Exemple #1
def newuser(request):
    user = admin.login_user(quiet=True)

    if not ((user and user.mayAdmin) or
            config.get('users', 'unpriv_newuser')):
        raise AccessError('You may not create a new user')

    form = form2.Form()
    form.add(form2.StringWidget, 'username', title='User name')
    form.add(form2.StringWidget, 'fullname', title='Full name')
    form.add(form2.StringWidget, 'email', title='email address')
    form.add(form2.PasswordWidget, 'pass1', title='Password')
    form.add(form2.PasswordWidget, 'pass2', title='Password verify')
    form.add_submit('create', 'Create user')
    ret = None
    if form.is_submitted():
        username = form['username'].strip()
        if db.User.select(db.User.q.username == username).count() != 0:
            form.get_widget('username').set_error(H("Username '%s' already in use") % username)
        if form['pass1'] != form['pass2']:
            form.get_widget('pass1').set_error('Passwords do not match')
        fullname = form['fullname'].strip()
        if fullname == '':
            form.get_widget('fullname').set_error('Full name not set')
        email = form['email'].strip()
        if email == '':
            form.get_widget('email').set_error('Missing or bad email address')
        if not form.has_errors():
            u = db.User(username=username, fullname=fullname,
                        mayComment=config.get('users', 'mayComment'),
                        mayRate=config.get('users', 'mayRate'))
            ret = quixote.redirect(path(u))

    if ret is None:
        r = TemplateIO(html=True)
        r += page.pre(request, 'New User', 'newuser')
        r += page.menupane(request)
        r += form.render()
        r += page.post()

        ret =  r.getvalue()

    return ret
Exemple #2
def db_connect():
    global conn, __connection__
    uri=config.get('db', 'connection')

    print 'uri='+uri

    conn = connectionForURI(uri, cache=False)
    conn.debug = 0
    __connection__ = conn

    # Create tables if necessary
    for c in [ Collection, CollectionPerms, Picture, Comment,
               Media, Keyword, User, Camera, Upload, Session ]:
        #print 'c=%s' % c
	if not conn.tableExists(c.sqlmeta.table):
            if c == Media and conn.dbName == 'mysql':
                # allow media table to grow big
                conn.query('alter table media max_rows=10000000 avg_row_length=%d' % _chunksize)

    # Create a default user and collection
    if User.select(User.q.username == 'admin').count() == 0:
        User(username='******', password='******', email='*****@*****.**',
             mayAdmin=True, mayViewall=True, mayUpload=True, mayComment=False,
    if Collection.select(Collection.q.name == 'default').count() == 0:
        Collection(name='default', owner=User.byUsername('admin'),
                   description='The default collection')
Exemple #3
def _auth_challenge(scheme, realm, stale=False):
    if scheme == 'basic':
        ret =(0, { 'realm': realm })
    if scheme == 'digest':
        expire = 0
        life=config.get('auth', 'nonce_life')
        if life != 'unlimited' and int(life) != 0:
            expire = int(time.time()) + int(life)
        ret = (expire, {
            'realm': realm,
            'nonce': makenonce(expire),
            'uri': imagestore.path(),
            'algorithm': 'MD5',
            'qop': 'auth',
            'stale': stale and 'true' or 'false'

    return ret
Exemple #4
def base():
    import imagestore.config as config
    return config.get('server', 'path')
Exemple #5
import imagestore.config as config
import imagestore.http as http

# Store persistently if nonce needs to survive over server restarts.
# Alternatively, change regularly to force digest renegotations.  We
# return the 'stale' flag in these cases, so the browser should just
# do it without pestering the user.
#_private = os.urandom(20)
_private = 'x' * 20

_nonce_random = 12
_sha_len = 20
_pack_hash = '>l%ds%ds' % (_nonce_random, len(_private))
_pack_nonce = '>l%ds%ds' % (_nonce_random, _sha_len)

_schemes_allowed = config.get('auth', 'schemes').split(', ')
_realm = config.get('auth', 'realm')

_auth_cookie = 'IS-authorization'

def _hash_nonce(e, r):
    return sha.sha(struct.pack(_pack_hash, e, r, _private)).digest()

def makenonce(expire=0):
    """Generate a unique nonce.  If expire is non-zero, it specifies
    the number of seconds the nonce should be valid for."""
    def enc(s):
        """base64 ends with \n, which is just confusing"""
        while s.endswith('\n'):
            s = s[:-1]