Exemple #1
    def __save_annotations_to_file(image_path, yolo_labels_lists, write_mode):
        saves yolo annnotations lists to annotations file list of lists:[[0,1,1,1,1],[1,0,0,0,0]]
        returns annotation_file_path 

        # prepare the annotations
        yolo_labels = []
        for yolo_labels_list in yolo_labels_lists:
            yolo_labels.append("{0} {1:.6} {2:.6} {3:.6} {4:.6}".format(
                yolo_labels_list[0], yolo_labels_list[1], yolo_labels_list[2],
                yolo_labels_list[3], yolo_labels_list[4]))

        image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_path)
        annotation_file_path = "{0}.txt".format(image_name)

        # if last character of the file is not \n we cant append directly we should add another line
        # since __write_to_file function writes lists to line inserting an empty string automatically creates a new line
        if (os.path.exists(annotation_file_path)):
            temp_file_content = __read_from_file(annotation_file_path)
            if (temp_file_content):
                if (temp_file_content[-1][-1] != "\n"):
                    yolo_labels.insert(0, "")

        # write prepared annotations to file

        return annotation_file_path
Exemple #2
def count_classes_from_annotation_files(class_path,
    Counts individual class appearances in a folder.

    # Arguments:
        class_path: path of a class folder. (a folder with annotation .txt files)
        names_path: path of the obj.names file.
        include_zeros: (False) includes non existing classes to the dictionary.

    classes = {}

    # read files
    names = __read_from_file(names_path).split()
    annotation_files = os.listdir(class_path)
    annotation_files = list(
        filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".txt"), annotation_files))

    # include zeros
    if (include_zeros):
        for name in names:
            classes.update({name: 0})

    for annotation_file in annotation_files:
        annotations_str = __read_from_file(
            os.path.join(class_path, annotation_file))

        # split annotations
        annotations = annotations_str.split("\n")
        annotations = filter(None, annotations)
        annotations = [annotation.split(" ") for annotation in annotations]

        # count classes
        for annotation in annotations:
            current_class_index = int(annotation[0])
            current_class_name = names[current_class_index]
            if (current_class_name in classes):
                    {current_class_name: classes[current_class_name] + 1})
                classes.update({current_class_name: 1})

    return classes
Exemple #3
def remove_class_from_annotation_files(class_path,
    Removes a class and fixes the indexes of all annotation files in a directory

    # Arguments:
        class_path: path of a class folder. (a folder with annotation .txt files)
        class_index_to_remove: index of the class which will be removed.
        new_annotations_path ("new_annotations"): save path for new annotation files. (you can give the same path to override or another path for keeping the original ones)

    # read and filter annotation files
    annotation_files = os.listdir(class_path)
    annotation_files = list(
        filter(lambda x: x.endswith(".txt"), annotation_files))

    # create new annotations dir if not exists
    if (not os.path.exists(new_annotations_path)):

    # loop annotation files
    for annotation_file in annotation_files:
        annotations_str = __read_from_file(
            os.path.join(class_path, annotation_file))

        # split annotations
        annotations = annotations_str.split("\n")
        annotations = filter(None, annotations)
        annotations = [annotation.split(" ") for annotation in annotations]

        # create new annotations by decreasing bigger indexes by one
        new_annotations = []
        for annotation in annotations:
            current_class_index = int(annotation[0])
            if (current_class_index < class_index_to_remove):
            elif (current_class_index > class_index_to_remove):
                # temp_annotation = annotation
                annotation[0] = int(annotation[0]) - 1

        # prepare annotations to write a file
        write_ready_annotations = []
        for new_annotation in new_annotations:
            write_ready_annotations.append("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(
                new_annotation[0], new_annotation[1], new_annotation[2],
                new_annotation[3], new_annotation[4]))

