.
    (first, last)= getrange(args)

    ea= first
    # explicitly testing first byte, since find_unknown
    # implicitly sets SEARCH_NEXT flag
    if ea<last and not isUnknown(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        ea= idaapi.find_unknown(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
    while ea!=idaapi.BADADDR and ea<last:
        yield ea
        ea= idaapi.find_unknown(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
Exemple #17
def findUnidentifiedFunctions():
    # just get all not-function code and convert it to functions
    next = idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA
    while next != idaapi.BADADDR:
        next = idaapi.find_not_func(next, 1)
        flags = idaapi.getFlags(next)
        if idaapi.isCode(flags):
 def Run(self):
     for function_ea in idautils.Functions():
         for inst_ea in idautils.FuncItems(function_ea):
             if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(inst_ea)):
                 mnemonic = idc.GetMnem(inst_ea)
                 if (mnemonic == 'rdmsr' or mnemonic == 'wrmsr'):
                     msr_code = self.GetMsrCodeFromOperand(inst_ea)
                     self.PrintMsrTable(msr_code, function_ea, inst_ea)
Exemple #19
 def isDefined(ea):
     flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
     if not idc.isStruct(flags):
         return False
     if not idc.isHead(flags):
         return False
     # TODO: verify the actual struct type.
     return True
Exemple #20
 def highlight(self, color=COLOR):
     for ea in idautils.Heads():
         if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(ea)) and idaapi.is_call_insn(ea):
             current_color = idaapi.get_item_color(ea)
             if current_color == self.COLOR:
                 idaapi.set_item_color(ea, idc.DEFCOLOR)
             elif current_color == idc.DEFCOLOR:
                 idaapi.set_item_color(ea, self.COLOR)
Exemple #21
 def isVtable(self, addr):
     function = self.get_ptr(addr)
     # Check if vtable has ref and its first pointer lies within code segment
     if hasRef(
     ) and function >= self.text.startEA and function <= self.text.endEA:
         return True
     return False
def findUnidentifiedFunctions():
	# just get all not-function code and convert it to functions
	next = idaapi.cvar.inf.minEA
	while next != idaapi.BADADDR:
		next = idaapi.find_not_func(next, SEARCH_DOWN)
		flags = idaapi.getFlags(next)
		if idaapi.isCode(flags):
Exemple #23
    def iterate(ea, start, next):
        ea = ea if (idaapi.getFlags(ea)&idaapi.FF_DATA) else idaapi.prev_head(ea,0)

        addr = start(ea)
        while addr != idaapi.BADADDR:
            yield addr
            addr = next(ea, addr)
Exemple #24
 def isDefined(ea):
     flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
     if not idc.isStruct(flags):
         return False
     if not idc.isHead(flags):
         return False
     # TODO: verify the actual struct type.
     return True
Exemple #25
 def isDefined(ea):
     flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
     if not idc.isStruct(flags):
         return False
     if not idc.isHead(flags):
         return False
     if idaapi.get_name(idaapi.BADADDR, ea) != TypeDescriptor.makeName(ea):
         return False
     return True
Exemple #26
 def isDefined(ea):
     flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
     if not idc.isStruct(flags):
         return False
     if not idc.isHead(flags):
         return False
     if idaapi.get_name(idaapi.BADADDR, ea) != TypeDescriptor.makeName(ea):
         return False
     return True
Exemple #27
 def __getlabel(cls, ea):
         f = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
         if idaapi.has_dummy_name(f) or idaapi.has_user_name(f):
             r, = xref.data_up(ea)
             return cls.__getarray(r)
     except TypeError:
     raise TypeError, "Unable to instantiate a switch_info_ex_t at target label : %x" % ea
Exemple #28
 def GetInstructions(self, start_ea, end_ea):
     #Returns a List of all instructions in the Range start_ea, end_ea
     ins = []
     for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
         if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(head)):
     return ins
Exemple #29
def process_func(i):
    """Convert function i into a mega file line."""
    func = idaapi.getn_func(i)
    if not func:

