Exemple #1
class Cherry(Sprite):
    CHERRY_SIZE = 30

    def __init__(self, screen):
        super(Cherry, self).__init__()
        self.screen = screen.get_rect()
        self.image = ImageRect(screen, "cherry", Cherry.CHERRY_SIZE, Cherry.CHERRY_SIZE)
        self.rect = self.image.rect

        # Starts the cherry at this location
        self.rect.x = 300
        self.rect.y = 390

    def blitme(self):

    def update(self, pm):

    def collide(self, pm):
        """Collision for the dead ghost"""
        if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, pm):
            self.rect.x = 800
            self.rect.y = 800
            pm.score += 200
            eat = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/eatfruit.wav')
Exemple #2
class Pill(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, screen, rect):
        super(Pill, self).__init__()
        self.im = ImageRect(screen, "pill", 10, 10)
        self.screen = screen
        self.im.rect = rect
        self.rect = self.im.rect

    def update(self):
Exemple #3
class Dot(Sprite):

    def __init__(self, screen, rect):
        super(Dot, self).__init__()
        self.im = ImageRect(screen, "dot", 10, 10)
        self.screen = screen
        self.im.rect = rect
        self.rect = self.im.rect

    def update(self):
Exemple #4
class PacMan(Sprite):
    def __init__(self, screen, row, col, maze):
        super(PacMan, self).__init__()
        self.screen = screen
        self.s_rect = screen.get_rect()
        self.im = ImageRect(screen, "pac_man_1", 18, 18)
        self.im.rect.centerx = col * 10 + 5
        self.im.rect.centery = row * 10 + 5
        self.maze = maze
        self.rect = self.im.rect
        self.moving_up = False
        self.moving_down = False
        self.moving_right = False
        self.moving_left = False
        self.speed = 10
        self.state = 1
        self.death_state = 1
        self.dir = ""
        self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self.walls = [
            'T', 'B', 'R', 'L', 'G', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'Y', 'Z', 'W', 'X', 'S'
        self.dead = False
        self.sound_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        self.finished = False

    def update(self):
        temp = ""
        if not self.dead:
            if self.moving_up and pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 100:

                temp = self.maze.rows[self.row - 1]
                val = temp[self.col]
                if val not in self.walls:
                    self.im.rect.y -= self.speed
                    self.row -= 1
                self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                self.dir = 'up'
                temp = "pac_man_up_" + str(self.state)
            elif self.moving_down and pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 100:

                temp = self.maze.rows[self.row + 1]
                val = temp[self.col]
                if val not in self.walls:
                    self.row += 1
                    self.im.rect.y += self.speed
                self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                self.dir = 'down'
                temp = "pac_man_down_" + str(self.state)
            elif self.moving_right and pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 100:

                temp = self.maze.rows[self.row]
                if self.col < 27:
                    val = temp[self.col + 1]
                    val = temp[0]
                if val not in self.walls:
                    self.im.rect.x += self.speed
                    self.col += 1
                self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                self.dir = 'right'
                temp = "pac_man_right_" + str(self.state)
            elif self.moving_left and pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 100:

                temp = self.maze.rows[self.row]
                val = temp[self.col - 1]
                if val not in self.walls:
                    self.im.rect.x -= self.speed
                    self.col -= 1
                self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                self.dir = 'left'
                temp = "pac_man_left_" + str(self.state)
                return temp
            if self.rect.x < 0:
                self.rect.centerx = 275
                self.col = 27
            elif self.rect.x > self.s_rect.width:
                self.rect.centerx = 5
                self.col = 0
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.sound_timer >= 500:
                sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/pacman_chomp.wav")
                self.sound_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
            self.rect = self.im.rect
            self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, temp, 18, 18)
            self.im.rect = self.rect
            if self.state >= 3:
                self.state = 1
                self.state += 1
            if self.death_state == 1:
                deathsound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/pacmandies.wav")
            if pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 200 and self.death_state < 12:
                temp = "pac_man_death_" + str(self.death_state)
                self.death_state += 1
                self.rect = self.im.rect
                self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, temp, 18, 18)
                self.im.rect = self.rect
                self.speed_timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks(
            ) - self.speed_timer >= 200 and self.death_state >= 12:
                self.finished = True

    def create_portal(self, portal_num):
        current_row = self.maze.rows[self.row]

        if self.dir == 'right':
            for x in range(self.col, len(current_row)):
                if current_row[x] == 'R':
                    current_row = current_row[:x] + str(
                        portal_num) + current_row[x + 1:]
        elif self.dir == 'left':
            current_row = current_row[::-1]
            for x in range(self.col, len(current_row)):
                if current_row[x] == 'L':
                    current_row = current_row[:x] + str(
                        portal_num) + current_row[x + 1:]
                    current_row = current_row[::-1]

        self.maze.rows[self.row] = current_row

    def blitme(self):
Exemple #5
class Red(Sprite):
    RED_SIZE = 30

    def __init__(self, screen, maze):
        super(Red, self).__init__()
        self.screen = screen.get_rect()
        self.image = ImageRect(screen, "g_red_left_1", Red.RED_SIZE, Red.RED_SIZE)
        self.rect = self.image.rect

