def get_command_settings(self, command, d): '''Get the settings associated with the current command d - the dictionary that persists the setting. None = regular ''' cc = self.get_cached_commands() if (not cc.has_key(command)) or (cc[command] is None): return [] if not d.has_key(command): classname = cc[command] try: plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) except: d[command] = [] return [] fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] for field, parameter in fp_in: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_BOOL: result += [cps.Binary(label, field.getBoolean(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: result += [cps.Integer(label, field.getLong(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: result += [cps.Float(label, field.getDouble(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_STRING: result += [cps.Text(label, J.to_string(field.get(plugin)))] else: assert field_type == P.FT_IMAGE result += [cps.ImageNameSubscriber(label, "None")] fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: result += [cps.ImageNameProvider(parameter.label() or "", "Output")] d[command] = result else: result = d[command] return result
def execute_advanced_command(self, workspace, command, d): '''Execute an advanced command command - name of the command d - dictionary to be used to find settings ''' wants_display = workspace.frame is not None if wants_display: workspace.display_data.input_images = input_images = [] workspace.display_data.output_images = output_images = [] key = command.get_unicode_value() if bioformats.USE_IJ2: node = command.get_selected_leaf() module_info = node[2] module = IJ2.wrap_module(module_info.createModule()) context = self.get_context() display_service = IJ2.get_display_service(context) display_dictionary = {} for setting, module_item in d[key]: field_type = module_item.getType() if isinstance(setting, cps.ImageNameProvider): continue if field_type == IJ2.FT_BOOL: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Boolean", "(Z)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_INTEGER: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Integer", "(I)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_FLOAT: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Double", "(D)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_STRING: value = setting.value elif field_type == IJ2.FT_COLOR: value = IJ2.make_color_rgb_from_html(setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: image_name = setting.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name) dataset = IJ2.create_dataset(image.pixel_data, setting.value) display = display_service.createDisplay(dataset) if image.has_mask: overlay = IJ2.create_overlay(image.mask) display.displayOverlay(overlay) value = display display_dictionary[module_item.getName()] = display if wants_display: input_images.append((image_name, image.pixel_data)) module.setInput(module_item.getName(), value) module_service = IJ2.get_module_service(context) for setting, module_item in d[key]: if isinstance(setting, cps.ImageNameProvider): name = module_item.getName() output_name = setting.value if display_dictionary.has_key(name): display = display_dictionary[name] else: display = IJ2.wrap_display(module.getOutput(name)) ds = display_service.getActiveDataset(display) pixel_data = ds.get_pixel_data() image = cpi.Image(pixel_data) workspace.image_set.add(output_name, image) if wants_display: output_images.append((output_name, pixel_data)) for display in display_dictionary.values(): panel = IJ2.wrap_display_panel(display.getDisplayPanel()) panel.close() else: from imagej.imageplus import make_imageplus_from_processor from imagej.imageplus import get_imageplus_wrapper from imagej.imageprocessor import make_image_processor from imagej.imageprocessor import get_image command = command.value settings = d[command] classname = self.get_cached_commands()[command] plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] image_set = workspace.image_set assert isinstance(image_set, cpi.ImageSet) for (field, parameter), setting in zip(fp_in, settings[:len(fp_in)]): field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = setting.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name, must_be_grayscale = True) pixel_data = (image.pixel_data * 255.0).astype(np.float32) if wants_display: input_images.append((image_name, pixel_data / 255.0)) processor = make_image_processor(pixel_data) image_plus = make_imageplus_from_processor(image_name, processor) field.set(plugin, image_plus) del image_plus del processor elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: field.setInt(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: field.setFloat(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_BOOL: field.setBoolean(plugin, setting.value) else: field.set(plugin, setting.value) # # There are two ways to run this: # * Batch - just call # * Interactive - use PlugInFunctions.runInteractively # if self.pause_before_proceeding: J.execute_runnable_in_main_thread(J.run_script( """new java.lang.Runnable() { run:function() { importClass(Packages.imagej.plugin.PlugInFunctions); PlugInFunctions.runInteractively(plugin); }};""", dict(plugin=plugin)), True) else: J.execute_runnable_in_main_thread(plugin, True) setting_idx = len(fp_in) fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = settings[setting_idx].value setting_idx += 1 image_plus = get_imageplus_wrapper(field.get(plugin)) processor = image_plus.getProcessor() pixel_data = get_image(processor).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 if wants_display: output_images.append((image_name, pixel_data)) image = cpi.Image(pixel_data) image_set.add(image_name, image)