    if idaapi.has_name(idaapi.getFlags(func.startEA)) and \
       not (func.flags & idaapi.FUNC_LIB):
        return create_func_signature(func.startEA, func.endEA - func.startEA)
Exemple #30
 def id(ea):
     """Return the identifier of the structure at address ``ea``"""
     assert type(
     ) == idaapi.FF_STRU, 'Specified IDA Type is not an FF_STRU(%x) : %x' % (
         idaapi.FF_STRU, type(ea))
     ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
     res = idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, 0, idaapi.getFlags(ea), ti)
     assert res, 'idaapi.get_opinfo returned %x at %x' % (res, ea)
     return ti.tid
def GetInstructions(start_ea, end_ea):
    Return a list of all the instructions in the range [start_ea, end_ea].
    ins = []
    for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
        if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(head)):
            ins.append(Instruction(head, GetDisasm(head)))

    return ins
Exemple #32
def GetInstructions(start_ea, end_ea):
    Return a list of all the instructions in the range [start_ea, end_ea].
    ins = []
    for head in idautils.Heads(start_ea, end_ea):
        if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(head)):
            ins.append(Instruction(head, GetDisasm(head)))

    return ins
    def handleDebugStepOver(self):
        if self.clientSocket is None:

        if self.debugBreakId is None:

        cur_ea = self.debugBreakId
        next_ea = cur_ea + idaapi.cmd.size

        if isCode(getFlags(next_ea)) == False:

        entry = None
        # remove current
        if self.debugBreakId in self.idbHookMap:
            entry = self.idbHookMap[self.debugBreakId]
            outJSON = json.dumps({
                "req_id": kFridaLink_DelHookRequest,
                "data": entry.genDelRequest()

            del self.idbHookMap[self.debugBreakId]
            self.clientSocket.sendto(outJSON, self.clientAddress)
            SetColor(self.debugBreakId, CIC_ITEM, kIDAViewColor_Reset)

        offset, moduleName = self.getAddressDetails(next_ea)

        # install next
        if entry == None:
            hook = InstHook()
            hook.id = next_ea
            hook.once = once
            hook.breakpoint = True
            entry = HookEntry(hook)

        entry.hook.id = next_ea
        entry.hook.mnemonic = GetDisasm(next_ea)
        entry.hook.address = offset
        entry.hook.module = moduleName

        outJSON = json.dumps({
            "req_id": kFridaLink_SetHookRequest,
            "data": entry.genSetRequest()

        self.clientSocket.sendto(outJSON, self.clientAddress)
        self.idbHookMap[next_ea] = entry


def applied_structs():
    dataseg = sark.Segment(name='seg004')

    for line in dataseg.lines:
        ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
        f = idaapi.getFlags(line.ea)
        if idaapi.get_opinfo(line.ea, 0, f, ti):
            struct_name = idaapi.get_struc_name(ti.tid)
            if struct_name:
                print (line.ea - dataseg.ea, struct_name)
                yield line.ea - dataseg.ea, struct_name
Exemple #35
    def _check_is_jmp_wrapper(self, dis):
        # checks instructions like `jmp API`
        if dis.itype not in self._JMP_TYPES:

        # handle call wrappers like jmp GetProcAddress
        if dis.Op1.type == idaapi.o_mem and dis.Op1.addr:
            # TODO: check is there better way to determine is the function a wrapper
            v = dis.Op1.addr
            if v and dis.itype == idaapi.NN_jmpni and idaapi.isData(idaapi.getFlags(v)) and self.__is_ptr_val(idaapi.getFlags(v)):
                v = self.__get_ptr_val(v)
            return v
Exemple #36
def get_fptrs():
    d = {}
    nn = idaapi.netnode('$ mips')

    for fn in idautils.Functions():
        for ea in idautils.FuncItems(fn):
            if not idc.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
            target = nn.altval(ea) - 1
            if target != -1:
                d[ea] = idc.Name(target)

    return d
Exemple #37
 def populate(self):
     address = self.address
     while True:
         if Const.EA64:
             func_address = idaapi.get_64bit(address)
             func_address = idaapi.get_32bit(address)
         flags = idaapi.getFlags(func_address)  # flags_t
         if idaapi.isCode(flags):
             self.virtual_functions.append(VirtualFunction(func_address, address - self.address))
             address += Const.EA_SIZE
Exemple #38
    def run(self, arg):
        idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] Syncing ...\n")
        self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()

        if (self.old_addr != self.addr):
            if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))):
                #idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] update instrunction address\n")
                update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
                # Data Address
                #idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] update data address\n")
                update_address("daddr", self.addr)
        self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #39
 def run(self, arg):
   idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Syncing with Qira\n")
   self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()
   if (self.old_addr != self.addr):
     if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))):
       # don't update the address if it's already the qira address
       if (self.addr != qira_address):
         # Instruction Address
         update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
       # Data Address
       update_address("daddr", self.addr)
   self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #40
  def run(self, arg):
    idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] Syncing ...\n")
    self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()

