def get_enhance_bounds(chf_fpaths, low_theshold, high_threshold): # initialize the pixels array pix = [] # open 100 images max (time consuming) if len(chf_fpaths) > 100: chf_fpaths = random.sample(chf_fpaths, 100) # create a for loop here counter = 1 for image_path in chf_fpaths: # open the image print "Getting pixels in Image " + image_path print str(counter) + " / " + str(len(chf_fpaths)) counter += 1 imp_orig = Opener().openImage(image_path) # get the pixel values image_pix = list(imp_orig.getProcessor().getPixels()) imp_orig.close() imp_orig.flush() # select randomly 10% of the pixels (maybe memory issues) image_pix_sel = random.sample(image_pix, int(len(image_pix) * 0.1)) pix = pix + image_pix_sel # get the percentile values to threshold IJ.log('Quantifying pixel values for contrast enhancement...') low_pix = percentile(pix, low_theshold) high_pix = percentile(pix, high_threshold) return low_pix, high_pix
def scaleandfilter(infile,outfile,scalex,scaley): print ("infile is: "+infile) imp = Opener().openImage(infile) print imp print "scalex = %f; scaley = %f" % (scalex,scaley) # Rescale ip = imp.getProcessor() ip.setInterpolate(True) sp = StackProcessor(imp.getStack(),ip); sp2=sp.resize(int(round(ip.width * scalex)), int(round(ip.height *scaley))); imp.setStack(imp.getTitle(),sp2); cal = imp.getCalibration() cal.pixelWidth /= scalex cal.pixelHeight /= scaley, "8-bit","") intif=infile+".tif" outtif=infile+"-filtered.tif" print("saving input file as "+intif) f=FileSaver(imp) f.saveAsTiffStack(intif) imp.close() # anisotropic filtering anisopts="-scanrange:10 -tau:2 -nsteps:2 -lambda:0.1 -ipflag:0 -anicoeff1:1 -anicoeff2:0 -anicoeff3:0" anisopts=anisopts+" -dx:%f -dy:%f -dz:%f" % (cal.pixelWidth,cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth) if sys.version_info > (2, 4): #for testing # subprocess.check_call(["cp",intif,outtif]) subprocess.check_call(["anisofilter"]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif]) else: os.system(" ".join(["anisofilter"]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif])) # Hessian (tubeness) print("Opening output tif: "+outtif) imp = Opener().openImage(outtif) imp.setCalibration(cal) print("Running tubeness on tif: "+outtif),"Tubeness", "sigma=1"), "8-bit","") # Save to PIC print("Saving as PIC: "+outfile) # IJ.saveAs("tiff","outtif"),"Biorad ...", "biorad="+outfile)
def runOneFile(fullFilePath): global gNumChannels global gAlignBatchVersion if not os.path.isfile(fullFilePath): bPrintLog( '\nERROR: runOneFile() did not find file: ' + fullFilePath + '\n', 0) return 0 bPrintLog( time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' starting runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1) enclosingPath = os.path.dirname(fullFilePath) head, tail = os.path.split(enclosingPath) enclosingPath += '/' #make output folders destFolder = enclosingPath + tail + '_channels/' if not os.path.isdir(destFolder): os.makedirs(destFolder) destMaxFolder = destFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(destMaxFolder): os.makedirs(destMaxFolder) if gDoAlign: destAlignmentFolder = destFolder + 'alignment/' if not os.path.isdir(destAlignmentFolder): os.makedirs(destAlignmentFolder) if gSave8bit: eightBitFolder = destFolder + 'channels8/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitFolder) eightBitMaxFolder = eightBitFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitMaxFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitMaxFolder) # open image imp = Opener().openImage(fullFilePath) # get parameters of image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) = imp.getDimensions() bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth() infoStr = imp.getProperty("Info") #get all .tif tags if not infoStr: infoStr = '' infoStr += 'bAlignBatch_Version=' + str(gAlignBatchVersion) + '\n' infoStr += 'bAlignBatch_Time=' + time.strftime( "%Y%m%d") + '_' + time.strftime("%H%M%S") + '\n' msgStr = 'w:' + str(width) + ' h:' + str(height) + ' slices:' + str(nSlices) \ + ' channels:' + str(nChannels) + ' frames:' + str(nFrames) + ' bitDepth:' + str(bitDepth) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) path, filename = os.path.split(fullFilePath) shortName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename) # # look for num channels in ScanImage infoStr if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: for line in infoStr.split('\n'): #scanimage.SI4.channelsSave = [1;2] scanimage4 = find(line, 'scanimage.SI4.channelsSave =') == 0 #state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=2 scanimage3 = find(line, 'state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=') == 0 if scanimage3: #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx + 1:] if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = int(line2) bPrintLog( 'over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) if scanimage4: #print ' we have a scanimage 4 file ... now i need to exptract the number of channel' #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx + 1:] for delim in ';[]': line2 = line2.replace(delim, ' ') if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = len(line2.split()) bPrintLog( 'over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) # show # split channels if necc. and grab the original window names if gNumChannels == 1: origImpWinStr = imp.getTitle() #use this when only one channel origImpWin = WindowManager.getWindow( origImpWinStr) #returns java.awt.Window if gNumChannels == 2: winTitle = imp.getTitle() bPrintLog('Deinterleaving 2 channels...', 1)'Deinterleave', 'how=2 keep') #makes ' #1' and ' #2', with ' #2' frontmost origCh1WinStr = winTitle + ' #1' origCh2WinStr = winTitle + ' #2' origCh1Imp = WindowManager.getImage(origCh1WinStr) origCh2Imp = WindowManager.getImage(origCh2WinStr) origCh1File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' origCh2File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' # work on a copy, mostly for alignment