Exemple #1
def run():

    # ensure no other windows are open and clear resultstable
    IJ.run("Close All")
    IJ.run("Clear Results", "")
    #Ask user for file to be converted
    srcDir = IJ.getFilePath("Select file to analyse")
    if not srcDir:

    #open file
    dstDir = os.path.dirname(srcDir)
    print("dstDir = " + dstDir)
    #open ROI manager, save ROI names as labels in measurements
    rm = RoiManager.getInstance()
    if not rm:
        rm = RoiManager()
    rm.runCommand("UseNames", "true")

    # set parameters to be measured
    IJ.run("Set Measurements...",
           "area mean integrated limit display redirect=None decimal=3")

    FOVlist = WindowManager.getIDList()
    chnls = IJ.getString(
        "Please enter which channels you would like to analyse. Example: 123 analyses channels 1, 2 and 3",

    for FOV in FOVlist:
        imp = WindowManager.getImage(FOV)
        IJ.run(imp, "Arrange Channels...", "new=" + chnls)
        imp2 = WindowManager.getCurrentImage()

        imageTitle = WindowManager.getImage(FOV).getTitle()
        newDir = imageTitle + ' ROIs'

        dirPath = os.path.join(dstDir, newDir)

        if not os.path.exists(dirPath):
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        # clear ROI list before analysis
        rm.runCommand(imp2, "Deselect")
        rm.runCommand(imp2, "Delete")

        TMdata, nFrames = runTrackMate(imp2)
        if TMdata:
            iterateCoords(TMdata, nFrames, dirPath, imp2)
        imp2.changes = 0
    resultsDir = os.path.splitext(srcDir)[0] + ".csv"
    #while os.path.exists(resultsDir):
    #resultsDir = resultsDir+"_1"+".csv"
    IJ.saveAs("Results", resultsDir)
Exemple #2
def run():
    sId = IJ.getString("Filenames contain:", "T0000")
    srcDir = DirectoryChooser("Choose!").getDirectory()
    if not srcDir:
        # user canceled dialog
    # Assumes all files have the same size
    stack = None
    for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(srcDir):
        for filename in filenames:
            # Skip non-TIFF files
            if not (sId in filename):
            path = os.path.join(root, filename)
            # Upon finding the first image, initialize the VirtualStack
            imp = IJ.openImage(path)
            if stack is None:
                # stack = VirtualStack(imp.width, imp.height, None, srcDir)
                stack = ImageStack(imp.width, imp.height)
            # Add a slice to the virtual stack, relative to the srcDir

            # Add a slice to the real stack
            stack.addSlice(filename, imp.getProcessor())

    # Make a ImagePlus from the stack
    ImagePlus("Stack from subdirectories", stack).show()
def run():
  sId = IJ.getString("Filenames contain:", "T0000");
  srcDir = DirectoryChooser("Choose!").getDirectory()
  if not srcDir:
    # user canceled dialog
  # Assumes all files have the same size
  stack = None
  for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(srcDir):
    for filename in filenames:
      # Skip non-TIFF files
      if not (sId in filename):
      path = os.path.join(root, filename)
      # Upon finding the first image, initialize the VirtualStack
      imp = IJ.openImage(path)
      if stack is None:
        # stack = VirtualStack(imp.width, imp.height, None, srcDir)
        stack = ImageStack(imp.width, imp.height)
      # Add a slice to the virtual stack, relative to the srcDir
      # Add a slice to the real stack
      stack.addSlice(filename, imp.getProcessor())
  # Make a ImagePlus from the stack
  ImagePlus("Stack from subdirectories", stack).show()
	def actionPerformed(self, event):

		outDir   = IJ.getDirectory("Save category file in directory...")
		if not outDir: return # when cancelled
		filename = IJ.getString("Filename", "categories.txt")
		if not filename: return # when cancelled
		outPath  = os.path.join(outDir, filename)

		listButtons = winButton.getPanel().getComponents()
		with open(outPath, "w") as catFile:
			for button in listButtons:
				catFile.write(button.getLabel().encode("utf-8") + "\n") # important to use UTF-8 otherwise troubles
Exemple #5
    def addCategoryComponent(self):
		Request a new category name, create the associated category component via the makeCategory method and update the dialog 
        newCategory = IJ.getString("Enter new category name", "new category")
        if not newCategory:
            return  # if Cancelled (ie newCat=="") or empty field just dont go further

