def SaveCoverFromFs(tiles, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows): tilewidth = int(newwidth / cols) tileheight = int(newheight / rows) newwidth = int(newwidth / tilewidth) * tilewidth newheight = int(newheight / tileheight) * tileheight hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight) hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip) x = 0 y = -1 plane = [] # scale the images for i in sorted(tiles.iterkeys()): if y < rows - 1: y += 1 else: y = 0 x += 1 imp = IJ.openImage(str(tiles[i])) scale = Scale(imp.getProcessor()) ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight) hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x * tilewidth, y * tileheight, 0) hiresout.draw()
def SaveCoverFromFs(tiles, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows): tilewidth = int(newwidth/cols) tileheight = int(newheight/rows) newwidth = int(newwidth/tilewidth) * tilewidth newheight = int(newheight/tileheight) * tileheight hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight) hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip) x = 0 y = -1 plane = [] # scale the images for i in sorted(tiles.iterkeys()): if y < rows-1: y += 1 else: y = 0 x += 1 imp = IJ.openImage(str(tiles[i])) scale = Scale(imp.getProcessor()) ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight) hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x*tilewidth, y*tileheight, 0) hiresout.draw()
def SaveCoverFromZip(tileIndex, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows, originalspath): baseDir = re.sub(r'\/', "", originalspath) #print baseDir zf = zipfile.ZipFile(originalspath, mode='r') tilewidth = int(newwidth / cols) tileheight = int(newheight / rows) newwidth = int(newwidth / tilewidth) * tilewidth newheight = int(newheight / tileheight) * tileheight hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight) hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip) x = 0 y = -1 plane = [] # scale the images for i in sorted(tileIndex.iterkeys()): if y < rows - 1: y += 1 else: y = 0 x += 1 #bi = bir.openImage(tileIndex[i]); #ip = ColorProcessor(bi) image =[i]) + ".jpeg") #IJ.log("Placing image :" + str(tileIndex[i]) + ".jpeg") my_file = open(baseDir + 'temporary.jpeg', 'w') my_file.write(image) my_file.close() imp = IJ.openImage(baseDir + "/temporary.jpeg") ip = imp.getProcessor() scale = Scale(ip) ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight) hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x * tilewidth, y * tileheight, 0) hiresout.draw()
def SaveCoverFromZip(tileIndex, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows, originalspath): baseDir = re.sub(r'\/', "", originalspath) #print baseDir zf = zipfile.ZipFile(originalspath, mode='r') tilewidth = int(newwidth/cols) tileheight = int(newheight/rows) newwidth = int(newwidth/tilewidth) * tilewidth newheight = int(newheight/tileheight) * tileheight hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight) hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip) x = 0 y = -1 plane = [] # scale the images for i in sorted(tileIndex.iterkeys()): if y < rows-1: y += 1 else: y = 0 x += 1 #bi = bir.openImage(tileIndex[i]); #ip = ColorProcessor(bi) image =[i]) + ".jpeg") #IJ.log("Placing image :" + str(tileIndex[i]) + ".jpeg") my_file = open(baseDir + 'temporary.jpeg','w') my_file.write(image) my_file.close() imp = IJ.openImage(baseDir + "/temporary.jpeg") ip = imp.getProcessor() scale = Scale(ip) ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight) hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x*tilewidth, y*tileheight, 0) hiresout.draw()
# make a gradient image ip = screenshot.getProcessor() w = ip.getWidth() h = ip.getHeight() u = int(0.99 * 255) l = int(0.5 * 255) def gray2rgb(value): return (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value # This is a trick: make a 1xh image (because calculation is slow in Python) and resize it to wxh from jarray import array maskPixels = array([gray2rgb(int(u + (l + 1 - u) * i / (h))) for i in range(0, h)], 'i') mask = ColorProcessor(1, h, maskPixels).resize(w, h) # "blend" mask with original image mask.copyBits(ip, 0, 0, Blitter.MAX) mask.flipVertical() # instantiate the 3D viewer univ = Image3DUniverse() # add the images cImage = univ.addOrthoslice(ImagePlus("screenshot", ip), \ None, "image", 0, [1, 1, 1], 1)
def chartAsImagePlus(chart, frame): """ Given a JFreeChart and its JFrame, return an ImagePlus of type COLOR_RGB. """ panel = frame.getContentPane().getComponent(0) # a ChartPanel dimensions = panel.getSize() bimg = chart.createBufferedImage(dimensions.width, dimensions.height) return ImagePlus(str(chart.getTitle()), ColorProcessor(bimg))