with cropping copy = Duplicator().run(imp) #copy.copyAttributes(imp) #don't copy attributes, it copies the name (which we do not want) # # crop (on copy) if gDoCrop: bPrintLog('making cropping rectangle (left,top,width,height) ', 1) bPrintLog( str(gCropLeft) + ' ' + str(gCropTop) + ' ' + str(gCropWidth) + ' ' + str(gCropHeight), 2) roi = Roi(gCropLeft, gCropTop, gCropWidth, gCropHeight) #left,top,width,height copy.setRoi(roi) time.sleep( 0.5 ) # otherwise, crop SOMETIMES failes. WHAT THE F**K FIJI DEVELOPERS, REALLY, WHAT THE F**K #bPrintLog('cropping', 1)'Crop') infoStr += 'bCropping=' + str(gCropLeft) + ',' + str( gCropTop) + ',' + str(gCropWidth) + ',' + str(gCropHeight) + '\n' # # remove calibration ( on original) if gRemoveCalibration: cal = imp.getCalibration() calCoeff = cal.getCoefficients() if calCoeff: msgStr = 'Calibration is y=a+bx' + ' a=' + str( calCoeff[0]) + ' b=' + str(calCoeff[1]) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) #remove calibration bPrintLog('\tRemoving Calibration', 2) imp.setCalibration(None) #without these, 8-bit conversion goes to all 0 !!! what the f**k !!! #bPrintLog('calling imp.resetStack() and imp.resetDisplayRange()', 2) imp.resetStack() imp.resetDisplayRange() #get and print out min/max origMin = StackStatistics(imp).min origMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\torig min=' + str(origMin) + ' max=' + str(origMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) # 20150723, 'shift everybody over by linear calibration intercept calCoeff[0] - (magic number) if 1: # [1] was this #msgStr = 'Subtracting original min '+str(origMin) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (origMin,)'Subtract...', subArgVal) # [2] now this #msgStr = 'Adding calCoeff[0] '+str(calCoeff[0]) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #addArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (int(calCoeff[0]),)'Add...', addArgVal) # [3] subtract a magic number 2^15-2^7 = 32768 - 128 magicNumber = gLinearShift #2^15 - 128 msgStr = 'Subtracting a magic number (linear shift) ' + str( magicNumber) + ' from stack.' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) infoStr += 'bLinearShift=' + str(gLinearShift) + '\n' subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (gLinearShift, ), 'Subtract...', subArgVal) # 20150701, set any pixel <0 to 0 if 0: ip = imp.getProcessor() # returns a reference pixels = ip.getPixels() # returns a reference msgStr = '\tSet all pixels <0 to 0. This was added 20150701 ...' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) pixels = map(lambda x: 0 if x < 0 else x, pixels) bPrintLog('\t\t... done', 2) #get and print out min/max newMin = StackStatistics(imp).min newMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\tnew min=' + str(newMin) + ' max=' + str(newMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #append calibration to info string infoStr += 'bCalibCoeff_a = ' + str(calCoeff[0]) + '\n' infoStr += 'bCalibCoeff_b = ' + str(calCoeff[1]) + '\n' infoStr += 'bNewMin = ' + str(newMin) + '\n' infoStr += 'bNewMax = ' + str(newMax) + '\n' # # set up if gNumChannels == 1: impWinStr = copy.getTitle() #use this when only one channel impWin = WindowManager.getWindow(impWinStr) #returns java.awt.Window if gNumChannels == 2: winTitle = copy.getTitle() bPrintLog('Deinterleaving 2 channels...', 1)'Deinterleave', 'how=2 keep') #makes ' #1' and ' #2', with ' #2' frontmost ch1WinStr = winTitle + ' #1' ch2WinStr = winTitle + ' #2' ch1Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch1WinStr) ch2Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch2WinStr) ch1File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' ch2File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' # # alignment if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 1 and copy.getNSlices() > 1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int( math.floor(copy.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice copy.setSlice(middleSlice) transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '.txt' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + impWinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' % ( impWin, transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) infoStr += 'AlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' #20150723, we just aligned on a cropped copy, apply alignment to original imp origImpTitle = imp.getTitle() stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' % ( origImpTitle, transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 2 and ch1Imp.getNSlices( ) > 1 and ch2Imp.getNSlices() > 1: #apply to gAlignThisChannel alignThisWindow = '' applyAlignmentToThisWindow = '' if gAlignThisChannel == 1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch1.txt' alignThisWindow = ch1WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch2WinStr else: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=2' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch2.txt' alignThisWindow = ch2WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch1WinStr alignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(alignThisWindow) #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int( math.floor(alignThisImp.