        # Starts the Red ghost at this location
        self.rect.x = 300
        self.rect.y = 230

        self.maze = maze

        # Setting movement flags - Red ghost starts moving left on game start
        self.direction = "u"
        self.move = "u"

        # Speed
        self.speed = 5
        self.tick_dead = 30
        self.tick_alive = 10
        self.tick_speed = self.tick_alive

        # Index for images
        self.index = 1
        self.dead_index = 1
        self.dead_timer = 1

        # Get available directions
        self.avail = []

        # Set state of pacman to start as alive
        self.alive = True
        self.eat = False

        # Ticks
        self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()

    def update(self, maze, screen, pm):
        """Update position based on movement flags"""
        if gf.stop_ball(self, maze) is False and pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.tick_speed:
            self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
            if self.move == "l":
                self.image.rect.x -= self.speed
                if self.eat is False:
                    file = "g_red_left_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
                    file = "g_eyes_left"
            elif self.move == "r":
                self.image.rect.x += self.speed
                if self.eat is False:
                    file = "g_red_right_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
                    file = "g_eyes_right"
            elif self.move == "d":
                self.image.rect.y += self.speed
                if self.eat is False:
                    file = "g_red_down_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
                    file = "g_eyes_down"
            elif self.move == "u":
                self.image.rect.y -= self.speed
                if self.eat is False:
                    file = "g_red_up_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
                    file = "g_eyes_up"
                file = "g_red_left_1"
            self.image = ImageRect(screen, file, Red.RED_SIZE, Red.RED_SIZE)
            self.image.rect = self.rect
            if self.index > 2.5:
                self.index = 1
                self.index += .1

        """For the dead ghosts"""
        if self.alive is False and self.eat is False:
            file = "evil_" + str(math.floor(self.dead_index))
            self.image = ImageRect(screen, file, Red.RED_SIZE, Red.RED_SIZE)
            self.image.rect = self.rect
            if self.dead_timer > 20:
                self.alive = True
                self.dead_timer += .05
                if self.dead_timer < 15:
                    if self.dead_index > 2.5:
                        self.dead_index = 1
                        self.dead_index += .1
                    if self.dead_index > 3.5:
                        self.dead_index = 2
                        self.dead_index += .1

        """Change speed of dead ghosts"""
        if self.alive is True:
            self.tick_speed = self.tick_alive
        elif self.alive is False:
            self.tick_speed = self.tick_dead

        self.dead_collide(pm, maze)

    def ai(self, maze):
        """Make the ghost move by itself"""
        """Making the ghost move out of the jail"""
        if self.move == "u" and self.rect == (300, 230, 30, 30):
            self.move = "l"

        elif 295 < self.rect.x < 305 and 325 < self.rect.y < 335:
            self.move = "u"

        if gf.stop_ball(self, maze) is True and self.eat is False:
            if len(self.avail) == 0:
                self.move = "l"
                self.move = "r"
                self.move = "u"
                self.move = "d"
                print("ERROR: NO MOVES AVAILABLE")

                rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                self.move = rand

        # if gf.stop_ball(self, maze) is True and self.eat is True:
        if self.eat is True:

            if self.rect.x < 190 and self.rect.y is not 230:
                if "r" in self.avail:
                    self.move = "r"
                elif gf.stop_ball(self, maze):
                    rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                    self.move = rand

            elif self.rect.x > 410 and self.rect.y is not 230:
                if "l" in self.avail:
                    self.move = "l"
                elif gf.stop_ball(self, maze):
                    rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                    self.move = rand

            elif self.rect.y < 230 and self.rect.x is not 300:
                if "d" in self.avail:
                    self.move = "d"
                elif gf.stop_ball(self, maze):
                    rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                    self.move = rand

            elif self.rect.y > 230 and self.rect.x is not 300:
                if "u" in self.avail:
                    self.move = "u"
                elif gf.stop_ball(self, maze):
                    rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                    self.move = rand

