def callback(image): global benchmarking, benchmark_convert, benchmark_detect, benchmark_threshold if benchmarking: convert_start = image = convert(, input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') original_image = np.array(image) if benchmarking: benchmark_convert.append(millis( - convert_start)) image = threshold(image) buttons = detect_buttons(image) button = Button() = convert(image, input_type='cv2', output_type='ros') image_publisher.publish(button.image) for button in buttons: x0 = int(button.x - button.w/2) y0 = int(button.y - button.h/2) x1 = int(button.x + button.w/2) y1 = int(button.y + button.h/2) thumbnail = original_image[y0:y1,x0:x1] = convert(cv2.resize(thumbnail, (100, 100)), input_type='cv2', output_type='ros') #image_publisher.publish(button.image) button_publisher.publish(button) rospy.loginfo('Detected %d buttons' % len(buttons))
def train(): print 'Button identifier classifier' clf = Pipeline([ ('normalizer', MinMaxScaler()), ('classifier', OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e-1))) ] # LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e-4) ) X = [] y = [] print 'Getting data' n = 0 for button in progressor(db_buttons.find({})): #x = np.array( button['image'], dtype=np.uint8 ) #img = cv2.imdecode(x, 1) img = convert(button['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_feature_vector(img) #display_button(img, button['label'], '') #key = cv2.waitKey() % 256 #if(key == ord('s')): # n += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/rolf/Desktop/%d.jpg' % n, img) #print vector X.append(vector) y.append(process_label(button['label'])) train_save_test(clf, X, y, 'ovr_lr.pkl', labels) print 'Button on/off classifier' X = [] y = [] print 'Getting data' for button in progressor(db_buttons.find()): #x = np.array( button['img'], dtype=np.uint8 ) #img = cv2.imdecode(x, 1) img = convert(button['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_onoff_feature_vector(img) #print button.get('on') #vector = get_onoff_feature_vector(img) #print sum(vector) #print len(vector) X.append(vector) y.append(1 if button.get('on') == True else 0) clf = Pipeline([('normalizer', MinMaxScaler()), ('classifier', LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e1, class_weight='auto')) ] #LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e0))] ) train_save_test(clf, X, y, 'onoff_lr.pkl', [0, 1])
def train(): print 'Button identifier classifier' clf = Pipeline([ ('normalizer', MinMaxScaler()), ('classifier', OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e-1)))] # LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e-4) ) X = [] y = [] print 'Getting data' n = 0 for button in progressor(db_buttons.find({})): #x = np.array( button['image'], dtype=np.uint8 ) #img = cv2.imdecode(x, 1) img = convert(button['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_feature_vector(img) #display_button(img, button['label'], '') #key = cv2.waitKey() % 256 #if(key == ord('s')): # n += 1 # cv2.imwrite('/home/rolf/Desktop/%d.jpg' % n, img) #print vector X.append(vector) y.append(process_label(button['label'])) train_save_test(clf, X, y, 'ovr_lr.pkl', labels) print 'Button on/off classifier' X = [] y = [] print 'Getting data' for button in progressor(db_buttons.find()): #x = np.array( button['img'], dtype=np.uint8 ) #img = cv2.imdecode(x, 1) img = convert(button['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_onoff_feature_vector(img) #print button.get('on') #vector = get_onoff_feature_vector(img) #print sum(vector) #print len(vector) X.append(vector) y.append(1 if button.get('on') == True else 0) clf = Pipeline([ ('normalizer', MinMaxScaler()), ('classifier', LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e1, class_weight='auto'))]#LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1e0))] ) train_save_test(clf, X, y, 'onoff_lr.pkl', [0,1])