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice alignThisImp.setSlice(middleSlice) infoStr += 'bAlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + alignThisWindow, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' % ( alignThisWindow, transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) # 20150723, we just aligned on a copy, apply alignment to both channels of original # ch1 bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + origCh1WinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' % ( origCh1WinStr, transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) # ch2 bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + origCh2WinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' % ( origCh2WinStr, transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) #apply alignment to other window #bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + applyAlignmentToThisWindow, 1) #applyAlignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(applyAlignmentToThisWindow) #stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(applyAlignmentToThisWindow,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) elif gDoAlign: bPrintLog('Skipping alignment, there may be only one slice?', 3) # # save if gNumChannels == 1: imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr) impFile = destFolder + shortName + '.tif' #bPrintLog('Saving:' + impFile, 1) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, destMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: #ch1 origCh1Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr) #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch1File, 1) bSaveStack(origCh1Imp, ch1File) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh1Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName + '_ch1') #ch2 origCh2Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr) #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch2File, 1) bSaveStack(origCh2Imp, ch2File) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh2Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName + '_ch2') # # post convert to 8-bit and save if gSave8bit: if bitDepth == 16: if gNumChannels == 1: bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + impWinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(impWinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + origCh1WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(origCh1WinStr)"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(origCh1Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh1Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName + '_ch1') # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + origCh2WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(origCh2WinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(origCh2Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh2Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName + '_ch2') # # close original window imp.changes = 0 imp.close() #copy copy.changes = 0 copy.close() # # close ch1/ch2 if gNumChannels == 2: #original origCh1Imp.changes = 0 origCh1Imp.close() origCh2Imp.changes = 0 origCh2Imp.close() #copy ch1Imp.changes = 0 ch1Imp.close() ch2Imp.changes = 0 ch2Imp.close() bPrintLog( time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' finished runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1)
def runOneFile(fullFilePath): global gFileType global gNumChannels global gAlignBatchVersion if not os.path.isfile(fullFilePath): bPrintLog('\nERROR: runOneFile() did not find file: ' + fullFilePath + '\n',0) return 0 bPrintLog(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' starting runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1) enclosingPath = os.path.dirname(fullFilePath) head, tail = os.path.split(enclosingPath) enclosingPath += '/' #make output folders destFolder = enclosingPath + tail + '_channels/' if not os.path.isdir(destFolder): os.makedirs(destFolder) destMaxFolder = destFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(destMaxFolder): os.makedirs(destMaxFolder) if gDoAlign: destAlignmentFolder = destFolder + 'alignment/' if not os.path.isdir(destAlignmentFolder): os.makedirs(destAlignmentFolder) if gSave8bit: eightBitFolder = destFolder + 'channels8/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitFolder) eightBitMaxFolder = eightBitFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitMaxFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitMaxFolder) if gFileType=='tif': # open .tif image imp = Opener().openImage(fullFilePath) else: # open .lsm cmdStr = 'open=%s autoscale color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT' % (fullFilePath,)'Bio-Formats Importer', cmdStr) lsmpath, lsmfilename = os.path.split(fullFilePath) lsWindow = lsmfilename imp = WindowManager.getImage(lsWindow) # get parameters of image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) = imp.getDimensions() bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth() infoStr = imp.getProperty("Info") #get all .tif tags if not infoStr: infoStr = '' infoStr += 'bAlignBatch_Version=' + str(gAlignBatchVersion) + '\n' infoStr += 'bAlignBatch_Time=' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' + time.strftime("%H%M%S") + '\n' msgStr = 'w:' + str(width) + ' h:' + str(height) + ' slices:' + str(nSlices) \ + ' channels:' + str(nChannels) + ' frames:' + str(nFrames) + ' bitDepth:' + str(bitDepth) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) path, filename = os.path.split(fullFilePath) shortName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename) # # look for num channels in ScanImage infoStr if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: for line in infoStr.split('\n'): #scanimage.SI4.channelsSave = [1;2] scanimage4 = find(line, 'scanimage.SI4.channelsSave =') == 0 #state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=2 scanimage3 = find(line, 'state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=') == 0 if scanimage3: #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx+1:] if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = int(line2) bPrintLog('over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) if scanimage4: #print ' we have a scanimage 4 file ... now i need to exptract the number of channel' #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx+1:] for delim in ';[]': line2 = line2.replace(delim, ' ') if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = len(line2.split()) bPrintLog('over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) # show # split channels if necc. and grab the original window names if gNumChannels == 1: origImpWinStr = imp.getTitle() #use this