def fix2013(setSize): try: tar_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host'), config.get('db_user'), config.get('db_password'), config.get('db_name')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database on: ' + config.get('db_host')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect database to :' + config.get('db_host')) log.logger.debug(e) try: ml_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_user', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_password', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_name', 'ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database ' + config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect to database ' + config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) q = 'SELECT id,name,filename FROM tar_index WHERE proccessed = 1 AND processed_2013 = 0 LIMIT ' + str( setSize) try: unfixed = db.query(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Succesfully queried tha tar_index database') except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Unable to query tar_index database') log.logger.debug(e) for unfix in unfixed: #filename = restore.extractTar(unfix['id']) q = 'SELECT Id,path,qr,uniq FROM ml WHERE selected = 1 AND uniq = 1 AND Filename = "' + unfix[ 'name'] + '"' try: qr_can = db.query(ml_db, q) log.logger.debug('Succesfully queried tha ml database') except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Unable to query ml database with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) if len(qr_can) == 1: q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str( unfix['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(qr_can[0]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(unfix['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(qr_can[0]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(qr_can[0]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get('restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str( qr_can[0]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #this could theorecticly end up with 3 matches. Image matching should be done session_dir = '/tmp/ ' + str('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S.%f')) os.mkdir(session_dir) image.convertToJpeg(unfix['filename'], session_dir) match_values = [] for c in qr_can: match_values.append( image.matchHistogram( session_dir + '/ ' + unfix['name'] + '.jpg', config.get('medialib_root_mount') + c['path'])) match = match_values.index(min(match_values)) os.remove(session_dir + '/' + unfix['name'] + '.jpg') os.remove(session_dir) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str( unfix['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(qr_can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(unfix['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(qr_can[match]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(qr_can[match]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get('restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str( qr_can[match]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e)
def selectMatch(subject): can = getCandidates(subject['name']) if len(can) == 0: try: tar_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host'), config.get('db_user'), config.get('db_password'), config.get('db_name')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database on: ' + config.get('db_host')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect database to :' + config.get('db_host')) log.logger.debug(e) try: ml_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_user', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_password', 'ml_analyse'), config.get('db_name', 'ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database ' + config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect to database ' + config.get('db_host', 'ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str( subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #filename = restore.extractTar(subject['id']) session_dir = '/tmp/ ' + str('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S.%f')) os.mkdir(session_dir) image.convertToJpeg(subject['filename'], session_dir) match_values = [] for c in can: match_values.append( image.matchHistogram( session_dir + '/' + subject['name'] + '.jpg', config.get('medialib_root_mount') + c['path'])) match = match_values.index(min(match_values)) os.remove(session_dir + '/' + subject['name'] + '.jpg') os.remove(session_dir) if can[match]['selected'] == 0: # selected candidate should not be updated q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str( subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) elif match == 0: #since can array is sorted by upload date reversed, newest (current) is array entry zero, so current is ok if match = 0 q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1,match_value = ' + str( match_values[match]) + ',ml_id = ' + str( can[match]['Id']) + ' WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str( subject['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: q = 'SELECT id,match_value FROM tar_index WHERE ml_id = ' + str( can[match]['Id']) + ' ORDER BY match_value DESC' try: others = db.query(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('queried tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not query tar_id with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) if others[0]['match_value'] >= match_values[match]: #case when new match is worse that older match q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str( subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #case when new match is bettar q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed=1,restored=1,match_value = ' + str( match_values[match]) + ',ml_id = ' + str( can[match]['Id']) + ' WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET restored = NULL,match_value = NULL,ml_id = NULL WHERE id = ' + str( others[0]['id']) try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str( subject['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db, q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(subject['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(can[match]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(can[match]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get( 'restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str( can[match]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db, q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e)