def callback(button): try: img = convert(, input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_feature_vector(img) label = clf.predict([vector])[0] try: p = np.max(clf.predict_proba([vector])[0]) except: p = 1.0 #rospy.loginfo('%s: %f' % (label, p)) assign_message_label(button, label) if button.button_type != button.BUTTON_NONE: rospy.loginfo('Uncertain found button %s (%.2f%%) (C:%.2f)' % (label, p, certainties[button.button_type])) #display_button(img, label, '%f' % p) for k, v in certainties.iteritems(): certainties[k] = max(0, certainties[k] - 1) if button.button_type != button.BUTTON_NONE and p > 0.7: certainties[button.button_type] = min(10, certainties[k] + 3 * p) if certainties[button.button_type] > 2.7: #rospy.loginfo('%s - %.3f' % (label, p)) rospy.loginfo('Found button %s' % label) on = onoff_clf.predict(get_onoff_feature_vector(img)) button.on = True if on else False label_str = '%s (%.0f%%)' % (label, 100.0 * p) onoff_str = 'on' if on else 'off' button_publisher.publish(button) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn(e)
def callback(button): try: img = convert(, input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') vector = get_feature_vector(img) label = clf.predict([vector])[0] try: p = np.max(clf.predict_proba([vector])[0]) except: p = 1.0 #rospy.loginfo('%s: %f' % (label, p)) assign_message_label(button, label) if button.button_type != button.BUTTON_NONE: rospy.loginfo('Uncertain found button %s (%.2f%%) (C:%.2f)' % (label, p, certainties[button.button_type])) #display_button(img, label, '%f' % p) for k, v in certainties.iteritems(): certainties[k] = max(0, certainties[k] - 1) if button.button_type != button.BUTTON_NONE and p > 0.7: certainties[button.button_type] = min(10, certainties[k] + 3 * p) if certainties[button.button_type] > 2.7: #rospy.loginfo('%s - %.3f' % (label, p)) rospy.loginfo('Found button %s' % label) on = onoff_clf.predict(get_onoff_feature_vector(img)) button.on = True if on else False label_str = '%s (%.0f%%)' % (label, 100.0*p) onoff_str = 'on' if on else 'off' button_publisher.publish(button) except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn(e)
def test(): """ Runs the test set with all possible detectors, descriptors and matchers, """ # Get the query images global query_images query_images = get_query_images() for key, image in query_images.iteritems(): query_images[key][ 0: 18, 0:100] = [255, 255, 255] query_images[key][82:100, 0:100] = [255, 255, 255] query_images[key][ 0:100, 0: 18] = [255, 255, 255] query_images[key][ 0:100, 82:100] = [255, 255, 255] # Get the data test set X = [] y = [] labels = [] for button in progressor(buttons.find(snapshot=True)): try: image = preprocess(convert(button['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2')) label = button['label'].upper() if button['label'] is not None else 'NONE' if label not in labels: labels.append(label) X.append(image) y.append(label) except: print 'Skipping sample' # Set up which detectors, descriptors and matchers to use for testing detector_formats = [""]#,"Grid","Pyramid"] detector_types = ["HARRIS", "SIFT", "SURF", "ORB", "MSER", "GFTT"] descriptor_types = ["SIFT", "SURF", "ORB"] matcher_types = ["BruteForce", "FlannBased"] # Test all combinations for detector_format in detector_formats: for detector_type in detector_types: for descriptor_type in descriptor_types: for matcher_type in matcher_types: if descriptor_type == 'ORB' and detector_type == 'SIFT': continue test_technique(X, y, labels, detector_name=detector_format + detector_type, descriptor_name=descriptor_type, matcher_name=matcher_type)
def test(): """ Tests the button detection algorithm on our dataset """ db = MongoClient() fotos = db['aidu']['elevator_fotos'] for idx, foto in enumerate(fotos.find()): #if idx not in [143, 196, 206, 524]: # continue rospy.loginfo("Processing foto %d" % idx) convert_start = image = convert(foto['image'], input_type='ros', output_type='cv2') benchmark_convert.append(millis( - convert_start)) original_image = np.array(image) # Threshold image = threshold(image) threshold_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Detect buttons buttons = detect_buttons(image) rospy.loginfo('Foto %d - convert: %fms - threshold: %fms - detect: %fms' % (idx, benchmark_convert[-1], benchmark_threshold[-1], benchmark_detect[-1])) rospy.loginfo('Bytes: %d' % len(foto['image'])) rospy.loginfo('Detected %d buttons' % len(buttons)) # Show button for button in buttons: x0 = int(button.x - button.w/2) y0 = int(button.y - button.h/2) x1 = int(button.x + button.w/2) y1 = int(button.y + button.h/2) cv2.rectangle(original_image, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.rectangle(threshold_image, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 0, 255), 2) out = np.vstack((original_image, threshold_image)) cv2.imshow('Button detector', cv2.resize(out, (640, 720))) cv2.waitKey() if rospy.is_shutdown(): break