when only one channel origImpWin = WindowManager.getWindow(origImpWinStr) #returns java.awt.Window if gNumChannels == 2: winTitle = imp.getTitle() bPrintLog('Deinterleaving 2 channels...', 1)'Deinterleave', 'how=2 keep') #makes ' #1' and ' #2', with ' #2' frontmost origCh1WinStr = winTitle + ' #1' origCh2WinStr = winTitle + ' #2' origCh1Imp = WindowManager.getImage(origCh1WinStr) origCh2Imp = WindowManager.getImage(origCh2WinStr) origCh1File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' origCh2File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' # work on a copy, mostly for alignment with cropping copy = Duplicator().run(imp) #copy.copyAttributes(imp) #don't copy attributes, it copies the name (which we do not want) # # crop (on copy) if gDoCrop: bPrintLog('making cropping rectangle (left,top,width,height) ',1) bPrintLog(str(gCropLeft) + ' ' + str(gCropTop) + ' ' +str(gCropWidth) + ' ' +str(gCropHeight), 2) roi = Roi(gCropLeft, gCropTop, gCropWidth, gCropHeight) #left,top,width,height copy.setRoi(roi) time.sleep(0.5) # otherwise, crop SOMETIMES failes. WHAT THE F**K FIJI DEVELOPERS, REALLY, WHAT THE F**K #bPrintLog('cropping', 1)'Crop') infoStr += 'bCropping=' + str(gCropLeft) + ',' + str(gCropTop) + ',' + str(gCropWidth) + ',' + str(gCropHeight) + '\n' # # remove calibration ( on original) if gRemoveCalibration: cal = imp.getCalibration() calCoeff = cal.getCoefficients() if calCoeff: msgStr = 'Calibration is y=a+bx' + ' a=' + str(calCoeff[0]) + ' b=' + str(calCoeff[1]) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) #remove calibration bPrintLog('\tRemoving Calibration', 2) imp.setCalibration(None) #without these, 8-bit conversion goes to all 0 !!! what the f**k !!! #bPrintLog('calling imp.resetStack() and imp.resetDisplayRange()', 2) imp.resetStack() imp.resetDisplayRange() #get and print out min/max origMin = StackStatistics(imp).min origMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\torig min=' + str(origMin) + ' max=' + str(origMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) # 20150723, 'shift everybody over by linear calibration intercept calCoeff[0] - (magic number) if 1: # [1] was this #msgStr = 'Subtracting original min '+str(origMin) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (origMin,)'Subtract...', subArgVal) # [2] now this #msgStr = 'Adding calCoeff[0] '+str(calCoeff[0]) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #addArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (int(calCoeff[0]),)'Add...', addArgVal) # [3] subtract a magic number 2^15-2^7 = 32768 - 128 magicNumber = gLinearShift #2^15 - 128 msgStr = 'Subtracting a magic number (linear shift) '+str(magicNumber) + ' from stack.' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) infoStr += 'bLinearShift=' + str(gLinearShift) + '\n' subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (gLinearShift,), 'Subtract...', subArgVal) # 20150701, set any pixel <0 to 0 if 0: ip = imp.getProcessor() # returns a reference pixels = ip.getPixels() # returns a reference msgStr = '\tSet all pixels <0 to 0. This was added 20150701 ...' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) pixels = map(lambda x: 0 if x<0 else x, pixels) bPrintLog('\t\t... done', 2) #get and print out min/max newMin = StackStatistics(imp).min newMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\tnew min=' + str(newMin) + ' max=' + str(newMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #append calibration to info string infoStr += 'bCalibCoeff_a = ' + str(calCoeff[0]) + '\n' infoStr += 'bCalibCoeff_b = ' + str(calCoeff[1]) + '\n' infoStr += 'bNewMin = ' + str(newMin) + '\n' infoStr += 'bNewMax = ' + str(newMax) + '\n' # # set up if gNumChannels == 1: impWinStr = copy.getTitle() #use this when only one channel impWin = WindowManager.getWindow(impWinStr) #returns java.awt.Window if gNumChannels == 2: winTitle = copy.getTitle() bPrintLog('Deinterleaving 2 channels...', 1)'Deinterleave', 'how=2 keep') #makes ' #1' and ' #2', with ' #2' frontmost ch1WinStr = winTitle + ' #1' ch2WinStr = winTitle + ' #2' ch1Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch1WinStr) ch2Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch2WinStr) ch1File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' ch2File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' # # alignment if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 1 and copy.getNSlices()>1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int(math.floor(copy.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice copy.setSlice(middleSlice) transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '.txt' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + impWinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' %(impWin,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) infoStr += 'AlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' #20150723, we just aligned on a cropped copy, apply alignment to original imp origImpTitle = imp.getTitle() stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(origImpTitle,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 2 and ch1Imp.getNSlices()>1 and ch2Imp.getNSlices()>1: #apply to gAlignThisChannel alignThisWindow = '' applyAlignmentToThisWindow = '' if gAlignThisChannel == 1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch1.txt' alignThisWindow = ch1WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch2WinStr else: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=2' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch2.txt' alignThisWindow = ch2WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch1WinStr alignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(alignThisWindow) #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int(math.floor(alignThisImp.