Exemple #1
 def _set_addresses(self, delivery_address, bill_address):
     if delivery_address==None:
         delivery_address = ''
     if bill_address==None:
         bill_address = ''
     value = Password.encode('%s|%s' % (delivery_address, bill_address))
     context = get_context()
     context.set_cookie('addresses', value)
Exemple #2
 def save_products(self):
     cookies = []
     for product in self.products:
         cookie = '%s|%s|%s|%s' % (product['id'], product['name'],
                                   product['quantity'], product['declination'] or '')
     products = Password.encode('@'.join(cookies))
     context = get_context()
     context.set_cookie('products', products, path='/')
Exemple #3
    def action_confirm_key(self, resource, context, form):
        # Get the email address
        form['username'] = form['username'].strip()
        email = form['username']

        # Get the user with the given login name
        user = self._get_user(resource, context, email)
        if user is None:
            message = ERROR(u'There is no user identified as "{username}"',
            context.message = message

        # Check register key
        must_confirm = user.get_property('user_must_confirm')
        if not must_confirm:
            # Already confirmed
            message = ERROR(u'Your account has already been confirmed')
            context.message = message
        elif form['key'] != must_confirm:
            message = ERROR(u'Your activation key is wrong')
            context.message = message

        # We log-in user
        username = str(user.name)
        crypted = user.get_property('password')
        cookie = Password.encode('%s:%s' % (username, crypted))
        context.set_cookie('__ac', cookie, path='/')
        context.user = user

        # Ok
        message = INFO(u'Operation successful! Welcome.')
        return context.come_back(message, goto='/users/%s' % user.name)
Exemple #4
 def set_id_zone(self, id_zone):
     value = Password.encode(id_zone)
     cookie = self.context.set_cookie('id_zone', value)
Exemple #5
 def set_shipping(self, shipping_name, shipping_option=''):
     value = Password.encode('%s|%s' % (shipping_name, shipping_option))
     cookie = self.context.set_cookie('shipping', value)
Exemple #6
    def get_captcha(self, resource, context):
        referrer = context.get_referrer()
        # Build the namespace
        namespace = {}
        # Captcha
        # create a 5 char random strin
        imgtext = generate_password(5)
        crypt_imgtext = crypt_captcha(imgtext)
        encoded_imgtext = Password.encode('%s' % crypt_imgtext)
        # randomly select the foreground color
        fgcolor = random.randint(0,0xffff00)
        # make the background color the opposite of fgcolor
        bgcolor = fgcolor ^ 0xffffff    
        #path = get_abspath('data/images/bg.jpg')
        font_path = get_abspath(choice(fonts))
        font=ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 38)
        dim = font.getsize(imgtext)
        # create a new image slightly larger that the text
        im = Image.new('RGB', (dim[0]+5,dim[1]+5), bgcolor)
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        # draw 100 random colored boxes on the background
        x, y = im.size
        r = random.randint
        for num in range(100):
        d.text((3,3), imgtext, font=font, fill=fgcolor)
        im = im.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE)
        # save as a temporary image
        # FIXME on page refresh the first file is not removed.
        im_name = generate_password(38)
        SITE_IMAGES_DIR_PATH = get_abspath('ui/core/captcha/images')
        tempname = '%s/%s' % (SITE_IMAGES_DIR_PATH, (im_name + '.jpg'))
        im.save(tempname, "JPEG")
        path = get_abspath(tempname)
        img = resource.get_handler()
        namespace['img'] = img
        captcha = '/ui/core/captcha/images/%s' % (im_name + '.jpg')
        namespace['captcha'] = captcha

        # we need to pass this path as we can then delete the captcha file
        namespace['captcha_path'] = 'ui/images/captcha/%s' % (im_name + '.jpg')
        namespace['crypt_imgtext'] = encoded_imgtext
        namespace['get-captcha'] = 'ui/core/captcha/captcha.xml.en'
        # Generate a sound file of the captcha
        sound_path = get_abspath('data/sound')
        SOUND_OUTPUT_PATH = get_abspath('ui/core/captcha/sounds')
        sox_filenames = []
        for x in imgtext:
            if x.isupper():
                sox_filenames.append('%s/upper_%s.wav' % (sound_path, \
                sox_filenames.append('%s/%s.wav' % (sound_path, x))
        subprocess.call(['sox'] + sox_filenames + \
                ['%s/%s' % (SOUND_OUTPUT_PATH, (im_name + '.mp3'))])
        namespace['sound_captcha'] = '/ui/core/captcha/sounds/%s' % (im_name + '.mp3')
        namespace['sound_path'] = 'ui/sound/%s' % (im_name + '.mp3')

        return namespace