Exemple #1
def trainRobot(source_id):

    # first, see if we should train a new robot
    hasNewImagesToTrainOn = False
    nbrAnnotatedImages = 0
    source = Source.objects.get(pk = source_id)
    allImages = Image.objects.filter(source = source)
    for image in allImages:
        if (image.status.featureFileHasHumanLabels and not image.status.usedInCurrentModel):
            hasNewImagesToTrainOn = True
        if image.status.featureFileHasHumanLabels:
            nbrAnnotatedImages = nbrAnnotatedImages + 1;

    if ( not hasNewImagesToTrainOn or ( nbrAnnotatedImages < 5 ) ) : #TODO, add field to souce object that specify this threshold.
        print 'Source ' + str(source_id) + ' has no new images to train on, aborting'
        return 1

    ################### EVERYTHING OK, START TRAINING NEW MODEL ################

    # create the new Robot object
    newRobot = Robot(source=source, version = Robot.objects.all().order_by('-version')[0].version + 1, time_to_train = 1);
    newRobot.path_to_model = join_project_root("images/models/robot" + str(newRobot.version))
    print 'new robot version:' + str(newRobot.version)
    # update the data base.
    for image in allImages: # mark that these images are used in the current model.
        if image.status.featureFileHasHumanLabels:
            image.status.usedInCurrentModel = True;

    # grab the last robot
    previousRobot = source.get_latest_robot()
    if previousRobot == None:
        oldModelPath = '';
        oldModelPath = previousRobot.path_to_model
        print 'previous robot version:' + str(previousRobot.version)

    # now, loop through the images and create some meta data files that MATLAB needs
    workingDir = newRobot.path_to_model + '.workdir/'
    pointInfoPath = os.path.join(workingDir + 'points')
    fileNamesPath = os.path.join(workingDir, 'fileNames')
    fItt = 0 #image iterator
    pointFile = open(pointInfoPath, 'w')
    fileNameFile = open(fileNamesPath, 'w')
    for image in allImages:
        if not image.status.featureFileHasHumanLabels:
        fItt = fItt + 1 #note that we start at 1, MATLAB style
        featureFile = os.path.join(FEATURES_DIR, str(image.id) + "_" + image.get_process_date_short_str() + ".dat")
        fileNameFile.write(featureFile + "\n") # write all file names in a file, so that mablat can find them
        points = Point.objects.filter(image=image)
        pItt = 0
        for point in points:
            pItt = pItt + 1 #note that we start at 1, MATLAB style
            Ann = Annotation.objects.filter(point=point, image=image)
            pointFile.write(str(fItt) + ', ' + str(pItt) + ', ' + str(Ann[0].label.id) + '\n')


    # call the matlab function
        modelPath = newRobot.path_to_model,
        oldModelPath = oldModelPath,
        pointInfoPath = pointInfoPath,
        fileNamesPath = fileNamesPath,
        workDir = workingDir,
        logFile = CV_LOG,
        errorLogfile = TRAIN_ERROR_LOG,

    # clean up
    # rmtree(workingDir)
    if os.path.isfile(TRAIN_ERROR_LOG):
        for image in allImages: # roll back changes.
            if image.status.featureFileHasHumanLabels:
                image.status.usedInCurrentModel = False
        print("Sorry error detected in robot training!")
        #if not (previousRobot == None):
            #os.remove(oldModelPath) # remove old model, but keep the meta data files.
        print 'Finished training new robot(' + str(newRobot.version) + ') for source id: ' + str(source_id)