def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create tool button self._up = QtGui.QToolButton(self) style = self._up.setIcon(style.standardIcon(style.SP_ArrowLeft)) self._up.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) # Create "path" line edit self._line = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) self._line.setReadOnly(True) self._line.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background:#ddd; }") self._line.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) # Create tree self._tree = WorkspaceTree(self) # Set layout layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self._up, 0) layout.addWidget(self._line, 1) # mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) mainLayout.addLayout(layout, 0) mainLayout.addWidget(self._tree, 1) mainLayout.setSpacing(2) self.setLayout(mainLayout) # Bind up event self._up.pressed.connect(self._tree._proxy.goUp)
def SetItems(parentItem, fictiveObjects, level): level += 1 for object in fictiveObjects: type = object.type if not type in showTypes: continue # Construct text if type=='cell': type = '##' elif type=='attribute': type = 'attr' # if type == 'import': text = "%s (%s)" % (, object.text) elif type=='todo': text = else: text = "%s %s" % (type, # Create item thisItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem, [text]) color = QtGui.QColor(colours[object.type]) thisItem.setForeground(0, QtGui.QBrush(color)) font = thisItem.font(0) font.setBold(True) thisItem.setFont(0, font) thisItem.linenr = object.linenr # Is this the current item? if ln and object.linenr <= ln and object.linenr2 > ln: selectedItem[0] = thisItem # Any children that we should display? if object.children: SetItems(thisItem, object.children, level) # Set visibility thisItem.setExpanded( bool(level < showLevel) )
def __init__(self, parent, i): QtGui.QWizardPage.__init__(self, parent) self._i = i # Create label for description self._text_label = QtGui.QLabel(self) self._text_label.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) self._text_label.setWordWrap(True) # Create label for image self._comicLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self) pm = QtGui.QPixmap() if 'logo' in self._image_filename: pm.load( os.path.join(iep.iepDir, 'resources', 'appicons', self._image_filename)) elif self._image_filename: pm.load( os.path.join(iep.iepDir, 'resources', 'images', self._image_filename)) self._comicLabel.setPixmap(pm) self._comicLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # Layout theLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(theLayout) # theLayout.addWidget(self._text_label) theLayout.addStretch() theLayout.addWidget(self._comicLabel) theLayout.addStretch()
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create toolbar self._toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar(self) self._toolbar.setMaximumHeight(25) self._toolbar.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16,16)) # create stack self._stack = QtGui.QStackedWidget(self) # Populate toolbar self._shellButton = ShellControl(self._toolbar, self._stack) self._dbc = DebugControl(self._toolbar) # self._toolbar.addWidget(self._shellButton) self._toolbar.addSeparator() # self._toolbar.addWidget(self._dbc) -> delayed, see addContextMenu() # widget layout layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.addWidget(self._toolbar) layout.addWidget(self._stack) self.setLayout(layout) # make callbacks self._stack.currentChanged.connect(self.onCurrentChanged)
def setPenColor(self, color): """ setPenColor(color) Set the color of the pen. Color can be anything that can be passed to Qcolor(). """ pen = QtGui.QPen() if isinstance(color, tuple): pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(*color)) else: pen.setColor(QtGui.QColor(color)) self._painter.setPen(pen)
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWizard.__init__(self, parent) # Set some appearance stuff self.setMinimumSize(600, 500) self.setWindowTitle(translate('wizard', 'Getting started with IEP')) self.setWizardStyle(self.ModernStyle) self.setButtonText(self.CancelButton, 'Stop') # Set logo pm = QtGui.QPixmap() pm.load( os.path.join(iep.iepDir, 'resources', 'appicons', 'ieplogo48.png')) self.setPixmap(self.LogoPixmap, pm) # Define pages klasses = [ IntroWizardPage, TwocomponentsWizardPage, EditorWizardPage, ShellWizardPage1, ShellWizardPage2, RuncodeWizardPage1, RuncodeWizardPage2, ToolsWizardPage1, ToolsWizardPage2, FinalPage ] # Create pages self._n = len(klasses) for i, klass in enumerate(klasses): self.addPage(klass(self, i))