    if (self.old_addr != self.addr):
      if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))):
        #idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] update instrunction address\n")
        update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
        # Data Address
        #idaapi.msg("[i2q Plugin] update data address\n")
        update_address("daddr", self.addr)
    self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #41
 def OnViewCurpos(self):
   self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()
   if (self.old_addr != self.addr):
     if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))):
       # don't update the address if it's already the qira address or None
       if (self.addr is not None) and (self.addr != qira_address):
         #idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Qira Address %x \n" % (self.addr))
         # Instruction Address
         update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
       # Data Address
       update_address("daddr", self.addr)
   self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #42
 def run(self, arg):
   idaapi.msg("[QIRA Plugin] Syncing with Qira\n")
   self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()
   if (self.old_addr != self.addr):
     if (idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr))):
       # don't update the address if it's already the qira address
       if (self.addr != qira_address):
         # Instruction Address
         update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
       # Data Address
       update_address("daddr", self.addr)
   self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #43
def Heads(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of all heads

    (first, last)= getrange(args)

    ea= first
    if ea<last and not idaapi.isHead(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        ea= idaapi.next_head(ea, last)
    while ea!=BADADDR and ea<last:
        yield ea
        ea= idaapi.next_head(ea, last)
Exemple #44
    def define(ea, count):
        # TODO: sanity checks

        idaapi.do_unknown_range(ea, count * 4, idaapi.DOUNK_DELNAMES)
        idaapi.doDwrd(ea, 4)
        idaapi.do_data_ex(ea, idaapi.getFlags(ea), count * 4, idaapi.BADADDR)
        # TODO: rewrite into idaapi calls
        idc.SetArrayFormat(ea, idc.AP_INDEX | idc.AP_IDXDEC, 1, 0)

        # Entry 0 describes the class itself => I can find out the class name.
        bcd = BaseClassDescriptor(idaapi.get_full_long(ea))
        idaapi.set_name(ea, "??_R2" + bcd.typeDescriptor.baseMangledName + "8", 0)

        i = 1
        while i < count:
            bcd = BaseClassDescriptor(idaapi.get_full_long(ea + i * 4))
            i += 1
def create_68k_jump_table(idiom_ea):
    """ Create a jump table at the current address in the database.

        This function sets the switch idiom attributes for the current address
        in the database.  If switch_base is none, find_switch_attributes() was
        not successful.
    switch_base, max_offset, value_base, value_width, defjump = _find_switch_attributes(idiom_ea)

    if switch_base != None:
        jump_table_size = max_offset + 1
        total_switch_size = 2 * (max_offset + 1)
        switch_base_ea = idc.GetOperandValue(idiom_ea, 0)
        _make_offset_table(switch_base, jump_table_size)
        # create the switch info object
        si = idaapi.switch_info_ex_t()
        si.startea = idiom_ea
        si.jumps = switch_base
        si.elbase = switch_base
        si.ncases = jump_table_size
        si.regnum = 1 # 1 is IDA's representation of d1
        # added by gph
        Message("default jump: %08X\n" % defjump)
        si.flags |= idaapi.SWI_DEFAULT
        si.defjump = defjump
        # if we found a value table...
        if value_base != None and value_width != None:
            si.values = value_base
            total_switch_size = jump_table_size * (2 + value_width)
        si.flags |= idaapi.SWI_ELBASE | idaapi.SWI_SPARSE
        idaapi.set_switch_info_ex(idiom_ea, si)
        idaapi.create_switch_table(idiom_ea, si)
        idaapi.setFlags(idiom_ea, idaapi.getFlags(idiom_ea) | idaapi.FF_JUMP)
        # go to the end of the switch statement and make an instruction
        idaapi.create_insn(switch_base + total_switch_size)
        return True
        print "Error: Could not get jump table size."
        return False
Exemple #46
def NotTails(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param <range>: see getrange