def get_command_settings(self, command, d): '''Get the settings associated with the current command d - the dictionary that persists the setting. None = regular ''' key = command.get_unicode_value() if not d.has_key(key): if bioformats.USE_IJ2: try: module_info = command.get_selected_leaf()[2] except cps.ValidationError: return [] result = [] inputs = module_info.getInputs() module = module_info.createModule() implied_outputs = [] for module_item in inputs: field_type = module_item.getType() label = module_item.getLabel() value = module_item.getValue(module) minimum = module_item.getMinimumValue() maximum = module_item.getMaximumValue() description = module_item.getDescription() if field_type == IJ2.FT_BOOL: setting = cps.Binary( label,, "booleanValue", "()Z"), doc = description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_INTEGER: if minimum is not None: minimum =, "intValue", "()I") if maximum is not None: maximum =, "intValue", "()I") setting = cps.Integer( label,, "intValue", "()I"), minval = minimum, maxval = maximum, doc = description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_FLOAT: if minimum is not None: minimum =, "floatValue", "()F") if maximum is not None: maximum =, "floatValue", "()F") setting = cps.Float( label,, "floatValue", "()F"), minval = minimum, maxval = maximum, doc = description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_STRING: choices = module_item.getChoices() value = J.to_string(value) if choices is not None: choices = [J.to_string(choice) for choice in J.iterate_collection(choices)] setting = cps.Choice( label, choices, value, doc = description) else: setting = cps.Text( label, value, doc = description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_COLOR: if value is not None: value = IJ2.color_rgb_to_html(value) else: value = "#ffffff" setting = cps.Color(label, value, doc = description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: setting = cps.ImageNameSubscriber( label, "InputImage", doc = description) # # This is a Display for ij2 - the plugin typically # scribbles all over the display's image. So # we list it as an output too. # implied_outputs.append(( cps.ImageNameProvider( label, "OutputImage", doc = description), module_item)) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_OVERLAY: setting = cps.ObjectNameSubscriber( label, "ImageJObject", doc = description) else: continue result.append((setting, module_item)) for output in module_info.getOutputs(): field_type = output.getType() if field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: result.append((cps.ImageNameProvider( label, "ImageJImage", doc = description), output)) result += implied_outputs d[key] = result return [setting for setting, module_info in result] else: cc = self.get_cached_commands() if (not cc.has_key(key)) or (cc[key] is None): return [] classname = cc[key] try: plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) except: d[key] = [] return [] fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] for field, parameter in fp_in: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_BOOL: result += [cps.Binary(label, field.getBoolean(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: result += [cps.Integer(label, field.getLong(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: result += [cps.Float(label, field.getDouble(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_STRING: result += [cps.Text(label, J.to_string(field.get(plugin)))] else: assert field_type == P.FT_IMAGE result += [cps.ImageNameSubscriber(label, "None")] fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: result += [cps.ImageNameProvider(parameter.label() or "", "Output")] d[key] = result elif bioformats.USE_IJ2: result = [setting for setting, module_info in d[key]] else: result = d[key] return result
import cellprofiler.modules.run_imagej as R run_tests = (sys.platform.startswith("win")) INPUT_IMAGE_NAME = "inputimage" OUTPUT_IMAGE_NAME = "outputimage" # # Test for presence of tubeness plugin # has_tubeness = False try: import imagej.macros as M commands = M.get_commands() M.get_plugin('features.Tubeness2_0') has_tubeness = True except: print "The Tubeness plugin isn't loaded - using a simplified pipeline" class TestRunImageJ(unittest.TestCase): def test_01_01_load_v1(self): data = r"""CellProfiler Pipeline: Version:1 SVNRevision:9954 RunImageJ:[module_num:1|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:1|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D] Command or macro?:Command Command\x3A:Sharpen Macro\x3A:run("Invert"); Options\x3A:nothing