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Set header stuff self.setHeaderHidden(False) self.setColumnCount(3) self.setHeaderLabels(['Name', 'Type', 'Repr']) #self.setColumnWidth(0, 100) self.setSortingEnabled(True) # Nice rows self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setRootIsDecorated(False) # Create proxy self._proxy = WorkspaceProxy() self._proxy.haveNewData.connect(self.fillWorkspace) # For menu self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.DefaultContextMenu) self._menu = QtGui.QMenu() self._menu.triggered.connect(self.contextMenuTriggered) # Bind to events self.itemActivated.connect(self.onItemExpand)
def fillWorkspace(self): """ fillWorkspace() Update the workspace tree. """ # Clear first self.clear() # Set name line = self.parent()._line line.setText(self._proxy._name) # Add elements for des in self._proxy._variables: # Get parts parts = des.split(',', 4) if len(parts) < 4: continue # Pop the 'kind' element kind = parts.pop(2) # Create item item = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(parts, 0) self.addTopLevelItem(item) # Set tooltip tt = '%s: %s' % (parts[0], parts[-1]) item.setToolTip(0, tt) item.setToolTip(1, tt) item.setToolTip(2, tt)
def __init__(self, projectManager, *args, **kwds): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) # Set size and title size = 540, 300 self.setMinimumSize(*size) self.setWindowTitle(iep.translate('Projects', 'Manage projects')) # Create widgets and layout self._createWidgets() # Store project manager and attach model for the list of projects self._projectManager = projectManager self._projectsModel = projectManager.projectsModel self._activeProject = None self.lstProjects.setModel(self._projectsModel) # Workaround for PySide bug 1041 # - QAbstractItemModel has wrong ownership policy for selectionModel() # Instantiate a new selectionModel in Python so Python retains ownerships self.lstProjects.setSelectionModel( QtGui.QItemSelectionModel(self.lstProjects.model())) # Signals self.btnAdd.clicked.connect(self.addProject) self.btnRemove.clicked.connect(self.removeProject) self.btnDone.clicked.connect(self.close) self.txtDescription.editingFinished.connect(self.onDescriptionChanged) self.chkAddToPath.stateChanged.connect(self.onAddToPathChanged) self.lstProjects.selectionModel().currentChanged.connect( self.onProjectChanged) # Update description label when project name is changed self.lstProjects.model().dataChanged.connect( lambda i1, i2: self.txtDescription.setText( ))
def loadIcons(): """ loadIcons() Load all icons in the icon dir. """ # Get directory containing the icons iconDir = os.path.join(iep.iepDir, 'resources', 'icons') # Construct other icons dummyIcon = IconArtist().finish() iep.icons = for fname in os.listdir(iconDir): if fname.startswith('iep'): continue if fname.endswith('.png'): try: # Short and full name name = fname.split('.')[0] ffname = os.path.join(iconDir, fname) # Create icon icon = QtGui.QIcon() icon.addFile(ffname, QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) # Store iep.icons[name] = icon except Exception as err: iep.icons[name] = dummyIcon print('Could not load icon %s: %s' % (fname, str(err)))
def getCrossIcon2(self): if hasattr(self, '_cross2'): pm = self._cross2 else: pm = self._createCrossPixmap(240) # Set return QtGui.QIcon(pm)
def onLanguageChange(self): languageName = self._langBox.currentText() if iep.config.settings.language == languageName: return # Save new language iep.config.settings.language = languageName setLanguage(iep.config.settings.language) # Notify user text = translate( 'wizard', """ The language has been changed for this wizard. IEP needs to restart for the change to take effect application-wide. """) m = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) m.setWindowTitle(translate("wizard", "Language changed")) m.setText(text) m.setIcon(m.Information) m.exec_() # Get props of current wizard geo = self.wizard().geometry() parent = self.wizard().parent() # Close ourself! self.wizard().close() # Start new one w = IEPWizard(parent) w.setGeometry(geo)
