Exemple #1
def _merge_images(pathbuilder, configs):
    merged_image = None
    compare_pb = pathbuilder.clone(build=output.DEFAULT_BUILD_NAME)
    for c in configs:
        pb = compare_pb.clone(config=c)
        tagimage = image.normalize_img(pb.tagimage)
        image.add_label(image=tagimage, label=c)
        if not merged_image:
            merged_image = tagimage
            merged_image = image.merge_images(merged_image, tagimage)
    return merged_image
Exemple #2
def __write_merged_image(file1, file2, diff, jobname):
    assert os.path.exists(file1), "file1 doesn't exist at path {}".format(file1)
    assert os.path.exists(file2), "file2 doesn't exist at path {}".format(file2)
    assert isinstance(jobname, basestring), "jobname is not a string!"
    compare_name = __get_compare_name(file1, file2)

    # Generate additional info in output
    mergedimg = image.merge_images(file1, file2)
    info = {"name": compare_name, "diff": diff}
    mergedimg2 = image.add_info(mergedimg, info)

    compare_dir = output.COMPARE_PATH
    build_dir = os.path.join(compare_dir, jobname)
    if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
    merged_path = os.path.join(build_dir, compare_name + ".png")
    LOGGER.debug("Writing merged image file at %s", merged_path)
    mergedimg2.save(open(merged_path, 'wb'))
    LOGGER.warning("%s produced diff=%s", compare_name, diff)
Exemple #3
import image

#open fits file
img = image.open_fits_file('http://data.astropy.org/tutorials/FITS-images/HorseHead.fits')

#print details of file

#extract samples
samples = image.extract_samples(img, 200, 10)

#reconstruct image
reconstruct = image.reconstruct_samples(samples, img.shape, 10)

#reconstruct image with standard deviation samples
reconstruct_stdev = image.calculate_stdev(samples, img.shape, 10)

#overlay stdev samples over image
image.merge_images(img, reconstruct_stdev)

#animation with standard deviation
image.slicing_animation(img, 100, 10)