Exemple #1
 def run(self):
     return threado.run(self.main())
    # Join the XMPP rooms
    src = yield conn.muc.join(src_roomname, "bot")
    dst = yield conn.muc.join(dst_roomname, "bot")

    # Forward body elements from the src room to the dst room,
    # but filter away stuff by the bot itself to avoid nasty loops.
    own_jid = src.nick_jid
    yield src | room_filter(own_jid) | dst | threado.dev_null()

def room_filter(inner, own_jid):
    while True:
        # Receive one XML element from the pipe input
        element = yield inner
        # Prevent endless feedback loops
        sender = jid.JID(element.get_attr("from"))
        if sender == own_jid:

        # Forward the body elements
        for body in element.named("message").children("body"):

username = "******"
password = "******"
src_roomname = "src_xmpproom"
dst_roomname = "dst_xmpproom"

threado.run(main(username, password, src_roomname, dst_roomname))
Exemple #3
 def run(self):
     return threado.run(self._run(), throw_on_signal=services.Stop())
Exemple #4
from idiokit import threado
from idiokit import xmpp

def main(inner, jid, password, roomname):
    # Join the XMPP network
    conn = yield xmpp.connect(jid, password)

    # Join the XMPP room
    room = yield conn.muc.join(roomname, "bot")

    # Create an XML body element and send it to the room
    body = xmpp.Element("body")
    body.text = "EHLO World"

    # Exit the room
    yield room.exit("Gotta go / feel the funky flow / yo")

username = "******"
password = "******"
roomname = "xmpproom"

threado.run(main(username, password, roomname))
    xmppuser = '******' % (re.sub('@','%',username))
    xmppmucs = "conference.clarifiednetworks.com"
    room = "%s@%s" % (collabinstance,xmppmucs)

    myxmpp = yield xmpp.connect(xmppuser,password)
    room = yield myxmpp.muc.join(room,"/collablogger")
    print 'joined room'                                                      
    collab = CLIWiki('https://www.clarifiednetworks.com/collab/%s/' %

    attachFilename = "log.txt"
    basePage = "CollabChatLog"
    txt2collab = Txt2Collab(collab,basePage,attachFilename,
    srcjid_filter = "conference.clarifiednetworks.com"

    yield inner.sub(room |roomparser(srcjid_filter)|
                    logger(txt2collab,0,delay) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import getpass

    username = raw_input("Collab & XMPP Username (without the @domain): ")
    password = getpass.getpass()
    threado.run(main(username, password))