def removeProject(self): if not self.lstProjects.currentIndex().isValid(): return projectIndex = self.lstProjects.currentIndex() projectRow = projectIndex.row() project = self._projectsModel.projectFromIndex(projectIndex) confirm = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, "Remove project?", "Remove project '%s'?" % confirm.addButton("Remove", QtGui.QMessageBox.DestructiveRole) cancel = confirm.addButton("Cancel", QtGui.QMessageBox.RejectRole) confirm.setDefaultButton(cancel) confirm.setEscapeButton(cancel) confirm.setInformativeText("The project contents will not be removed.") confirm.exec_() if confirm.result() != 0: #Cancel button pressed return self._projectsModel.remove(project) #Select another project (try the one before) if projectRow > 0: projectRow -= 1 if self._projectsModel.projectFromRow(projectRow) is None: #If we deleted the last project projectRow = -1 self.projectChanged(projectRow)
def __init__(self, parent): # Create sub-widget self._edit = QtGui.QLineEdit(parent) self._edit.textEdited.connect(self.onEditChanged) # Instantiate ShellinfoWithSystemDefault.__init__(self, parent, self._edit, '$PYTHONSTARTUP')
def __init__(self, parent, i): BaseIEPWizardPage.__init__(self, parent, i) # Create label and checkbox t1 = translate('wizard', "This wizard can be opened using 'Help > IEP wizard'") t2 = translate('wizard', "Show this wizard on startup") self._label_info = QtGui.QLabel(t1, self) self._check_show = QtGui.QCheckBox(t2, self) self._check_show.stateChanged.connect(self._setNewUser) # Create language switcher self._langLabel = QtGui.QLabel(translate('wizard', "Select language"), self) # self._langBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self._langBox.setEditable(False) # Fill index, theIndex = -1, -1 cur = iep.config.settings.language for lang in sorted(LANGUAGES): index += 1 self._langBox.addItem(lang) if lang == LANGUAGE_SYNONYMS.get(cur, cur): theIndex = index # Set current index if theIndex >= 0: self._langBox.setCurrentIndex(theIndex) # Bind signal self._langBox.activated.connect(self.onLanguageChange) # Init check state if iep.config.state.newUser: self._check_show.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) # Create sublayout layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self._langLabel, 0) layout.addWidget(self._langBox, 0) layout.addStretch(2) self.layout().addLayout(layout) # Add to layout self.layout().addSpacing(10) self.layout().addWidget(self._label_info) self.layout().addWidget(self._check_show)
def __init__(self, icon=None): # Get pixmap from given icon (None creates empty pixmap) self._pm = self._getPixmap(icon) # Instantiate painter for the pixmap self._painter = QtGui.QPainter() self._painter.begin(self._pm)
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create text field, checkbox, and button self._text = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) self._printBut = QtGui.QPushButton("Print", self) # Create options button self._options = QtGui.QToolButton(self) self._options.setIcon(iep.icons.wrench) self._options.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) self._options.setPopupMode(self._options.InstantPopup) self._options.setToolButtonStyle(QtCore.Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) # Create options menu self._options._menu = QtGui.QMenu() self._options.setMenu(self._options._menu) # Create browser self._browser = QtGui.QTextBrowser(self) self._browser_text = initText # Create two sizers self._sizer1 = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self._sizer2 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() # Put the elements together self._sizer2.addWidget(self._text, 4) self._sizer2.addWidget(self._printBut, 0) self._sizer2.addStretch(1) self._sizer2.addWidget(self._options, 2) # self._sizer1.addLayout(self._sizer2, 0) self._sizer1.addWidget(self._browser, 1) # self._sizer1.setSpacing(2) self.setLayout(self._sizer1) # Set config toolId = self.__class__.__name__.lower() self._config = config =[toolId] # if not hasattr(config, 'smartNewlines'): config.smartNewlines = True if not hasattr(config, 'fontSize'): if sys.platform == 'darwin': config.fontSize = 12 else: config.fontSize = 10 # Create callbacks self._text.returnPressed.connect(self.queryDoc) self._printBut.clicked.connect(self.printDoc) # self._options.pressed.connect(self.onOptionsPress) self._options._menu.triggered.connect(self.onOptionMenuTiggered) # Start self.setText() # Set default text self.onOptionsPress() # Fill menu
