def predict_test(batch, model, params,  **kwparams):
   """ some code duplication here with forward pass, but I think we want the freedom in future """
   F = np.row_stack(x['image']['feat'] for x in batch)
   lda_enabled = params.get('lda',0)
   L = np.zeros((params.get('image_encoding_size',128),lda_enabled))
   if lda_enabled:
      L = np.row_stack(x['image']['topics'] for x in batch)
   We = model['We']
   if lda_enabled:
     Wlda = model['Wlda']
     lda =
   be = model['be']
   Xe = + be # Xe becomes N x image_encoding_size
   #print('L shape', L.shape)
   #print('Wlda shape', Wlda.shape)
   generator_str = params['generator']
   Generator = decodeGenerator(generator_str)
   Ys = []
   guide_input = params.get('guide',None)
   for i,x in enumerate(batch):
     Xi = Xe[i,:]
     if guide_input=='cca':
       guide = get_guide(guide_input,F[i,:],kwparams.get('ccaweights'))
       guide = get_guide(guide_input,F[i,:],L=L[i,:])
     if (lda_enabled and guide_input=="image") or (lda_enabled and not guide_input):
       guide = lda[i,:]
       print 'guide = lda'
     gen_Y = Generator.predict(Xi, guide, model, model['Ws'], params, **kwparams)
   return Ys
  def forward(batch, model, params, misc, predict_mode = False):
    """ iterates over items in the batch and calls generators on them """
    # we do the encoding here across all images/words in batch in single matrix
    # multiplies to gain efficiency. The RNNs are then called individually
    # in for loop on per-image-sentence pair and all they are concerned about is
    # taking single matrix of vectors and doing the forward/backward pass without
    # knowing anything about images, sentences or anything of that sort.

    # encode all images
    # concatenate as rows. If N is number of image-sentence pairs,
    # F will be N x image_size
    F = np.row_stack(x['image']['feat'] for x in batch)
    We = model['We']
    be = model['be']
    Xe = + be # Xe becomes N x image_encoding_size
    lda_enabled = params.get('lda',0)
    L = np.zeros((len(batch),lda_enabled))
    if lda_enabled!=0:
      Wlda = model['Wlda']
      L = np.row_stack(x['topics'] for x in batch)
      lda =

    # decode the generator we wish to use
    generator_str = params.get('generator', 'lstm')
    Generator = decodeGenerator(generator_str)

    guide_input = params.get('guide',None)
    # encode all words in all sentences (which exist in our vocab)
    wordtoix = misc['wordtoix']
    Ws = model['Ws']
    gen_caches = []
    Ys = [] # outputs
    for i,x in enumerate(batch):
      # take all words in this sentence and pluck out their word vectors
      # from Ws. Then arrange them in a single matrix Xs
      # Note that we are setting the start token as first vector
      # and then all the words afterwards. And start token is the first row of Ws
      ix = [0] + [ wordtoix[w] for w in x['sentence']['tokens'] if w in wordtoix ]
      Xs = np.row_stack( [Ws[j, :] for j in ix] )
      Xi = Xe[i,:]
      if guide_input=='cca':
        guide = get_guide(guide_input,F[i,:],misc['ccaweights'])
        guide = get_guide(guide_input,F[i,:],L=L[i,:])
      if (lda_enabled!=0 and not guide_input) or (lda_enabled!=0 and guide_input=="image"):
        guide = lda[i,:]
      # forward prop through the RNN
      gen_Y, gen_cache = Generator.forward(Xi, Xs,guide, model, params, predict_mode = predict_mode)
      gen_caches.append((ix, gen_cache))

    # back up information we need for efficient backprop
    cache = {}
    if not predict_mode:
      # ok we need cache as well because we'll do backward pass
      cache['gen_caches'] = gen_caches
      cache['Xe'] = Xe
      if lda_enabled:
        cache['lda'] = lda
      cache['Ws_shape'] = Ws.shape
      cache['F'] = F
      cache['L'] = L
      cache['generator_str'] = generator_str
      cache['lda_enabled'] = lda_enabled
      cache['guide'] = guide_input

    return Ys, cache