# Open the Drosophila larval brain sample RGB image stack #imp = IJ.openImage("") imp = IJ.getImage() stack1 = imp.getStack() # of ColorProcessor # Scale up by 1.5x scale = 1.5 model = AffineModel2D() model.set(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0) # An arbitrary affine, obtained from Plugins - Transform - Interactive Affine (push enter key to print it) #model.set(1.16, 0.1484375, -0.375, 1.21875, 38.5, -39.5) # New stack, larger stack2 = ImageStack(int(imp.getWidth() * scale), int(imp.getHeight() * scale)) for index in xrange(1, stack1.getSize() + 1): stack2.addSlice(ColorProcessor(stack2.getWidth(), stack2.getHeight())) imp2 = ImagePlus("larger (push)", stack2) # Map data from stack to stack2 using the model transform position = zeros(2, 'd') """ # First approach: push (WRONG!) width1, height1 = stack1.getWidth(), stack1.getHeight() for index in xrange(1, 3): #stack1.size() + 1): cp1 = stack1.getProcessor(index) cp2 = stack2.getProcessor(index) for y in xrange(height1): for x in xrange(width1): position[1] = y
def CreateCover(ip, width, height, dbpath): # split input image into appropriate tiles stackt = SplitImage(ip, width, height) impt = ImagePlus("template", stackt) nSlicestmp = impt.getNSlices() # open the preprocessed database print dbpath impd = IJ.openImage(dbpath) stackd = impd.getImageStack() nSlicesdb = impd.getNSlices() #associate index with image names imageNames = impd.getProperty('Info') imageList = imageNames.split(';') # set up preview output outputip = ColorProcessor(ip.width, ip.height) outputimp = ImagePlus("output", outputip) cols = ip.width / width rows = ip.height / height print str(cols) + "," + str(rows) x = 0 y = 0 arrays = [None, None] # a list of two elements cruncher = Inline(arrays) tileNames = {} tileIndex = {} placed = {} used = {} while len(placed) < nSlicestmp: randomTileIndex = random.randint(1, nSlicestmp) if randomTileIndex in placed: continue # transform to row adn column coordinate if randomTileIndex % rows == 0: y = rows - 1 x = (randomTileIndex / rows) - 1 else: y = (randomTileIndex % rows) - 1 x = int(randomTileIndex / rows) pixelst = stackt.getPixels(randomTileIndex) minimum = Float.MAX_VALUE #iterate through database images j = 1 indexOfBestMatch = 0 arrays[0] = pixelst while j < nSlicesdb: if j in used: j += 1 continue arrays[1] = stackd.getPixels(j) diff = if diff < minimum: minimum = diff indexOfBestMatch = j j += 1 ip = stackd.getProcessor(indexOfBestMatch) outputip.copyBits(ip, x * width, y * height, 0) used[indexOfBestMatch] = 1 tileNames[randomTileIndex] = imageList[indexOfBestMatch - 1] tileIndex[randomTileIndex] = indexOfBestMatch - 1 outputimp.draw() placed[randomTileIndex] = 1 return tileNames, tileIndex, cols, rows
from ij.process import ColorProcessor from java.awt.image import BufferedImage as BI from java.lang import Thread f = ImagePlus.getDeclaredField("listeners") f.setAccessible(True) listeners = f.get(None) imp = IJ.getImage() canvas = imp.getWindow().getCanvas() # Define range of slices to capture slices = xrange(1, imp.getNSlices() + 1) w, h = canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight() capture = ImageStack(w, h) for i in slices: imp.setSlice(i) for l in listeners: l.imageUpdated(imp) Thread.sleep(50) # wait for repaints to happen, triggered by listeners, if any. bi = BI(w, h, BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB) g = bi.createGraphics() canvas.paint(g) g.dispose() capture.addSlice(ColorProcessor(bi)) bi.flush() ImagePlus("capture", capture).show()
def CreateCover(ip, width, height, dbpath): # split input image into appropriate tiles stackt = SplitImage(ip, width, height) impt = ImagePlus("template", stackt) nSlicestmp = impt.getNSlices() # open the preprocessed database print dbpath impd = IJ.openImage(dbpath) stackd = impd.getImageStack() nSlicesdb = impd.getNSlices() #associate index with image names imageNames = impd.getProperty('Info') imageList = imageNames.split(';') # set up preview output outputip = ColorProcessor(ip.width, ip.height) outputimp = ImagePlus("output", outputip) cols = ip.width/width rows = ip.height/height print str(cols) + "," + str(rows) x = 0 y = 0 arrays = [None, None] # a list of two elements cruncher = Inline(arrays) tileNames = {} tileIndex = {} placed = {} used = {} while len(placed) < nSlicestmp: randomTileIndex = random.randint(1, nSlicestmp) if randomTileIndex in placed: continue # transform to row adn column coordinate if randomTileIndex%rows == 0: y = rows-1 x = (randomTileIndex/rows)-1 else: y = (randomTileIndex%rows)-1 x = int(randomTileIndex/rows) pixelst = stackt.getPixels(randomTileIndex) minimum = Float.MAX_VALUE #iterate through database images j = 1 indexOfBestMatch = 0 arrays[0] = pixelst while j < nSlicesdb: if j in used: j +=1 continue arrays[1] = stackd.getPixels(j) diff = if diff < minimum: minimum = diff indexOfBestMatch = j j += 1 ip = stackd.getProcessor(indexOfBestMatch) outputip.copyBits(ip, x*width, y*height, 0) used[indexOfBestMatch] = 1 tileNames[randomTileIndex] = imageList[indexOfBestMatch-1] tileIndex[randomTileIndex] = indexOfBestMatch-1 outputimp.draw() placed[randomTileIndex] = 1 return tileNames, tileIndex, cols, rows
# # print 'fitGoodness', cv.getFitGoodness() # # print 'formula', cv.getFormula() # # fit_params = cv.getParams() # # print 'fit_params', fit_params # print all_pc # print 'mean_cc', sum(all_pc)/len(all_pc) # Create the 2D visualization of the fit plots stack_w, stack_h = plot_images[0].getWidth(), plot_images[0].getHeight() stack_plot = ImageStack(stack_w, stack_h) # add all the plots in a stack for id, plot_image in enumerate(plot_images): for i in range(HEXAGON_SPACINGS[id]): stack_plot.addSlice( 'plot_' + str(id).zfill(2), ImagePlus('empty', ColorProcessor(stack_w, stack_h)).getProcessor()) stack_plot.addSlice('plot_' + str(id).zfill(2), plot_image.getProcessor()) imp = ImagePlus('Plot_stack', stack_plot) montageMaker = MontageMaker() montage = montageMaker.makeMontage2(imp, 17, 9, 1, 1, imp.getNSlices(), 1, 3, False), fit_montage_path) IJ.log('Done')