def _addOverlays(self, icon, *overlays): # Get pixmap pm0 = icon.pixmap(16, 16) # Create painter painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(pm0) for overlay in overlays: pm1 = overlay.pixmap(16, 16) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pm1) # Finish painter.end() # Done (return resulting icon) return QtGui.QIcon(pm0)
def updateItems(self): """ updateItems() Update the appearance of the items. """ # Get items and tab bar items = self.items() tabBar = self.tabBar() for i in range(len(items)): # Get item item = items[i] if item is None: continue # Update name and tooltip if item.dirty: #tabBar.setTabText(i, '*' tabBar.setTabToolTip(i, item.filename + ' [modified]') else: tabBar.setTabText(i, tabBar.setTabToolTip(i, item.filename) # Determine text color. Is main file? Is current? if self._mainFile == tabBar.setTabTextColor(i, QtGui.QColor('#008')) elif i == self.currentIndex(): tabBar.setTabTextColor(i, QtGui.QColor('#000')) else: tabBar.setTabTextColor(i, QtGui.QColor('#444')) # Get number of blocks nBlocks = item.editor.blockCount() if nBlocks == 1 and not item.editor.toPlainText(): nBlocks = 0 # Update appearance of icon but = tabBar.tabButton(i, QtGui.QTabBar.LeftSide) but.updateIcon(item.dirty,, item.pinned, nBlocks)
def __init__(self, parent): # Create sub-widget self._edit = QtGui.QTextEdit(parent) self._edit.setMaximumHeight(80) self._edit.setMinimumWidth(400) self._edit.textChanged.connect(self.onEditChanged) # Instantiate ShellinfoWithSystemDefault.__init__(self, parent, self._edit, '$PYTHONPATH')
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create layout self._formLayout = QtGui.QFormLayout(self) # Collect classes of widgets to instantiate classes = [] for t in self.INFO_KEYS: className = 'ShellInfo_' + t.key cls = globals()[className] classes.append((t, cls)) # Instantiate all classes self._shellInfoWidgets = {} for t, cls in classes: # Instantiate and store instance = cls(self) self._shellInfoWidgets[t.key] = instance # Create label label = QtGui.QLabel(t, self) label.setToolTip( # Add to layout self._formLayout.addRow(label, instance) # Add delete button t = translate('shell', 'Delete ::: Delete this shell configuration') label = QtGui.QLabel('', self) instance = QtGui.QPushButton(iep.icons.cancel, t, self) instance.setToolTip( instance.setAutoDefault(False) instance.clicked.connect(self.parent().parent().onTabClose) deleteLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() deleteLayout.addWidget(instance, 0) deleteLayout.addStretch(1) # Add to layout self._formLayout.addRow(label, deleteLayout) # Apply layout self._formLayout.setSpacing(15) self.setLayout(self._formLayout)
def _populate(self): # Delayed imports from iep.iepcore.editorTabs import EditorTabs from iep.iepcore.shellStack import ShellStackWidget from iep.iepcore import codeparser from import ToolManager # Instantiate tool manager iep.toolManager = ToolManager() # Instantiate and start source-code parser if iep.parser is None: iep.parser = codeparser.Parser() iep.parser.start() # Create editor stack and make the central widget iep.editors = EditorTabs(self) self.setCentralWidget(iep.editors) # Create floater for shell self._shellDock = dock = QtGui.QDockWidget(self) dock.setFeatures(dock.DockWidgetMovable) dock.setObjectName('shells') dock.setWindowTitle('Shells') self.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.TopDockWidgetArea, dock) # Create shell stack iep.shells = ShellStackWidget(self) dock.setWidget(iep.shells) # Create the default shell when returning to the event queue callLater(iep.shells.addShell) # Create statusbar if iep.config.view.showStatusbar: iep.status = self.statusBar() else: iep.status = None self.setStatusBar(None) # Create menu from iep.iepcore import menu iep.keyMapper = menu.KeyMapper() menu.buildMenus(self.menuBar()) # Add the context menu to the editor iep.editors.addContextMenu() iep.shells.addContextMenu() # Load tools if iep.config.state.loadedTools: for toolId in iep.config.state.loadedTools: iep.toolManager.loadTool(toolId)