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice alignThisImp.setSlice(middleSlice) infoStr += 'bAlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + alignThisWindow, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' %(alignThisWindow,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) # 20150723, we just aligned on a copy, apply alignment to both channels of original # ch1 bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + origCh1WinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(origCh1WinStr,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) # ch2 bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + origCh2WinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(origCh2WinStr,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) #apply alignment to other window #bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + applyAlignmentToThisWindow, 1) #applyAlignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(applyAlignmentToThisWindow) #stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(applyAlignmentToThisWindow,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) elif gDoAlign: bPrintLog('Skipping alignment, there may be only one slice?',3) # # save if gNumChannels == 1: imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); impFile = destFolder + shortName + '.tif' #bPrintLog('Saving:' + impFile, 1) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, destMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: #ch1 origCh1Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch1File, 1) bSaveStack(origCh1Imp, ch1File) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh1Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch1') #ch2 origCh2Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch2File, 1) bSaveStack(origCh2Imp, ch2File) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh2Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch2') # # post convert to 8-bit and save if gSave8bit: if bitDepth == 16: if gNumChannels == 1: bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + impWinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(impWinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + origCh1WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(origCh1WinStr)"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(origCh1Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh1Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch1') # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + origCh2WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(origCh2WinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(origCh2Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(origCh2Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch2') # # close original window imp.changes = 0 imp.close() #copy copy.changes = 0 copy.close() # # close ch1/ch2 if gNumChannels == 2: #original origCh1Imp.changes = 0 origCh1Imp.close() origCh2Imp.changes = 0 origCh2Imp.close() #copy ch1Imp.changes = 0 ch1Imp.close() ch2Imp.changes = 0 ch2Imp.close() bPrintLog(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' finished runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1)
for channel in range(1, (number_of_channels_in_mouse + 1)): channel_files = getChannelFiles(MouseIDFiles, channel) # get the full path chf_fpaths = [path.join(In_dir, x) for x in channel_files] # get the minimum and maximum pixel value min_pixval, max_pixval = get_enhance_bounds( chf_fpaths, low_theshold, high_threshold) IJ.log("Found pixel bounds " + str(min_pixval) + " and " + str(max_pixval) + " for channel " + str(channel)) counter = 1 for chfile in chf_fpaths: # open file ch_img = Opener().openImage(chfile) ch_tit = ch_img.getTitle() # adjust contrast ch_img.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(min_pixval, max_pixval) # convert to 8-bit (which also applies the contrast) ImageConverter(ch_img).convertToGray8() # save IJ.saveAsTiff(ch_img, path.join(Out_dir, ch_tit)) # close and flush ch_img.close() ch_img.flush() print("Image " + str(counter) + " of " + str(len(chf_fpaths)) + " processed") counter += 1 IJ.log('Mouse ' + MouseID + ' processed') print("DONE, find your results in " + Out_dir)
def runOneFile(fullFilePath): global gNumChannels if not os.path.isfile(fullFilePath): bPrintLog('\nERROR: runOneFile() did not find file: ' + fullFilePath + '\n',0) return 0 bPrintLog(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' starting runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1) enclosingPath = os.path.dirname(fullFilePath) head, tail = os.path.split(enclosingPath) enclosingPath += '/' #make output folders destFolder = enclosingPath + tail + '_channels/' if not os.path.isdir(destFolder): os.makedirs(destFolder) destMaxFolder = destFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(destMaxFolder): os.makedirs(destMaxFolder) if gDoAlign: destAlignmentFolder = destFolder + 'alignment/' if not os.path.isdir(destAlignmentFolder): os.makedirs(destAlignmentFolder) if gSave8bit: eightBitFolder = destFolder + 'channels8/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitFolder) eightBitMaxFolder = eightBitFolder + 'max/' if not os.path.isdir(eightBitMaxFolder): os.makedirs(eightBitMaxFolder) # open image imp = Opener().openImage(fullFilePath) # get parameters of image (width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames) = imp.getDimensions() bitDepth = imp.getBitDepth() infoStr = imp.getProperty("Info") #get all .tif tags if not infoStr: infoStr = '' msgStr = 'w:' + str(width) + ' h:' + str(height) + ' slices:' + str(nSlices) \ + ' channels:' + str(nChannels) + ' frames:' + str(nFrames) + ' bitDepth:' + str(bitDepth) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) path, filename = os.path.split(fullFilePath) shortName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename) #this is too much work for ScanImage4 #try and guess channels if it is a scanimage file #scanImage3 = string.find(infoStr, 'scanimage') != -1 #scanimage4 = find(infoStr, 'scanimage.SI4.channelSave = ') #print 'scanimage4:', scanimage4 # # look for num channels in