def execute_advanced_command(self, workspace, command, d): '''Execute an advanced command command - name of the command d - dictionary to be used to find settings ''' from imagej.imageplus import make_imageplus_from_processor from imagej.imageplus import get_imageplus_wrapper from imagej.imageprocessor import make_image_processor from imagej.imageprocessor import get_image settings = d[command] classname = self.get_cached_commands()[command] plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] image_set = workspace.image_set assert isinstance(image_set, cpi.ImageSet) wants_display = workspace.frame is not None if wants_display: workspace.display_data.input_images = input_images = [] workspace.display_data.output_images = output_images = [] for (field, parameter), setting in zip(fp_in, settings[:len(fp_in)]): field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = setting.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name, must_be_grayscale = True) pixel_data = (image.pixel_data * 255.0).astype(np.float32) if wants_display: input_images.append((image_name, pixel_data / 255.0)) processor = make_image_processor(pixel_data) image_plus = make_imageplus_from_processor(image_name, processor) field.set(plugin, image_plus) del image_plus del processor elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: field.setInt(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: field.setFloat(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_BOOL: field.setBoolean(plugin, setting.value) else: field.set(plugin, setting.value) # # There are two ways to run this: # * Batch - just call # * Interactive - use PlugInFunctions.runInteractively # if self.pause_before_proceeding: J.static_call('imagej/plugin/PlugInFunctions', 'runInteractively', '(Ljava/lang/Runnable)V', plugin) else:, 'run', '()V') setting_idx = len(fp_in) fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = settings[setting_idx].value setting_idx += 1 image_plus = get_imageplus_wrapper(field.get(plugin)) processor = image_plus.getProcessor() pixel_data = get_image(processor).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 if wants_display: output_images.append((image_name, pixel_data)) image = cpi.Image(pixel_data) image_set.add(image_name, image)
import cellprofiler.modules.run_imagej as R from bioformats import USE_IJ2 run_tests = (sys.platform.startswith("win") and not USE_IJ2) INPUT_IMAGE_NAME = "inputimage" OUTPUT_IMAGE_NAME = "outputimage" # # Test for presence of tubeness plugin # has_tubeness = False try: import imagej.macros as M commands = M.get_commands() M.get_plugin('features.Tubeness2_0') has_tubeness = True except: print "The Tubeness plugin isn't loaded - using a simplified pipeline" class TestRunImageJ(unittest.TestCase): def test_01_01_load_v1(self): data = r"""CellProfiler Pipeline: Version:1 SVNRevision:9954 RunImageJ:[module_num:1|svn_version:\'Unknown\'|variable_revision_number:1|show_window:True|notes:\x5B\x5D] Command or macro?:Command Command\x3A:Sharpen Macro\x3A:run("Invert");
def execute_advanced_command(self, workspace, command, d): '''Execute an advanced command command - name of the command d - dictionary to be used to find settings ''' wants_display = workspace.frame is not None if wants_display: workspace.display_data.input_images = input_images = [] workspace.display_data.output_images = output_images = [] key = command.get_unicode_value() if bioformats.USE_IJ2: node = command.get_selected_leaf() module_info = node[2] module = IJ2.wrap_module(module_info.createModule()) context = self.get_context() display_service = IJ2.get_display_service(context) display_dictionary = {} for setting, module_item in d[key]: field_type = module_item.getType() if isinstance(setting, cps.ImageNameProvider): continue if field_type == IJ2.FT_BOOL: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Boolean", "(Z)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_INTEGER: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Integer", "(I)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_FLOAT: value = J.make_instance("java/lang/Double", "(D)V", setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_STRING: value = setting.value elif field_type == IJ2.FT_COLOR: value = IJ2.make_color_rgb_from_html(setting.value) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: image_name = setting.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image(image_name) dataset = IJ2.create_dataset(image.pixel_data, setting.value) display = display_service.createDisplay(dataset) if image.has_mask: overlay = IJ2.create_overlay(image.mask) display.displayOverlay(overlay) value = display display_dictionary[module_item.getName()] = display if wants_display: input_images.append((image_name, image.pixel_data)) module.setInput(module_item.getName(), value) module_service = IJ2.get_module_service(context) for setting, module_item in d[key]: if isinstance(setting, cps.ImageNameProvider): name = module_item.getName() output_name = setting.value if display_dictionary.has_key(name): display = display_dictionary[name] else: display = IJ2.wrap_display(module.getOutput(name)) ds = display_service.getActiveDataset(display) pixel_data = ds.get_pixel_data() image = cpi.Image(pixel_data) workspace.image_set.add(output_name, image) if wants_display: output_images.append((output_name, pixel_data)) for display in display_dictionary.values(): panel = IJ2.wrap_display_panel(display.getDisplayPanel()) panel.close() else: from imagej.imageplus import make_imageplus_from_processor from imagej.imageplus import get_imageplus_wrapper from imagej.imageprocessor import make_image_processor from imagej.imageprocessor import get_image command = command.value settings = d[command] classname = self.get_cached_commands()[command] plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] image_set = workspace.image_set