def simpleDialog(item, action, question, options, defaultOption): """ simpleDialog(editor, action, question, options, defaultOption) Options with special buttons ---------------------------- ok, open, save, cancel, close, discard, apply, reset, restoredefaults, help, saveall, yes, yestoall, no, notoall, abort, retry, ignore. Returns the selected option as a string, or None if canceled. """ # Get filename if isinstance(item, FileItem): filename = else: filename = # create button map mb = QtGui.QMessageBox M = { 'ok':mb.Ok, 'open':mb.Open, 'save':mb.Save, 'cancel':mb.Cancel, 'close':mb.Close, 'discard':mb.Discard, 'apply':mb.Apply, 'reset':mb.Reset, 'restoredefaults':mb.RestoreDefaults, 'help':mb.Help, 'saveall':mb.SaveAll, 'yes':mb.Yes, 'yestoall':mb.YesToAll, 'no':mb.No, 'notoall':mb.NoToAll, 'abort':mb.Abort, 'retry':mb.Retry, 'ignore':mb.Ignore} # setup dialog dlg = QtGui.QMessageBox(iep.main) dlg.setWindowTitle('IEP') dlg.setText(action + " file:\n{}".format(filename)) dlg.setInformativeText(question) # process options buttons = {} for option in options: option_lower = option.lower() # Use standard button? if option_lower in M: button = dlg.addButton(M[option_lower]) else: button = dlg.addButton(option, dlg.AcceptRole) buttons[button] = option # Set as default? if option_lower == defaultOption.lower(): dlg.setDefaultButton(button) # get result result = dlg.exec_() button = dlg.clickedButton() if button in buttons: return buttons[button] else: return None
def _getPixmap(self, icon): # Get icon if given by name if isinstance(icon, str): icon = iep.icons[icon] # Create pixmap if icon is None: pm = QtGui.QPixmap(16, 16) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, tuple): pm = QtGui.QPixmap(icon[0], icon[1]) pm.fill(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) return pm elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QPixmap): return icon elif isinstance(icon, QtGui.QIcon): return icon.pixmap(16, 16) else: raise ValueError( 'Icon for IconArtis should be icon, pixmap or name.')
def saveFile(self, editor=None, filename=None): """ Save the file. returns: True if succesfull, False if fails """ # get editor if editor is None: editor = self.getCurrentEditor() elif isinstance(editor, int): index = editor editor = None if index>=0: item = self._tabs.items()[index] editor = item.editor if editor is None: return False # get filename if filename is None: filename = editor._filename if not filename: return self.saveFileAs(editor) # let the editor do the low level stuff... try: except Exception as err: # Notify in logger print("Error saving file:",err) # Make sure the user knows m = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) m.setWindowTitle("Error saving file") m.setText(str(err)) m.setIcon(m.Warning) m.exec_() # Return now return False # get actual normalized filename filename = editor._filename # notify # TODO: message concerining line endings print("saved file: {} ({})".format(filename, editor.lineEndingsHumanReadable)) self._tabs.updateItems() # todo: this is where we once detected whether the file being saved was a style file. # Notify done return True
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create label widget and costumize self._label = QtGui.QLabel(self) self._label.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText) self._label.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self._label.setWordWrap(True) self._label.setMargin(20) # Set font a wee bit larger font = self._label.font() font.setPointSize(font.pointSize() + 1) self._label.setFont(font) # Set text self._label.setText(license_text1) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) layout.addStretch(1) layout.addWidget(self._label, 0) layout.addStretch(1)
def loadFile(self, filename, updateTabs=True): """ Load the specified file. On success returns the item of the file, also if it was already open.""" # Note that by giving the name of a tempfile, we can select that # temp file. # normalize path if filename[0] != '<': filename = normalizePath(filename) if not filename: return None # if the file is already open... for item in self._tabs.items(): if == filename: # id gets _filename or _name for temp files break else: item = None if item: self._tabs.setCurrentItem(item) print("File already open: '{}'".format(filename)) return item # create editor try: editor = createEditor(self, filename) except Exception as err: # Notify in logger print("Error loading file: ", err) # Make sure the user knows m = QtGui.QMessageBox(self) m.setWindowTitle("Error loading file") m.setText(str(err)) m.setIcon(m.Warning) m.exec_() return None # create list item item = FileItem(editor) self._tabs.addItem(item, updateTabs) if updateTabs: self._tabs.setCurrentItem(item) # store the path self._lastpath = os.path.dirname(item.filename) return item