            elif self.rect.y is 230 and 190 < self.rect.x < 410:
                if 295 < self.rect.x < 305:
                    self.move = "d"
                elif self.rect.x < 300:
                    self.move = "r"
                elif self.rect.x > 300:
                    self.move = "l"
                rand = random.choice(self.avail)
                self.move = rand

    def check_directions(self, maze):
        # check which directions are available to move
        self.direction = "u"
        if gf.brick_collision(self, maze) is False:
            if self.move is not "d":

        self.direction = "d"
        if gf.brick_collision(self, maze) is False:
            if self.move is not "u":

        self.direction = "l"
        if gf.brick_collision(self, maze) is False:
            if self.move is not "r":

        self.direction = "r"
        if gf.brick_collision(self, maze) is False:
            if self.move is not "l":

    def blitme(self):

    def dead_collide(self, pm, maze):
        """Collision for the dead ghost"""
        if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, pm) and self.alive is False:
            if self.alive is False and self.eat is False:
                pm.score += 200
                eat = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/eatghost.wav')
                self.eat = True

        if self.eat is True:
            for lines in maze.lines:
                if lines.colliderect(self):
                    self.eat = False
                    self.alive = True
Exemple #6
class Ghost(Sprite):

    def __init__(self, ghost_type, p_man, screen, maze, row, col, blinky=None):
        super(Ghost, self).__init__()
        self.type = ghost_type
        self.p_man = p_man
        self.maze = maze
        self.row = row
        self.col = col
        self.blinky_lvl = 0
        self.blink_timer = 0
        self.blinky = blinky
        self.explosions = Group()
        if self.type == 'b':
            self.filename = "g_red_"
            self.targetcol = self.p_man.col
            self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
            self.scattercol = 26
            self.scatterrow = 0
            self.nextrow = self.row
            self.nextcol = self.col - 1
            self.awake = True
        elif self.type == 'p':
            self.filename = "g_pink_"
            self.targetcol = self.p_man.col + 4
            self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
            self.scattercol = 0
            self.scatterrow = 0
            self.nextrow = self.row
            self.nextcol = self.col - 1
            self.awake = False
        elif self.type == 'i':
            self.filename = 'g_teal_'
            self.targetcol = 26
            self.targetrow = 30
            self.scattercol = 26
            self.scatterrow = 30
            self.nextrow = self.row
            self.nextcol = self.col - 1
            self.awake = False
        elif self.type == 'c':
            self.filename = 'g_orng_'
            self.targetcol = 0
            self.targetrow = 30
            self.scattercol = 0
            self.scatterrow = 30
            self.nextrow = self.row
            self.nextcol = self.col - 1
            self.awake = False

        self.screen = screen
        self.target = None
        self.speed = 200
        self.leave = 0

        self.state = 1
        self.dir = 'left'
        self.nextdir = 'left'
        self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename+self.dir+'_'+str(self.state), 18, 18)
        self.eaten = False
        self.im.rect.centerx = col * 10 + 5
        self.im.rect.centery = row * 10 + 5
        self.rect = self.im.rect
        self.walls = ['T', 'B', 'R', 'L', 'G', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'Y', 'Z', 'W', 'X', 'S']
        self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        self.frightened = False
        self.fear_timer = 0
        self.start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()

    def start(self, start_time):
        self.start_time = start_time

    def animate(self):
        if self.state == 1:
            self.state = 2
        elif self.state == 2:
            self.state = 1

        if self.frightened and pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.fear_timer < 4000:
            self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, 'g_blue_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
        elif self.frightened and pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.fear_timer >= 4000:
            if self.state == 1:
                self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, 'g_white_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
            if self.state == 2:
                self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, 'g_blue_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
            self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
        if self.eaten:
            self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, 'g_eaten_' + self.dir, 18, 18)
        self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
        self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
        self.rect = self.im.rect

    def update(self, move):
        for explosion in self.explosions:
            if (pygame.time.get_ticks() - explosion.time_start) >= 100:
        if not self.awake:
            if self.type == 'p':
                if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time > 2500:
            elif self.type == 'i':
                if len(self.maze.dots.sprites()) <= 202:
            elif self.type == 'c':
                if len(self.maze.dots.sprites()) <= 154:
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed:
                self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
        if self.eaten:
            self.speed = 100
            if self.row == 16 and self.col == 14:

                self.awake = False

        if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed and self.awake:
            if move:
                self.col = self.nextcol
                self.row = self.nextrow
                self.dir = self.nextdir