        # new path
        annotation_path = os.path.join(new_annotations_path, annotation_file)

        # write
        __write_to_file(write_ready_annotations, annotation_path)
Exemple #4
 def __load_annotations_from_file(image_path):
     loads an images annotations with using that images path returns none if annotation is not exists
     # checking if the annotation file exists if exists read it
     image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_path)
     annotation_file_path = "{0}.txt".format(image_name)
     if os.path.exists(annotation_file_path):
         annotations = __read_from_file(annotation_file_path)
         annotations = annotations.split("\n")
         annotations = filter(None, annotations)  # delete empty lists
         annotations = [annotation.split() for annotation in annotations]
         # convert annotations to float and label to int
         # yolo annotation structure: (0 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5)
         for annotation in annotations:
             annotation[0] = int(annotation[0])
             annotation[1] = float(annotation[1])
             annotation[2] = float(annotation[2])
             annotation[3] = float(annotation[3])
             annotation[4] = float(annotation[4])
         return annotations
         return None
Exemple #5
def draw_bounding_boxes(images_path_file,
    Draws bounding boxes of images

    # input
    images_path_file: a file that consists of image paths
    class_names_file: class names for bounding boxes
    save_path:("annoted_images") save path of the new images
    import cv2
    import numpy as np

    image_paths = __read_from_file(images_path_file)
    image_paths = image_paths.split()

    class_names = __read_from_file(class_names_file)
    class_names = class_names.split()

    # make the dir
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):

    for image_path in image_paths:

        image = cv2.imread(image_path)

        # set up save loaction and get annotation file
        image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_path)
        new_file_name = "{0}(objects){1}".format(image_name, image_extension)
        new_file_save_path = os.path.join(save_path,
        annotation_file_path = "{0}.txt".format(image_name)

        # parse annotation file

        if os.path.exists(annotation_file_path):
            annotations = __read_from_file(annotation_file_path)
            annotations = annotations.split("\n")
            annotations = filter(None, annotations)  # delete empty lists
            annotations = [annotation.split() for annotation in annotations]
            # convert annotations to float and label to int
            # yolo annotation structure: (0 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5)
            for annotation in annotations:
                annotation[0] = int(annotation[0])
                annotation[1] = float(annotation[1])
                annotation[2] = float(annotation[2])
                annotation[3] = float(annotation[3])
                annotation[4] = float(annotation[4])

        # get dimensions of image
        image_height = np.size(image, 0)
        image_width = np.size(image, 1)

        # convert points
        opencv_points = __convert_annotations_yolo_to_opencv(
            image_width, image_height, annotations)

        # draw the rectangles using converted points
        for opencv_point in opencv_points:
            # give error if an annoted file has impossible class value
            if (opencv_point[0] > len(class_names) - 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "this image file has an annotation that has bigger class number than current selected class file"

            cv2.rectangle(image, (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                          (opencv_point[3], opencv_point[4]), (0, 200, 100), 2)
            cv2.line(image, (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                     (opencv_point[3], opencv_point[4]), (255, 0, 0), 1)
                        (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                        color=(0, 0, 0),

        cv2.imwrite(new_file_save_path, image)

        print("Image saved: {0}".format(new_file_save_path))
Exemple #6
def yolo_annotation_tool(
        max_windows_size=(1200, 700),
        image_extensions=[".jpg", ".JPG", ".jpeg", ".png", ".PNG"]):
    annotation tool for yolo labeling
    # warning it uses two global variables (__coords__, __drawing__) due to the opencvs mouse callback function

    # usage 
    a go backward
    d go forward
    s save selected annotations
    z delete last annotation
    r remove unsaved annotations
    c clear all saved annotations
    h hide or show labels on the image
    import cv2
    import numpy as np

    # read images
    images = os.listdir(images_path)

    # remove not included files
    # for image in images:
    #     image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image)
    #     if image_extension not in image_extensions:
    #         images.remove(image)

    def __filter_function(image):
        _, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image)
        if image_extension in image_extensions:
            return image

    images = filter(__filter_function, images)