def loadAppIcons(): """ loadAppIcons() Load the application iconsr. """ # Get directory containing the icons appiconDir = os.path.join(iep.iepDir, 'resources', 'appicons') # Determine template for filename of the application icon-files. # Use the Pyzo logo if in pyzo_mode. if iep.pyzo_mode: fnameT = 'pyzologo{}.png' else: fnameT = 'ieplogo{}.png' # Construct application icon. Include a range of resolutions. Note that # Qt somehow does not use the highest possible res on Linux/Gnome(?), even # the logo of qt-designer when alt-tabbing looks a bit ugly. iep.icon = QtGui.QIcon() for sze in [16, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256]: fname = os.path.join(appiconDir, fnameT.format(sze)) if os.path.isfile(fname): iep.icon.addFile(fname, QtCore.QSize(sze, sze)) # Set as application icon. This one is used as the default for all # windows of the application. QtGui.qApp.setWindowIcon(iep.icon) # Construct another icon to show when the current shell is busy artist = IconArtist(iep.icon) # extracts the 16x16 version artist.setPenColor('#0B0') for x in range(11, 16): d = x - 11 # runs from 0 to 4 artist.addLine(x, 6 + d, x, 15 - d) pm = artist.finish().pixmap(16, 16) # iep.iconRunning = QtGui.QIcon(iep.icon) iep.iconRunning.addPixmap(pm) # Change only 16x16 icon
def __init__(self, parent): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Get config toolId = self.__class__.__name__.lower( ) + '2' # This is v2 of the file browser if toolId not in[toolId] = self.config =[toolId] # Ensure three main attributes in config for name in ['expandedDirs', 'starredDirs']: if name not in self.config: self.config[name] = [] # Ensure path in config if 'path' not in self.config or not os.path.isdir(self.config.path): self.config.path = os.path.expanduser('~') # Check expandedDirs and starredDirs. # Make Path instances and remove invalid dirs. Also normalize case, # should not be necessary, but maybe the config was manually edited. expandedDirs, starredDirs = [], [] for d in self.config.starredDirs: if 'path' in d and 'name' in d and 'addToPythonpath' in d: if os.path.isdir(d.path): d.path = Path(d.path).normcase() starredDirs.append(d) for p in set([str(p) for p in self.config.expandedDirs]): if os.path.isdir(p): p = Path(p).normcase() # Add if it is a subdir of a starred dir for d in starredDirs: if p.startswith(d.path): expandedDirs.append(p) break self.config.expandedDirs, self.config.starredDirs = expandedDirs, starredDirs # Create browser(s). self._browsers = [] for i in [0]: self._browsers.append(Browser(self, self.config)) # Layout layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(self._browsers[0]) layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4)
def _setMaxWidthOfAllItems(self): """ _setMaxWidthOfAllItems() Sets the maximum width of all items now, by eliding the names. Returns whether any items were elided. """ # Prepare for measuring font sizes font = self.font() metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) # Get whether an item was reduced in size itemReduced = False for i in range(self.count()): # Get width w = self._alignWidth # Get name name = name0 = self._compactTabBarData(i).name # Check if we can reduce the name size, correct w if necessary if ((w + 1) < len(name0)) and self._preventEqualTexts: # Increase w untill there are no names that start the same allNames = self._getAllNames() hasSimilarNames = True diff = 2 w -= 1 while hasSimilarNames and w < len(name0): w += 1 w2 = w - (diff - 1) shortName = name[:w2] similarnames = [n for n in allNames if n[:w2] == shortName] hasSimilarNames = len(similarnames) > 1 # Check again, with corrected w if (w + 1) < len(name0): name = name[:w] + ELLIPSIS itemReduced = True # Set text now QtGui.QTabBar.setTabText(self, i, name) # Done return itemReduced