ScanImage infoStr if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: for line in infoStr.split('\n'): #scanimage.SI4.channelsSave = [1;2] scanimage4 = find(line, 'scanimage.SI4.channelsSave =') == 0 #state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=2 scanimage3 = find(line, 'state.acq.numberOfChannelsSave=') == 0 if scanimage3: #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx+1:] if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = int(line2) bPrintLog('over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) if scanimage4: #print ' we have a scanimage 4 file ... now i need to exptract the number of channel' #print 'line:', line equalIdx = find(line, '=') line2 = line[equalIdx+1:] for delim in ';[]': line2 = line2.replace(delim, ' ') if gGetNumChanFromScanImage: gNumChannels = len(line2.split()) bPrintLog('over-riding gNumChannels with: ' + str(gNumChannels), 2) # show infoStr += 'bAlignBatch6=' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '\n' # # crop if gDoCrop: bPrintLog('making cropping rectangle (left,top,width,height) ',1) bPrintLog(str(gCropLeft) + ' ' + str(gCropTop) + ' ' +str(gCropWidth) + ' ' +str(gCropHeight), 2) roi = Roi(gCropLeft, gCropTop, gCropWidth, gCropHeight) #left,top,width,height imp.setRoi(roi) #time.sleep(1) #bPrintLog('cropping', 1)'Crop') infoStr += 'cropping=' + str(gCropLeft) + ',' + str(gCropTop) + ',' + str(gCropWidth) + ',' + str(gCropHeight) + '\n' # # remove negative (<0) pixel values #ip = imp.getProcessor() #pixels = ip.getPixels() # this returns a reference (not a copy) #for i in xrange(len(pixels)): # if pixels[i] < 0: # pixels[i] = 0 # or this, for each pixel 'x', if x<0 then 0 else x #pixels = map(lambda x: 0 if x<0 else x, pixels) #set our new values (without pixels <0) back into original (I hope this handles stacks and channels???) #ip.setPixels(pixels) # # remove calibration if gRemoveCalibration: cal = imp.getCalibration() calCoeff = cal.getCoefficients() if calCoeff: msgStr = 'Calibration is y=a+bx' + ' a=' + str(calCoeff[0]) + ' b=' + str(calCoeff[1]) bPrintLog(msgStr, 1) #remove calibration bPrintLog('\tRemoving Calibration', 2) imp.setCalibration(None) #get and print out min/max origMin = StackStatistics(imp).min origMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\torig min=' + str(origMin) + ' max=' + str(origMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #msgStr = 'adding calCoeff[0]='+str(calCoeff[0]) + ' to stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (calCoeff[0],)'Add...', subArgVal) # 20150701, 'shift everybody over by linear calibration intercept calCoeff[0]' if 1: # [1] was this #msgStr = 'Subtracting original min '+str(origMin) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (origMin,)'Subtract...', subArgVal) # [2] now this #msgStr = 'Adding calCoeff[0] '+str(calCoeff[0]) + ' from stack.' #bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #addArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (int(calCoeff[0]),)'Add...', addArgVal) # [3] subtract a magic number 2^15-2^7 = 32768 - 128 magicNumber = 32768 - 128 msgStr = 'Subtracting a magic number '+str(magicNumber) + ' from stack.' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) subArgVal = 'value=%s stack' % (origMin,)'Subtract...', subArgVal) # 20150701, set any pixel <0 to 0 if 0: ip = imp.getProcessor() # returns a reference pixels = ip.getPixels() # returns a reference msgStr = '\tSet all pixels <0 to 0. This was added 20150701 ...' bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) pixels = map(lambda x: 0 if x<0 else x, pixels) bPrintLog('\t\t... done', 2) #get and print out min/max newMin = StackStatistics(imp).min newMax = StackStatistics(imp).max msgStr = '\tnew min=' + str(newMin) + ' max=' + str(newMax) bPrintLog(msgStr, 2) #without these, 8-bit conversion goes to all 0 !!! what the f**k !!! #bPrintLog('calling imp.resetStack() and imp.resetDisplayRange()', 2) imp.resetStack() imp.resetDisplayRange() #append calibration to info string infoStr += 'calibCoeff_a = ' + str(calCoeff[0]) + '\n' infoStr += 'calibCoeff_b = ' + str(calCoeff[1]) + '\n' infoStr += 'origMin = ' + str(origMin) + '\n' infoStr += 'origMax = ' + str(origMax) + '\n' # # set up if gNumChannels == 1: impWinStr = imp.getTitle() #use this when only one channel impWin = WindowManager.getWindow(impWinStr) #returns java.awt.Window if gNumChannels == 2: winTitle = imp.getTitle() bPrintLog('Deinterleaving 2 channels...', 1)'Deinterleave', 'how=2 keep') #makes ' #1' and ' #2', with ' #2' frontmost ch1WinStr = winTitle + ' #1' ch2WinStr = winTitle + ' #2' ch1Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch1WinStr) ch2Imp = WindowManager.getImage(ch2WinStr) ch1File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' ch2File = destFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' # # alignment if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 1 and imp.getNSlices()>1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int(math.floor(imp.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice imp.setSlice(middleSlice) transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '.txt' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + impWinStr, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' %(impWin,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) infoStr += 'AlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' if gDoAlign and gNumChannels == 2 and ch1Imp.getNSlices()>1 and ch2Imp.getNSlices()>1: #apply to gAlignThisChannel alignThisWindow = '' applyAlignmentToThisWindow = '' if gAlignThisChannel == 1: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=1' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch1.txt' alignThisWindow = ch1WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch2WinStr else: infoStr += 'AlignOnChannel=2' + '\n' transformationFile = destAlignmentFolder + shortName + '_ch2.txt' alignThisWindow = ch2WinStr applyAlignmentToThisWindow = ch1WinStr alignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(alignThisWindow) #snap to middle slice if gAlignOnMiddleSlice: middleSlice = int(math.floor(alignThisImp.getNSlices() / 2)) #int() is necc., python is f*****g picky else: middleSlice = gAlignOnThisSlice alignThisImp.setSlice(middleSlice) infoStr += 'AlignOnSlice=' + str(middleSlice) + '\n' bPrintLog('MultiStackReg aligning:' + alignThisWindow, 1) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=Align file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body] save' %(alignThisWindow,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) #apply alignment to other window bPrintLog('MultiStackReg applying alignment to:' + applyAlignmentToThisWindow, 1) applyAlignThisImp = WindowManager.getImage(applyAlignmentToThisWindow) stackRegParams = 'stack_1=[%s] action_1=[Load Transformation File] file_1=[%s] stack_2=None action_2=Ignore file_2=[] transformation=[Rigid Body]' %(applyAlignmentToThisWindow,transformationFile)'MultiStackReg', stackRegParams) elif gDoAlign: bPrintLog('Skipping alignment, there may be only one slice?',3) # # save if gNumChannels == 1: imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); impFile = destFolder + shortName + '.tif' #bPrintLog('Saving:' + impFile, 1) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, destMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: #ch1 ch1Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch1File, 1) bSaveStack(ch1Imp, ch1File) #max project bSaveZProject(ch1Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch1') #ch2 ch2Imp.setProperty("Info", infoStr); #bPrintLog('Saving:' + ch2File, 1) bSaveStack(ch2Imp, ch2File) #max project bSaveZProject(ch2Imp, destMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch2') # # post convert to 8-bit and save if gSave8bit: if bitDepth == 16: if gNumChannels == 1: bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + impWinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(impWinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName) if gNumChannels == 2: # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + ch1WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(ch1WinStr)'resetMinAndMax()') #ch1Imp.resetStack() #ch1Imp.resetDisplayRange()"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch1.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(ch1Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(ch1Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch1') # bPrintLog('Converting to 8-bit:' + ch2WinStr, 1) IJ.selectWindow(ch2WinStr)'resetMinAndMax()')"8-bit") impFile = eightBitFolder + shortName + '_ch2.tif' bPrintLog('Saving 8-bit:' + impFile, 2) bSaveStack(ch2Imp, impFile) #max project bSaveZProject(ch2Imp, eightBitMaxFolder, shortName+'_ch2') # # close original window imp.changes = 0 imp.close() # # close ch1/ch2 if 1 and gNumChannels == 2: ch1Imp.changes = 0 ch1Imp.close() ch2Imp.changes = 0 ch2Imp.close() bPrintLog(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + ' finished runOneFile(): ' + fullFilePath, 1)
def main(): Interpreter.batchMode = True if (lambda_flat == 0) ^ (lambda_dark == 0): print ("ERROR: Both of lambda_flat and lambda_dark must be zero," " or both non-zero.") return lambda_estimate = "Automatic" if lambda_flat == 0 else "Manual" #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print "Loading images..." filenames = enumerate_filenames(pattern) num_channels = len(filenames) num_images = len(filenames[0]) image = Opener().openImage(filenames[0][0]) width = image.width height = image.height image.close() # The internal initialization of the BaSiC code fails when we invoke it via # scripting, unless we explicitly set a the private 'noOfSlices' field. # Since it's private, we need to use Java reflection to access it. Basic_noOfSlices = Basic.getDeclaredField('noOfSlices') Basic_noOfSlices.setAccessible(True) basic = Basic() Basic_noOfSlices.setInt(basic, num_images) # Pre-allocate the output profile images, since we have all the dimensions. ff_image = IJ.createImage("Flat-field", width, height, num_channels, 32); df_image = IJ.createImage("Dark-field", width, height, num_channels, 32); print("\n\n") # BaSiC works on one channel at a time, so we only read the images from one # channel at a time to limit memory usage. for channel in range(num_channels): print "Processing channel %d/%d..." % (channel + 1, num_channels) print "===========================" stack = ImageStack(width, height, num_images) opener = Opener() for i, filename in enumerate(filenames[channel]): print "Loading image %d/%d" % (i + 1, num_images) image = opener.openImage(filename) stack.setProcessor(image.getProcessor(), i + 1) input_image = ImagePlus("input", stack) # BaSiC seems to require the input image is actually the ImageJ # "current" image, otherwise it prints an error and aborts. WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(input_image) basic.exec( input_image, None, None, "Estimate shading profiles", "Estimate both flat-field and dark-field", lambda_estimate, lambda_flat, lambda_dark, "Ignore", "Compute shading only" ) input_image.close() # Copy the pixels from the BaSiC-generated profile images to the # corresponding channel of our output images. ff_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Flat-field:%s" % input_image.title) ff_image.slice = channel + 1 ff_image.getProcessor().insert(ff_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0) ff_channel.close() df_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Dark-field:%s" % input_image.title) df_image.slice = channel + 1 df_image.getProcessor().insert(df_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0) df_channel.close() print("\n\n") template = '%s/%s-%%s.tif' % (output_dir, experiment_name) ff_filename = template % 'ffp' IJ.saveAsTiff(ff_image, ff_filename) ff_image.close() df_filename = template % 'dfp' IJ.saveAsTiff(df_image, df_filename) df_image.close() print "Done!"