    # add paths to images
    images = [os.path.join(images_path, image) for image in images]

    # read class names
    class_names = __read_from_file(class_names_file)
    class_names = class_names.split()

    # -----unused-----
    def __on__trackbar_change(image):
        Callback function for trackbar

    def __resize_with_aspect_ratio(image, width, height, inter=cv2.INTER_AREA):
        resize image while saving aspect ratio
        (h, w) = image.shape[:2]

        if width is None and height is None:
            return image
        if h > w:
            r = height / float(h)
            dim = (int(w * r), height)
            r = width / float(w)
            dim = (width, int(h * r))

        image = cv2.resize(image, dim, interpolation=inter)

        return image

    # ---------------

    def __draw_rectangle_on_mouse_drag(event, x, y, flags, param):
        draws rectangle with mouse events
        global __coords__, __drawing__

        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            __coords__ = [(x, y)]
            __drawing__ = True

        elif event == 0 and __drawing__:
            __coords__[1:] = [(x, y)]
            im = image.copy()
            cv2.rectangle(im, __coords__[0], __coords__[1], (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.imshow(window_name, im)

        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            # __coords__.append((x, y))
            __coords__[1:] = [(x, y)]
            __drawing__ = False

            if (__coords__[0][0] and __coords__[1][0] > 0 and __coords__[0][0]
                    and __coords__[1][0] < max_windows_size[0]):
                if (__coords__[0][1] and __coords__[1][1] > 0
                        and __coords__[0][1]
                        and __coords__[1][1] < max_windows_size[1]):

                    cv2.rectangle(image, __coords__[0], __coords__[1],
                                  (255, 0, 0), 2)

                    # add points
                    points.append(((label), __coords__[0], __coords__[1]))

        elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:

    def __save_annotations_to_file(image_path, yolo_labels_lists, write_mode):
        saves yolo annnotations lists to annotations file list of lists:[[0,1,1,1,1],[1,0,0,0,0]]
        returns annotation_file_path 

        # prepare the annotations
        yolo_labels = []
        for yolo_labels_list in yolo_labels_lists:
            yolo_labels.append("{0} {1:.6} {2:.6} {3:.6} {4:.6}".format(
                yolo_labels_list[0], yolo_labels_list[1], yolo_labels_list[2],
                yolo_labels_list[3], yolo_labels_list[4]))

        image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_path)
        annotation_file_path = "{0}.txt".format(image_name)

        # if last character of the file is not \n we cant append directly we should add another line
        # since __write_to_file function writes lists to line inserting an empty string automatically creates a new line
        if (os.path.exists(annotation_file_path)):
            temp_file_content = __read_from_file(annotation_file_path)
            if (temp_file_content):
                if (temp_file_content[-1][-1] != "\n"):
                    yolo_labels.insert(0, "")

        # write prepared annotations to file

        return annotation_file_path

    def __load_annotations_from_file(image_path):
        loads an images annotations with using that images path returns none if annotation is not exists
        # checking if the annotation file exists if exists read it
        image_name, image_extension = os.path.splitext(image_path)
        annotation_file_path = "{0}.txt".format(image_name)
        if os.path.exists(annotation_file_path):
            annotations = __read_from_file(annotation_file_path)
            annotations = annotations.split("\n")
            annotations = filter(None, annotations)  # delete empty lists
            annotations = [annotation.split() for annotation in annotations]
            # convert annotations to float and label to int
            # yolo annotation structure: (0 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5)
            for annotation in annotations:
                annotation[0] = int(annotation[0])
                annotation[1] = float(annotation[1])
                annotation[2] = float(annotation[2])
                annotation[3] = float(annotation[3])
                annotation[4] = float(annotation[4])
            return annotations
            return None

    def __draw_bounding_boxes_to_image(image_path, class_names):
        draw annotations if file is exists

        # loading annotation file if exists
        annotations = __load_annotations_from_file(image_path)

        if (not annotations):
            return None, 0

        # loading image
        image = cv2.imread(image_path)

        # get dimensions of image
        image_height = np.size(image, 0)
        image_width = np.size(image, 1)

        # convert points
        opencv_points = __convert_annotations_yolo_to_opencv(
            image_width, image_height, annotations)

