Exemple #1
    def read_single_value(self, address, additional_data="1"):
        Reads a value from an address in the device.

        :param address:
        :param additional_data:
        # TODO Can't find documentation on why the additional_data of 1 is needed.
        #  LIS-200 Specific?

        # TODO: When not using the additional data on an EMH meter we get an ack back.
        #   a bit later we get the break message. Is the device waiting?

        request = messages.CommandMessage.for_single_read(
            address, additional_data)
        logger.info(f"Sending read request: {request}")

        response = self.read_response()

        if len(response.data) > 1:
            raise exceptions.TooManyValuesReturned(
                f"Read of one value returned {len(response.data)}")
        if len(response.data) == 0:
            raise exceptions.NoDataReturned(f"Read returned no data")

        logger.info(f"Received response: {response}")
        # Just return the data, not in a list since it is just one.
        return response.data[0]
Exemple #2
    def read_multi_value(self, address, additional_data=""):
        Reads a value from an address in the device.

        :param address:
        :param additional_data:
        # TODO Can't find documentation on why the additional_data of 1 is needed.

        request = messages.CommandMessage.for_single_read(
            address, additional_data)
        logger.info(f"Sending read request: {request}")

        response = self.read_response()

        if len(response.data) == 0:
            raise exceptions.NoDataReturned(f"Read returned no data")

        logger.info(f"Received response: {response}")
        # Just return the data, not in a list since it is just one.
        return response.data