def main(_): # Build the inference graph. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): model = gradcam_wrapper.GradCamWrapper() restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(configuration.ModelConfig(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path) #g.finalize() save_path = osp.join(FLAGS.save_path, osp.basename(FLAGS.model_name) + '_gt') if FLAGS.save_path != "" and not osp.isdir(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) # Create the vocabulary. vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(FLAGS.vocab_file) man_id = vocab.word_to_id('man') woman_id = vocab.word_to_id('woman') #person_id = vocab.word_to_id('person') # if we want to additionally process "person" words of = open(FLAGS.img_path, 'r') image_ids ='\n') if image_ids[-1] == '': image_ids = image_ids[0:-1] json_path = coco_dir + '/annotations/captions_val2014.json' json_data = json.load(open(json_path, 'r')) json_dict = {} for entry in json_data['annotations']: image_id = entry['image_id'] if str(image_id) not in image_ids: continue if image_id not in json_dict: caption = entry['caption'] caption = caption.lower() tokens = caption.split(' ') if '_man' in FLAGS.img_path: look_for = 'man' elif '_woman' in FLAGS.img_path: look_for = 'woman' else: assert (False) if look_for in tokens: json_dict[image_id] = caption if len(json_dict) == 500: break image_ids = json_dict.keys() #assert(len(image_ids)==500) with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: # Load the model from checkpoint. restore_fn(sess) global_index = 0 for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): image_id = int(image_id) sys.stdout.write('\r%d/%d' % (i, len(image_ids))) filename = coco_dir + '/images/val2014/COCO_val2014_' + "%012d" % ( image_id) + '.jpg' with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "r") as f: image = caption = json_dict[image_id] print(caption) if caption[-1] == '.': caption = caption[0:-1] tokens = caption.split(' ') tokens.insert(0, '<S>') encoded_tokens = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in tokens] man_ids = [i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == man_id] woman_ids = [ i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == woman_id ] #person_ids = [i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == person_id] if not (man_ids or woman_ids): # or person_ids): assert (False) else: for wid in man_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=man_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 for wid in woman_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=woman_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 #for wid in person_ids: # if FLAGS.save_path != "": # save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % (global_index) + '_' # else: # save_path_pre = "" # model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid-1, word_id=person_id, save_path=save_path_pre) # global_index += 1 import gc gc.collect()
def main(_): # Build the inference graph. g = tf.Graph() import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() with g.as_default(): model = gradcam_wrapper.GradCamWrapper() restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(configuration.ModelConfig(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path) #g.finalize() save_path = osp.join(FLAGS.save_path, osp.basename(FLAGS.json_path)[0:-5]) if FLAGS.save_path != "" and not osp.isdir(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) # Create the vocabulary. vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(FLAGS.vocab_file) man_id = vocab.word_to_id('man') woman_id = vocab.word_to_id('woman') person_id = vocab.word_to_id('person') #filenames = glob.glob(FLAGS.input_files) json_data = json.load(open(FLAGS.json_path, 'r')) json_dict = {} for entry in json_data: image_id = entry['image_id'] if image_id not in json_dict: json_dict[image_id] = entry['caption'] else: ipdb.set_trace() of = open(FLAGS.img_path, 'r') image_ids ='\n') if image_ids[-1] == '': image_ids = image_ids[0:-1] with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: # Load the model from checkpoint. restore_fn(sess) global_index = 0 for i, image_id in enumerate(image_ids): image_id = int(image_id) sys.stdout.write('\r%d/%d' % (i, len(image_ids))) filename = 'im2txt/data/mscoco/images/val2014/COCO_val2014_' + "%012d" % ( image_id) + '.jpg' with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "r") as f: image = if image_id not in json_dict: continue caption = json_dict[image_id] print(caption) if caption[-1] == '.': caption = caption[0:-1] tokens = caption.split(' ') tokens.insert(0, '<S>') encoded_tokens = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in tokens] man_ids = [i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == man_id] woman_ids = [ i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == woman_id ] person_ids = [ i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == person_id ] if not (man_ids or woman_ids or person_ids): # nothing to do continue else: for wid in man_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=man_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 for wid in woman_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=woman_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 for wid in person_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=person_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 import gc gc.collect()
def main(_): # Build the inference graph. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): model = gradcam_wrapper.GradCamWrapper() restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(configuration.ModelConfig(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path) #g.finalize() save_path = osp.join(FLAGS.save_path, osp.basename(FLAGS.json_path)[0:-5]) if FLAGS.save_path != "" and not osp.isdir(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) # Create the vocabulary. vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(FLAGS.vocab_file) man_id = vocab.word_to_id(FLAGS.male_word) woman_id = vocab.word_to_id(FLAGS.female_word) # person_id = vocab.word_to_id(FLAGS.neutral_word) # if we want to additionally process "person" words json_data = json.load(open(FLAGS.json_path, 'r')) json_dict = {} for entry in json_data: file_id = entry['filename'] if file_id not in json_dict: caption = entry['caption'] caption = caption.lower() json_dict[str(file_id)] = caption filenames = glob.glob(FLAGS.img_path) print(json_dict) with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: # Load the model from checkpoint. restore_fn(sess) global_index = 0 for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "r") as f: image = caption = json_dict[filename] print(caption) if caption[-1] == '.': caption = caption[0:-1] tokens = caption.split(' ') tokens.insert(0, '<S>') encoded_tokens = [vocab.word_to_id(w) for w in tokens] man_ids = [i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == man_id] woman_ids = [ i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == woman_id ] # person_ids = [i for i, c in enumerate(encoded_tokens) if c == person_id] if not (man_ids or woman_ids): # nothing to do continue else: for wid in man_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=man_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 for wid in woman_ids: if FLAGS.save_path != "": save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % ( global_index) + '_' else: save_path_pre = "" model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid - 1, word_id=woman_id, save_path=save_path_pre) global_index += 1 # for wid in person_ids: # if FLAGS.save_path != "": # save_path_pre = save_path + '/' + "%06d" % (global_index) + '_' # else: # save_path_pre = "" # model.process_image(sess, image, encoded_tokens, filename, vocab, word_index=wid-1, word_id=person_id, save_path=save_path_pre) # global_index += 1 import gc gc.collect()