Exemple #1
def getRegOffset(eax, reg, opnum):
    reg_val = idaversion.getRegVarValue(reg)
    #    ''' reg is a symbol, get its value and read memory at that address '''
    #    x = idc.get_name_ea_simple(reg)
    #    reg_val = idc.read_dbg_dword(x)
    #    print('reg %s is symbol, got x of 0x%x, read that to get 0x%x' % (reg, x, reg_val))
    offset = idaversion.get_operand_value(eax, opnum)
    retval = reg_val+offset
    return retval 
Exemple #2
 def activate(self, ctx):
     highlighted = idaversion.getHighlight()
     current = idaversion.getRegVarValue(highlighted)
     default = '%x' % current
     print('default %s' % default)
     #prompt = 'Value to write to %s (in hex, no prefix)' % highlighted
     #print('prompt is %s' % prompt)
     #enc = prompt.encode('utf-8')
     value = idc.AskStr(default, 'reg value ?')
     if value is None:
     reg_param = "'%s'" % highlighted
     simicsString = gdbProt.Evalx('SendGDBMonitor("@cgc.writeRegValue(%s, 0x%s)");' % (reg_param, value)) 
Exemple #3
def getRefAddr():
    ''' Get address from the operand currently under the cursor.
        If just a register, use that.  If calculated within brackets,
        try decoding that.
    retval = None
    ea = idaversion.get_screen_ea()
    flags = idaversion.get_full_flags(ea)
    if idaversion.is_code(flags):
        opnum = idaapi.get_opnum()
        op_type = idaversion.get_operand_type(ea, opnum)
        op = idc.print_operand(ea, opnum)
        print('is code, type %d op %s' % (op_type, op))
        #if op_type == idc.o_disp:
        if op_type == 4:
            ''' displacement from reg address '''
            val = op.split('[', 1)[1].split(']')[0]
            if ',' in val:
                reg = val.split(',')[0]
                retval = getRegOffset(ea, reg, opnum)
            elif '+' in val:
                reg = val.split('+')[0]
                retval = getRegOffset(ea, reg, opnum)
                    retval = idaversion.getRegVarValue(val)
                   print('%s not a reg' % reg)
        elif op_type == 3:
            retval = idaversion.get_operand_value(ea, opnum)
        elif op_type == 1:
            retval = idaversion.getRegVarValue(op)
            print('Op type %d not handled' % op_type)
        return ea
    return retval