            next_space = {}
            if self.dir == 'up':
                next_space = {'row': self.row - 1, 'col': self.col}
            elif self.dir == 'left':
                if self.col == 0 and self.row == 16:
                    next_space = {'row': self.row, 'col': 27}
                    next_space = {'row': self.row, 'col': self.col - 1}
            elif self.dir == 'down':
                next_space = {'row': self.row + 1, 'col': self.col}
            elif self.dir == 'right':
                if self.col == 27 and self.row == 16:
                    next_space = {'row': self.row, 'col': 0}
                    next_space = {'row': self.row, 'col': self.col + 1}

            adj_spaces = [{'row': next_space['row'] - 1, 'col': next_space['col'], 'dir': 'up'},
                          {'row': next_space['row'], 'col': next_space['col'] - 1, 'dir': 'left'},
                          {'row': next_space['row'] + 1, 'col': next_space['col'], 'dir': 'down'},
                          {'row': next_space['row'], 'col': next_space['col'] + 1, 'dir': 'right'}]
            behind = ''
            options = []
            if self.dir == 'left':
                behind = 'right'
            elif self.dir == 'right':
                behind = 'left'
            elif self.dir == 'up':
                behind = 'down'
            elif self.dir == 'down':
                behind = 'up'

            for space in adj_spaces:
                if space['dir'] == behind:
                temp = self.maze.rows[space['row']]
                val = temp[space['col']]
                if val not in self.walls:
                if self.eaten and val == 'S':
                if len(options) > 1:

                target = Vec2d(self.targetcol, self.targetrow)
                min_distance = 28*36
                for o in options:
                    opt_vec = Vec2d(o['col'], o['row'])
                    o['dist'] = opt_vec.get_distance(Vec2d(target))
                    if o['dist'] < min_distance:
                        self.nextdir = o['dir']
                        min_distance = o['dist']
                self.nextrow = next_space['row']
                self.nextcol = next_space['col']

            self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()


    def find_target(self):
        if self.eaten:
            self.targetrow = 16
            self.targetcol = 14
        elif self.type == 'b':
            self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
            self.targetcol = self.p_man.col
            if len(self.maze.dots.sprites()) < 131 >= 65 and self.blinky_lvl == 0:
                self.speed *= 0.95
                self.blinky_lvl = 1
            elif len(self.maze.dots.sprites()) < 65 and self.blinky_lvl == 1:
                self.speed *= 0.95
                self.blinky_lvl = 2
        elif self.type == 'p':
            if self.p_man.dir == 'up':
                self.targetrow = self.p_man.row - 4
                self.targetcol = self.p_man.col
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'down':
                self.targetrow = self.p_man.row + 4
                self.targetcol = self.p_man.col
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'left':
                self.targetcol = self.p_man.col - 4
                self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'right':
                self.targetcol = self.p_man.col + 4
                self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
            print(str(self.targetcol) + ' ' + str(self.targetrow))
        elif self.type == 'i':
            p_vec = Vec2d(self.p_man.col, self.p_man.row)
            if self.p_man.dir == 'up':
                p_vec.x -= 2
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'down':
                p_vec += 2
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'right':
                p_vec.x += 2
            elif self.p_man.dir == 'left':
                p_vec.x -= 2
            b_vec = Vec2d(self.blinky.col, self.blinky.row)

            col_vec = p_vec - b_vec
            col_vec *= 2
            r_vec = b_vec + col_vec
            self.targetcol = r_vec.x
            self.targetrow = r_vec.y
        elif self.type == 'c':
            p_vec = Vec2d(self.p_man.col, self.p_man.row)
            c_vec = Vec2d(self.col, self.row)

            dist = c_vec.get_distance(p_vec)

            if dist > 8:
                self.targetrow = self.p_man.row
                self.targetcol = self.p_man.col
                self.targetcol = 0
                self.targetrow = 30

    def update_target(self):
        if self.frightened:
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.fear_timer <= 6000:

                if self.p_man.row > 18:
                    self.targetrow = 0
                    self.targetrow = 33
                if self.p_man.col > 14:
                    self.targetcol = 0
                    self.targetcol = 27

                self.frightened = False
        if not self.eaten:
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time < 7000:
                self.targetrow = self.scatterrow
                self.targetcol = self.scattercol
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() <= 27000:
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time <= 34000:
                self.targetrow = self.scatterrow
                self.targetcol = self.scattercol
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time <= 54000:
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time <= 59000:
                self.targetrow = self.scatterrow
                self.targetcol = self.scattercol
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time <= 79000:
            elif pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time <= 84000:
                self.targetrow = self.scatterrow
                self.targetcol = self.scattercol


