def addTracebp(self, ea=None): if ea is None: ea = idc.get_screen_ea() rea = ea - self.offset self.tracebp.add(rea) if not idc.add_bpt(ea): idc.enable_bpt(ea, True)
def bp_enable(self, enable, tracebp=True): bplist = self.tracebp if tracebp else self.userbp for ea in bplist: try: idc.enable_bpt(ea + self.offset, enable) except Exception as e: print(e) self.userbp.remove(ea)
def delfuncbps(self, funcbps): ea = funcbps.ea bplist = self.bplist funcbps = bplist.get(ea) if funcbps: for offset, _ in funcbps.bps.items(): idc.enable_bpt(offset + funcbps.addr, False) del bplist[ea] return True return False
def addbp2(self, ea=None): if ea is None: ea = idc.get_screen_ea() func = idaapi.get_func(ea) start_ea = func.start_ea bps = self.get_bp2(start_ea) if bps.add(ea): if not idc.add_bpt(ea): idc.enable_bpt(ea, True) return bps else: return False
def addbp(self, instr, ea=None): if ea is None: ea = idc.get_screen_ea() func = idaapi.get_func(ea) start_ea = func.start_ea instrtable = self.get_func_instr(startEA) l = instrtable.get(instr) if l: for disa in l: pos = disa.offset + start_ea if not idc.add_bpt(pos): idc.enable_bpt(pos, True)
def delbp2(self, ea, offset, vea=None): funcbps = self.get_bp2(ea, True) if funcbps: varlist = funcbps.bps.get(offset) if varlist is None: return False if vea: if vea in varlist: del varlist[vea] if len(varlist) == 0: idc.enable_bpt(ea + offset, False) return True else: idc.enable_bpt(ea + offset, False) del funcbps.bps[offset] return True return False
def bp_recover(self, remove=True, suffix=""): bplist = DbgInfo.config_load("breakpoints" + suffix, list) if not bplist: return False if remove: nbp = idc.get_bpt_qty() bps = [] for i in range(nbp): bp = idc.get_bpt_ea(i) bps.append(bp) for bp in bps: idc.del_bpt(bp) for bp in bplist: ea = bp[0] addr = ea + self.offset idc.add_bpt(addr) idc.enable_bpt(addr, bp[1]) return True
def break_switch(self): _watch_debug() bptree = self.bptree for item in bptree.selectedItems(): parent = item.parent() if parent: if hasattr(parent, "bps"): funcbps = parent.bps bp = funcbps.addr + item.offset state = idc.check_bpt(bp) if state == 1 or state == 0: idc.enable_bpt(bp, 1 - state) else: continue else: funcbps = item.bps addr = funcbps.addr for offset, _ in funcbps.bps.items(): bpea = offset + addr state = idc.check_bpt(bpea) if state != -1: idc.enable_bpt(bpea, 1 - state)
def add_func(self): _var_debug() funcname = self.funcinput.text().encode('utf-8').strip() if funcname: afn = idc.get_name_ea_simple(funcname) # LocByName if afn & 1: self.funcinput.setText(funcname + " is not a function") return False else: ea = idc.get_screen_ea() func = idaapi.get_func(ea) if not func: return False afn = func.start_ea dbginfo = self.dbginfo arg = dbginfo.append_func_watch(afn) if not idc.add_bpt(afn): idc.enable_bpt(afn, True) # dbginfo.addbp("RET", afn) if arg: self.argtree_append(arg) return True return False
def addcallinfo(self, called, caller, tid=0): offcaller = idc.get_func_off_str(caller) ecalled = called - self.offset calledinfo = self.get_callinfo(ecalled, tid) if not offcaller: calledinfo.ncalled += 1 return False ecaller = caller - self.offset l = offcaller.split("+") if len(l) > 1: eafn = ecaller - int(l[1], 16) else: eafn = ecaller callerinfo = self.get_callinfo(eafn, tid) callerinfo.addcall(ecalled, ecaller) if calledinfo.addcalled(ecaller): common.common_cmt(called, calledinfo.calledlist.keys(), "called by: ", self.offset, False) bpea = eafn + self.offset if self.enabletrace: if not idc.add_bpt(bpea): idc.enable_bpt(bpea, True) return True
def __call__(self): try: if self.hardware: bp_flag = idc.BPT_EXEC # default is hardware else: bp_flag = (idc.BPT_SOFT | idc.BPT_EXEC) idc.add_bpt(self.address, bp_flag) enable_res = idc.enable_bpt(self.address, True) l.debug("bp flag value %x enable_res %s" % (bp_flag, enable_res)) self.result = enable_res except Exception as e: l.debug("set_breakpoint exception %s" % (e)) self.exception = True
def set_watchpoint(self, address, *args, **kwargs): """Inserts a watchpoint which is triggered when a read or a write is executed on address :param address: The name of a variable or an address to watch :param bool temporary: Temporary breakpoint :returns: True on success else False """ idc.add_bpt(address) bp_flag = idc.BPT_RDWR # BPT_RDWR = 3 setting Read Write breakpoint because some debuggers (Linux local) doesn't support l.debug("ida target set_watchpoing at %x value" % (address)) idc.set_bpt_attr(address, idc.BPTATTR_SIZE, 1) attr_res = idc.set_bpt_attr(address, idc.BPTATTR_TYPE, bp_flag) enable_res = idc.enable_bpt(address, True) l.debug("bp flag value %x attr_res %s enable_res %s" % (bp_flag, attr_res, enable_res)) return attr_res and enable_res # return False if enable or setting attributes fails
#!/usr/bin/python import idc import idautils func_list = [ "kernelbase_VirtualAlloc", "kernelbase_VirtualProtect", "kernel32_CreateThread", "kernelbase_CreateProcessA", "kernelbase_CreateProcessInternalA" "kernelbase_CreateProcessW", "kernelbase_CreateProcessAsUserW", "kernel32_FindResourceA", "kernelbase_LoadResource", ] if __name__ == "__main__": for func in func_list: func_addr = idc.LocByName(func) print "Set BreakPoint: %X, %s" % (func_addr, func) idc.add_bpt(func_addr, 0, BPT_SOFT) idc.enable_bpt(func_addr, True)