        # draw the rectangles using converted points
        for opencv_point in opencv_points:
            # give error if an annoted file has impossible class value
            if (opencv_point[0] > len(class_names) - 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "this txt file has an annotation that has bigger class number than current selected class file"

            cv2.rectangle(image, (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                          (opencv_point[3], opencv_point[4]), (0, 200, 100), 2)
            cv2.line(image, (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                     (opencv_point[3], opencv_point[4]), (255, 0, 0), 1)

            if (show_labels):
                            (opencv_point[1], opencv_point[2]),
                            color=(0, 0, 0),

        return image, len(annotations)

    def __refresh_image(image_index, label):
        if annotation file exists draw the rectangles resize and return the image if not just return the resized image
        also draw information to the image
        image, annoted_object_count = __draw_bounding_boxes_to_image(
            images[image_index], class_names)
        if (image is None):
            image = cv2.imread(images[image_index])
        # image = __resize_with_aspect_ratio(image, max_windows_size[0], max_windows_size[1])
        image = cv2.resize(image, max_windows_size)

        if (annoted_object_count == 0):
            __save_annotations_to_file(images[image_index], [], "w")

        # show some info with puttext and print
        _, image_name = os.path.split(images[image_index])
                    "{0}/{1} {2} objs:{3} lbl:{4}".format(
                        len(images), image_index + 1, image_name,
                        annoted_object_count, class_names[label]), (0, 15),
                    color=(0, 200, 100),
        print("{0}/{1} objects: {2} label: {3} image: {4}".format(
            len(images), image_index + 1, annoted_object_count,
            class_names[label], images[image_index]))

        return image

    points = []
    image_index = 0
    label_temp = 0
    global __drawing__
    __drawing__ = False
    window_name = "Yolo annotation tool"
    image = images[0]
    show_labels = True

    # create window and set it up
    cv2.moveWindow(window_name, 40, 30)
    cv2.setMouseCallback(window_name, __draw_rectangle_on_mouse_drag, image)
    cv2.createTrackbar('label', window_name, 0,
                       len(class_names) - 1, __on__trackbar_change)
    image = __refresh_image(image_index, 0)

    # gui loop
    while (True):

        label = cv2.getTrackbarPos('label', window_name)

        # bu ne salak yontem lan kafan mi iyidi yaparken
        if (label != label_temp):
            image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
            label_temp = label
            points = []

        # dont refresh the original frame while drawing
        if (not __drawing__):
            cv2.imshow(window_name, image)

        key = cv2.waitKey(30)

        # save selected annotations to a file
        if (key == ord("s")):
            if (len(points) > 0):

                image_height = np.size(image, 0)
                image_width = np.size(image, 1)

                # convert and save annotations to file
                yolo_labels_lists = __convert_annotations_opencv_to_yolo(
                    image_width, image_height, points)
                                           yolo_labels_lists, "a")

                # reset points and refresh image
                image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
                points = []

                print("annotation saved {0}".format(yolo_labels_lists))

        # move backward
        if (key == ord("a")):
            if (image_index > 0):
                image_index -= 1
                image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
                points = []

        # move forward
        if (key == ord("d")):
            if (image_index < len(images) - 1):
                image_index += 1
                image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
                points = []

        # delete last annotation
        if (key == ord("z")):
            # load annotations
            yolo_labels_lists = __load_annotations_from_file(
            if (yolo_labels_lists):
                # delete last one
                # save new annotations (last one deleted)
                annotation_file_path = __save_annotations_to_file(
                    images[image_index], yolo_labels_lists, "w")
                image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
                points = []

                # # if file is empty delete it
                # if(len(yolo_labels_lists) == 0):
                #     os.remove(annotation_file_path)

        # refresh current image
        if (key == ord("r")):
            image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
            points = []

        # clear annotations
        if (key == ord("c")):
            __save_annotations_to_file(images[image_index], [], "w")
            image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
            points = []

        # hide show labels
        if (key == ord("h")):
            if (show_labels):
                show_labels = False
                show_labels = True
            image = __refresh_image(image_index, label)
            points = []

        # if window is closed break this has to be after waitkey
        if (cv2.getWindowProperty(window_name, 0) < 0):
            # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

        # quit on esc
        if (key == 27):