def select(select_object, candidates_object): if not os.path.isfile(select_object['path']): log.logger.critical('Cannot find master image: ' + select_object['path']) exit(1)'Working on ' + select_object['qr'] + ' with database id: ' + str(select_object['Id'])) match = [] for c in candidates_object: r = restore.extractTar(c['id']) if not os.path.isfile(r): log.logger.critical('Cannot find restore image: ' + r) exit(1) image.convertToJpeg(c['filename'], '/tmp/') match.append( image.matchHistogram(select_object['path'], '/tmp/' + c['name'] + '.jpg')) os.remove('/tmp/' + c['name'] + '.jpg') m = match.index(min(match)) #print 'THE MATCH VALUE IS!!!: ' + str(min(match)) #print select_object #print candidates_object[m] if select_object['scan_date'] is None: put_dir = os.path.join('/data/selected/', 'unknown_scandir') else: put_dir = os.path.join('/data/selected/', str(select_object['scan_date'])) jpg_put_dir = os.path.join(put_dir, 'jpeg') csv_put_dir = os.path.join(put_dir, 'csv') if not os.path.exists(put_dir): os.makedirs(jpg_put_dir) if not os.path.exists(jpg_put_dir): os.makedirs(jpg_put_dir) if not os.path.exists(csv_put_dir): os.makedirs(csv_put_dir) try: os.rename(candidates_object[m]['filename'], os.path.join(put_dir, select_object['qr'] + '.tif')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not move: ' + candidates_object[m]['filename'] + ' to: ' + os.path.join(put_dir, select_object['qr'] + '.tif')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) try: image.convertToJpeg(os.path.join(put_dir, select_object['qr'] + '.tif'), jpg_put_dir, thumbnail=True) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not create thumnail from: ' + candidates_object[m]['filename'] + ' to: /tmp/' + candidates_object[m]['name'] + '.jpg') log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) # try: # f = open(os.path.join(jpg_put_dir,select_object['qr'] + '.txt'),'w') # f.write('\\\\nnms125\\Master-Images' + select_object['path'][13:].replace('/','\\')) # f.close() # except Exception as e: # log.logger.error(e) for c in candidates_object: if os.path.exists(c['filename']): try: os.remove(c['filename'])'Succesfully removed temponary file: ' + c['filename']) except Exception as e: log.logger.waring('Could not remove temponary file: ' + c['filename'] + ' Please cleanup manually') log.logger.debug(e) #['qr','check_it','tiff','jpg','master','scan_date','wag_jpg_link','box','analytics_database_id','best_match_value','second_best_match_value','match_factor','match_diff','correct','false_description'] ma = tools.match_analytics(match) rowfill = [ select_object['qr'], tools.checkit(1000, 80), '\\\\\\selected\\' + str(select_object['scan_date']) + '\\' + select_object['qr'] + '.tif', '\\\\\\selected\\' + str(select_object['scan_date']) + '\\jpeg\\' + select_object['qr'] + '.jpg', '\\\\nnms125\\Master-Images' + select_object['path'][13:].replace('/', '\\'), str(select_object['scan_date']), '\\\\nnm\\dino\\Digibarium\\FES herbarium digistraten\\' + select_object['match_file'].replace('/', '\\'), select_object['match_box'], select_object['Id'], ma[0], ma[1], ma[2], ma[3] ] tools.write_csv( os.path.join(csv_put_dir, str(select_object['scan_date']) + '.csv'), rowfill, )
def fix2013(setSize): try: tar_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host'),config.get('db_user'),config.get('db_password'),config.get('db_name')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database on: ' + config.get('db_host')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect database to :' + config.get('db_host')) log.logger.debug(e) try: ml_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_user','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_password','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_name','ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database ' + config.get('db_host','ml_analyse')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect to database ' + config.get('db_host','ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) q = 'SELECT id,name,filename FROM tar_index WHERE proccessed = 1 AND processed_2013 = 0 LIMIT ' + str(setSize) try: unfixed = db.query(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Succesfully queried tha tar_index database') except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Unable to query tar_index database') log.logger.debug(e) for unfix in unfixed: #filename = restore.extractTar(unfix['id']) q = 'SELECT Id,path,qr,uniq FROM ml WHERE selected = 1 AND uniq = 1 AND Filename = "' + unfix['name'] + '"' try: qr_can = db.query(ml_db,q) log.logger.debug('Succesfully queried tha ml database') except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Unable to query ml database with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) if len(qr_can) == 1: q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str(unfix['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(qr_can[0]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(unfix['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(qr_can[0]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(qr_can[0]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get('restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str(qr_can[0]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #this could theorecticly end up with 3 matches. Image matching should be done session_dir = '/tmp/ ' + str('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S.%f')) os.mkdir(session_dir) image.convertToJpeg(unfix['filename'],session_dir) match_values = [] for c in qr_can: match_values.append(image.matchHistogram(session_dir + '/ ' + unfix['name'] + '.jpg', config.get('medialib_root_mount') + c['path'])) match = match_values.index(min(match_values)) os.remove(session_dir + '/' + unfix['name'] + '.jpg') os.remove(session_dir) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str(unfix['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(qr_can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(unfix['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(qr_can[match]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(qr_can[match]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get('restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str(qr_can[match]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e)