    def leave_house(self):
        if self.eaten:
            self.speed = 200
            if self.leave < 3:
                if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed:
                    self.row -= 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                self.awake = True
                self.eaten = False
                self.frightened = False
                self.nextrow = self.row
                self.nextcol = self.col - 1

                self.leave = 0
        elif self.type == 'p':
            if self.leave < 3:
                if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed:
                    self.row -= 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                self.awake = True
                self.nextrow = self.row
                self.nextcol = self.col - 1
                self.leave = 0
        elif self.type == 'i':
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed:
                if self.leave < 2:
                    self.col += 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                elif self.leave <= 4:
                    self.row -= 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                    self.awake = True
                    self.nextrow = self.row
                    self.nextcol = self.col - 1
                    self.leave = 0
        elif self.type == 'c':
            if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.timer >= self.speed:
                if self.leave < 2:
                    self.col -= 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                elif self.leave <= 4:
                    self.row -= 1
                    self.leave += 1
                    self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
                    self.im = ImageRect(self.screen, self.filename + self.dir + '_' + str(self.state), 18, 18)
                    self.im.rect.centerx = self.col * 10 + 5
                    self.im.rect.centery = self.row * 10 + 5
                    self.rect = self.im.rect
                    self.awake = True
                    self.nextrow = self.row
                    self.nextcol = self.col - 1
                    self.leave = 0

    def blitme(self):
Exemple #7
class PM(Sprite):
    PAC_SIZE = 30

    def __init__(self, screen, maze):
        super(PM, self).__init__()
        self.screen = screen.get_rect()
        self.image = ImageRect(screen, "p_left_2", PM.PAC_SIZE, PM.PAC_SIZE)
        self.rect = self.image.rect
        self.rect.x = self.screen.centerx - 10
        self.rect.y = self.screen.centery + 110

        self.maze = maze

        # Setting movement flags - Pacman starts moving left as game starts
        self.direction = "l"
        self.move = "l"

        # Speed
        self.speed = 5
        self.tick_speed = 10
        self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()

        # Index for images
        self.index = 1
        self.dead_index = 1
        self.sound_index = 1

        # Set movement flags as false
        self.direction_l = False
        self.direction_r = False
        self.direction_u = False
        self.direction_d = False

        # For the scores
        self.lives = 3
        self.score = 0

    def update(self, maze, screen):
        """Update position based on movement flags"""
        if gf.stop_ball(self, maze) is False and pygame.time.get_ticks(
        ) - self.timer >= self.tick_speed:
            self.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()
            if self.move == "l":
                self.image.rect.x -= self.speed
                file = "p_left_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
            elif self.move == "r":
                self.image.rect.x += self.speed
                file = "p_right_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
            elif self.move == "d":
                self.image.rect.y += self.speed
                file = "p_down_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
            elif self.move == "u":
                self.image.rect.y -= self.speed
                file = "p_up_" + str(math.floor(self.index))
                file = "p_up_1"
            self.image = ImageRect(screen, file, PM.PAC_SIZE, PM.PAC_SIZE)
            self.image.rect = self.rect
            if self.index >= 4:
                self.index = 1
                self.index += .3
        """For testing"""
        # print(self.rect.y)

    def ghost_collision(self, red, blue, pink, orange, stats, screen):
        """Check if pacman collides with ghost, loses a life"""
        if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, red) and red.alive is True:
            stats.game_pause = True
            die = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/death.wav')

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, blue) and blue.alive is True:
            stats.game_pause = True
            die = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/death.wav')

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, pink) and pink.alive is True:
            stats.game_pause = True
            die = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/death.wav')

        elif pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, orange) and orange.alive is True:
            stats.game_pause = True
            die = pygame.mixer.Sound('sounds/death.wav')

        if stats.game_pause and red.alive is True:
            file = "p_dead_" + str(math.floor(self.dead_index))
            self.image = ImageRect(screen, file, PM.PAC_SIZE, PM.PAC_SIZE)
            self.image.rect = self.rect
            if self.dead_index >= 6:
                self.dead_index = 1
                stats.game_pause = False

                # Decrease amount of lives left
                self.lives -= 1

                # Start again
                gf.reset_locations(self, red, blue, pink, orange, stats)

                self.dead_index += .2

        if self.lives == 0:
            stats.game_over = True

    def blitme(self):