    @return: list of all not-tails

    Note that NotTails includes all Heads plus all undefined bytes

    (first, last)= getrange(args)

    ea= first
    if ea<last and idaapi.isTail(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        ea= idaapi.next_not_tail(ea)
    while ea!=BADADDR and ea<last:
        yield ea
        ea= idaapi.next_not_tail(ea)
def find_unmapped_funcs():
    funcs = {}

    i = 0
    ea = 0
    max_ea = 0xFFFFFFFF
    while True:
        ea = NextHead(ea, max_ea)
        if ea == BADADDR:

        flags = idaapi.getFlags(ea)
        if idaapi.isCode(flags):
            if not idaapi.get_func(ea):
                s = util.scan_insn_for_debug_ref(ea)
                if s != None:
                    if not s in funcs:
                        funcs[s] = ea

    return funcs
def NonFuncs(*args):
    Enumerate code which is not in a function

    @param ea:    where to start
    @param endea: BADADDR, or end address

    @return: list of addresses containing code, but not in a function


        for ea in NonFuncs(FirstSeg(), BADADDR):
            if not MakeFunction(ea):

    Will try to change non-function code to function
    until MakeFunction fails

    (first, last)= getrange(args)

    ea = first
    while ea!=idaapi.BADADDR and ea<last:
        nextcode= idaapi.find_code(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_NEXT|idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
        thischunk= idaapi.get_fchunk(ea)
        nextchunk= idaapi.get_next_fchunk(ea)
        if thischunk:
            ea= thischunk.endEA
        elif idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
            yield ea
            ea= idaapi.next_head(ea, last)
        elif nextchunk is None:
        elif nextcode<nextchunk.startEA:
            yield nextcode
            ea= nextcode
            ea= nextchunk.endEA
Exemple #49
    def run(self, arg):
        idaapi.msg("[%s] Syncing with WS Server\n" % (self.wanted_name,))
        self.addr = idaapi.get_screen_ea()
        if self.old_addr != self.addr:
            # check against idc.BADADDR and None before going
            if (self.addr is not None) and (self.addr != idc.BADADDR):
                # Code Address
                if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    # don't set the address if it's already the qira_address
                    if self.addr != self.qira_address:
                        # debugging
                        if DEBUG:
                                "[%s] Qira Address 0x%x \n" %
                                (self.wanted_name, self.addr,))
                        # Instruction Address
                        self.update_address("iaddr", self.addr)
                # Data Address
                elif idaapi.isData(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("daddr", self.addr)
                # Tail Address
                elif idaapi.isTail(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("taddr", self.addr)
                # Unknown Address
                elif idaapi.isUnknown(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("uaddr", self.addr)
                # Head Address
                elif idaapi.isHead(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("haddr", self.addr)
                # Flow Address
                elif idaapi.isFlow(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("faddr", self.addr)
                # Var Address
                elif idaapi.isVar(idaapi.getFlags(self.addr)):
                    self.update_address("vaddr", self.addr)
                # Data Address
                    self.update_address("daddr", self.addr)

        self.old_addr = self.addr
Exemple #50
def BytesThat(*args):
    Enumerate array items

    @param <range>: see getrange
    @param callable: function which tests the flags

    @return: list of all addresses where callable(GetFlags(ea)) is True

    (first, last)= getrange(args)
    i= getcallablepos(args)
    if i<0:
        raise Exception("missing callable")

    callable= args[i]

    ea= first
    if ea<last and not callable(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        ea= idaapi.nextthat(ea, last, callable)
    while ea!=BADADDR and ea<last:
        yield ea
        ea= idaapi.nextthat(ea, last, callable)
def fix_all():
    # wait till autoanalysis is done
    ea = 0
    numInst = 0
    numAddRegPc = 0
    numFixed = 0
    t0 = time.clock()
    # last MOV/MOVT inst targeting the register, key=register number
    movVal = dict()
    movtVal = dict()
    global refs
    cnt = 0
    while True:
        cnt += 1
        ea = idc.NextHead(ea)
        if cnt & 0xfff == 0:
            print "[progress] ea: %x" % ea
        if ea == idc.BADADDR:
        if not idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(ea)):
        numInst += 1
        # slow, is there any way to avoid it?..
        i = idautils.DecodeInstruction(ea)
        if not i:
        mnem = i.get_canon_mnem()

        if i[0].type != 1: # only interested in register target operands
        target_reg = i[0].phrase
        if mnem == 'ADD':
            if i[1].type == 1 and i[1].phrase == 15:
                numAddRegPc += 1