        # Add new component to the gui for this category and repaint GUI
        newComponent = self.makeCategoryComponent(newCategory)
        if newComponent is None: return
        if not isinstance(newComponent, Component):
            raise TypeError("Expect a component to be added to the dialog")
        self.getPanel().add(newComponent)  # component 1 is the panel
        self.pack()  # recompute the layout and update the display
	def actionPerformed(self, event): 
		source = event.getSource() # test here if it is a button 
		if isinstance(source, Button): # if type is a button get label, and check command, otherwise pass to GenericDialogPlus.actionPeformed 
			sourceLabel = source.getLabel() 
			if sourceLabel == CategoryDialog.ADD_CATEGORY: 
				newCategory = IJ.getString("Enter new category name", "new category") 
				if not newCategory: return # if Cancelled (ie newCat=="") or empty field just dont go further  
				self.panel.add(TextField(newCategory)) # Add new text field with the new category 
				self.pack() # recompute the layout and update the display 
		# Anyway do the mother class usual action handling 
		GenericDialogPlus.actionPerformed(self, event) 
	from sys import argv

	if len(argv) > 1:
		file = argv[1]
		file = "Stitching-overview.jpg"
	if len(argv) > 2:
		label = argv[2]
		label = ''
	screenshot = IJ.openImage(file)
	print "Opened", file, screenshot
	screenshot = IJ.getImage()
	label = IJ.getString('Label:', '')

# make a gradient image

ip = screenshot.getProcessor()
w = ip.getWidth()
h = ip.getHeight()

u = int(0.99 * 255)
l = int(0.5 * 255)

def gray2rgb(value):
	return (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value

# This is a trick: make a 1xh image (because calculation is slow in Python) and resize it to wxh
from jarray import array
#IJ.run("Multiply...", "value=2.2")

gd = GenericDialog("Clockwise Rotation?")
gd.addChoice("How Many Degrees",["0","90","180",'270'],"0")
rotation = gd.getChoices().get(0).getSelectedItem()

#in while loop
while True:
	IJ.run("Stack to Images")
	IJ.run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use")
	imp = IJ.getImage()
	myWait = ij.gui.WaitForUserDialog('Select Region to Load Full Res')
	region=IJ.getString("What to call region?", "")
	IJ.run("Make Composite", "display=Composite")
	IJ.run("Select All")
	#IJ.run("Multiply...", "value=2.0")
	IJ.run("Stack to RGB")
Exemple #9
def getString(mssg, default):
    return IJ.getString(mssg, default)
from ij import IJ

imp = IJ.getImage()

title = imp.getTitle()
title = title[:-4]
interval_units = IJ.getString("Collection interval units: ", 'hrs')
start_time = IJ.getString("Start time: ", '0')
interval_by_units = IJ.getNumber("Collection interval in {}:".format(interval_units), 0.17)
fontsize = IJ.getNumber("Fontsize:", 14)
#get the directory containing the active image
path = IJ.getDirectory("image")
# If the active image is a duplicate of another image open, its path will be False and
# will print as 'None'. If this is the case, have the user choose a directory to put the
# timestamped tif
if not path:
    IJ.log("Image has no source directory")
    path = IJ.getDirectory("Choose the directory to save the timestamped tif")

height = imp.getHeight()
width = imp.getWidth()
size = imp.getImageStackSize()

IJ.log("Image title: {}".format(title))
IJ.log("Save path: {}".format(path))
IJ.log("Height: {}".format(height))
IJ.log("Width: {}".format(width))
IJ.log("Size: {}".format(size))
Exemple #11
"""'exec "$(dirname "$0")"/ImageJ.sh --jython "$0" "$@" # (call again with fiji)"""

from ij import IJ, ImageJ

label = "Fiji Is Just ImageJ"

if IJ.getInstance() == None:
    # called from the command line
    from sys import argv

    if len(argv) > 1:
        file = argv[1]
        file = "Stitching-overview.jpg"
    if len(argv) > 2:
        label = argv[2]
    screenshot = IJ.openImage(file)
    print "Opened", file, screenshot
    screenshot = IJ.getImage()
    label = IJ.getString("Label:", label)

from fiji import Prettify_Wiki_Screenshot

plugin = Prettify_Wiki_Screenshot()
plugin.label = label
Exemple #12
''''exec "$(dirname "$0")"/ImageJ.sh --jython "$0" "$@" # (call again with fiji)'''

from ij import IJ, ImageJ

label = 'Fiji Is Just ImageJ'

if IJ.getInstance() == None:
	# called from the command line
	from sys import argv

	if len(argv) > 1:
		file = argv[1]
		file = "Stitching-overview.jpg"
	if len(argv) > 2:
		label = argv[2]
	screenshot = IJ.openImage(file)
	print "Opened", file, screenshot
	screenshot = IJ.getImage()
	label = IJ.getString('Label:', label)

from fiji import Prettify_Wiki_Screenshot

plugin = Prettify_Wiki_Screenshot()
plugin.label = label