
# Minimal example. Use the convenience function io.get_image_data() without any
# extra arguments.

from imagecluster import calc, io as icio, postproc

# The bottleneck is calc.fingerprints() called in this function, all other
# operations are very fast. get_image_data() writes fingerprints to disk and
# loads them again instead of re-calculating them.
images, fingerprints, timestamps = icio.get_image_data('downloads/cart icon/')

# Run clustering on the fingerprints. Select clusters with similarity index
# sim=0.5.
clusters = calc.cluster(fingerprints, sim=0.5)

# Create dirs with links to images. Dirs represent the clusters the images
# belong to.
postproc.make_links(clusters, 'downloads/cart icon/imagecluster/clusters')

# Plot images arranged in clusters.
postproc.visualize(clusters, images)
from imagecluster import calc as ic
from imagecluster import postproc as pp

# Create image database in memory. This helps to feed images to the NN model
# quickly.
ias = ic.image_arrays('pics/', size=(224,224))

# Create Keras NN model.
model = ic.get_model()

# Feed images through the model and extract fingerprints (feature vectors).
fps = ic.fingerprints(ias, model)

# Optionally run a PCA on the fingerprints to compress the dimensions. Use a
# cumulative explained variance ratio of 0.95.
fps = ic.pca(fps, n_components=0.95)

# Run clustering on the fingerprints.  Select clusters with similarity index
# sim=0.5
clusters = ic.cluster(fps, sim=0.5)

# Create dirs with links to images. Dirs represent the clusters the images
# belong to.
pp.make_links(clusters, 'pics/imagecluster/clusters')

# Plot images arranged in clusters.
pp.visualize(clusters, ias)
Exemple #3
def main(imagedir, sim=0.5, layer='fc2', size=(224,224), links=True, vis=False,
         max_csize=None, pca=False, pca_params=dict(n_components=0.9)):
    """Example main app using this library.

    Upon first invocation, the image and fingerprint databases are built and
    written to disk. Each new invocation loads those and only repeats
        * clustering
        * creation of links to files in clusters
        * visualization (if `vis=True`)

    This is good for playing around with the `sim` parameter, for
    instance, which only influences clustering.

    imagedir : str
        path to directory with images
    sim : float (0..1)
        similarity index (see :func:`calc.cluster`)
    layer : str
        which layer to use as feature vector (see
    size : tuple
        input image size (width, height), must match `model`, e.g. (224,224)
    links : bool
        create dirs with links
    vis : bool
        plot images in clusters
    max_csize : max number of images per cluster for visualization (see
    pca : bool
        Perform PCA on fingerprints before clustering, using `pca_params`.
    pca_params : dict
        kwargs to sklearn's PCA

    imagedir : To select only a subset of the images, create an `imagedir` and
        symlink your selected images there. In the future, we may add support
        for passing a list of files, should the need arise. But then again,
        this function is only an example front-end.
    fps_fn = pj(imagedir, ic_base_dir, 'fingerprints.pk')
    ias_fn = pj(imagedir, ic_base_dir, 'images.pk')
    ias = None
    if not os.path.exists(fps_fn):
        print(f"no fingerprints database {fps_fn} found")
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fps_fn), exist_ok=True)
        model = ic.get_model(layer=layer)
        if not os.path.exists(ias_fn):
            print(f"create image array database {ias_fn}")
            ias = ic.image_arrays(imagedir, size=size)
            co.write_pk(ias, ias_fn)
            ias = co.read_pk(ias_fn)
        print("running all images through NN model ...")
        fps = ic.fingerprints(ias, model)
        co.write_pk(fps, fps_fn)
        print(f"loading fingerprints database {fps_fn} ...")
        fps = co.read_pk(fps_fn)
    if pca:
        fps = ic.pca(fps, **pca_params)
        print("pca dims:", list(fps.values())[0].shape[0])
    print("clustering ...")
    clusters = ic.cluster(fps, sim)
    if links:
        pp.make_links(clusters, pj(imagedir, ic_base_dir, 'clusters'))
    if vis:
        if ias is None:
            ias = co.read_pk(ias_fn)
        pp.visualize(clusters, ias, max_csize=max_csize)