assert isinstance(image_set, cpi.ImageSet) for (field, parameter), setting in zip(fp_in, settings[:len(fp_in)]): field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = setting.value image = workspace.image_set.get_image( image_name, must_be_grayscale=True) pixel_data = (image.pixel_data * 255.0).astype(np.float32) if wants_display: input_images.append((image_name, pixel_data / 255.0)) processor = make_image_processor(pixel_data) image_plus = make_imageplus_from_processor( image_name, processor) field.set(plugin, image_plus) del image_plus del processor elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: field.setInt(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: field.setFloat(plugin, setting.value) elif field_type == P.FT_BOOL: field.setBoolean(plugin, setting.value) else: field.set(plugin, setting.value) # # There are two ways to run this: # * Batch - just call # * Interactive - use PlugInFunctions.runInteractively # if self.pause_before_proceeding: J.static_call('imagej/plugin/PlugInFunctions', 'runInteractively', '(Ljava/lang/Runnable)V', plugin) else:, 'run', '()V') setting_idx = len(fp_in) fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: image_name = settings[setting_idx].value setting_idx += 1 image_plus = get_imageplus_wrapper(field.get(plugin)) processor = image_plus.getProcessor() pixel_data = get_image(processor).astype( np.float32) / 255.0 if wants_display: output_images.append((image_name, pixel_data)) image = cpi.Image(pixel_data) image_set.add(image_name, image)
def get_command_settings(self, command, d): '''Get the settings associated with the current command d - the dictionary that persists the setting. None = regular ''' key = command.get_unicode_value() if not d.has_key(key): if bioformats.USE_IJ2: try: module_info = command.get_selected_leaf()[2] except cps.ValidationError: return [] result = [] inputs = module_info.getInputs() module = module_info.createModule() implied_outputs = [] for module_item in inputs: field_type = module_item.getType() label = module_item.getLabel() value = module_item.getValue(module) minimum = module_item.getMinimumValue() maximum = module_item.getMaximumValue() description = module_item.getDescription() if field_type == IJ2.FT_BOOL: setting = cps.Binary(label,, "booleanValue", "()Z"), doc=description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_INTEGER: if minimum is not None: minimum =, "intValue", "()I") if maximum is not None: maximum =, "intValue", "()I") setting = cps.Integer(label,, "intValue", "()I"), minval=minimum, maxval=maximum, doc=description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_FLOAT: if minimum is not None: minimum =, "floatValue", "()F") if maximum is not None: maximum =, "floatValue", "()F") setting = cps.Float(label,, "floatValue", "()F"), minval=minimum, maxval=maximum, doc=description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_STRING: choices = module_item.getChoices() value = J.to_string(value) if choices is not None: choices = [ J.to_string(choice) for choice in J.iterate_collection(choices) ] setting = cps.Choice(label, choices, value, doc=description) else: setting = cps.Text(label, value, doc=description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_COLOR: if value is not None: value = IJ2.color_rgb_to_html(value) else: value = "#ffffff" setting = cps.Color(label, value, doc=description) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: setting = cps.ImageNameSubscriber(label, "InputImage", doc=description) # # This is a Display for ij2 - the plugin typically # scribbles all over the display's image. So # we list it as an output too. # implied_outputs.append( (cps.ImageNameProvider(label, "OutputImage", doc=description), module_item)) elif field_type == IJ2.FT_OVERLAY: setting = cps.ObjectNameSubscriber(label, "ImageJObject", doc=description) else: continue result.append((setting, module_item)) for output in module_info.getOutputs(): field_type = output.getType() if field_type == IJ2.FT_IMAGE: result.append( (cps.ImageNameProvider(label, "ImageJImage", doc=description), output)) result += implied_outputs d[key] = result return [setting for setting, module_info in result] else: cc = self.get_cached_commands() if (not cc.has_key(key)) or (cc[key] is None): return [] classname = cc[key] try: plugin = M.get_plugin(classname) except: d[key] = [] return [] fp_in = P.get_input_fields_and_parameters(plugin) result = [] for field, parameter in fp_in: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) label = parameter.label() or "" if field_type == P.FT_BOOL: result += [cps.Binary(label, field.getBoolean(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_INTEGER: result += [cps.Integer(label, field.getLong(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_FLOAT: result += [cps.Float(label, field.getDouble(plugin))] elif field_type == P.FT_STRING: result += [ cps.Text(label, J.to_string(field.get(plugin))) ] else: assert field_type == P.FT_IMAGE result += [cps.ImageNameSubscriber(label, "None")] fp_out = P.get_output_fields_and_parameters(plugin) for field, parameter in fp_out: field_type = P.get_field_type(field) if field_type == P.FT_IMAGE: result += [ cps.ImageNameProvider(parameter.label() or "", "Output") ] d[key] = result elif bioformats.USE_IJ2: result = [setting for setting, module_info in d[key]] else: result = d[key] return result