def imdbSearchMovie(title):
    cached = ImdbSearch.objects.filter(keyword=title).order_by('result_index')
    if cached.__len__() > 0:
        resultList = []
        for c in cached:
            content = base64.b64decode(c.imdb_obj.content)
        return resultList
        imdb = IMDb()
        resultList = imdb.search_movie(title)[:maxResults]
        i = 0
        for result in resultList:
            result = imdbUpdate(result)
            c = ImdbSearch(keyword=title,
            i = i + 1
        return resultList
def imdbSearchMovie(title):
	cached = ImdbSearch.objects.filter(keyword = title).order_by('result_index')
	if cached.__len__() > 0:
		resultList = []		
		for c in cached:
			content = base64.b64decode(c.imdb_obj.content)
		return resultList
		imdb = IMDb()
		resultList = imdb.search_movie(title)[:maxResults]
		i = 0
		for result in resultList:
			result = imdbUpdate(result)
			c = ImdbSearch(
				keyword = title, 
				result_index = i, 
				imdb_obj = ImdbCache.objects.filter(imdb_id = get_imdb_id(result))[0])
			i = i + 1
		return resultList
Exemple #3
    def imdb_results_for_tweet(cls, match, *imdb_args, **imdb_kwargs):
        imdb = ImdbHelper(*imdb_args, **imdb_kwargs)
        results = imdb.search_movie(match.get('title'))

        def _scrub(title):
            return re.sub(r'[^a-z]', '', title.lower())

        def _match_result(r):
            title_matches = _scrub(match.get('title')) == _scrub(
            if not title_matches:
                return False
            if match.get('year'):
                if not r.get('year') or int(match.get('year')) != int(
                    return False
            return True

        match_title = filter(_match_result, results)
        match_sorted = sorted(
            cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x.get('year'), y.get('year')),
        return match_sorted
Exemple #4
import imdb
import csv
import re

# Used imdb API to export info of TV Show into a csv file with ShowTitle/Ep.Title/Ep.Rating/Votes/Ep.Summary etc..

imdb = imdb.IMDb()

print("Type the TV Show or Movie wanted: ")
name = input('>')

search = imdb.search_movie(name)

count = 1
print("The top five searhed items are:")
for index in search[0:5]:
    print(str(count) + ". " + index['title'] + " (" + str(index['year']) + ")")
    count += 1

print("Please select the one you want: [1-5]")
selection = input('>')
select_id = search[int(selection) - 1].getID()
item = imdb.get_movie(select_id)

#Add check for TVshow/movie and a way to get back to previous search
imdb.update(item, 'episodes')

item_basic_info = {
    "title": item['title'],
    "type": item['kind'],
    "year": item['year'],
		#Grabs movie title
		movie = currentSheet.cell(x, movieTitle).value
			#Searches for the movie on OMDB
<<<<<<< HEAD
			baseInfo = Imdb().search_for_title(movie)
			search = baseInfo[0]['imdb_id']
			genre = Imdb().get_title_genres(search)["genres"]
			runtime = (Imdb().get_title(search))["base"]["runningTimeInMinutes"]
			#Updates cells with genre and runtime
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, gColumn, comma.join(genre))
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, rColumn, str(runtime) + ' min')

			baseInfo = imdb.search_movie(movie)[0].movieID
			search = imdb.get_movie(baseInfo)

			#Updates cells with genre and runtime
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, gColumn, ", ".join(search["genres"]))
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, rColumn, str(int(search["runtimes"][0])) + ' min')
>>>>>>> testing
		except Exception as c:
			print (str(c) + " at row " + str(x))
			#if it f***s up it owns up to it
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, gColumn, 'f****d up')
			currentSheet.update_cell(x, rColumn, '')
		#currentSheet.update_cell(x, tColumn, '')

def time(gsheet, sheet):
	currentSheet = gsheet.worksheet(sheet)
# Python 3.9.4
# Cool way to search for the year a movie came out using the IMDbPY module.

import imdb

imdb = imdb.IMDb()

# Searching the movie, not case-sensitive.
search = imdb.search_movie("Drive")

year = search[0]['year']

print(search[0]['title'] + " : " + str(year))
Exemple #7
#Listen welche benötigt/ gefüllt werden
kategorien = []
jahre = []
besetzungen = []
bewertungen = []
laufzeiten = []
beschreibungen = []
direktoren = []
typen = []

#IMDB Suche
from imdb import IMDb
for filme in bereinigt_liste:
    imdb = IMDb()
    #Film suchen
    filme_id = imdb.search_movie(filme)
    if filme_id == []:
        kategorie = "N/A"
        jahr = "N/A"
        besetzung = "N/A"
        bewertung = "N/A"
        laufzeit = "N/A"
        typ = "N/A"
        direktor = "N/A"
        beschreibung = "N/A"
        #ID bekommen
        filme_id = filme_id[0].movieID
        #Werte holen
        film = imdb.get_movie(filme_id)
Exemple #8
def search(title: str):
    # searches imdb for the first 3 most likely results and returns a list of processed info dictionaries
    search = imdb.search_movie(title)[:3]
    search_results = [imdb.get_movie(film.movieID) for film in search]
    fixed_results = []

    # mtm fields
    genres = db.get_all('Genres')
    directors = db.get_all('Directors')
    actors = db.get_all('Actors')
    studios = db.get_all('Studios')

    # convert the dicts gotten from scraper into readable dicts we can use
    for film in search_results:
        info = {
            'title': film.get('title'),
            'alt_title': '',
            'animated': True if 'Animation' in film.get('genres') else False,
            'year': str(film.get('year')),
            'genres': [g for g in film.get('genres') if g in genres],
            'plot': film.get('plot outline')

        # Countries         we can only have one entry for this field and there can be more than one country in film.get, so we pick the first match
        if film.get('countries'):
            for country in film.get('countries'):
                if country in db.get_all('Countries'):
                    info['country'] = country

        if film.get('cast'):
            info['actors'] = [
                a for a in actors
                if a in [c['name'] for c in film.get('cast')]

        if film.get('languages'):  # might return None
            info['language'] = [
                lang for lang in film.get('languages')
                if lang in db.get_all('Languages')

        # convert media types
        if 'Documentary' in film.get('genres'):
            info['media_type'] = 'Documentary'
        elif 'movie' == film.get('kind'):
            info['media_type'] = 'Movie'
        elif 'tv series' == film.get('kind'):
            info['media_type'] = 'TV Series'
            info['media_type'] = ''

        # directors
        if film.get('director'):  # film.get('director') could return None
            for director in film.get('director'):
                if director['name'] in directors:
                    info['director'] = director['name']
        if 'director' not in info.keys():
                'director'] = ''  # make sure it's at least a blank string because we need it to display to create window

        # studio
        if film.get('production companies'):
            for studio in film.get('production companies'):
                if studio['name'] in studios:
                    info['studio'] = studio['name']


    return fixed_results