                (val, mov_ea) = movVal.get(target_reg, (0, 0))
                (val_t, movt_ea) = movtVal.get(target_reg, (0, 0))
                if not mov_ea:
                    # No preceding MOV, bailing..
                numFixed += 1

                target_addr = 0xffffFFFF & (ea + 4 + val + 0x10000 * val_t)
                # could be THUMB proc..
                if target_addr & 1 and idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(target_addr - 1)):
                    target_name = idaapi.get_name(target_addr - 1, target_addr - 1)                    
                    target_name = idaapi.get_name(target_addr,target_addr)
                refs.append((ea, target_addr, target_name))

        if i[1].type == 5:
            if mnem == 'MOV':
                movVal[target_reg] = (i[1].value, ea)
                movtVal[target_reg] = (0, 0) # since movw clears top bits anyway
            elif mnem == 'MOVT':
                movtVal[target_reg] = (i[1].value, ea)
            movVal[target_reg] = (0, 0)
            movtVal[target_reg] = (0, 0)
    print "%u instructions scanned in %f seconds" % (numInst, time.clock() - t0)


    # work around an IDA bug
    for i in range (1, 5):

    if numAddRegPc == 0:
        successRate = 100
        successRate = numFixed * 100.0 / numAddRegPc
    print "%u 'ADD Reg, PC' found, %u fixed: %u%%"  % (numAddRegPc, numFixed, successRate)

    global g_done
    g_done = 1
Exemple #52
def is_code(ea):
    return idaapi.getFlags(ea) & idaapi.MS_CLS == idaapi.FF_CODE
Exemple #53
def isData(ea):
    '''True if ea marked as data'''
    return idaapi.getFlags(ea)&idaapi.MS_CLS == idaapi.FF_DATA
Exemple #54
def isUnknown(ea):
    '''True if ea marked unknown'''
    return idaapi.getFlags(ea)&idaapi.MS_CLS == idaapi.FF_UNK
Exemple #55
    def block(self, block):
        Returns a tuple: ([formal, block, signatures], [fuzzy, block, signatures], set([unique, immediate, values]), [called, function, names])
        formal = []
        fuzzy = []
        functions = []
        immediates = []

        ea = block.startEA
        while ea < block.endEA:

            # Get a list of all data/code references from the current instruction
            drefs = [x for x in idautils.DataRefsFrom(ea)]
            crefs = [x for x in idautils.CodeRefsFrom(ea, False)]

            # Add all instruction mnemonics to the formal block hash

            # If this is a call instruction, be sure to note the name of the function
            # being called. This is used to apply call-based signatures to functions.
            # For fuzzy signatures, we can't use the actual name or EA of the function,
            # but rather just want to note that a function call was made.
            # Formal signatures already have the call instruction mnemonic, which is more
            # specific than just saying that a call was made.
            if idaapi.is_call_insn(ea):
                for cref in crefs:
                    func_name = idc.Name(cref)
                    if func_name:
            # If there are data references from the instruction, check to see if any of them
            # are strings. These are looked up in the pre-generated strings dictionary.
            # String values are easily identifiable, and are used as part of both the fuzzy
            # and the formal signatures.
            # It is more difficult to determine if non-string values are constants or not;
            # for both fuzzy and formal signatures, just use "data" to indicate that some data
            # was referenced.
            elif drefs:
                for dref in drefs:
                    if self.strings.has_key(dref):
            # If there are no data or code references from the instruction, use every operand as
            # part of the formal signature.
            # Fuzzy signatures are only concerned with interesting immediate values, that is, values
            # that are greater than 65,535, are not memory addresses, and are not displayed as
            # negative values.
            elif not drefs and not crefs:
                for n in range(0, len(idaapi.cmd.Operands)):
                    opnd_text = idc.GetOpnd(ea, n)
                    if idaapi.cmd.Operands[n].type == idaapi.o_imm and not opnd_text.startswith('-'):
                        if idaapi.cmd.Operands[n].value >= 0xFFFF:
                            if idaapi.getFlags(idaapi.cmd.Operands[n].value) == 0:

            ea = idc.NextHead(ea)

        return (self.sighash(''.join(formal)), self.sighash(''.join(fuzzy)), immediates, functions)
Exemple #56
 def flags(self):
     """`FF_*` Flags. See `bytes.hpp`."""
     return idaapi.getFlags(self.ea)
Exemple #57
 def highlight(self, color=COLOR):
     for ea in idautils.Heads():
         if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.getFlags(ea)) and idaapi.is_call_insn(ea):
             current_color = idaapi.get_item_color(ea)
             if current_color == self.COLOR:
                 idaapi.set_item_color(ea, idc.DEFCOLOR)
             elif current_color == idc.DEFCOLOR:
                 idaapi.set_item_color(ea, self.COLOR)