def main(): Interpreter.batchMode = True if (lambda_flat == 0) ^ (lambda_dark == 0): print ("ERROR: Both of lambda_flat and lambda_dark must be zero," " or both non-zero.") return lambda_estimate = "Automatic" if lambda_flat == 0 else "Manual" print "Loading images..." filenames = enumerate_filenames(pattern) if len(filenames) == 0: return # This is the number of channels inferred from the filenames. The number # of channels in an individual image file will be determined below. num_channels = len(filenames) num_images = len(filenames[0]) image = Opener().openImage(filenames[0][0]) if image.getNDimensions() > 3: print "ERROR: Can't handle images with more than 3 dimensions." (width, height, channels, slices, frames) = image.getDimensions() # The third dimension could be any of these three, but the other two are # guaranteed to be equal to 1 since we know NDimensions is <= 3. image_channels = max((channels, slices, frames)) image.close() if num_channels > 1 and image_channels > 1: print ( "ERROR: Can only handle single-channel images with {channel} in" " the pattern, or multi-channel images without {channel}. The" " filename patterns imply %d channels and the images themselves" " have %d channels." % (num_channels, image_channels) ) return if image_channels == 1: multi_channel = False else: print ( "Detected multi-channel image files with %d channels" % image_channels ) multi_channel = True num_channels = image_channels # Clone the filename list across all channels. We will handle reading # the individual image planes for each channel below. filenames = filenames * num_channels # The internal initialization of the BaSiC code fails when we invoke it via # scripting, unless we explicitly set a the private 'noOfSlices' field. # Since it's private, we need to use Java reflection to access it. Basic_noOfSlices = Basic.getDeclaredField('noOfSlices') Basic_noOfSlices.setAccessible(True) basic = Basic() Basic_noOfSlices.setInt(basic, num_images) # Pre-allocate the output profile images, since we have all the dimensions. ff_image = IJ.createImage("Flat-field", width, height, num_channels, 32); df_image = IJ.createImage("Dark-field", width, height, num_channels, 32); print("\n\n") # BaSiC works on one channel at a time, so we only read the images from one # channel at a time to limit memory usage. for channel in range(num_channels): print "Processing channel %d/%d..." % (channel + 1, num_channels) print "===========================" stack = ImageStack(width, height, num_images) opener = Opener() for i, filename in enumerate(filenames[channel]): print "Loading image %d/%d" % (i + 1, num_images) # For multi-channel images the channel determines the plane to read. args = [channel + 1] if multi_channel else [] image = opener.openImage(filename, *args) stack.setProcessor(image.getProcessor(), i + 1) input_image = ImagePlus("input", stack) # BaSiC seems to require the input image is actually the ImageJ # "current" image, otherwise it prints an error and aborts. WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(input_image) basic.exec( input_image, None, None, "Estimate shading profiles", "Estimate both flat-field and dark-field", lambda_estimate, lambda_flat, lambda_dark, "Ignore", "Compute shading only" ) input_image.close() # Copy the pixels from the BaSiC-generated profile images to the # corresponding channel of our output images. ff_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Flat-field:%s" % input_image.title) ff_image.slice = channel + 1 ff_image.getProcessor().insert(ff_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0) ff_channel.close() df_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Dark-field:%s" % input_image.title) df_image.slice = channel + 1 df_image.getProcessor().insert(df_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0) df_channel.close() print("\n\n") template = '%s/%s-%%s.tif' % (output_dir, experiment_name) ff_filename = template % 'ffp' IJ.saveAsTiff(ff_image, ff_filename) ff_image.close() df_filename = template % 'dfp' IJ.saveAsTiff(df_image, df_filename) df_image.close() print "Done!"