def selectMatch(subject): can = getCandidates(subject['name']) if len(can) == 0: try: tar_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host'),config.get('db_user'),config.get('db_password'),config.get('db_name')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database on: ' + config.get('db_host')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect database to :' + config.get('db_host')) log.logger.debug(e) try: ml_db = db.connect(config.get('db_host','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_user','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_password','ml_analyse'),config.get('db_name','ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug('Succesfully connected to database ' + config.get('db_host','ml_analyse')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not connect to database ' + config.get('db_host','ml_analyse')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #filename = restore.extractTar(subject['id']) session_dir = '/tmp/ ' + str('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S.%f')) os.mkdir(session_dir) image.convertToJpeg(subject['filename'],session_dir) match_values = [] for c in can: match_values.append(image.matchHistogram(session_dir + '/' + subject['name'] + '.jpg', config.get('medialib_root_mount') + c['path'])) match = match_values.index(min(match_values)) os.remove(session_dir + '/' + subject['name'] + '.jpg') os.remove(session_dir) if can[match]['selected'] == 0: # selected candidate should not be updated q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) elif match == 0: #since can array is sorted by upload date reversed, newest (current) is array entry zero, so current is ok if match = 0 q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1,match_value = ' + str(match_values[match]) + ',ml_id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) + ' WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str(subject['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: q = 'SELECT id,match_value FROM tar_index WHERE ml_id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) + ' ORDER BY match_value DESC' try: others = db.query(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('queried tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not query tar_id with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) if others[0]['match_value'] >= match_values[match]: #case when new match is worse that older match q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed = 1 WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) else: #case when new match is bettar q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET processed=1,restored=1,match_value = ' + str(match_values[match]) + ',ml_id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) + ' WHERE id = ' + str(subject['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE tar_index SET restored = NULL,match_value = NULL,ml_id = NULL WHERE id = ' + str(others[0]['id']) try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated tar db') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_index with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'UPDATE ml SET restore_match_id = ' + str(subject['id']) + ' WHERE Id = ' + str(can[match]['Id']) try: db.update(ml_db,q) log.logger.debug('Updated ml_id') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update ml_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e) q = 'INSERT INTO restore_index ' q += 'subscription_timstamp=' + str( + ', ' q += 'tar_id=' + str(subject['id']) + ', ' q += 'ml_id=' + str(can[match]['Id']) + ', ' q += 'current_path=' + str(can[match]['path']) + ', ' q += 'new_path=' + config.get('restore_upload_dir') + '/' + str(can[match]['qr']) + '.tif' try: db.update(tar_db,q) log.logger.debug('added record to restore_index') except Exception as e: log.logger.error('could not update tar_db with ' + q) log.logger.debug(e)
def select(select_object,candidates_object): if not os.path.isfile(select_object['path']): log.logger.critical('Cannot find master image: ' + select_object['path']) exit(1)'Working on ' + select_object['qr'] + ' with database id: ' + str(select_object['Id'])) match = [] for c in candidates_object: r = restore.extractTar(c['id']) if not os.path.isfile(r): log.logger.critical('Cannot find restore image: ' + r) exit(1) image.convertToJpeg(c['filename'],'/tmp/') match.append(image.matchHistogram(select_object['path'],'/tmp/' + c['name'] + '.jpg')) os.remove('/tmp/' + c['name'] + '.jpg') m = match.index(min(match)) #print 'THE MATCH VALUE IS!!!: ' + str(min(match)) #print select_object #print candidates_object[m] if select_object['scan_date'] is None: put_dir = os.path.join('/data/selected/','unknown_scandir') else: put_dir = os.path.join('/data/selected/',str(select_object['scan_date'])) jpg_put_dir = os.path.join(put_dir,'jpeg') csv_put_dir = os.path.join(put_dir,'csv') if not os.path.exists(put_dir): os.makedirs(jpg_put_dir) if not os.path.exists(jpg_put_dir): os.makedirs(jpg_put_dir) if not os.path.exists(csv_put_dir): os.makedirs(csv_put_dir) try: os.rename(candidates_object[m]['filename'],os.path.join(put_dir,select_object['qr'] + '.tif')) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not move: ' + candidates_object[m]['filename'] + ' to: ' + os.path.join(put_dir,select_object['qr'] + '.tif')) log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) try: image.convertToJpeg(os.path.join(put_dir,select_object['qr'] + '.tif'),jpg_put_dir,thumbnail=True) except Exception as e: log.logger.critical('Could not create thumnail from: ' + candidates_object[m]['filename'] + ' to: /tmp/' + candidates_object[m]['name'] + '.jpg') log.logger.debug(e) exit(1) # try: # f = open(os.path.join(jpg_put_dir,select_object['qr'] + '.txt'),'w') # f.write('\\\\nnms125\\Master-Images' + select_object['path'][13:].replace('/','\\')) # f.close() # except Exception as e: # log.logger.error(e) for c in candidates_object: if os.path.exists(c['filename']): try: os.remove(c['filename'])'Succesfully removed temponary file: ' + c['filename']) except Exception as e: log.logger.waring('Could not remove temponary file: ' + c['filename'] + ' Please cleanup manually') log.logger.debug(e) #['qr','check_it','tiff','jpg','master','scan_date','wag_jpg_link','box','analytics_database_id','best_match_value','second_best_match_value','match_factor','match_diff','correct','false_description'] ma = tools.match_analytics(match) rowfill = [select_object['qr'], tools.checkit(1000,80), '\\\\\\selected\\' + str(select_object['scan_date']) + '\\' + select_object['qr'] + '.tif', '\\\\\\selected\\' + str(select_object['scan_date']) + '\\jpeg\\' + select_object['qr'] + '.jpg', '\\\\nnms125\\Master-Images' + select_object['path'][13:].replace('/','\\'), str(select_object['scan_date']), '\\\\nnm\\dino\\Digibarium\\FES herbarium digistraten\\' + select_object['match_file'].replace('/','\\'), select_object['match_box'], select_object['Id'], ma[0], ma[1], ma[2], ma[3] ] tools.write_csv(os.path.join(csv_put_dir,str(select_object['scan_date']) + '.csv'), rowfill, )